ArtBell.com CD-ROM

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Guest List (A)
- Rabbi David Aaron
- Rabbi Aaron is Founder & Dean of Isralight. He is also a personal spiritual
mentor and an accomplished matchmaker. A rabbi of many talents - a pianist,
composer, and poet; he has become a popular lecturer in the United States
and Canada and a frequent guest on radio and TV. He lives in the Old City of
Jerusalem with his wife and six children.
- Website: www.isralight.org
- Appearance: 3/18/01
- Keith Russell Ablow, M.D.
- Forensic psychiatrist and author, on the thinking of violent criminals and the
root of evil.
- Book:
A Novel of Terror and Redemption
- Book:
The Strange
Case of Dr. Kappler; The Doctor Who Became a Killer
- Book:
To Wrestle
With Demons: A Psychiatrist Struggles to Understand His Patients and Himself
- Book:
Mercy: The Shocking True Story of a Doctor Who Murdered
- Book:
Anatomy of
a Psychiatric Illness: Healing the Mind and the Brain
- Book:
School: Getting In, Staying In, Staying Human
- Book:
- Appearance: 9/12/99
- Dr. Michael Abrams
- For years, emergency and trauma physician Michael Abrams saw his patients
dying in every conceivable way. In time he began to wonder if there was
anything he could do to help the souls of the dying make the harrowing
transition into the next world. Extending himself to the dying in a silent
communion akin to prayer, he made a life-changing discovery.
- Book: The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle : The Miracle Worker's Handbook
- Book: The Evolution Angel
- Audio Cassette: The Evolution Angel
- Website: www.evolutionangel.com
- Website: www.abundancemedia.com
- Appearance: 4/7/01
- David Adair
- ET and Space Science Speaker
- Website: www.flyingsaucers.com/adair1.htm
- Appearance: 8/19/97, 11/17/97, 9/24/98
- Dr. Patch Adams
- Book: Gesundheit!: Bringing Good Health to You, the Medical System, and Society Through Physician Service, Complementary Therapies, Humor, and Joy
- Book: House Calls: How We Can All Heal the World One Visit at a Time
- Website: www.patchadams.org
- Appearance: 5/07/01
- Col John Alexander
- Director for Scientific Liaison. Currently, he works with a private research institute, serves as a
consultant to CINC US Special Operations Command and is a member of the
National Research Council Committee for Assessment of Non-Lethal Weapons
Science and Technology. He also writes independently.
- Book: Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Modern Warfare
- WebSite: www.rvconference.org
- Related Website: knightbilham.com/futurewar.html
- Appearance: 7/7/99, 2/9/00, 5/22/00, 7/7/00, 9/22/01
- Brian Alexander
- Article: (You)2
- Apearance: 03/07/01
- Brother Theron Muhammad Ali
- Nation of Islam, Here's an Authorization Letter
and Certificate of Appreciation
- Website: noi.org/main.html
- Appearance: 7/31/97
- Dr Paula Gunn Allen
- Book: Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Busting, Border-Crossing Loose Canons
- Book: Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman's Sourcebook
- Book: The Woman Who Owned the Shadows
- Book: The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions
- Book: As Long As the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans
- Website: www.paulagunnallen.net
- Appearance: 1/25/00
- Dick Allgire
- Allgire is the Vice President of the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild.
For the past three years he has been training and working closely with a
former military remote viewer who was part of U.S. Army Special Forces
- Website: www.hrvg.org
- Appearance: 9/21/00
- Matthew Alper
- From the dawn of our species, every culture has maintained a belief in some
form of a spiritual reality. Wouldn't this imply that human spirituality
must represent an inherent characteristic of our species, that is, a
genetically inherited trait? Are humans "wired" to believe in the universal
concepts of a spiritual reality, a god, a soul, and an afterlife. Is our
species "wired" for self-destruction? Is religious fundamentalism the
consequence of a biological impulse that may one day be the cause of our
species' downfall?
- Book: The God Part of The Brain
- Website: www.godpart.com
- Appearance: 4/21/98, 9/28/98, 1/13/99, 2/10/00, 6/7/00, 5/14/01, 3/26/02
- William R. Alschuler, Ph.D.
- William R. Alschuler, holds a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of
California at Santa Cruz. In addition to his work at Cal Arts, he has also
taught at UCSC, Harvard, MIT, the Boston Architectural Center and the
Fashion Institute of Technology. His published works cover physics and
astronomy, energy conservation in building design, UFOs and dinosaurs.
- Dr. Alschueler's most recent book, THE SCIENCE OF UFOs, objectively examines
some of the themes, reports and claims that have been made about the
behavior of purported alien spacecraft and their occupants, evidence of
ancient visitations on Earth and other planets, the meaning of species and
hybrids in the context of modern genetics, and non-spatial methods of
interstellar travel.
Book: The Science of UFOs: An Astronomer Examines the Technology of Alien Spacecrafts, how They Travel, and the Aliens Who Pilot Them
- Appearance: 1/14/02
- Steve Alten
- DOMAIN is a thriller, which centers on the Mayan Calendar, a 2,000-year-old
instrument of Time & Space more accurate than all but our most modern
calendars, which predicts humanity will perish on December 21st, 2012. The
story begins 65 million years ago, with the asteroid impact off the Yucatan
Peninsula that destroyed the dinosaurs. Only the object wasn't an
asteroid... Before his death, archaeologist Julius Gabriel discovered that
the Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, the Drawings of Nazca, and the
Kukulcan Pyramid in Chichen Itza are all pieces of an ancient puzzle left to
us by another culture, WARNING us about the 2012 winter solstice. Steve
Alten, a native of Philadelphia, holds a Bachelors degree in Physical
Education from Penn State University, a Master in Sports Medicine from the
University of Delaware, and a Doctorate degree in Sports Administration from
Temple University. His first book, MEG; A Novel of Deep Terror was a N.Y.
Times bestseller and was sold in more than a dozen countries.
- Terrorism. Acts of Oppression. The threat of nuclear war. What if one madman aboard a vessel could end these fears forever? "Goliath", the latest thriller penned by New York Times best-selling author Steve Alten, is about a victim of terrorism, Simon Covah, who steals the Goliath, a futuristic nuclear stealth submarine. Covah intends to use the Goliath's nuclear arsenal to stop global oppression and terrorism.
- Book: Goliath
- Book: Domain
- Book: Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror
- Book: The Trench
- Website: www.stevealten.com
- Appearance: 10/21/01, 7/20/02
- "Lady Ambermaeve"
- Represents the "Covenant of the Goddess" otherwise known as Wiccans.
- Website: www.cog.org
- Appearance: 6/14/99, 10/8/00
- Joseph A. Amato
- Joseph A. Amato is Professor of Intellectual and Cultural History and
Director of Rural and Regional Studies at Southwest State University in
Marshall, Minnesota.
- Book: Dust: A History of the Small and the Invisible
- Appearence: 2/04/01
- Dr. Janis Amatuzio
- Dr. Janis Amatuzio explores the mysterious realm of visions, experiences,
and communications experienced by families at the threshold of the deaths of
their loved ones. Dr. Amatuzio, often called "the compassionate coroner",
is an exemplar for the compassionate practice of forensic medicine. As
someone whose life 's work has been speaking for the deceased, she has now
also provided a voice for family and friends by allowing their stories to be
heard in her new book, Forever Ours.
- Book: Forever Ours
- Website: www.foreverours.com
- Related Article: Soul Substance
- Appearance: 2/11/02
- Dr. David Anderson
- Website: www.time-travel.com
- Appearence: 2/15/01, 3/12/02
- George Anderson
- Book: Lessons from the Light: Extraordinary Messages of Comfort and Hope from the Other Side
- Book: We Don't Die: Conversations With the Other Side
- Book: We Are Not Forgotten: Messages of Love and Hope from the Other Side
- Website: www.georgeanderson.com
- Appearance: 1/11/00
- Jack Anderson
- Book: Peace, War, and Politics: An Eyewitness Account
- Appearance: 12/29/99, 01/01/01 (Replay from 11/29/00)
- Karen Anderson
- Book:
Y2K For
Women: How To Protect Your Home and Family in the Coming Crisis
- Website: www.y2kwomen.com
- Appearance: 4/12/99
- Colin Adrews
- A pioneer in Crop Circle research, he began his investigation into the crop circle phenomenon
after he discovered a set of five circles near Winchester, Hampshire, England over 15 years ago.
His most recent findings brought him to the conclusion that an estimated 20% of crop
circles show no evidence of being made by people, while 80% do. Andrews was involved
with a project measuring the Earth's magnetic field around crop circles. Results showed a
descriptive magnetic signature in a hand full of simple circles and basic geometric patterns.
- Book: Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops
- Appearance: 9/10/01
- Shirley Andrews
- Book:Atlantis:
Insights from a Lost Civilization
- Appearance: 5/30/99
- Colin Andrews
- A pioneer in Crop Circle research, he began his investigation into the crop circle phenomenon
after he discovered a set of five circles near Winchester, Hampshire, England over 15 years ago.
His most recent findings brought him to the conclusion that an estimated 20% of crop
circles show no evidence of being made by people, while 80% do. Andrews was involved
with a project measuring the Earth's magnetic field around crop circles. Results showed a
descriptive magnetic signature in a hand full of simple circles and basic geometric patterns.
- Book: Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops
- Website: www.cropcircleinfo.com
- Appearance: 10/20/00, 8/09/02
- Mark Antonacci
- The Shroud of Turin; Is this artifact merely a Medieval piece of linen, or
is this really the linen that wrapped the body of Jesus Christ, which was
written about in the New Testament ? Mark Antonacci is an attorney who
spent nearly 20 years writing the most recent and comprehensive book on the
subject, of the Shroud of Turin. This Book Provides the First Scientific
Explanation of How the Body and Blood Images on the Shroud were formed....
- Book: The Resurrection of the Shroud
- Website: www.resurrectionoftheshroud.com
- Appearance: 12/16/01
- Michael Arbuthnot
- Are you curious about humankind's mysterious past? Are you intrigued by the monolithic structures found all over the planet, which would have required incredibly advanced technology to construct? Over the past years, Team Atlantis has been involved in many expeditions including to the southwesternmost island in the Ryukyu Archipelago, the Yucatan Peninsula, the ancient Mayan ruins at Tulum and Chichen Itza, and most recently dives at Cat Island, Bahamas in search of ancient shorelines. Team Leader Michael Arbuthnot will talk about the latest adventures of Team Atlantis and plans for the future.
- Website: www.teamatlantis.com
- Appearance: 6/27/99, 9/17/02
- Larry Arnold
- Related Photo: Spontaneous Human Combustion
- Appearance: 3/10/96
- Yoerg H. Arnu
- Dreamland Resort founder and webmaster, co-host of
the 2000 Peoples Rally and good friend of Norio, on the upcoming rally for
June 6th of this year.
- Website: The 2000 Peoples Rally at Area 51
- Appearance: 6/1/00
- Arthelotte
- Website: members.tripod.com/~cap/TheExorcist.html
- Appearance: 12/19/99
- James Arthur
- "The Mushroom Man" an Ethnomycologist. The history of magical plants and sacramental substances.
- Book: Mushrooms and Mankind
- Website: www.jamesarthur.net/mushroom.html
- Appearance: 10/23/99
- Dr. Charles Atkins
- Website: www.charlesatkins.com
- Book: The Portrait
- Book: Risk Factor
- Appearance: 7/8/00
- Dr. P.M.H. Atwater
- Book: Children
of the New Millennium: Children's Near-Death Experiences and the
Evolution of Humankind
- Book: Beyond
the Light: The Mysteries and Revelations of Near-Death Experiences
- Book: Future
- Appearance: 10/17/99
- Skip Atwater
- Atwater is the Research Director at the Monroe Institute, a world-renowned
nonprofit organization conducting research and offering educational
programs supporting the evolution of consciousness. He has been part of
the growth of the Institute since 1977.
- Website: www.skipatwater.com
- Appearance: 8/9/00
- Loyd Auerbach
- Loyd Auerbach is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations.
He is also President of the California Society for Psychical Study, and has
been one of the very few parapsychologists active in both psychical research
and mentalists and magicians' organizations. For over 22 years, he has been
investigating cases of reported paranormal phenomena.
- Book:
Mind over
- Book: Esp, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
- Book: Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
- Book: Reincarnation, Channeling and Possession: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
- Website: www.mindreader.com
- Appearance: 8/1/99, 7/18/02
- Dan Aykroyd
- Website: www.ufonasa.com
- Video: Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs
- Apprearance: 12/5/01
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