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Guest List Page (O)
- James Oberg
- Website jamesoberg.com
- Appearance: 03/12/01
- Joan Ocean
- Dolphin Researcher
- Book: Dolphin
Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living
- Appearance: 12/14/97
- Dave Oester and Sharon Gill
- Ghost Hunters Gallery
- Michael Osterholm, Ph.D.
- Dr. Osterholm, is an internationally recognized epidemiologist and one of the nation's
leading experts on biological weapons. He believes that the threat of terrorist attack using
biological weapons may pose the single greatest hazard to the safety of our nation, and
that very few people are prepared to defend themselves against such an attack.
- Book: Living Terrors: What America Needs to Know to Survive the Coming Bio-Terrorist Catastrophe
- Appearance: 10/4/00
- Brian O'Leary
- Book: Miracle in
the Void: Free Energy, Ufos and Other Scientific Revelations
- Appearance: 9/29/96, 2/17/97, 10/28/97
- Bradley O'Leary
- While the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 has spawned
numerous theories including the official "lone gunman" conclusion propagated
by official government investigations, never before has such a compelling
book unveiled the real reasons behind the assassination as in Bradley S. O'
Leary's and Edward Lee's new book, The Deaths of the Cold War Kings: The
Assassinations of Diem & JFK
- Book: The Deaths of the Cold War Kings: The Assassinations of Diem & JFK
- Book: Dining by Candlelight : World's Most Romantic Restaurants
- Book: Presidential Follies : Those Who Would Be President and Those Who Should Think Again
- Book: 200 Reasons Not to Vote for Bill Clinton
- Appearance: 4/22/01
- William J. Olson
- Expert in Presidential abuses of power via the Executive Order. Some folks feel
with the callup of military forces and police units for January 1 Y2K
possiblities, it sets the stage for martial law to be declared in America on Jan
- Website: www.wjopc.com
- Appearance: 7/26/99
- Kalin Olson, Jennifer LaVoie and Danelle Folta
- Playboy X-Treme Team Members
- Photos: Playboy X-Treme Team
- appearance: 4/10/01
- Stephen James O'Meara
- Book: Deep-Sky Companions : The Messier Objects
- Book: Mars : The Lure of the Red Planet
- Book: Deep-Sky Wonders
- Book: Volcanoes : Passion and Fury
- Book: Deep-Sky Companions : The Messier Objects
- Website: http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vw.html
- Appearance: 9/6/01
- Harold Ort
- Publisher of Popular Communications Magazine
- Image: Art Bell on Cover
- Website: www.popular-communications.com
- Appearance: 3/16/99, 2/29/00, 4/16/01
- Joshua Ortega
- In Joshua Ortega’s new novel, Frequencies, cars and cities float in the sky.
People’s thoughts are monitored as electromagnetic frequencies.
Nanotechnology, androids, and human cloning are a part of everyday life.
- Book: Frequencies
- Website: www.omegapp.com
- Appearance: 3/02/02
- Rosalie Osias
- Photo and Hard at
- Appearance: 5/27/97
- Charles Ostman
- Nano-Technology
- Website: www.biota.org/ostman/charles1.htm
- Appearance: 4/23/97, 7/22/97, 9/24/99, 12/22/99
- Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroder
- Book: Psychic
- Appearance: 6/22/97
- Craig O'Thompson
- An expert on the subject of terrorism and NBCW (Nuclear, Biological
and Chemical Warfare), and a member of the International
Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, author
Craig O. Thompson researched terrorism for over a decade.
- Book: Omar: A Novel
- Website: www.omar-thriller.com
- Website: www.keynoteR-central.com
- Email: Brightomar@aol.com
- Appearance: 5/11/02
- David Ovason
- Author and scholar David Ovason has studied the prophecies of Nostradamus for
over forty years. The Nostradamus prophecies, which were published from 1555
onward, have become justly famous. In spite of this, David Ovason argues that
Nostradamus' works have never been translated correctly.
- Book: The Secrets of Nostradamus: A Radical New Interpretation of the Master's Prophecies
- Book: The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital
- Appearence: 1/07/01, 1/28/01
- Gabriel Oyibo, Ph.D.
- Dr. Oyibo discovered the Unified Field Theory. He has been involved in research and teaching at
Polytechnic University beginning in 1986 serving as an Associate Professor of Aeronautics.
Dr. Oyibo is currently a Professor of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences at the OFAPPIT
Institute of Technology and at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut.
- Book: Grand Unified Theorem
- Website: www.geocities.com/igala1
- Appearence: 11/06/00
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