ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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NOTICE: Before you send your urgent virus alert message or emergency situation or
outlandish report or mysterious urgent problem to us, please check out the following
websites to see if it is a HOAX:
If it passed the test of NOT being an Internet Hoax, then of course send it on.
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Postal addresses, E-Mail addresses and phone
numbers for various people, places and things.

Art Bell
- Message: To All Filipinos
- E-Mail: artbell@mindspring.com
- E-Mail: artbell@aol.com

George Noory
- E-Mail: george@georgenoory.com
- WebSite: www.georgenoory.com

Barbara Simpson
- E-Mail: babeinthebunker@yahoo.com
- WebPage: www.ksfo560.com

Ross Mitchell
- WebPage: http://www.kkoh.com/
Premiere Radio Networks
- Phone: (541) 664-8829
- Premiere Radio Networks is the parent owner of the Coast to Coast AM
program. Premiere is a subsidiary of Clear Channel which owns among other
things many stations across the country. If you want to advertise on
the radio program, call the number above.
- Order Tapes
- For information regarding the ordering of tapes of previous programs.
- Premiere Radio
Networks Web Page
- For information regarding other Premiere Radio Network programs,
visit the Premiere website.