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Guest List Page (I)
- John Iannone
- Book:The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin
- Website: www.theshroudofturin.com
- Appearance: 10/24/99
- David Icke
- Book: The Biggest
Secret: The Book That Will Change the World
- Book: And the
Truth Shall Set You Free
- Book: I Am Me I
Am Free: The Robots Guide to Freedom
- Book: Robots'
Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
- Website: davidicke.com
- Appearance: 11/11/98
- Philip Imbrogno
- Imbrogno is a science teacher at the Windward School in White Plains, New
York, and sits on the board of directors for the Bowman Observatory in
Greenwich, Connecticut.
- Book: Celtic Mysteries in New England
- Book: Contact of the 5th Kind
- Book: Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings
- Appearance: 8/3/00
- Steve Irwin
- Crocodile Hunter
- Website: www.crocodilehunter.com
- Appearance: 8/06/02
- Peter Isaksen
- Executive Producer of Fox's Opening
the Lost Tombs.
- Appearance: 3/1/99
- David Israel
- Executive Producer: Y2K The Movie
- Appearance: 11/16/99
Goto J