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Guest List (C)
- William Calvin
- One of the most shocking realizations of all time has slowly been dawning on
us: the earth's climate does great flip-flops every few thousand years, and
with breathtaking speed. William Calvin ma argues that such cycles of cool,
crash, and burn powered the pump for the enormous increase in brain size and
complexity in human beings. Driven by the imperative to adapt within a
generation to "whiplash" climate changes where only grass did well for a
while, our ancestors learned to cooperate and innovate in hunting large
grazing animals. William H. Calvin is affiliate professor of psychiatry and
behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine in
- Book: A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change
- Website: www.williamcalvin.com
- Appearance: 4/27/02
- Charles Cagle
- Related Info: Cagle Images Page
- Website: www.singtech.com
- Appearance: 11/18/97, 12/5/97
- Jay Caliendo
- Jay has a quasi-sixth sense that allows him to see health-related maladies in
people in what he describes as a two-dimensional image. Jay himself is
mystified by the innate ability to comprehend what processes are going on
inside of another individual and even to foretell what is going to take place
physically or emotionally to that person in the future.
Jay stresses that he is neither a physician nor a psychic healer. He
dispenses no medication or medical treatments. He offers an intuitive opinion
from a spiritual approach by providing personal health evaluations. Jay is a
consultant for the Maricopa County Hospital System, the Arizona Department of
Economic Security Rehabilitation Services and consults for several
Practitioners throughout Arizona.
- Website: www.medicalintuitive.com
- Appearence: 1/14/01
- Tom Cameron
- Tom Cameron, "The Human Stun Gun", has been involved in martial arts for
over thirty years and has developed the ability to knock down, knock out or
shut an attacker's organs off. The technique requires little more than a
touch and in many instances just the intent without physical contact is
- Website: swa4safety.com
- Appearance: 4/30/99, 5/01/02
- Dolores Cannon
- Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". During the past fifteen years Cannon has been a UFO investigator, using her skills as a regressionist to help people that have been involved in abduction cases.
- Book:
with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained
- Book:
with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol II
- Book:
with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol III
- Book:
with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained (Rev 1996)
- Book: The Custodians: Beyond Abduction
- Book: The Legend of Starcrash
- Book: They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experience With Christ
- Book: Keepers of the Garden
- Book: Legacy From The Stars
- Book: A Soul Remembers Hiroshima
- Book: The Convoluted Universe (Spring 2001)
- Appearance: 12/21/97, 1/09/01
- Steve Canada
- Steve has developed an internationally reviewed theory (England, Germany, Italy) that deciphers new information presented in crop circle pictograms each season.
- Book: Crop Circles and the Mistresses of the Martian Pyramids: England's Crop Circle Connection to Egypt's Giza Plateau and the Mars Cydonia Region
- Website: www.cropcirclebooks.com
- Appearance: 12/10/00
- Michael Capuzzo
- Book: Close to Shore A True Story of Terror in an Age of Innocence
- Website: www.closetoshore.com
- Appearance: 9/8/01
- Lorenzo Carcaterra
- Related Info: In 1988 Carcaterra worked as a creative consultant on the syndicated
television series Cop Talk. That led to a job as Managing Editor of the CBS
weekly series Top Cops, which ran for four seasons from 1990 to 1994. It
was during this period that Carcaterra wrote his two memoirs: A Safe Place
and Sleepers. His latest novel, Gangster, was optioned by producer Joe Roth
and is slated to air as a four-hour mini-series for ABC during the 2001
television season.
- Book: Gangster
- Appearance: 03/11/01
- Tom Carey and Don Schmitt
- Book:
The Truth
About the UFO Crash at Roswell
- Book:
UFO Crash
at Roswell
- Website: www.orionworks.com/roswell/
- Appearance: 4/28/99
- George Carlin
- Book: Brain Droppings
- CD Set: Little David Years 1971-1977 (7Cds)
- CD Album: Back In Town
- CD Album: You Are All Diseased
- CD Album: What Am I Doing In New Jersey?
- CD Album: Jammin' In New York
- CD Album: Take-Offs and Put-Ons
- CD Album: Classic Gold
- CD Album: Parental Advisory
- CD Album: Killer Carlin
- Website: georgecarlin.com
- Appearance: 11/10/99, 5/28/01
- Mark Carlotto
- Researcher of Mars Artifacts
- Dr. Carlotto has over twenty years of experience in digital image processing and satellite remote sensing. His book, The Martian Enigmas, describes his analysis of imagery of the Face and other unusal objects on the surface of Mars imaged by a Viking Orbiter spacecraft in 1976.
- Book:
The Martian
Enigmas: A Closer Look
- Website: www.psrw.com/~markc/marshome.html
- Appearance: 2/26/98, 9/14/00
- Rick Carlson and Gary Stimeling
- Health-care consultant Carlson (The End of Medicine) and writer
Stimeling (coauthor of The Body Electric) offer an assessment of
biotechnologyįs promise and peril, with emphasis on the peril.
Insisting that not enough attention is paid to biotechnologyįs
potential dangers, they voice concerns about profit-driven,
class-restrictive medicine where 'the diseased are just another market,
and propose some provocative solutions for a flawed medical system.
- Book: The Terrible Gift: The Brave New World of Genetic Medicine
- Appearance: 8/11/02
- Clifford E. Carnicom
- Clear photos that prove chemtrail spraying.
- Website: www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm
- Appearance: 11/06/99
- Lloyd Stewart Carpenter
- All of the topography of planet Earth is comprised of a series of easily
recognizable pictures. Lloyd Stewart Carpenter has been a maps researcher
and inventor for more than 20 years. He became a national championship
speaker, during his college years speaking about his research. He has
appeared on many national radio and television talk shows concerning his
research and inventions. His discovery of the Face on the Pacific Ocean
Floor was the subject on an NBC News close-up. Also stories have been
written about this discovery in the Los Angeles Times (Front Page),
Associated Press and UPI.
- Book: Ocean Floor Mysteries: The Amazing Mystery of the Great FACE on the Pacific Ocean Floor
- Website: www.spiralupdatenews.com
- Appearance: 2/17/02, 6/03/02
- Chris Carter
- Website: www.x-files.com
- Appearance: 10/26/99
- Jeanne Cavelos
- Book:
The Science
of the X-Files
- Website: www.sff.net/people/jcavelos/
- EMail: jcavelos@empire.net
- Appearance: 2/14/99, 2/23/99
- Michael Castle
- Discussing Contrails, also known as
Chemtrails, and their affect on us as a population. Castle is the President
of a mid-western environmental consulting and engineering firm. He has
participated in various environmental projects including investigation and
surveillance, and testing soils and ground waters contaminated with toxic
chemicals. Castle has given testimony to the US Congress by invitation on
Super Fund site clean-ups. Castle is an industrial polymer chemist in
coatings and adhesives and has a national credential as a certified risk
auditor and assessor.
- E-Mail: ekimcastle@yahoo.com
- Appearance: 1/6/00, 5/3/00
- Edgar E. Cayce
- Association for Research and Enlightenment
- Book:
of Atlantis Revisited (Edgar Cayce Guides)

- Book:
Edgar Cayce
on Atlantis
- Book:
Your Magic Mirror: With Interpretations of Edgar Cayce
- Book:
The Edgar
Cayce Companion: A Comprehensive Treatise of the Edgar Cayce Readings
- Book:
God's Other
Door and the Continuity of Life
- Book:
The Lost
Memoirs of Edgar Cayce: Life As a Seer
- Book:
Auras: An
Essay on the Meaning of Colors
- Related Book:
The Second
Coming 1998: Edgar Cayce's Earth-Change Prophecies
- Related Book:
Prophecies: Predictions for the Coming Century from Edgar Cayce
- Related Book:
The End
Times: Prophecies of Coming Changes: Includes Prophecies and Predictions from
the Bible-Nostradamus Holy Mother-Edgar Cayce
- Website: www.are-cayce.com
- Website: www.edgar-cayce.com
- Appearance: 2/19/98
- Gerald Celente
- As the founder of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente is well
respected for his track record of picking business, consumer, political, and
economic trends before they come to pass. It is his job to see the future
and understand how the issues and events of today will determine the trends
of tomorrow.
- Book: Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century

- Book: What Zizi Gave Honeyboy: A True Story About Love, Wisdom, and the Soul of America
- Website: www.trendsresearch.com
- Appearance: 1/13/98, 7/09/02
- John Chambers
- Book: Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine
- Website: www.newpara.com
- Appearance: 7/05/02
- Daniel Charles
- These days, there's very little you can do to avoid eating genetically
engineered food. An estimated half of the processed foods in the U.S.
supermarkets contain genetically engineered corn, soybeans or other crops.
But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Science reporter Daniel Charles
gives a behind-the-scenes look at both sides of this heated debate. Daniel
has been a technology correspondent for National Public Radio and the
Washington correspondent for New Scientist magazine. He has covered
everything from the misadventures of the Mir space station, to earthquakes
in India, to nuclear smuggling in Germany.
- Book: Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food
- Website: www.lordsoftheharvest.com
- Appearance: 1/05/01
- Albert Chen & Tim Smith
- Sports Illustrated researchers on the cover photo jinx.
- Website: sportsillustrated.cnn.com/features/cover/2002/jinx/main/
- Appearance: 1/20/02
- Jimmy Chilcutt
- Topic: Bigfoot
- Website: www.bfro.net
- Appearance: 7/26/01
- James Chiles
- Book: Inviting Disaster : Lessons from the Edge of Technology
- Website: www.invitingdisaster.com
- Appearance: 9/9/01
- David Hatcher Childress
- At the age of 19 David Hatcher Childress left the United States on a
six-year research and adventure odyssey. Childress would study firsthand
the ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China; along with
journeying into dangerous territory occasionally, like Uganda during the
overthrow of Idi Amin. Further expeditions to South America, Africa and
remote Pacific Islands, along with his books and media attention certified
Childress as the Real Life Indiana Jones. From Childress further 20 years
of global search for lost cities, ancient mysteries and clues of humankind's
origins, The LOST CITIES SERIES of 8 titles has come about.
- Book: Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods Mercury Vortex Generators and the Power
- Book: Lost Cities of North & Central America
- Book: Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients
- Book: The Time Travel Handbook: A Manual of Practice Teleportation & Time Travel
- Book: Ancient Micronesia & the Lost City of Nan Madol
- Book: Ancient Tonga & the Lost City of Mu'a
- Book: Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of Africa and Arabia
- Book: Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America
- Book: Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean
- Book: Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and India
- Book: Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth
- Book: Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field
- Book: Anti-Gravity and the World Grid
- Book: The Anti-Gravity Handbook
- Book: The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla
- Book: The Free-Energy Device Handbook
- Book: Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis
- More Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: adventuresunlimited.co.nz
- Appearance: 7/19/99, 8/29/99, 1/15/00, 7/13/01, 1/12/02, 5/19/02
- Deepak Chopra
- Book: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
- Book: How to Know God: The Soul's Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries
- Book: Journey into Healing: Awakening the Wisdom Within You
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
- Book: Creating Affluence: The A-To-Z Steps to a Richer Life
- Book: Deepak Chopra Calendar 2000: 365 Days of Wisdom and Healing
- Book: A Deepak Chopra Companion: Illuminations on Health and Human Consciousness
- Book: Everyday Immortality: A Concise Course in Spiritual Transformation
- Book: Healing the Heart: A Spiritual Approach to Reversing Coronary Artery Disease
- Book: Looking for the Other Side
- Book: Lords of Light
- Book: Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel
- Book: Overcoming Addictions: The Spiritual Solution
- Book: The Path to Love: Renewing the Power of Spirit in Your Life
- Book: The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing
- Book: Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living
- Book: Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Identifying & Soothing the Source of Your Body's Reaction
- Book: Restful Sleep: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Overcoming Insomnia
- Book: The Return of Merlin: A Novel
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents: Guiding Your Children to Success and Fulfillment
- Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
- Book: Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams
- Book: The Way of the Wizard: 20 Lessons for Living a Magical Life
- Website: www.chopra.com
- Appearance: 12/19/99
- Jerome Clark
- Book:
Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences and Puzzling Physical Phenomena
- Book:
Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial
- Appearance: 11/30/98
- Jim Clary
- Artist of Marine Art. Jim discusses the Titanic and even plays an interview with
a passenger.
- Website: www.jclary.com
- Appearance: 3/2/98
- Constance Clear
- Social worker, therapist and author of a
book written with and by her abductee support group, offers deep
insight into areas of the abduction phenomenon that have never
before been explored.
- Book: Reaching
for Reality: Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction
- Website: www.reachingforreality.com
- Appearance: 6/21/99, 11/28/99, 9/19/00
- Barbara Hand Clow
- Book: Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes and the Coming Age of Light
- Book: The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light
- Book: Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets
- Book: Eye of the Centaur: A Visionary Guide into Past Lives
- Book: Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades
- Book: Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution
- Book: Signet of Atlantis: War in Heaven Bypass
- Book: Liquid Light of Sex: Kundalini Rising at Mid Life Crisis
- Appearance: 5/24/99 w/Hilly, 9/8/01
- Broughton Coburn
- Book:
Mountain Without Mercy
- Book:
Aama in
America: A Pilgrimage of the Heart
- Related Book:Into
Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster
- Website: www.bena.com/nepaltrek
- Appearance: 4/7/99
- Peter Cochrane
- Futurist, Peter Cochrane, offers an uncensored and sometimes disturbing commentary on how today's dramatic advances in technology will alter the way we live and think. Human cloning, identification chips implanted under the skin, digitally enhanced brains, and machines that can think--these are things which he not only believes will occur in the near future; Cochrane actually embraces these scary, science-fiction notions as natural extensions of human development.
- Book: Tips for Time Travelers: Visionary Insights Into New Technology Life, and the Future on the Edge of Technology
- Website: www.cochrane.org.uk
- Appearance: 8/26/02
- John Cogan
- ohn Cogan, author of "The New Order of Man's History", is a graduate of the
University of Washington. He is a jet pilot, lawyer, businessman and
paleo-historian who researched many scientific disciplines in order to
assemble a concise, comprehensive history of humans on Earth.
- Book: The New Order of Man's History
- Appearance: 7/08/02
- Robert Cohen
- Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board Squirts of NOTMILK Wisdom
- Book: Milk: The Deadly Poison
- Website: www.notmilk.com
- Appearance: 6/6/00
- Loren Coleman
- Loren Coleman is one of the world's leading investigators of the
inexplicable and an internationally known cryptozoologist. For 40 years, he
has traveled to almost every state and province in the US and Canada, as
well as places like Loch Ness, searching and researching the unknown. He
has written hundreds of articles on the subject and numerous books. Coleman
most recently has been the senior series consultant for a new series of In
Search Of... programs. He has an undergraduate degree in
anthropology-zoology and a graduate degree in psychiatric social work.
Coleman has been an instructor, assistant/associate professor, and research
associate in various academic university settings since 1980.
- Book: The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide
- Book: Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature
- Book: Mysterious America: The Revised Edition
- Website: www.lorencoleman.com
- Topic: Absolute kinda irrefutable proof of Skunk Ape
- Reference: Loren Coleman's Analysis
- Appearance: 2/25/98, 11/13/99, 2/12/01, 4/27/01
- Alex Collier
- Website: www.lettersfromandromeda.com
- E-Mail: robinsonjd@aol.com
- Appearance: 7/21/98
- Jim Collier
- Author
- Website: www.grade-a.com/moon/
- Book: Was it Only a Paper Moon?
- Anthony Conforti
- Anthony Conforti lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has spent the last
twenty years working as a television news and documentary producer.
Beginning in 1987, he began a continuing effort to video document various
traditional Native American dances, rituals and traditions. Much of this
work focused on the Maya and he has become the foremost chronicler of the
Mayan prophecy as it relates to the end of the Mayan 5000 year calendar and
the end date 2012.
- Book: Acalan
- Website: www.acalan.com
- Appearance: 8/21/01, 5/25/02
- Patti Conklin
- A medical intuitive, fully senses the "other side" on
a full time basis. Patti's physical vision can see past a person's
clothing and skin, directly into the body and its physical and energetic
- WebSite: www.patticonklin.com
- Appearance: 5/18/00
- Chris Conrad
- Advocate of Hemp and Marijuana
- Book:
Hemp for
Health: The Medicinal and Nutritional Uses of Cannabis Sativa
- Appearance: 1/23/97
- Brendan Cook & Barbara McBeath
- Ghost Investigators Society, with actual recorded voices of ghosts.
- Real Video: The Door
- Real Video: The Walking Orb (Slo-Mo Version)
- Real Video: Shadow Walker
- Player: Get the FREE Real Player 8 Basic Here
- Website: www.ghostpix.com
- Appearance: 10/30/99, 4/24/00, 8/6/01, 10/24/01, 12/18/01, 2/8/02, 4/03/02, 7/03/02, 9/20/02
- Nick Cook
- Imagine the power, economic and military, that would fall into the hands of the person who figured out how to bypass the ordinary laws of physics, defy gravity, and travel near the speed of light. Though it sometimes seems to fall in the realm of science fiction more than pure science, aviation-technology journalist Nick Cook's intriguing tale involves the long quest to develop antigravity vehicles and the sometimes eccentric characters who have played a part in it: Nazi rocket engineers, backyard inventors, NASA scientists, conspiracy theorists, and UFO watchers among them.
- Book: The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology
- Appearance: 9/04/02
- Robert Cook
- Robert Cook, inventor, has been working on the Cook Inertial Propulsion (CIP) engine since 1968 after giving up a high paying, 17 year long career in the printing trade. At first, he was not even aware that his device violated any of Newton's principles. Robert Cook, as featured in Janes Defence Weekly on 7/24/02 and mentioned by Coast-to-Coast AM guest Nick Cook, has developed a breakthrough propulsion device. The inventor will talk about the CIP engine and his thoughts on the environment, among other things.
- Book: The Death of Rocketry
- Book: The Man Who Changed the Future
- Website: www.forceborne.com
- Appearance: 9/24/02
- Col. Gordon Cooper
- Cooper is one of the original Mercury Astronauts.
- Book: Leap of Faith
- Appearance: 9/09/99, 7/19/00, 1/23/01
- Tim Cooper
- Source of MJ-12 Documents
- Appearance: 12/22/98
- Scott Corrales
- Corrales is the Editor of INEXPLICATA, and Director of Institute of Hispanic Ufology. The Institute of
Hispanic Ufology was organized in 1999 to serve as a clearinghouse for UFO and paranormal information
originating from Central America, the Caribbean, South America and Spain.
s - Book: Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
- Website: www.inexplicata.com
- Appearences: 1/04/01, 10/27/00, 10/27/00, 11/23/00(Replay)
- Stephen Corrick and Monica Rix Paxson
- Book: Dead Mars, Dying Earth
- Website: www.gardenearth.com
- Appearance: 12/1/00, 7/20/00
- Colonel Philip Corso
- Author
- Book:
The Day
After Roswell

- Appearance: 7/6/97, 7/23/97
- Audio: Real-Audio Sound Page
- Philip Corso Jr.
- Book: The Day After Roswell
- Website: www.corsofiles.com
- Appearance: 9/29/00
- Michael A. Corey
- Michael A. Corey has had a lifelong interest in astronomy and the natural
sciences. An avid follower of America's space program as a young child,
Michael soon came to be fascinated by the mere suggestion that intelligent
life forms might exist elsewhere in the universe. This interest eventually
led him to question whether or not any of the earth's specific features
could have been determined by the influence of any type of extraterrestrial
intelligence (including God). This question eventually grew to become the
central focus his research career.
- Book: The God Hypothesis: Discovering Design in Our Just Right Goldilocks Universe
- Book: God and the New Cosmology: The Antropic Design Argument
- Book: Back to Darwin
- Book: Natural History of Creation
- Book: Evolution and the Problem of Natural Evil
- Book: Job, Jonah, & the Unconscious
- Website: www.michaelacorey.com
- Appearance: 2/24/02
- Maurice Cotterell
- Maurice Cotterell's background as a scientist, mathematician, and engineer
helped him to decipher the code of the ancient Maya, revealing the mystery
of their science and religion to an extent never before possible. Using the
same techniques, the author turns his attention here to deciphering the
secrets encoded within the tomb of Tutankhamun. His extensive research
revealed that both the ancient Egyptians and the Maya possessed a
sophisticated understanding of sun spot activity and other astronomical
phenomena--facts recently confirmed by modern science.
- Book: The Tutankhamun Prophecies : The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons
- Book: The Supergods : They Came on a Mission to Save Mankind
- Book: Los Superdioses
- Book: The Mayan Prophecies : Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
- Website: www.mauricecotterell.com
- Appearance: 2/23/02, 6/27/02
- Paul Coulbeck
- Images: Video Snap Shots
- Website: www.granitestarship.com
- Appearance: 4/11/01
- Phil Cousineau
- Book:
Moments: Marvelous Stories of Synchronicity
- Appearance: 6/21/98
- Earl D. Cox
- Earl D. Cox is an international authority on the applications of artificial intelligence.
He is founder and president of the Metus Systems Group and a regular contributor to Al periodicals.
He has consulted for many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, including American Express,
Bioscience, and the New York Times.
- Book: Beyond Humanity: CyberEvolution and Future Minds
- Appearance: 7/2/01
- James Cox
- James Cox, editor of AntiGravity News, researches and promotes the
experiments that will eventually lead to development of practical
antigravity propulsion systems that can be used to alleviate the problems of
current transportation systems. AGN publishes a lengthy bi-monthly technical
review and newsletter concerning antigravity history, research, data, and
results. Cox himself is working on an antigravity backpack that he claims
is nearing the patent stage.
- Website: www.padrak.com/agn
- Related Images: N.L.Dean, Diagram of Device, Backpack
- Appearance: 5/28/02
- Dr. John G. Cramer
- John Cramer is the author of the acclaimed hard-SF novels, "Twistor" and "Einstein's Bridge", and
writes a bi-monthly column for Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact magazine. He is a
Professor of Physics at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he teaches and
leads a research program in ultra-relativistic heavy ion physics using the STAR detector
at the new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
John also works in the foundations and interpretations of quantum mechanics and
travels regularly to Switzerland to work at the particle accelerator at CERN.
- Book: Twistor
- Book: Einstein's Bridge
- Website: faculty.washington.edu/jcramer/
- Website: www.npl.washington.edu
- Appearance: 8/07/02
- Benjamin Creme
- British author and lecturer, has been traveling the globe, helping to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the Maitreya, "World Teacher".
- Book:
from Maitreya the Christ
- Book:
of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom
- Book:
A Meditation for the New Age
- Book:
Mission - Volume I
- Book:
Mission - Volume II
- Book:
Mission - Volume III
- Book:
A Master
- Website: www.shareintl.org
- Appearance: 7/10/98, 7/10/00, 7/27/02
- Michael Cremo
- Member of the History of Science Society, The
American Anthropological Association, and a research associate in history
and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute.
He is currently writing a sequel to "Forbidden Archeology" entitled
"Human Devolution".
- Book:
Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race
- Book:
Archeology's Impact

- Book:
The Hidden
History of the Human Race
- Website: www.mcremo.com
- Appearance: 8/11/98, 5/12/99, 6/13/00, 10/16/01
- Ray Crowe
- Western Bigfoot Society
- Website: members.tripod.com/~raycrowe
- Appearance: 6/9/00
- Richard T. Crowe
- Richard T. Crowe has devoted himself to uncovering Chicago's rich history of hauntings, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. Richard T. Crowe is a product of the south side of Chicago. Crowe attended De Paul University where he earned his B.A. and M.A. in English Literature. Geography was his minor. He was a journalism teacher and a city planner at City Hall before establishing his full time Chicago Supernatural Tours. However, Richard Crowe's tours are not just limited to Chicago. He conducts tours in Salem, Massachusetts, and New Orleans, and Gettysburg.
- Book: Chicago Street Guide to the Supernatural
- Website: www.ghosttours.com
- Apearance: 9/16/02
- Don Crutchfield
- Don Crutchfield has been a private investigator for three decades. His list
clients and subjects reads like a Who's Who of Hollywood. Present and former
clients include Marlon Brando, the Beatles, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra,
Charles Bronson, Jerry Lewis, and Carroll O'Connor. Subjects of his
investigations include Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley, Tim Allen,
Donald and Marla Trump, Roseanne Barr, Tom Arnold, and O.J. Simpson.
Crutchfield is also a member of International Association of Chiefs of
Police, American Society for Industrial Security (A.S.I.S.), California
Association of Licensed Investigators (C.A.L.I.), Board of Directors for
World Boxing Hall of Fame, member of Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA.
- Website: www.pi4stars.com
- Appearance: 11/17/01
- Bonnie Crystal
- Bonnie Crystal is a 21st century cave explorer and technologist. As an
explorer, she carries her unique viewpoint and quest for adventure to the far
reaches of the globe; returning back with amazing tales of the unknown, and
wonderful images of expeditions into the underground world. Armed with the
passion to unlock the mysteries of deep vertical caves, she descends
thousand-foot ropes to explore vast chasms inside the earth where no human
has gone before. A best-selling author and prolific inventor, Ms. Crystal's inventions
have touched our lives with useful technologies to benefit present and future generations.
- Website: www.telegen.com/crystal.html
- Book:
The World
of CB Radio
- Related Info: Wild Card Cave Diagram
- Appearance: 5/5/99, 9/18/02
- Ellen Crystall, Ph.D.
- Book:
Invasion: The Shocking Discoveries of a UFO Researcher
- Appearance: 10/13/99
- Kerr Cuhlain
- Wiccan police officer and martial artist, combines
personal insights with ritual, magic, meditation and self-discipline.
- Book: Wiccan Warrior: Walking A Spiritual Path In A Sometimes Hostile World
- Appearance: 5/6/00
- Phyllis Curott
- Modern witch and lawyer will tell us how to cast spells to solve special problems.
- Book: Book of Shadows: A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess
- Website: www.bookofshadows.net
- Appearance: 1/23/00
- Dr. Joseph D. Cusumano
- A mental health therapist who works for St. Louis Behavior Medicine Institute. He also is a literature
instructor. He has been invited to be a presenter at Montreal's International Institute of Integral
Human Sciences this spring. The theme of the conference is Spirit, Space & Human Transformation
2001. He has written numerous psycho-spiritually oriented magazine articles, and has developed a
counseling model he calls Scrooge Therapy.
- Book: If You Build It: Creating Your Own Spiritual Field of Dreams
- Book: Transforming Scrooge: Dickens' Blueprint for a Spiritual Awakening
- Website: www.drjoe1.com
- Appearances: 12/24/98, 12/23/00
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