ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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Art Bell operates on the 75-meter Ham band late at night after the program
and on weekends. See our LSB 3830 page.
With the latest rise in Sun Spot activity, reception of shortwave
frequencies has been on the rise. This is a great time to get into
shortwave listening. Here is an English Language shortwave listening
schedule to use for tuning around the shortwave bands. These are
primarily stations that broadcast news and features in English and
direct their signals to the North American continent. This is not just
a reprint of station schedules, but signals actually heard on the air
in the western US.
Frequencies are listed in kHz and the ones in BOLD should be
strong enough to pickup on your portable receiver. Your reception may
vary of course from day to day. Also included on this page below the
Hourly List are websites and Real-Audio feeds for broadcasters. If you
don't have a shortwave radio yet, you can listen via the net! Some
good links to informative websites are also listed at the end of this
What's On Shortwave
- 0000 UTC, 4 PM Pacific
- Australia 21740
- BBC 5975, 6175, 9590, 12095
- Japan 11705 (via
Canada Xmtr)
- Netherlands 6165, 9845
- New Zealand 17675 (weak)
- UK Merlin 11985
- VOA 5995, 6130, 7405, 9775, 11695
- 0030 UTC, 4:30 PM Pacific
- Austria, 9655
- 0100 UTC, 5 PM Pacific
- Australia 21740
- BBC 5975, 6175, 9590, 12095
- Canada 9755, 13670
- Croatia 9925
- Germany 6040, 6145, 9640, 13720
- Japan 21670 (weak)
- Netherlands 6165, 9845
- New Zealand 17675 (weak)
- Russia 15520
- Switzerland 9885, 9905
- VOA 5995, 6130, 7405, 9775
- 0200 UTC, 6 PM Pacific
- BBC 5975, 6175, 6185
- Canada (30 Min) 9535, 9755, 13670
- Cuba 9820
- New Zealand 17675
- Russia 15520
- Taiwan 5950, 9680
- 0300 UTC, 7 PM Pacific
- Australia 15515,
- BBC 5975, 6175, 6185, 7160
- China 9690
- Cuba 9820
- Germany 6145, 9535, 9640, 11810
- Japan 17825
- New Zealand 17675
- Russia 7125, 17630
- Taiwan 5950, 9680
- VOA 6145, 9575,
- 0400 UTC, 8 PM Pacific
- BBC 5975, 6185,
- China 9560, 9730
- Cuba 6000, 9820
- New Zealand 17675
- Netherlands 6165, 9590
- Switzerland 9905
- VOA 9575
- 0430 UTC, 8:30 PM Pacific
- Yugoslavia 7230, 9580
- 0500 UTC, 9 PM Pacific
- Australia 15515
- BBC 5975, 6175,
11765, 12095
- Canada (30 min) 5995, 9755
- Cuba 9550, 9820
- Germany 9670, 11795
- Netherlands (30 min) 6165, 9590
- Japan 6110
- Spain 6055
- VOA 6035
- 0530 UTC, 9:30 PM Pacific
- Austria 6015
- 0600 UTC, 10 PM Pacific
- Australia 15515
- BBC 5975, 6175
- Canada CFRB 6070
- Cuba 9550, 9820
- VOA 9680
- 0700 UTC, 11 PM Pacific
- Australia 15515
- China 5950
- New Zealand 9700
- 0800 UTC, 12 AM Pacific
- New Zealand 9700
- 0900 UTC, 1 AM Pacific
- Australia 9710, 13605
- Germany 6160
- New Zealand 9700
- 0930 UTC, 1:30 AM Pacific
- Netherlands 5965
- 1000 UTC, 2 AM Pacific
- Australia 13605
- BBC 6195, 9740
- Netherlands 5965
- New Zealand 9700
- VOA 6165, 9590
- 1100 UTC, 3 AM Pacific
- Australia 12080, 13605
- BBC 6195, 9740
- Netherlands 5965
- New Zealand 9700
- VOA 9760
- 1200 UTC, 4 AM Pacific
- Australia 9580, 11650
- BBC 6195, 9740,
- BBC (Radio One 15 min) 9605
- Canada 9660 (weak)
- VOA 9760
- 1300 UTC, 5 AM Pacific
- Australia 9580, 11650
- BBC 6195, 9740,
- VOA 9760
- 1400 UTC, 6 AM Pacific
- Australia 5995, 9580
- BBC 9590, 17840
- Canada 9555
- China 7405
- Japan 11705
- 1500 UTC, 7 AM Pacific
- Australia 9580
- BBC 17840
- Jordan 11690
- 1600 UTC, 8 AM Pacific
- BBC 17840
- France 15205
- Jordan 11690
- 1700 UTC, 9 AM Pacific
- ZZZZZZ.... Reports Welcome
- 1800 UTC, 10 AM Pacific
- RTE (Ireland) 13640
- More Reports Welcome
- 1900 UTC, 11 AM Pacific
- ZZZZZZ.... Reports Welcome
- 2000 UTC, 12 PM Pacific
- Canada 13650, 13670 (weak)
- BBC 15400
- UK Merlin 13690, 17695
- 2100 UTC, 1 PM Pacific
- Australia 21740
- BBC 12095, 15400
- Canada 13650, 13670 (weak)
- Germany 15135
- Japan 17825
- New Zealand 17675 (weak)
- UK Merlin 13690, 17695
- VOA 17725
- 2200 UTC, 2 PM Pacific
- Australia 21740
- BBC 12095, 15400
- Canada 13670, 15305
- New Zealand 17675 (weak)
- Taiwan 15600
- 2230 UTC, 2:30 PM Pacific
- Belgium 15565
- 2300 UTC, 3 PM Pacific
- Australia 21740
- BBC 9590, 12095
- Canada 9755, 13670
- Canada 11895
- UK Merlin 11985
- 2330 UTC, 3:30 PM Pacific
- Netherlands 9845
The above list is primarily for news and features from around the
world, but that doesn't mean that many of the religious broadcasters
with strong signals to the US are being ignored, as they are easy to
find by scanning up and down each shortwave band.
Shortwave Broadcaster Web Sites / Real Audio Feeds
If you don't have a shortwave receiver, you can still listen to
these broadcasters via the Internet and your Real Audio player. Even
when these stations are not broadcasting direct to the Americas, you
may still listen to their broadcast while they direct their
programming to another area of the world. Click on the Station Name to
visit the web site, click on the speaker to listen.
Shortwave Listener Programs
Shortwave Books/Guides
The Shortwave Bands
Use these frequency ranges when tuning around the shortwave bands to
find international broadcasters. Only a very few stations operate
outside these ranges.
49 Meter Band 5730 - 6205 41 Meter Band 7100 - 7595 31 Meter Band 9350 - 10000 25 Meter Band 11550 - 12160 22 Meter Band 13570 - 13870 19 Meter Band 15000 - 15710 16 Meter Band 17500 - 17900 13 Meter Band 21450 - 21850
Useful Shortwave Web Sites