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Guest List Page (V)
- John Van Auken
- In today's world, people are turning more and more to the words of ancient
and renowned prophets such as, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Holy
Mother, as she has appeared in visions over the years. John Van Auken is an
author and speaker on reincarnation, karma, and higher consciousness.
- Book: The End Times: Prophecies of Coming Changes
- Book: Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America
- Book: The Lost Hall of Records : Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Human History in the Ancient Yucatan
- Book: Born Again & Again : How Reincarnation Occurs and What It Means to You
- Book: Edgar Cayce on the Revelation: A Study Guide for Spiritualizing Body and Mind
- More Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.edgarcayce.org
- Appearance: 1/20/02
- Dr. Tom Van Flandern
- Tom Van Flandern, founder and President of Meta Research, Inc., has made
it his goal to do astronomy research wherever promising avenues of
advancement are blocked by funding authorities solely because the
research results might conflict with an accepted paradigm. We will be
discussing this year's Leonid Meteors among other topics.
- Book: Dark
Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated
- Website: www.metaresearch.org
- Appearance: 12/20/96, 3/16/98, 5/2/97, 3/16/98, 4/14/98, 10/14/99, 11/15/00
- James Van Praagh
- Van Praagh is recognized as one of the foremost mediums in the world today.
Using his talents as a medium, he has not only helped the bereaved reach
their lost ones and find peace, but he has also illuminated the mysteries
of death, the afterlife, and rebirth.
- Book: Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss
- Book: Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death
- Book: Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death
- Website: www.VanPraagh.com
- Appearance: 6/26/00, 11/28/01, 4/24/02
- Dr. Alan Vaughan
- Book: Doorways to
Higher Consciousness
- Book: Incredible
Coincidence: The Baffling World of Synchronicity
- Book: Pole Shift:
Predictions and Prophecies of the Ultimate Disaster
- Appearance: 11/25/98
- Jon Voight
- Websites: Jon Voight Web
- Related Info: Transcript
of Interview
- Appearance: 4/2/99
- Erich Von Daniken
- Book: Odyssey of the Gods
- Book: Chariots of the Gods?
- Book: The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Egypt
- Book: The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Vistations
- Website: www.aas-ra.org
- Appearance: 11/06/98, 6/5/00
- Peter Von Puttkamer
- Peter Von Puttkamer, documentary filmmaker, went on a journey that took two
years and visited five countries in search of the great monsters and their
hunters. He is back from this journey and has incredible stories to tell
about the Jersey Devil, Yowie, Chupacabras and more. Von Puttkamer has been
producing international award-winning films in the United States and Canada
over the last 20 years. His documentaries have aired on Discovery
Channel/TLC (Canada,US, Europe), GLOBAL-TV, C.B.C., CTV, S.B.S. (Australian
Public Televison) and various Canadian specialty channels.
- Related Image: Pteradactyl With Soldiers
- Related Image: WTC: Angel, Bird or What?
- Website: www.monsterhunters.com
- Appearance: 4/23/02
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