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Guest List Page (L)
- Dr. Stephen LaBerge
- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. is a world-renowned authority on lucid dreaming. His
pioneering studies at Stanford University have brought scientific attention
to this potentially illuminating state of consciousness. For the past 20
years, Dr. LaBerge has researched methods for teaching people to become
lucid dreamers, developing techniques and lucid dreaming induction devices.
In 1988, he founded the Lucidity Institute.
- Book: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
- Website: www.lucidity.com
- Appearance: 4/25/02
- Louis E. LaGrand, Ph.D.
- Dr. LaGrand is a nationally certified grief counselor and has been doing
research on extraordinary experiences of the bereaved (often referred to as
after-death communication) for over twenty years.
- Book: Gifts from the Unknown: Using Extraordinary Experiences to Cope with Loss & Change
- Book: After Death Communication: Final Farewells
- Book: Messages and Miracles: The Extraordinary Experiences of the Bereaved
- Website: www.anotherreality.com
- Appearance: 8/20/01
- Stephanie Laland
- Book: Peaceful
Kingdom, Random Acts of Kindness by Animals
- Henry Lamb
- Website: Environmental
Conservation Organization
- Appearance: 7/26/99
- Lan Lamphere
- Spotted UFO in Storm Chasing Video
- Appearance: 6/25/97, 7/1/97
- Jonathan Michael Lampley
- History of Horror movies, and lots of horror trivia.
- Book: The
Amazing, Colossal Book of Horror Trivia : Everything You Always Wanted to
Know About Scary Movies but Were Afraid to Ask
- Website: www.cumberlandhouse.com
- Appearance: 10/31/99
- Jan Lamprecht
- A scientific examination of the possibility earth, mercury, and venus are hollow.
- Born in Zimbabwe, now living in Johannesburg, South Africa, Jan Lamprecht has
been involved with computer programming, consulting, etc., for the last 19
years. He has had an intense interest in offbeat subjects such as UFOs,
etc., since his teenage years. His book, Hollow Planets was published in July
1999. He is currently working on a follow-up book which will concentrate on
many Arctic mysteries and issues which have been long
- Website: www.HollowPlanets.com
- Book: Hollow Planets
- Appearance: 9/25/99, 2/01/01, 1/31/02
- Michael Peter Langevin
- Magical Blend's Publisher, Michael Peter Langevin, offers a rarely seen
glimpse into the rites and rituals of the ancient, sacred, and beautiful
Inca people in his book, Secrets of the Ancient Incas. It reaches from
Machu Picchu to Lake Titicaca, from the distant past into the far future and
reveals eternal truths about the human condition and what it means to live
as a true Incan warrior.
- Book: Secrets of the Ancient Incas
- Book: A Magical Universe: The Best of Magical Blend Magazine
- Book: Solstice Shift: Magical Blend's Synergetic Guide to the Coming Age
- Website: www.magicalblend.com
- Appearance: 7/25/99, 6/30/02
- Catherine Lanigan
- Book: Angel Watch - Goosebumps, Signs, Dreams and Other Divine Nudges
- Website: www.catherinelanigan.com
- Appearance: 6/19/01
- Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis, B.A., M.S.
- Kewaunee is a Holistic Health Consultant and Master Herbalist
with a background in anthropolgy, psychology, conservation, and
holistic health. As a world authority on the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon,
he has researched the subject for over 40 years. Kewaunee was first
telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and ET simultaneously in 1979.
- Book: The
Psychic Sasquatch: And Their UFO Connection
- Website: www.unlimited-resources.com
- Appearance: 8/10/00
- Lisette Larkins
- In 1987, Lisette Larkins had her whole world turned upside down when she began to be contacted by extraterrestrials. At first, unsure of what was happening to her, she considered that she was perhaps losing her mind. But after extensive psychological testing and evaluation, she was assured to be of sound mind. Eventually, Lisette came to understand that like many otherwise ordinary people around the world, she is part of a growing trend, whereby more and more humans are being contacted by inhabitants from other galaxies.
- Book: Talking to Extraterrestrials
- Website: www.talkingtoETs.com
- Appearance: 8/28/02
- Jim Larranaga
- Who Really Controls the Weather? What if you discovered evidence that the
Government was tampering with the weather? Journalist Jim Larranaga did --
sort of. While researching a controversial fiction thriller, he uncovered
research that the U.S. Government has a long history of tampering with the
- Book: The Dead Farmer's Almanac
- Related PDF File: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
- Appearance: 2/19/02
- Bob Larson
- Bob Larson is an expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena. He has lectured in more than seventy countries and has appeared on such television shows as Oprah, Donahue, Montel, Sally Jesse, Larry King Live, and Politically Incorrect.
- Website: www.boblarson.org
- Book: Shock Talk: The Exorcist Files
- Book: Larsons Book of Spiritual Warfare
- Book: In the Name of Satan
- Book: Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth
- Book: Larson's Book of Rock
- Book: Larson's New Book of Cults
- Appearance: 5/15/01
- Jennifer LaVoie, Kalin Olson and Danelle Folta
- Playboy X-Treme Team Members
- Website: www.jenniferlavoie.com
- Photos: Playboy X-Treme Team
- appearance: 4/10/01
- Emily Lau Wai-hing
- Hong Kong Legislator, discusses the upcoming take over of Hong Kong by China and
her attempts at democratization.
- Appearance: Feb 25, 1997
- Joanne Elizabeth Lauck
- Book: The Voice
of the Infinite in the Small: Revisioning the Insect-Human Connection
- Book: The Voice
of the Infinite in the Small (Prior Printing)
- Appearance: 7/11/99
- Dr. Ronald S. Laura
- Book: Empathetic
- Website: www.ronlaura.com
- Appearance: 7/8/99
- Paul LaViolette
- Book: Beyond the
Big Bang: Ancient Myth and the Science of Continuous Creation
- Book: Earth Under
Fire: Humanity's Survival of the Apocalypse
- Website: www.etheric.com
- Appearance: 11/10/98
- Nicole Lavoie
- Book: Return to Harmony: Creating harmony and balance through the frequencies of sound
- WebSite: www.cslswe.com
- Appearance: 5/13/00
- Gilbert LaVoie
- Book: Resurrected : Tangible Evidence Jesus Rose from the Dead
- Photos: Exhibits of Shroud
- Website: The Shroud of Jesus
- Appearance: 8/12/00, 4/3/01
- Jennifer Lawson
- Book: Violent Weather Predictions, 2000-2001: Countdown to Cataclysm
- Website: www.geocities.com/astro_weather
- Appearance: 8/16/00
- Ian Lawton
- What secrets does the Giza Plateau really hold? Are the pyramids simple
burial chambers, astronomical devices, or even power plants? Who built them
and the enigmatic Sphinx, and when? Does a Hall of Records await discovery
at Giza, and if so what does it contain? These questions have animated both
the public and a long line of dedicated researchers for years. Ian Lawton
will attempt to answer these questions and many more. Lawton is a former
management information systems consultant. He has been researching ancient
civilizations for more than a decade, and since 1997 has been a full-time
- Book: Giza : The Truth : The People, Politics, and History Behind the World's Most Famous Archaeological Site
- Website: www.ianlawton.com
- Appearance: 2/3/02
- Dr. Richard Lawrence
- UK's leading expert on paranormal
- Website: www.richardlawrence.co.uk
- RelatedWebsite: www.aetherius.org
- Appearance: 9/25/00
- Lee Lawson
- A Visitation - a spontaneous encounter with a loved one who has passed on
into the next world - is a life-altering and transformative experience.
Sometimes a loved one returns to say "Good-bye, for now," or to bring a
vision of the afterlife or a lesson for this life. Often the spirit brings
the blessed peace of healing to a grieving loved one- someone who has lost a
parent, a partner, or a child. However, they come, these extraordinary
moments of reunion leave the living blessed and forever changed. Since
early childhood, Lee Lawson has herself had many visitations, treasured
experiences that have profoundly shaped and molded her life.
- Book: Visitations From the Afterlife: True Stories of Love and Healing
- Appearance: 7/8/01
- Deborah Layton
- Former high-level member of the Peoples Temple
- Book: Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the Peoples Temple
- Website: www.seductivepoison.com
- Appearance: 8/26/00
- Bob Lazar
- One night in May 1989, a reporter broadcast a story from a satellite link in
Las Vegas Nevada. A young physicist spoke under hidden identity, and told us
of nine alien discs held near Groom Lake by a small, autonomous group of the
American goverment. He used the psudonym "Dennis" which turned out to be the
name of his superior at the base. A few weeks later he went on camera using
his real name, Bob Lazar, and he has been the subject of world-wide
curiosity, speculation and controversy ever since.
- Related Site: www.boblazar.com
- Appearance: 9/26/97, 6/06/02
- Joe Lazzaro
- Joe is a candidate to receive an experimental artificial vision system from the Dobelle Institute later this year. He has worked as a freelance professional writer since the 1980s, and has specialized in writing about technology to assist persons with disabilities. His latest book is "Adaptive Technologies for Learning and Work Environments, second edition".
- Books: Adaptive Technologies for Learning and Work Environments. 2nd Edition
- Books: Adapting PC’s for Disabilities
- Books: Adaptive Technologies for Learning and Work Environments
- Website: www.joelazzaro.com
- Appearance: 8/31/02
- Mike Lee
- Reporter from the Tri-City Herald
- Website: www.tri-cityherald.com/bones
- Appearance: 10/09/99
- Dr. Roger Leir
- Dr. Leir has headed two surgical teams that have removed five suspected
alien implants in four separate individuals alleged to be abductees. Dr.
Leir is a Podiatric Surgeon and has acted as Chief of Podiatry in many
Southern California hospitals.
- Website: www.alienscalpel.com
- Book:
Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans
- Appearances: 11/19/97, 2/4/98, 11/5/98, 3/2/99, 8/22/99, 9/26/99, 10/3/99, 11/14/99, 1/23/00,
7/12/00, 9/6/00, 4/30/01
- Arnold Leibovit
- Executive Producer of Warner Brothers & Dreamworks "The Time Machine".
- Photo: Arnold in original Time Machine from the George Pal MGM classic (1960)
- Photo: Arnold in the New Time Machine from the Dreamworks Warner Bros. production (2002)
- Website: www.scifistation.com
- Appearance: 3/20/02
- Melinda Leslie
- Melinda is an abductee, researcher and lecturer. For many years, she was the
Director of two UFO abductee support groups and was the Associate Producer of
the UFO Expo West in 1994.
- A Federal Investigation begins to look into the military and government's
involvement in abduction, mind control, and harassment of alien abduction
- Website: www.anw.com/ML/
- Website: www.militaryabduction.com
- Related Site: users1.ee.net/pmason/Investigation_index.html
- Appearance: 8/18/00
- William A. Lester. Jr
- Proof from the bible that Jesus was put on earth by extraterrestrials to guide
- Website: www.sentinelenterprises.com
- Appearance: 8/23/99
- Patrica Leva
- Book: Traveling
the Interstate of Consciousness: A Driver's Instruction Manual, Using Hemi-Sync
to Access States of Non-Ordinary Reality
- Website: www.qcentral.com
- Appearance: 8/23/98
- Michal Levin
- Michal Levin, a BBC Newsnight broadcaster in London for many years, viewed
meditation with complete skepticism -until she tried it. She was astonished
at the amazing insights she experienced, even from her earliest attempts.
She has refined her methods and taught this straightforward approach to many
students, most of them highly successful professionals.
- Book: Meditation: Path to the Deepest Self
- Book: The Pool of Memory
- Website: www.MichalLevin.com
- Appearance: 5/18/02
- David H. Levy
- Book: Ultimate
Universe: The Most Up-To-Date Guide to the Cosmos
- Book: Comets:
Creators and Destroyers
- Book: Impact
Jupiter: The Crash of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
- Book: The Man Who
Sold the Milky Way: A Biography of Bart Bok
- Book: Joy of
Gazing: A Personal Guide for a New Observer
- Book: More Things
in Heaven and Earth: Poets and Astronomers Read the Night Sky
- Book: Observing
Variable Stars: A Guide for the Beginner
- Book: The Quest
for Comets: An Explosive Trail of Beauty and Danger
- Appearance: 6/6/99
- Steven Levy
- Every time you use a credit card, the Internet, or your cell phone, the only
thing that prevents others from knowing your business is cryptography, or
crypto. Simply put, crypto is the use of secret codes and ciphers to
scramble information so that it's worthless to anyone but intended
recipients. Without it, public privacy is under assault. Steven Levy is
Newsweek's chief technology writer and has been a contributing writer for
Wired since its inception.
- Book: Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government-Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
- Book: Insanely Great : The Life and Times of MacIntosh, the Computer That Changed Everything
- Book: Artificial Life : A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology
- Book: Principles of Interpretation : Mastering Clear and Concise Interventions in Psychotherapy
- Book: Starting from Scratch : One Classroom Builds Its Own Curriculum (Pre-Order)
- Book: Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
- Website: www.echonyc.com/~steven/
- Appearance: 4/8/01
- Joe Lewels, Ph.D.
- Book: The God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion
- Appearance: 9/19/00
- Steve Lewis
- Book: Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness
- Website: www.energeticmatrix.com
- Appearance: 12/13/00
- Nancy Lieder
- Nancy Lieder, a contactee, claims to be in telepathic communication with
visitors from Zeta Reticuli. The Zetas reveal to Nancy information about
life on other worlds; the ET origins of the human species; the origins of
the pyramids and the Sphinx; the Zeta Reticuli people and their nature, the
Nibiruans from the 12th Planet and its imminent return; and much more.
Nancy Lieder is a computer professional who wrote ZetaTalk after awakening
late in life to her contactee status.
- Book: Zetatalk : Direct Answers from the Zeta Reticuli People
- Website: www.zetatalk.com
- Appearance: 6/11/02
- David Lifton
- Book: Best
Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
- Website: JFK Lancer Online
- Appearance: 10/22/98 w/Hilly Rose
- Singer / Songwriter
- Music CD: Songbook
[BOX SET Collection]
- Music CD: Best of
Gordon Lightfoot
- Music CD: Cold On The
- Music CD: If You
Could Read My Mind
- Music CD: Sundown
- Music CD: Don Quixote
- Unofficial Website: gordonlightfoot.com
- Appearance: 9/29/99
- Michael Lindemann
- CNINews (Contact With Non-human Intelligence News)
- Website: www.cninews.com
- Appearance: 12/17/95, 3/27/97, 6/25/99, 8/29/99, 9/26/99, 11/7/99
- Dr. Gregory Little
- When it was given over 70 years ago in his psychic readings, Edgar Cayce's ancient history of North and South America was considered to be impossible. Virtually everything he said was completely opposed to the archaeological belief at the time. Recent discoveries in archaeology and genetics has, astonishingly, completely supported Cayce's entire story. The existence of now-lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Atlantis and Mu/Lemuria) are better explanations for scientific findings than are the current scientific findings.
- Book: Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America
- Book: Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual Ufo Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancietn Ritual Sites, & Other
- Book: People of the Web
- Website: www.edgarcayce.org/am
- Appearance: 2/4/02, 7/23/02
- David Livingston
- Dr. David Livingston is a business consultant, financial advisor, and
strategic planner. For more than twenty-five years, he has worked in oil
and gas exploration, real estate development and sales, finance, marketing,
and direct advertising and sales. He currently specializes in solving
business problems for entrepreneurial operations, start-ups, and businesses
with ten or fewer employees, in addition to his writing lecturing, and
consulting on commercial space matters. His doctoral dissertation was titled Outer Space Commerce: Its
History and Prospects. Livingston has spoken or had his papers presented at
various international space conferences including Space 98 and Space 2000,
Mars Society conferences, The Lunar Development Conference, the IAA, and the
Cato Institute. His lecture topics including venture capital financing for
new space businesses, RLVs and space tourism, barriers to space enterprise,
as well as the exporting of business ethics from Earth to commercial space.
- Website: General Public Space Travel and Tourism
- E-mail: dmlivings@yahoo.com
- Website: www.spacefuture.com
- Website: www.TheSpaceShow.com
- Appearance: 5/11/01, 8/22/02
- Eugene Linden
- Author of The Parrot's Lament, Linden provides a new crop of stories
concerning the intelligence of animals. Linden's stories are told by zookeepers, veterinarians,
trainers--and even scientists--who have access to animals on a daily basis. Eugene Linden
is an award-winning writer on science, nature, and the environment, whose articles have appeared
in many publications, including Time magazine, National Geographic, and The New York Times.
- Book: Octopus and the Orangutan: More True Stories of Animal Intrigue, Intelligence, and Ingenuity
- Book: The Future In Plain Sight: The Rise of the "True Believers" and Other Clues to the Coming Instability
- Book: The Parrot's Lament
- Book: Silent Partners: The Legacy of the Ape Language Experiments
- Book: Apes, Men, and Language.
- Book: The Alms Race: The Impact of American Voluntary Aid Abroad
- Book: Affluence and Discontent: The Anatomy of Consumer Behavior
- Website: www.eugenelinden.com
- Appearance: 1/30/02, 4/06/02, 9/01/02
- Hal Lindsey
- Book: Facing Millennial Midnight
- Book: Apocalypse Code
- Book: Amazing Grace
- Book: Planet Earth: The Final Chapter
- Book: Blood Moon
- Book: Planet Earth 2000 AD: Will Mankind Survive
- Book: The Final Battle
- Book: There's a New World Coming: An Indepth Analysis of the Book of Revelation
- Book: The Guilt Trip
- Book: The Messiah
- More Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.hallindseyoracle.com
- Appearance: 2/09/99, 12/14/01, 4/29/02
- Gary Lockwood
- Star of 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Website: www.garylockwood2001.com
- Appearance: 7/5/01
- Arvol Looking Horse
- Spiritual Leader of Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nations
- Website: www.worldpeaceday.com
- Appearance: 1/20/99
- Greg Long
- Web page ALIEN LIGHTS profiles UFO researcher Greg Long and his years of
investigations into mysterious, unexplained lights on the Yakima Indian
Reservation in Washington state.
- Appearance: 7/09/95
- James D. Long
- Book: Riddle of the Exodus
- Website: www.lightcatcherprod.com
- Appearance: 3/31/02
- Dr. Jeff Long & Tricia McGill
- Jeff Long, M.D. is an expert and leading researcher in near death
experience (NDE). He serves on the Board of Directors of IANDS
(International Association for Near Death Studies). His web
site is devoted to investigating NDE and searching for its truths. This web
site has more original contribution NDEs posted than any other web site in
the world. In addition to NDE, Dr. Long actively investigates related
phenomena with web sites devoted to the study of after death communication,
out of body experience and soul mate relationships.
- RealAudio: Sarah's
Near Death Experience
- Website: www.nderf.org
- Website: www.oberf.org
- Website: www.adcrf.org
- Website: www.smrrf.org
- Appearance: 2/04/99, 6/3/99, 11/28/00, 5/21/01
- Ramon E. Lopez
- We are now in the midst of a solar maximum, the effects of which are
expected to be felt all the way through the year 2004. Dr. Lopez, co-author
of Storms from the Sun, explores the emerging physical science of space
weather and traces its increasing impact on a society that relies on
space-based technologies. Ramon E. Lopez is the C. Sharp Cook Distinguished
Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at El
Paso. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from the University of
Illinois, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Space Physics from Rice
- Book: Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather
- Website: www.stormsfromthesun.net
- Website: aurora.physics.utep.edu/rlopez/
- Appearance: 5/14/02, 7/01/02
- Vincent Lords
- Website: www.vincentlords.com
- Appearance: 1/16/02
- Archie Huel Lowe
- President, Republic of Texas
- Michael C. Luckman
- Cosmic Majority Founder Michael C. Luckman may have discovered a new face on
Mars. Luckman believes that the face is the closest we have ever come to
proof that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent civilization. The
face, which many believe is female, measures a mile and a quarter wide and
is located near Syrtis major, about 3,000 miles from the famous Sphinx-like
face photographed by NASA in the Cydonia region.
- Website: www.cosmicmajority.com
- Related Info: Wide Angle Original Nasa Image
- Appearance: 2/13/02
- John Lucich
- John Lucich serves as a civilian member of the U.S. Secret Service Electronic
Crimes Task Force. He goes undercover to seek out and catch cyber criminals
who hack corporate networks and steal personal identities. He is a 17 year
veteran of law enforcement, and currently serves as the International
President of the High Tech Crime Network.
- Website: www.htcn.org
- Appearance: 02/27/01
- Dr. Alex Lukeman
- Alex Lukeman has been helping people explore their dreams for more than
twenty years. A near-death experience in 1975 changed the direction of his
life and opened the way to an extensive study of dreams, psychology and the
mystery of human consciousness. Dr. Lukeman brings a varied and eclectic
life experience to his work. In years past he has been a member of the U.S.
Marine Corps, a professional musician, a fantasy writer and a Rolf
practitioner. All of these occupations helped prepare him for his current
work as a writer and psychotherapist.
- Book: Nightmares: How to Make Sense of Your Darkest Dreams
- Book: Sleep Well, Sleep Deep
- Book: What Your Dreams Can Teach You
- Website: www.alexlukeman.com
- Website: www.frii.com/~tigrnest/
- Appearance: 12/19/99, 3/24/01
- Ian Xel Lungold
- Ian has just discovered a 15 billion year long string of
coincidences between the timing of the evolutionary steps of our Universe as
well as Life on Earth with the Mayan Calendarís timing pattern.
- Website: www.mayanmajix.com
- Appearence: 02/08/01
- Stanislav Lunev
- Book:
the Eyes of the Enemy: Russia's Highest Ranking Military Defector Reveals Why
Russia Is More Dangerous Than Ever
- Appearance: 9/04/98
Howard F. Lyman
Howard F. Lyman has brought the issue of the dangers of eating beef to light
like never before. A former cattle rancher-turned-vegetarian and food safety
activist, in 1996, Lyman revealed, to a national television audience, how
the cattle industry potentially exposed Americans to Mad Cow Disease by
feeding cows the remains of live animals - including other cows. As a result
of his remarks, Lyman was named a co-defendant with Oprah Winfrey in the
"veggie libel" case brought by Texas ranchers in Amarillo this past year.
Book: Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat
Appearence: 2/11/01
Michael Lynch Ph. D.
Para-Vision has lead the way in ghost and entity investigations for over six
years. Using the most advanced digital infrared video system, Para - Vision
has video taped hours of Entity Consciousness. In 1999 Para-Vision Research
Labs sent a newly developed video camera to the CVSMA for independent
testing. This simple and easy to use camera was designed for seeing
NON-Biological Living Consciousness, which are called Entities. Many call
this type of Consciousness a Ghost. After a year of outstanding research
Para-Vision Labs sent a 6000x to CVSMA for independent testing. Their
conclusion, were beyond any expectation. The CVSMA has proven time, and time
again that the Entities that they are contacting, understand
"Their thoughts" and are responding to "Their commands".
Website: www.paranormalworld.com
Website: www.paravision.homestead.com
Appearance: 11/13/01, 5/26/02, 7/29/02
Goto M