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Guest List (F)
- Warren Faidley
- Warren Faidley is a renowned photographer and full-time storm chaser. His
work has been exhibited in major publications including Life and National
Geographic. Warren has also appeared as an on air severe weather expert for
MSNBC and Fox News.
- New book: High Risk
- Book: Storm Chasing Journalist and Cinematographer
- Book: Storm Chaser : In Pursuit of Untamed Skies
- Book: Eye of the Storm : Chasing Storms With Warren Faidley
- Book: Lightning (Nature in Action)
- Website: www.stormchaser.com
- Appearance: 4/15/02, 7/11/02
- Diana Fairechild
- Aviation expert and author Diana Fairechild explains how recycled air on planes
contributes to air rage and in spreading infectious diseases like the flu and TB.
Ms. Fairechild discusses what passengers can do to increase the oxygen levels
and reduce exposure to toxic chemicals and infectious agents.
- Book: Jet Smarter: The Air Traveler's Rx
- Book: Noni: Aspirin of the Ancients
- Book: Office Yoga : A Quickie Guide to Staying Balanced and Fit in the Work Environment
- Related Website: All The Major Airlines in The World
- Website: Healthy Flying
- Airline Info:
- Appearance: 2/24/97, 7/31/00
- Robert Fairfax
- Related Image: Fairfax Diagram of Elk
- Appearance: 3/11/99
- Lionel Fanthorpe
- Objects can carry romantic myths, embody dangerous curses, or provide links to our past.
Some mysterious items, like the Hope Diamond, can still be found today, while others,
like the Philosophers' Stone, have vanished into the mists of time. Lionel Fanthorpe is an
authority on mysteries and the paranormal, having lectured at Cambridge and presented
popular television and radio programs in the UK. He is Magistral Chaplain General and
Knight Commander of the Templar Priory of St Mary Magdalene.
- Book: The World's Most Mysterious Objects
- Book: The World's Most Mysterious People
- Book: Death: The Final Mystery
- Book: Mysteries of The Bible
- Book: The Oak Island Mystery: The Secret of the World's Greatest Treasure Hunt
- Book: The World's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries
- Website: www.lionel-fanthorpe.com
- Appearance: 9/29/02
- Adrienne Felice
- Adrienne Felice lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her lifelong study of
spiritualism, the Natural Laws and Transcendental Meditation inspired her to
write And While My Body Sleeps.
- Book: And While My Body Sleeps
- Website: www.adriennefelice.com
- Appearance: 3/03/02
- Robert Felix
- Beginning with the dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago, Robert Felix
explores the relationship between mass extinctions, ice ages, and magnetic
reversals (times when compasses would have pointed south instead of north).
- Website: members.aol.com/iceagenow/
- Book: Not by Fire but by Ice : Discover What Killed the Dinosaurs...and Why It Could Soon Kill Us
- Appearance: 4/14/02
- Ann Fiery
- Fortune telling, astrology and more
- Book: The Book of Divination
- Appearance: 11/19/99
- Guy Finley
- Life of Learning Foundation
- Guy Finley has enjoyed numerous successful careers including composing
award-winning music for many popular recording artists, motion pictures, and
episodic television scores. Born into a family noted for its successful show
business history, he is the son of late-night talk show pioneer and radio
celebrity, Larry Finley.
- From 1970 through 1979, Guy wrote and recorded his own albums for the
prestigious Motown and RCA record labels. Then, in 1979, after travels to
India and parts of the Far East in search of truth and Higher Wisdom, he
voluntarily retired from his flourishing career in order to simplify his
life and to continue with his inner studies.
- Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.guyfinley.com
- Appearance: 9/25/97, 2/4/00, 02/18/01
- Joe Firmage
- Website: www.thewordistruth.org
- Website: www.isso.org
- Recommended Book:
Redshifts, and Controversies (Long Delay)
- Recommended Book:
Seeing Red:
Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (In -Stock)
- Recmd Book:
Future in Plain Sight" by Eugene Linden
- Recmd Book:
Flying Objects" by Paul Hill
- Appearance: 1/8/99, 1/15/98, 8/3/99
- Scott Flansberg
- The computational skills of Scott Flansburg (a.k.a. The Human Calculator)
are listed in the 2001 Guinness Book of World Records; he holds a record
for adding a sequence of numbers in his head faster than an accountant using a
calculator. Recently, he invented The Human Calendar, which is a 13-month
alternative to the Gregorian calendar.
- Website: www.SimpleAge.com
- Website: www.humancalculator.com
- Appearence: 11/19/00, 6/16/02
- Rand Flem-Ath
- Ancent map of Egypt showing Atlantis was in Antartica.
- Book: "When the Sky Fell" In Search of Atlantis.
- Website: www.flem-ath.com
- Appearance: 9/5/99
- E. Randall Floyd
- Randall Floyd, best-selling author, tackles legends and modern-day tall tales from across America: ghostly incursions, miracles and visions, fantastic beasts, unearthly encounters, bizarre theories, history's mysteries, untimely endings, and unusual characters. He heads the regional publishing company, Harbor House, based in Augusta, Georgia.
- Book: In the Realm of Ghosts and Hauntings
- Appearance: 8/25/02
- Danelle Folta, Jennifer LaVoie and Kalin Olson
- Playboy X-Treme Team Members
- Photos: Playboy X-Treme Team
- appearance: 4/10/01
- Arielle Ford
- Book:
More Hot
Chocolate for the Mystical Soul: 101 True Stories of Angels, Miracles, and
- Book:
Chocolate for the Mystical Soul: 101 True Stories of Angels, Miracles, and
- Website: www.fordsisters.com/hotchocolate.html
- Appearance: 9/26/99
- Carl Fors
- Speeding Traps and How to Avoid them
- Website: www.speedlabs.com
- Appearance: 12/8/97
- Raymond E. Fowler
- Website: www.bluewaterp.com/fowler.html
- Book:
Watchers II: Exploring Ufos and the Near-Death Experience
- Book:
Watchers: The Secret Design Behind UFO Abduction
- Book:
Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a
- Book:
Andreasson Affair Phase Two: The Continuing Investigation of a Woman's
Abduction by Alien Beings
- Book:
Allagash Abductions: Undeniable Evidence of Alien Intervention
- Appearance: Feb 18 1997
- Gerard P. Fox,
- Art's Attorney
- Appearance: 7/1/99
- Andrew Fraknoi
- In the last few decades, astronomers have found that behind the peaceful
appearance of the night sky, there lies a universe of unimaginable violence.
Andrew Fraknoi will be talking about some of the most potent examples of
cosmic violence: Potentially Hazardous Asteroids, black holes, and cannibal
galaxies. Andrew Fraknoi chairs the astronomy program at Foothill College.
For 14 years, he served as executive director of the Astronomical Society of
the Pacific, where he also edited their popular magazine and newsletter for
teachers. The International Astronomical Union named Asteroid 4859
"Asteroid Fraknoi" to recognize his many contributions to popularizing
- Book: Voyages through the Universe: The Sky, Light, and Planets
- Book: Universe at Your Fingertips
- Website: Astronomy at Foothill College
- Website: Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Appearance: 6/10/00, 3/17/01, 5/26/01
- KT Frankovich
- Book: The Lime Grove Encounters
- Website: members.aol.com/KFrnkovich/
- Dr. Aharon Friedman
- Computer Hacking and Cyber Warfare
- Website: www.fortresstech.com/
- Appearance: 11/23/99
- Stanton Friedman
- Since 1967, Friedman has lectured on the topic of UFOs at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 Provinces, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel.
Often referred to as the "Father of Roswell", Stan was the first to investigate the incident beginning in 1978. He has been investigating UFO incidents since the mid 1950's.
- Book: Top Secret Majic
- Book: Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO
- Book: The UFO Investigator's Handbook: The Practical Guide to Researching, Identifying, and Documenting Unexplained Sightings
- Photo: Stan At UFO Research Center
- Photo: Stan In Roswell on the Phone with Mike
- Website: www.v-j-enterprises.com/sfpage.html
- Appearance: 8/31/97, 2/2/98, 12/22/98, 1/10/99, 5/27/00, 7/3/00, 7/4/00, 7/5/00, 10/2/00, 1/10/01,
7/5/01, 10/28/01, 3/04/02, 6/18/02
- Bruce Friedrich
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Website: www.peta-online.org
- Website: www.MeatStinks.com
- Related Book:
Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System Scientifically
Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery
- Related Book:
Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals
- Related Book:
Souls of
- Related Book:
250 Things
You Can Do To Make Your Cat Adore You
- Appearance: 6/04/98, 8/17/99
- Bob Frissell
- Book: Something in This Book Is True: The Official Companion to Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are
- Book: Nothing in This Book is True, But it is Exactly How Things Are
- Book: You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
- Website: www.bobfrissell.com
- Appearance: 11/21/97, 1/12/00
- Jim & Pat Fregia
- Book:
Know Your
Dreams, Know Your Self: A Workbook
- Appearance: 8/3/97
- Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
- Freke has an honors degree in philosophy and is an authority on world mysticism, with more than twenty books published internationally. Gandy has a M.A. in classical civilization, specializing in the ancient Pagan Mystery religions.
- Book: The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God
- Appearance: 8/27/00
- Frodo
- Tree Sitter
- Website: www.ecoecho.org
- Appearance: 2/04/99 (On Sound Clips Page)
- Mark Fuhrman
- Book:Murder in Brentwood
- Appearance: 9/4/97
- Evelyn Fuqua, Ph.D.
- Evelyn Fuqua holds a B.A. in Psychology from Agnes Scott College, an M.A. in
Counseling from California State University Sacramento, and a Ph.D. in
Psychology from the Professional School of Psychology. She was a teacher,
resource specialist and counselor in the public schools. She served on the
Board of Directors of the Association of Past Life Research and Therapies
and as State Relations Chairman for the California State Counselors
- Book: FROM SIRIUS TO EARTH: A Therapist Discovers a Soul Exchange
- Website: www.evelynfuqua.com
- Appearance: 5/5/01
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