Listing of Call-In Phone Numbers and International Access Codes.
Monday - Friday - Art Bell Hosting
Western US: 775-238-6610
Eastern US:775-238-6610 (toll free)
First time caller: 775-238-6610
Wild Card line: 775-238-6610 (anyone can call)
Saturday - Sunday - Guest Hosts
Western US: 775-238-6610
Eastern US:775-238-6610 (toll free)
First time caller: 775-238-6610
Wild Card line: 775-238-6610 (anyone can call)
International Instructions
Toll Free: (ATT USA Direct Access Number) 995-238-6611
1. See if your country is listed below, and find the AT&T Access Number for
the country YOU ARE IN.
2. Dial the AT&T Access Number or if your country is NOT listed below, just
dial 1-800-CALLATT.
3. An AT&T Operator or English-language voice will prompt ask you for
the telephone number you are calling.
4. Enter 995-238-6611 (Art Bell Call-In line).
Let the line ring.
USA ATT Access Codes
Albania 00-800-0010
American Samoa 63 2-872
Angola 0199
Anguilla 1-800-872-2881
Antigua 1-800-872-2881
Argentina 0-800-54-288
Armenia 8 (wait) 10111
Aruba 800-8000
Australia 1800-881-011
Austria 022-903-011
Bahamas 1-800-872-2881
Bahrain 800-000
Barbados 1-800-872-2881
Belarus 8 (wait) 800101
Belgium 0-800-100-10
Belize 811
Benin 102
Bermuda 1-800-872-2881
Bolivia 0-800-1112
Bosnia 00-800-0010
Brazil 000-8010
British VI 1800-872-2881
Brunei 800-1111
Bulgaria 00-800-0010
Cayman Islands 1800-872-2881
Chile 800-800-311
Cook Islands 09-111
Costa Rica 0-800-114-114
Cyprus 080-90010
Ecuador 999-119
El Salvidor 800-1785
Estonia 8-00-8001001
FiJi 004-890-1001
Finland 9800-100-10
Germany 0800-225-5288 Ghana 0191
Greece 00-800-1311
Haiti 183
Honduras 800-0-123
Hongkong 800-96-1111
India 000-117
Israel 1-800-94-94-949
Italy 172-1011
Labanon 426-801
Malaysia 1800-80-0011
Mexico 01-800-288-2872
Monoco 800-90-288
Moroco 002-11-0011
New Zealand 000-911 Norway 800-199-11
Panama 281-0109 or 109
Peru 0-800-50000
Phillippines 10511
Poland 0 (wait) 0-800-111-1111
Russia 755-5042
St. Lucia 1-800-872-2881
St. Vincent 1-800-872-2881
Singapore 800-01110111
Solomon Islands 0811
So. Africa 0-800-99-0123
Spain 900-99-00-11
Sudan 800-001
Syria 0-801
Taiwan 0080-10288
Turkey 00-800-12277
Uganda 800-001
Ukraine 8 (wait) 100-11
UK bt-0800-89-0011
UK mercury 0500-89-0011
UK at&t 0800-013-001
Uraguay 000-410
Yemen 00-800-101
Zambia 00-899