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Guest List (B)
- Bernard J. Baars
- Book:
In the
Theater of Consciousness: The Workspace of the Mind
- Appearance: 8/30/98
- Jeffrey Bada
- Book: The Spark of Life: Darwin and the Primeval Soup
- Appearance: 5/28/00
- William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
- Dr. William Baldwin knows that evil exists. During his practice as a
dentist, Dr. Baldwin noticed that, while under anesthetic, some patients
exhibited a frightening dark side. Curious and unsettled by what he
witnessed, Dr. Baldwin decided to further explore this unusual phenomenon.
As a counselor and therapist, he developed a unique cross-cultural approach
to confronting the sinister forces that prey upon humankind.
- Book: Spirit Releasement Therapy
- Book: Ce-VI - Close Encounters of the Possession Kind: A Different Kind of Interference of Otherworldly Beings
- Website: www.spiritreleasement.org
- Appearance: 5/02/02
- Dr. Greg Bambenek, Dr. LeRoy Fish, and Matt Moneymaker
- Moneymaker, Dr. Bambenek & Dr. Fish are members of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Expedition.
- Website: www.bfro.net
- Website: www.roadshipamerica.com
- Appearence: 12/25/00, 12/5/00, 7/26/01
- Mike Bara
- Press Release: Enterprise Confirms Artificial Structures on Mars (Word Document)
- Images: Odyssey and Phobos Comparison
- Appearance: 9/06/02
- Rodney Barker
- A transcript of his appearance is in the Transcript Section.
- Book: And the Waters Turned to Blood
- Book:
with the Devil; Sex, Espionage, and the U.S. Marines
- Appearance: 4/7/97
- Bernyce Barlow
- Website: www.iamdot.com
- Book:
Sites of the West

- Appearance: 11/23/97
- William Wayne Barnes
- Website: www.sapphirehouse.com
- Book: I Built the Titanic: Past-Life Memories of a Master Builder
- Info: The publisher Sapphire House says Amazon does not have any of the books in stock. So the above link goes to the publisher.
- Appearance: 1/31/00
- René Barnett
- Producer, Strange Universe
- Appearance: 3/18/97, 4/9/97, 11/7/97
- Elizabeth Baron
- A Trance Medium who works closely with local
and national law enforcement agencies.
- Book: The Art of Silence (Meditating the Western Way)
- Tape: How to Meditate
- Website: www.elizabethbaron.com
- Appearance: 6/16/00
- Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D.
- Most stories of solving problems during sleep involve either dreams or
“hypnagogic imagery” – the pictures that go through our minds as we fall
asleep or slowly awaken. Laboratory research verifies that creative
inspiration, learning, and even answers to formal logic problems can all
arrive in dreams. Dr. Barrett is a faculty member of the Department of
psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and former president of the Association
for the Study of Dreams. She is the author of the widely praised The
Pregnant Man: And Other Cases from a Hypnotherapist’s Couch and Trauma and
- Book: The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, Scientists and Athletes Use Dreams For Creative Problem-Solving- And How You Can Too
- Book: The Pregnant Man : And Other Cases from a Hypnotherapist's Couch
- Book: Trauma and Dreams
- Appearance: 7/3/01
- Mark Barry
- Larry Walters Lawn Chair Trip Audio Recordings
- Website: The Lawn Chair Pilot
- Appearance: 6/4/01
- Frances Emma Barwood
- Former Councilwoman from The City of Phoenix, who ran for Secretary of State.
- Appearance: 5/21/97, 6/18/97, 6/19/97, 9/8/97, 1/13/98, 9/08/98
- Stephen Bassett
- The only registered lobbyist in the U.S.
representing UFO and Extraterrestrial research organizations. He is the
founder of Paradigm Research Group; Executive Director of the
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, on the need for
secrecy reform and the implications of the coming disclosure.
- Founder of Paradigm Research Group and the executive director of X-PPAC
- Website: www.paradigmclock.com
- Website: www.x-ppac.org
- Website: keyholepublishing.com
- Website: Disclosure2003
- Website: Paradigm Research Group
- Related site:
In Memoriam -
Health Watch
- Appearances: 9/8/97, 11/3/97, 1/5/98, 1/13/98, 4/30/98, 9/25/98, 1/8/99, 7/1/99,
7/21/99, 9/24/99, 5/19/00, 7/6/00, 9/26/00, 10/6/00, 11/22/00, 1/26/01
- William Bastone
- Editor of The Smoking Gun web site (which he founded in April 1997 along
with Daniel Green and Barbara Glauber). Until last year, Bastone was a
staff writer at The Village Voice, New York's leading weekly newspaper.
During his 15 years at The Voice, Bastone worked as an investigative
reporter covering local politics, criminal justice matters, and--for the
last decade--organized crime. In May 2001, Bastone managed the launch of
WMOB.com, a sister site that offers FBI wiretaps of New York gangsters. In
September 2001, Little, Brown & Co, published "The Smoking Gun," the first
book based on documents gathered by the web site's founders. Bastone, 40,
is a lifelong New York City resident.
- Book: The Smoking Gun: A Dossier of Secret, Surprising, and Salacious Documents
- Website: www.thesmokinggun.com
- Website: www.wmob.com
- Appearance: 11/10/01
- Henry Bauer
- Dr. Bauer, the former dean of Virginia Tech's College of Arts and Sciences, is a believer in the Loch Ness monster. His interest in "Nessie" started in the 60's and has brought him back time and time again to Urquhart Bay in Scotland where he hopes to have a glimpse of the elusive creature. Dr. Bauer is, also, the Editor-In-Chief of "The Journal of Scientific Exploration," which studies cases usually ignored by mainstream science, such as UFOs, ESP and Bigfoot.
- Book: Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method
- Book: Science or Pseudoscience: Magnetic Healing, Psychic Phenomena, and Other Heterodoxies
- Website: www.henryhbauer.homestead.com
- Appearance: 12/12/00
- Dr. Carl Edward Baugh
- Baugh is founder and director of Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, Texas;
scientific research director for world's first hyperbaric biosphere;
scientific research director for water reclamation and energized plant
systems; and the discoverer and excavation director of two major dinosaurs:
Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Stegosaurus stenops in Colorado. He holds a
degree in theology from Baptist Bible College, a Masters in archaeology, and
a Ph.D. in education, both from Pacific College of Graduate Studies.
- Book: Why Do Men Believe Evolution AGAINST ALL ODDS?
- Book: Panorama of Creation
- Website: www.creationevidence.org
- Appearance: 6/12/02
- Robert Bauval
- Book:
The Orion
Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids

- Book: Keepers Of The Genesis
- Website: www.robertbauval.com
- Appearance: 9/27/96, 9/06/02
- Sondra Farrell Bazrod
- Book: The Hunt for Amazing Treasures
- Appearance: 5/20/00, 9/2/00
- Captain Edward L. Beach
- United States Navy, Retired. Will talk about the stranded Russian Sub.
- Book: Salt & Steel: Reflections of a Submariner
- Book: Run Silent, Run Deep
- Appearance: 8/15/00
- Mark Bean
- Website: www.virtualtheater.com
- Appearance: 6/4/99, 7/30/99
- Greg Bear
- Sci-Fi Writer and Futurist
- Book:
and Chaos
- Book:
Moving Mars
- Book:
Anvil of
- Appearance: 9/21/97
- Don Beavon
- Mt Everest Climber
- Website: www.everestee98.com
- Appearance: 4/9/99
- Martha Beck
- Book:
Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic
- Appearance: 10/17/99
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- Blood Cleaner
- Website: www.SotaInstruments.com
- Website: www.BrainTuner.com
- Website: FREE Plans to Build you own Devices
- Appearance: 1/8/00, 1/17/00
- Dr. Nicholas J. Begich
- Dr. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is
a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in
nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio
broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new technologies,
health and earth science related issues.
- Dr. Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska,
Nick Begich Sr. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press and is, also,
under contract as Tribal Administrator for the Chickaloon Village Council, a federally
recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation.
- Book: Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace
- Book: Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology
- Book: Towards a New Alchemy
- Website: www.earthpulse.com
- Website: H.A.A.R.P. Home Page
- Related News: HAARP Transmitter Now Running at Full Power!?!
- Appearance: 12/26/96, 11/7/97, 10/3/00, 1/24/01, 4/2/01, 7/11/01, 8/25/01, 10/03/01, 12/03/01, 6/08/02,
- Dr. Fred Bell
- Pyradyne, Time Travel/Phil. Exp., ET Science
- Dr. Bell is an international inventor and has patented the Nuclear Receptor. He is the
father of "Negative Ionization" and his inventions are used worldwide.
- Book: Rays of Truth-Crystals of Light
- Website: www.pyradyne.com
- Appearance: 3/11/97, 10/1/00
- Michael E. Bell
- Close your eyes and imagine a Vampire. Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. But
another kind of vampire was believed to live in rural New England, where on
March 17, 1892, three corpses were exhumed from Rhode Island cemetery. One
of the bodies was that of Mercy Brown, who had succumbed to consumption. It
appeared to her family that she had turned over in her grave. They cut out
her heart, which still had blood in it, burned it on a nearby rock, and fed
her ashes to her ailing brother. In his fascinating investigation of this
shocking custom, Bell relates the stories of twenty families who dug up
their loved ones to save the living.
- Book: Food For The Dead: On The Trail of New England's Vampires
- Appearance: 11/04/01
- Mrs. Jane "MA" Bell
- Art's Mom welcomes e-mail from Art's listeners and she will read them all.
However, due to the volume, she won't be able to reply to all of them. She now
lives in North Carolina and her real name is Jane B. Leech.
- E-Mail: mabell@brinet.com.
- Appearance: Feb 4, 1997
- Richard Belzer
- Book:
and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Believe
- Appearance: 7/09/99
- Sue Benford & Joseph Marino
- Benford and Marino have spent years studying the significance and the scientific background of the Shroud of Turin. They have repeatedly contacted the church authorities with their findings, without response, as yet. Why does the church want to keep this information secret? Benford and Marino believe we need to decide for ourselves what the Shroud says to modern humanity. They further suggest that the message of the Shroud proves that our physical lives are greater than the limits of our beliefs.
- Website: www.homestead.com/newvistas/
- Appearance: 9/08/02
- Daniel J. Benor, M.D.
- Dr. Daniel J. Benor is a practicing wholistic psychiatrist. As author of the
Healing Research series, he is an internationally recognized authority on the
scientific study of spiritual healing. He is a Founding Diplomat of the American
Board of Holistic Medicine and on the advisory board of the journals, Alternative
Therapies in Health and Medicine, Subtle Energies (ISSSEEM), and Frontier
Sciences. He is on the Board of Directors of ISSSEEM, a member of the Advisory
Council of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy (ACEP),
and on the Advisory Board of the Research Council for Complementary
Medicine (UK). Daniel is the editor and publisher of the newly launched
International Journal of Healing and Caring - On Line.
- Website: www.wholistichealingresearch.com
- Website: www.ijhc.org
- Appearance: 7/25/02
- Charles Bensinger
- Book:
Quest: A Prophetic Novel
- Website:www.globalvisions.org
- Appearance: 5/9/99
- Christopher Berg
- Are you fascinated by mazes and labyrinths? Then you are not alone. For over 4,000
years, since before the ancient Greeks first began telling the mythical story of Theseus
and the Minotaur, the symbol of the maze-and what it signifies-has intrigued, inspired
and entertained humankind. Christopher Berg's mezmerizing maze artwork, which has
been compared to the drawings of M.C. Escher, is a modern twist on this ancient symbol.
- Book: Amazeing Art: Wonders of the Ancient World
- Website: www.amazeingart.com
- Appearance: 7/28/02
- Jim Berkland
- Famous geologist from San Jose who predicts earthquakes by the positions of the
earth, sun and moon, along with lost pet reports. Here are some FAX reproductions
of newspaper articles and info on Jim. Article One,
Article Two, Article Three.
Sorry for the poor image capture of a FAX of a FAX.
- Website: www.syzygyjob.com
- Ghost Photos: Page 9, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12
- Related Site:
and Volcanos
- Related Site:
- Appearance: 3/10/97, 12/15/97, 4/09/98, 10/19/99, 6/10/00, 6/21/00, 9/9/00, 02/17/01, 7/10/01
- Don Berliner
- Book: UFO Briefing Document
- Appearance 6/20/00
- Stewart Best
- Website: www.truinsight.com
- Appearance: 5/18/99, 6/16/99
- Al Bielek w/Preston Nichols
- Al has new information that he has not come public before
on the Philadelphia Experiment and time travel. On August 12th 1943 an
experiment was carried out aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge, stationed at
Philadelphia Navy yard. The object was to render it undetectable by radar.
They succeeded, along with the ship and crew being removed completely from
time and space as we know it! Bielek was a physicist aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge
- Book:
The Montauk
Project: Experiments in Time
- Book:
Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
- Book:
Pyramids of
Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness (The Montauk Trilogy Book 3)
- Video:
Experiment Part 2
- Appearance: 2/17/97 (Replay), 3/20/97, 6/12/98, 5/2/00
- Robert Bigelow
- Space Cruises to the Moon
- Website: www.bigelow-aerospace.com/
- Website: www.nidsci.org
- Appearance: 7/27/99, 5/17/01
- Kurt Billings
- Mind control techniques and human implants
- Website: www.psychops.com
- Appearance: 5/7/99, 8/2/99
- Dr. John Bindernagel
- Does the sasquatch exist or not? As a wildlife biologist Dr. Bindernagel has approached the existence of the sasquatch in the same way that he would assess the existence of any large mammal, be it the grizzly bear, black bear, or mountain gorilla. His view is that not only do we have sufficient evidence to treat the sasquatch as a bona fide member of North America's spectrum of large mammals, but that we already know a great deal about its biology and ecology.
- Book: North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch
- Website: www.bigfootbiologist.com
- Appearance: 8/27/02
- Shabari Bird
- Shabari Bird is the wife of the late author, Christopher Bird, of the Secret
Life of Plants. Shabari Bird, will discuss this book along with other
secrets of the soil. Shabari's interest in this subject began when she was
diagnosed with terminal cancer in '72 and attributes her recovery to carrot
juice and an organic diet. She is the director of the Christopher Bird
Research Institute.
- Book:
Secrets of
the Soil: New Age Solutions for Restoring Our Planet
- Book:
The Secret
Life of Plants
- Book:
Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to
Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, Aids, and Other Immunol
- Book:
Divining Hand: The 500 Year-Old Mystery of Dowsing
- Appearance: 3/22/99, 4/29/01, 5/27/01
- William J. Birnes
- Book:
The Day
After Roswell
- Website: www.ufomag.com
- Appearance: 1/8/99
- Norman Blackwater (Taped Thursday)
- Book: The Navajo Skinwalker, Witchcraft and Related Phenomena
- Appearance: 10/04/98
- James Blanco
- Blanco will explain how to protect yourself from credit card fraud, rip-off scams, forgery &
counterfeits, internet fraud, identity theft, and much more. Blanco is a certified Examiner of
Questioned Documents. His client work ranges from police departments to insurance companies
to a variety of businesses. His 17-year plus career in the field includes forensics positions with
the U.S. Treasury Department (B.A.T.F.) and the California Department of Justice.
- Book: Business Fraud: Know It & Prevent It
- Website: www.businessfraudprevention.com
- Appearence: 11/10/00
- Howard Bloom
- Howard Bloom almost single-handedly carved out two new fields: paleopsychology, and mass behavior. His next goal is to establish a field he calls “omnology.” For Bloom, mass behavior, paleopsychology, and omnology are fields that encompass nearly everything man can know.
- Book: Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century
- Book: The Lucifer Principle : A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
- Website: www.HowardBloom.net
- Appearance: 9/17/00, 10/19/00, 6/21/01, 8/30/01, 9/23/01, 10/23/01, 6/20/02, 9/30/02
- Dr. Brigiette Boisselier
- Science Director of Clone Aid
- Website: www.clonaid.com
- Appearance: 6/17/99
- Echo Bodine
- Bodine, discovered at age 17 that she was born with psychic abilities and
the power of healing. Currently, she works as a full-time psychic consultant,
healer, teacher of psychic development and healing classes, and ghostbuster.
- Book: Relax, It's Only A Ghost!
- Website: www.echobodine.com
- Appearance: 9/22/00
- Richard Glen Boire
- Richard Glen Boire, Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, seeks to foster cognitive liberty - the basic human right to unrestrained independent thinking, including the right to control one’s own mental processes and to experience the full spectrum of possible thought. Mr. Boire holds a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a writer, social analyst, and legal scholar specializing in dissident thinking and control theory.
- Website: www.cognitiveliberty.org
- Appearance: 9/26/02
- Jan Bondeson
- Jan Bondeson investigated the hysteria regarding live burial which gripped
Europe and America from the end of the eighteenth century through the
beginning of the twentieth. Jan Bondeson, M.D., holds a Ph.D. in
experimental medicine and is a professor at the University of Wales College
of Medicine.
- Book: Buried Alive: The Terrifying History of Our Most Primal Fear
- Book: A Cabinet of Medical Curiosities
- Book: The Feejee Mermaid
- Book: The Two-Headed Boy
- Book: The London Monster
- Appearance: 4/1/01
- Warren Bone
- Y2K expert, offers a dose of Y2K reality.
- Appearance: 12/5/99
- Issac Bonewits
- A Druid and Pagan will tell the history and customs of Holloween.
- Book: Real
Magic: An Introductory Treatise on the Basic Principles of Yellow Magic
- Book: Authentic
- Website: www.neopagan.net
- Appearance: 10/31/99
- David Borgenicht
- Book: The Worst Case Scenerio Survival Handbook
- Appearance: 12/23/99
- Dr. Nick Bostrom
- Dr. Bostrom is one of the leading lights of the transhumanist movement, which argues
for the responsible use of technology to enhance human capacities. He is currently a
philosopher at Yale University, but being something of a polymath he also has a deep
background in physics, computational neuroscience, and mathematical logic. During
various phases of his 29-year existence, he's also a painter, poet, and a stand-up
comedian. He founded the World Transhumanist Association in 1998 in an effort to
promote understanding of anticipated future technologies and their impact on humanity.
- Book: Anthropic Bias: Observation Selections Effects in Science and Philosophy
- Website: www.nickbostrom.com
- Website: www.transhumanism.org
- Appearance: 8/06/02
- Diana Botsford
- Website: DestinationSpace.net
- Appearance: 7/1/00
- Carol Bowman
- Carol Bowman explains the newly discovered phenomenon of same-family
reincarnation-grandfathers returning as their own great-grandsons, uncles
returning as their own nieces, mothers switching places with their own
daughters-and the most astonishing cases where children who die tragically
young return to the same mother within a few years. Carol Bowman is the
world's premiere spokesperson in the field of children's past lives.
- Website: www.childpastlives.org
- Book: Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child
- Book: Return From Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family
- Appearance: 3/18/99, 7/13/02
- Dr. Richard Boylan
- E-mail: rich.boylan@24stex.com
- Book: Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses
- Appearance: 9/15/96, 12/11/96, 3/25/01
- Gregg Braden
- Author and guide to sacred sites. A former earth scientist and senior
aerospace computer systems designer (Phillips Petroleum, Martin Marietta
Aerospace, Cisco Systems) Braden is now considered a leading authority on
the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Essenes and many indigenous
traditions throughout the world.
- Book: Isaiah Effect: Decoding Our Future Through the Lost Science of Prophecy, Time, and Miracles
- Book: Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation
- Book: Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion
- Website: www.greggbraden.com
- Appearance: 11/5/97, 2/27/98, 10/7/00, 8/24/01, 9/30/01
- Barry Brailsford
- New Zealand author, historian, archaeologist and
master storyteller, will note the great changes
that face the world today, and bring them into the context of ancient
- Book: Wisdom of the Four Winds
- WebSite: www.stoneprint.co.nz
- Appearance: 5/14/00
- John Brandenburg & Monica Rix Paxson
- Paxson, Science writer
- Brandenburg, Physicist and Planetary scientist
Book: Dead Mars, Dying Earth
- Appearance: 7/20/00
- Harry Braun
- Harry Braun, author of The Phoenix Project, has documented an alternative
strategy that will fundamentally resolve the complex and interrelated global
energy and environmental problems. Braun proposes to shift investments from
oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear fuels to renewable hydrogen systems that
are inexhaustible, pollution-free, and can make the U.S. energy independent.
Harry Braun has worked as an energy analyst for the past 20 years. He is
Chairman and CEO of Sustainable Partners, Inc.
- Topic: Hydrogen Fuel
- Book: The Phoenix Project : Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen
- Book: The Phoenix Project : An Energy Transition to Renewable Resources
- Website: www.h2pac.org
- Website: www.phoenixproject.net
- Appearance: 8/14/01, 2/12/02, 8/29/02
- David Brin
- David Brin is a scientist, public speaker, and author. Several of his
novels have been New York Times Bestsellers, winning multiple Hugo, Nebula
and other awards. David Brin's papers in scientific journals cover an
eclectic range of topics from astronautics, astronomy, and optics to
alternative dispute resolution and the role of neoteny in human evolution.
His Ph.D in Space Physics from the University of California at San Diego
followed a masters in optics and an undergraduate degree in astrophysics
from Caltech. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the California Space Institute
and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Brin's latest novel - Kiln People - was
released by Tor Books in December 2001. Kiln People is a science fiction
thriller about a technology which allows the user to create short-lived
duplicates of oneself.
- Book: Kiln People
- Book: The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Freedom & Privacy?
- Book: Earth
- Book: The Postman
- More Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.davidbrin.com
- Apppearance: 1/09/02
- Dannion Brinkley
- Book: Saved by the Light

- Book: At Peace in the Light
- Address: P.O. Box 1919, Aiken SC 29802
- VHS Movie: As it is in Heaven: an interview with Dannion Brinkley
- Website: www.dannion.com
- Website: Compassion in Action
- Website: www.lightstreamers.com
- Related Site: At Peace In The Light
- Appearance: 01/03/97, 7/18/97, 8/17/97, 9/11/97, 3/24/98, 5/17/98, 12/13/98, 2/10/99, 12/16/99, 5/29/00
4/19/01, 4/22/02, 6/01/02
- Dr Brian Brody
- Book:
A Guide to Positive Parenting
- Website: www.ascendcoaching.com
- Appearance: 5/10/99 w/Hilly Rose
- Bob Brown
- Website: www.ufocongress.com
- Appearance: 7/12/99
- Courtney Brown
- The Farsight Institute
- Book:
- Website: www.farsight.org
- Appearance: 11/14/96, 11/28/96
- Fred Brown and Jeanne McDonald
- Book: The Serpent Handlers: Three Families and Their Faith
- Book: Growing Up Southern
- Appearance: 8/5/00
- Michael Brown
- Michael studied Tesla and his inventions. He is currently working on a
tabletop model of a Tesla System for pulling lightning out of the sky, using
it to charge a capacitor, and then extracting the energy for electric power.
- Book: The Strength of Samson: How to Attain it
- Website: www.mikebrownsolutions.com
- Appearance: 4/09/02
- Tom Brown, Jr.
- For decades, Tom Brown, Jr.-the renowned wilderness expert and tracker trained by an Apache elder-has been called upon to find lost children, escaping criminals, wild animals-anything that can walk, crawl, or lope through the wilderness. Tom Brown Jr., the founder of the Tracker School, the largest tracking, nature awareness and survival school of its kind. He has been tracking since childhood.
- Book: The Tracker
- Book: Grandfather
- Book: Tom Brown's Field Guide to City and Suburban Survival
- Book: The Vision
- Book: Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival
- Website: www.trackerschool.com
- Appearance: 9/21/02
- Harry Browne
- Presidential Candidate
- Book:
Government Doesn't Work
- Book:
How I Found
Freedom in an Unfree World
- Address: 4094 Majestic Lane, Suite 240, Fairfax, Virginia 22033
- Phones: Voice (714) 437-7911, Fax (714) 432-1468
- Website: www.HarryBrowne96.org
- Website: HarryBrowne2000.org
- Appearance: 10/14/96, 1/6/97, 5/5/98, 4/26/99 (w/Hilly Rose)
- Sylvia Browne
- Book:
The Other
Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond
- Book:
of a Psychic: The Fascinating Inspiring True-Life Story of One of America's
Most Successful Clairvoyants
- Book: God, Creation and Tools for Life
- Book: The Other Side Of Life: A Discussion on Death, Dying, and the Graduation of the Soul
- Tape: Angels and Spirit Guides
- Tape: Sylvia Browne's Tools for Life
- Website: www.sylvia.org
- Appearance: 2/12/99, 8/11/99, 7/26/00, 8/1/01, 5/11/02
- Dr. Angela Browne-Miller
- Book:
- Website: www.metaterra-link.com
- Appearance: June 9th, Dreamland
- Robert Bruce
- Australian-based mystic and metaphysical researcher, Robert Bruce, has
actively explored astral projection, subtle realms, and the human
spiritual connection for over 25 years. Robert is the author of the
books, Astral Dynamics (A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience), and
Practical Psychic Self-Defense (understanding and surviving unseen
influences), and a coauthor of the book, Capturing The Aura. His
World Wide Web site offers a large amount of original material,
including many articles and tutorials relating to Robert's work and
- Book: Astral Dynamics: A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience
- Book: Practical Psychic Self Defense: Understanding and Surviving Useen Influences
- Book: Capturing the Aura: Integrating Science, Technology and Metaphysics
- Website: www.astraldynamics.com
- Appearance: 2/20/02, 7/30/02
- Roger Bruns
- Bruns is the Deputy Executive Director for the National Publications
and Records Commission at the National Archives. His book is a collection of
speeches, memos, and other archival material that reveals how our
government would have handled historic moments that almost-- but didn't--
come to be.
- Book: Almost History: Close Calls, Plan Bs, and Twists of Fate in America's Past
- Appearance: 9/24/00
- Prof. Ted Bryant
- Ted is a physical geographer with broad interests in geomorphology and
climatology. He is currently a member of the Quaternary Environments
Research Centre. Ongoing research interests involve the definition and
mapping of the geomorphic signatures of tsunami, global climate change and
sea-level rise, and climatic and oceanographic natural hazards. Ted has an
international reputation with his research on catastrophic tsunami, being
one of the first researchers to identify a wide spectrum of signatures of
such events in the coastal landscape.
- Book: Climate Process and Change
- Book: Natural Hazards
- Book: Tsunami : The Underrated Hazard
- Appearance: 6/05/02
- Rock Brynner
- In, "Dark Remedy", Rock Brynner and Trent Stephens recount the history of
thalidomide. In the 1950s, this "safe" sedative was all the rage in Europe.
Then one baby was born without ears, another with stunted limbs, then
another with no limbs at all. In all, ten thousand severely deformed babies
were born before thalidomide was banned. But two years ago, this brutal
toxin was approved by the FDA. Thalidomide may prove to be the cure for
multiple myeloma, brain tumors and other cancers, arthritis, lupus, Crohn's
disease, multiple sclerosis, leprosy, tuberculosis, and AIDS. Rock Brynner,
historian and novelist, earned his M.A. in Philosophy from Trinity
College, Dublin, and his Ph.D. in History from Columbia University.
- Book: Dark Remedy: The Impact of Thalidomide and its Revival as a Vital Medicine
- Appearence: 02/25/01
- Lyn Buchanan
- Appearance: 3/25/97
- William Buhlman
- America's leading expert on OBEs tells the riveting story of his travels to
other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques so you can too.
- Book: Adventures Beyond the Body

- Book: The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature
- Website: www.Mach1audio.com/out-of-body/
- Appearance: 10/19/97, 12/23/97, 12/20/98, 2/27/00, 8/4/00, 7/24/01
- Nick Bunick
- Book:
In God's
- Book:
Messengers: A True Story of Angelic Presence and the Return to the Age of
- Website: www.fourfourfour.com
- Appearance: 9/7/97
- Eric Burdon
- Eric Burdon, lead singer of the Animals
- Book: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood: A Memoir
- Book: I Used to Be an Animal, but I'm All Right Now
- Website: www.ericburdon.com
- Appearance: 2/21/02
- Brad Butler
- Private Pilot's Trip Around the World
- Website: www.drumquest.com/airrally
- Appearance: 7/20/98
- Bob Butts and Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj
- Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. received his medical education and training at
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University. He has spent most
of his scientific life researching the link between pain and disease and
chronic dehydration. Dr. Batmanghelidj discovered the healing powers of
water 21 years ago when he was serving time as a political prisoner in an
Iranian jail. He successfully treated 3,000 fellow prisoners suffering from
stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with the only medication he
possessed -water. This is when he understood for the first time in medical
history that the body indicates its water shortage by producing pain. Since
his prison experience, he has focused his full-time attention on
dehydration-produced health problems in the body. His discovery has helped
hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a variety of pains and
degenerative diseases regain their health.
- Book: Your Body's Many Cries for Water
- Book: How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint PainBook: Your Body's Many Cries for Water
- Book: Water: Rx for A Healthier Pain-Free Life
- Book: ABC of Asthma Allergies & Lupus
- Website: www.watercure.com
- Website: www.watercure2.com
- Appearance: 6/9/01
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