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Guest List Page (S)
- Dr. Michael Sabom
- Book: Light and
Death: One Doctors Account of Near-Death Experiences
- Related Files:Angiogram Image, Letter Document
- Appearance: 4/11/99
- Dr. Samuel Sagan
- Book: Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences
- Book: Awakening the Third Eye
- Website: www.clairvision.org
- Appearance: 2/20/00
- Boris Said
- Appearance: 11/11/97
- Victor Sanchez
- Victor Sanchez has lived for fifteen years with indigenous people of Mexico
who, hidden in the mountains, have kept alive the spiritual path
of the ancient Toltecs. Inspired by the books of Carlos Castaneda, Victor
developed a wide variety of techniques for spiritual development.
- Book: Toltecs of the New Millenium
- Book: The Teachings of Don Carlos
- Website: www.toltecas.com
- Appearence: 10/24/99, 1/24/01
- Jennifer Basye Sander
- Book: The Magic of Christmas Miracles
- Book: Mothers' Miracles: Magical True Stories of Maternal Love and Courage
- Book: A Gift of Miracles: Magical True Stories to Touch Your Family's Heart
- Book: The Millionairess Across the Street: Women: Lessons to Change Your Thinking and Achieve Wealth and Success
- Book: 101 Best Extra-Income Opportunities for Women
- Book: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published
- Book: Complete Idiot's Guide to Investing for Women
- Book: The Complete Idiots Guide to Day Trading Like a Pro
- Appearance: 1/16/00
- John Vincent Sanders
- Wrote Article on Immanuel Velikovsky
- Appearance: 6/13/99
- Ralph Sarchie
- Ralph Sarchie is a Sergeant in the New York Police Department, working at
the 46th precinct in the South Bronx. During his 16 years on the force,
patrolling some of New York City's most dangerous slums on the midnight
tour, he's made over 300 arrests and received seven medals. For the past ten
years, he's moonlighted as a demonologist, investigating haunted houses and
cases of demonic possession. A devout Catholic, he's assisted in 20
- Book: Beware the Night
- Appearance: 10/02/01
- Dan Sarver
- Book: JFK Assasination Fascination
- Website: www.jfkresources.com
- Appearance: 8/20/99
- Richard Sauder
- Book: Underground
Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?
- Book:Kundalini Tales
- Book:Underwater and Underground Bases: Surprising Facts the Government Does Not Want You to Know! (Pre-Order)
- E-mail: dr_samizdat@hotmail.com
- Website: www.sauderzone.com
- Gordon-Michael Scallion
- The Matrix Institute
- Intuitive and teacher of consciousness studies, will reveal hi global predictions for social
and Earth changes between the years 1998 and 2012. In 1978, GM. Scallion experienced
visions, in which showed that the surface and continents of Earth are destined for a radical
transformation. He is the editor of Intuitive Flash newsletter where many of his predictions
are published.
- Book: Notes from the Cosmos: A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy & Intuition
- Website: matrixinstitute.com
- Related Info:A recent short FAX from
Gordon-Michael, read by Art as transcribed by a listener containing info about the
most recent quakes and his predictions.
- Appearance: 9/19/97, 6/09/98, 2/17/99, 12/31/99, 10/24/00, 4/17/01, 6/10/02
- Marcia Schafer
- Book: Confessions
of an Intergalactic Anthropologist
- Website: www.beyondzebra.com
- Appearance: 6/23/99, 9/19/99
- Rev. André Schlesinger
- Book: Satanic
- Book: Satan
- Book: The Devil's
- Book: The Satanic
- Book: The Satanic
- Website: www.satannet.com
- Appearance: 11/20/98
- Marilyn Schlitz
- Marilyn Schlitz is Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
leading research and membership organization devoted to interdisciplinary
and diverse studies of the mind. Trained as an anthropologist, she has
conducted some of the most important research in parapsychology.
- Website: www.noetic.org
- Appearance: 8/2/01
- Mike Schmicker
- Book: Best Evidence
- Appearance: 7/20/01
- Don Schmitt and Tom Carey
- Tom Carey became a Special Investigator for the J.Allen Hynek Center for
UFO Studies in 1992 and, since 1997, serves on its Board of Directors.
Don Schmitt is a former co-director of the J.Allen Hynek Center for UFO
Studies where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten
- Book: The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell
- Book: UFO Crash
at Roswell
- Related Website: http://iufomrc.org/
- Appearance: 4/28/99, 7/3/00
- Jim Schnabel
- Book: Remote
Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
- Dr. Robert Schoch
- Schoch, a tenured associate professor of science and mathematics at Boston
University's College of General Studies, is well-known for his research on
the Great Sphinx as well as his studies of the underwater structure off
the coast of Yonaguni Island, Japan.
- Book: Voices of
the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations
- Website: robertschoch.homestead.com
- Website: www.teamatlantis.com/schoch/
- Appearance: 6/27/99, 7/18/99, 7/18/00
- Dr. Gary E.R. Schwartz
- Works in area related to the "Sixth Sense". Dr. Schwartz believes that the
consciousness survives death. He is currently Professor of Psychology,
Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry, Director of the Human Energy Systems
Laboratory, and Director of the Bioenergy Core of the Pediatric Alternative
Medicine Center, at the University of Arizona. He served as Senior
Research Advisor to Dr. Andrew Weil's Program in Integrative Medicine from
1998-2000. Dr. Schwartz received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard
University in 1971 and served as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at
Harvard from 1971-1976. He was Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at
Yale University, Director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and
Co-Director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic, from 1976-1988. He has
received many honors, including the Young Psychologist Award and an Early
Career Award for Distinguished Research, both from the American
Psychological Association. He has served as President of the Biofeedback
Society of America and the Health Psychology Division of the American
Psychological Association. He is a Fellow of numerous societies, including
the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society,
the Academy of Behavioral Medicine and the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
His current research integrates mind-body medicine, energy medicine, and
spiritual medicine.
- Book: The Living Energy Universe
- Book: The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death
- Website: www.openmindsciences.com
- Appearance: 11/04/99, 12/28/99, 12/15/00, 2/08/01, 6/30/01, 4/02/02
- Stephan Schwartz
- Stephan Schwartz, Research Associate, of Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research, is one of the world's experts on
the practical applications of remote viewing and other aspects of extraordinary
human functioning.
- Book: The Secret Vaults of Time
- Book: The Alexandria Project
- Book: Mind Rover: Explorations with Remote Viewing
- Book: Through Time and Space: The Science of Remote Viewing
- CD & Tapes: 2050
- Website: www.schwartzreport.net
- Website: www.stephanaschwartz.com
- Appearance: 6/13/01, 8/8/01, 7/16/02
- Steven Seagal
- Actor
- Website: www.stevenseagal.com
- Appearance: 12/02/99
- Nat Segaloff
- Book: The Everything Tall Tales, Legends & Other Outrageous Lies Book (Everything Series)
- Appearance: 7/19/01
- Peter Seidel
- Book: Invisible Walls : Why We Ignore the Damage We Inflict on the Planet . . . and Ourselves
- Appearance: 8/15/01
- Charles Seife
- Science Journalist discusses the history of mathematics, science, philosophy and theology.
- Book: Zero: The Biography Of A Dangerous Idea
- Website: www.users.cloud9.net/~cgseife/
- Appearance: 2/6/00
- Dr. Walter Semkiw
- Physical Evidence of Reincarnation
- Book: Astrology For Regular People
- Website: www.plutoproject.com
- Appearance: 11/24/99
- Richard Senate
- Ghost hunter and Author
- Book: Ghosts of
the Haunted Coast
- Book: The Haunted
- Website: www.Ghost-Stalker.com
- Appearance: 10/6/96
- David B. Sereda
- Images: NASA's UFOs
- Related News: The truth is out there
- Website: www.ufonasa.com
- Video: Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs
- Appearance: 3/12/01, 10/5/01
- Jane Seymour
- Appearance: 10/27/99
- Shahan Shammas
- Book: A Passion for Living
- Appearance: 11/15/99
- Lee Shargel
- Science fiction author, discussed the Hale-Bopp Comet and possible alien contact
- Book: Voice in
the Mirror: Will the Final Apocalypse Be Averted?
- Appearance: 12/2/96
- Kimberly Clark Sharp
- Book: After the
Light: The Spiritual Path to Purpose
- Website: www.serv.net/~seande/kimbook.html
- Appearance: 3/16/97
- Daniel Sheehan, JD
- A world famous social and legal activist who was
counsel on such nationally recognized cases as
Karen Silkwood, Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers,
Watergate Burglary, and the American Sanctuary
Movement. He is turning his formidable talents to
issues surrounding the UFO/ET reality, skills honed
addressing covert governmental operations, "black
budget" programs, mind control, government disinformation,
and covert warfare. He is also the founder of
the Christic Institute in Washington, DC, for nearly
two decades one of the nation's preeminent public-interest
law firms.
- Appearance: 7/6/00
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Many people have owned a pet will swear that their dog or cat or other animal has exhibited some kind of behavior they just
can't explain. Sheldrake, a biologist, provides insight into animal, and human, behavior.
- Book: Dogs That
Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of
Animals: An Investigation
- Book: A New
Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance
- Book: The
Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Habits of Nature
- Book: Seven
Experiments That Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to
Revolutionary Science
- Book: The Rebirth
of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
- Website: www.sheldrake.org
- Appearance: 9/18/99, 9/23/00
- Steve Shenk
- Website: www.jmichaelstevens.com
- Appearance: 5/13/99
- John Shepherd
- Creator of S.T.R.A.T., a radio transmitter used for ET Communication
- Appearance: 2/26/97
- Dan Sherman
- Book: Above
Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact &
- Website: www.aboveblack.com
- Appearance: 11/10/97
- Sam Sherman
- Book:The Supernatural
- Appearance: 1/28/98
- Sam Sherman
- Film producer will discuss the audio tape he made from scrambled data obtained
under the Freedom of Information Act of an actual UFO chase by Edwards Air Force
Base fighters.
- Website: www.edwardsufo.com
- Appearance: 10/10/99
- Ed & Kris Sherwood
- Ed & Kris Sherwood, co-founders of Millennium Research, have more than 25
years combined research of 'Crop Circles' and related phenomena.
- Website: Millennium Research
- Website: www.cropcircleanswers.com
- Photos: One,Two,Three
- Appearance: 10/21/98 w/Hilly Rose, 1/22/99, 4/28/02
- Pete Shipley w/Garph & Disorder
- Computer Security Experts
- Related Website: www.dis.org
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V1: The Protocols
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V2: The Implementation
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the Unix Domain
- Appearance: 6/22/98
- Dr. Leonard Shlain
- Book: The
Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image
- Book: Art &
Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light
- Website: www.alphabetvsgoddess.com
- Appearance: 7/14/99
- Brian Shock
- Cryogenics and Cryonics: The Alcor Foundation
- Website: www.alcor.org
- Appearance: 6/23/97
- Dr. Seth Shostak
- Astronomer and SETI expert (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), with news on ET and the SETI Institute, which is the real-life basis for the story portrayed in the movie "Contact".
- Book: Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
- Website: www.seti.org
- Website: www.seti.org/seticam/
- Website: www.teamseti.org
- Appearance: 6/23/97, 3/13/98, 9/17/98, 7/28/99, 9/8/00, 8/27/01, 3/13/02, 6/02/02
- Tom Shroder
- Book: Old Souls:
The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives
- Appearance: 8/13/99, 2/24/00, 3/19/01
- Dr. H. Paul Shuch
- Dr. H. Paul Shuch, also known as Dr. SETI, is something of a
cross between Carl Sagan and Tom Lehrer. The aerospace engineer credited
with the design of the world's first commercial home satellite TV receiver
now directs his microwave interests toward the search for life in space. Dr.
Shuch received his Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of California,
Berkeley. Before joining The SETI League as its Executive Director, he
served as an engineering professor on various campuses for a total of 24
- Book: Conquering
- Book: Tune in the Universe: A Radio Amateur's Guide to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- Website: www.setileague.org
- Appearance: 3/3/99, 6/18/02
- Neal Sibley
- Neal Sibley, Screenplay Writer, has put together a screenplay on the subject
of the Bell Witch of Tennessee, which was a documented case of a demon
spirit that tormented a family during the 1820s. While working on the
project, Neal claims to have experienced an incredible series of bizarre
- Photo: Our Family Trouble
- Appearance: 6/17/02
- Bart Sibrel
- In A Funny Thing Happened On The way To The Moon, Bart Sibrel uncovered a
31-year old, mislabeled, unedited reel of footage that provides evidence
that the Apollo moon walk was a hoax -- Apollo 11 never made it beyond the
earth's orbit. Bart Sibrel has been making moving image productions for
thirteen years. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, his national credits include
work for NBC, CNN, The Nashville Network (TNN), The Learning Channel (TLC),
and the Discovery Channel. His awards from the American Motion Picture
Society include Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and two Top Ten awards.
He has also won Videomaker's Magazine's Best Drama award.
- Movie: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
- Website: www.moonmovie.com
- Appearance: 3/31/01
- Carl Sifakis
- A freelance writer, is a former wire service and newspaper crime
reporter, has been a student of organized crime for decades.
- Book: The Mafia Encyclopedia
- Appearance: 7/22/00
- Derrell Sims
- Chief of Investigations, Saber Enterprises: "THE DREAM TEAM," F.I.R.S.T., &
H.U.F.O.N. Derrel Sims is a Registered Hypnotic Anesthesiologist, Certified Master
Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner, International
Speaker, Investigator and Researcher of Alleged Human/Alien Encounters.
- An alien abduction and alien implant expert, will
discuss his latest findings of possible physical evidence of alien
interaction with humans. Among the topics will be the retrieval and
analysis of the Bean object and the profile of one of his current patients,
which will be the subject of the documentary film, "Parano".
- Website: www.FIRSTevidence.org
- Website: www.alienhunter.org
- Appearance: 5/26/00
- Stephen Simon & Barnet Bain
- Video: What Dreams
May Come
- Video: Somewhere
in Time
- Appearance: 11/22/98, 7/06/99
- Carol Simontacchi
- The Crazy Makers is Simontacchi's new book exploring our dietary habits and
exposing how American food manufacturers are compromising our foods and
leading us into malnutrition and its correlary disorders. Carol is the
founder and former CEO of a chain of multidisciplinary medical clinics. She
is the former CEO of a Pacific Northwest chain of health food stores. Carol
obtained her certification as a Clinical Nutritionist through the Clinical
Nutritionist Certification Board, holds a Master of Social Science degree,
and is a professional member of the International and American Associations
of Clinical Nutritionists. She served as the President of the Society of
Certified Nutritionists and remains active in that organization. She is the
Vice Chair of the Education Committee of the National Nutritional Foods
- Book: The Crazy Makers
- Book: All About Chitosan
- Website: www.thecrazymakers.com
- Website: www.flywithwings.com
- Appearance: 7/7/01
- Hugh Simpson
- Book:A Family Survival Manual for Y2K and Beyond
- Appearance: 3/9/99
- Nancy Sinatra
- Website: www.nancysinatra.com
- Website: www.sinatrafamily.com
- Appearance: 4/29/02
- Simon Singh
Book: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
- Appreanance: 9/1/00
- Zecharia Sitchin
- Zecharia Sitchin has made statements concerning the "Olmecs" of ancient Mexico. The discovery of a
colossal stone head in 1869 revealed that there may have been an advanced
civilization with origins in Africa that preceded the Mayas and Aztecs of
- Book: The Cosmic
Code (6th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: When Time
Began (5th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Lost
Realms (4th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Wars of
Gods and Men (3rd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The
Stairway to Heaven (2nd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The 12th
Planet (1st Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: Of Heaven
and Earth: Essays Presented at the First Sitchin Studies Day
- Book: Breaking
the Godspell (Future Is Now Series)
- Book: Divine
Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries
- Book Review: The Return of the Anunnaki
- Book Review: The Arrival of the Others
- Website: sitchin.com
- Appearance: 9/27/96, 11/24/98, 1/23/01, 4/19/01
- Mike Sivilli
- Trip to Area 51
- Website: www.vvcs.com
- Appearance: 1/15/00
- Joel Skousen
- Skousen is a designer of high security residences and retreats and specializes in crisis preparedness,
whether it is natural disasters, a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons,
an economic crisis, or massive social unrest.
- Book: Strategic
Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places
- Book: How to
Implement a High Security Shelter in the Home
- Book: The Secure Home
- Website: www.joelskousen.com
- Appearance: 8/10/98, 1/05/01, 10/4/01
- Neil Slade
- Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases
in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known for his Brain Music
which has appeared nationally and on PBS television.
- A musical composer, seasoned concert performer,
author, and artist. Slade was assistant to Brain and Behavior Researcher
T.D.A. Lingo, PhB, B.Sci. M.A., for 11 years at Colorado's Dormant Brain
Research and Development Laboratory.
- Real Video: Fire Brain-Man (Hi Speed) (Lo Speed)
- Related Info: Fire Brain-Man
- Website: www.NeilSlade.com/UFOs.html
- Video: Stan's UFO Video #1
- Video: Stan's UFO Video #2
- Image: Henry Rowland UFO Photo
- B>Interact: Neil Slade Discussion Area (Instant Registration Required to Post)
- Image: Mike the Wonder Chicken
- Website: www.NeilSlade.com
- Appearance: 7/07/98, 8/4/98, 5/18/99, 6/30/99, 6/15/00, 12/3/00, 5/08/01, 1/01/02
- L. Neil Smith
- Book: The
Adventures of Lando Calrissian (Classic Star Wars)
- Book: The
Probability Broach
- Book: Bretta
- Book: Pallas
- Appearance: 7/16/99
- Mark Smith
- Book: Auras, See
Them in Only 60 Seconds
- Website: http://www.aurorasmith.com/
- Appearance: 3/22/98
- Penelope Smith
- If your animal could speak, what would it say? Communicating with animals
telepathically throughout her life, Penelope Smith presents effective
techniques that can dramatically transform people's relationships with
animals on all levels. She explains how to solve behavior problems, how to
figure out where your animal hurts, how to discover animals' likes and
dislikes, and why they do the things they do.
- Book: Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication
- Book: When Animals Speak: Advanced Interspecies Communication
- Audio Book: Dolphin Talk : An Animal Communicator Shares Her Connection
- Website: www.animaltalk.net
- Appearance: 1/17/02
- Paul Smith
- Remote Viewer
- Website: 2001 Remote Viewing Conference
- Website: International Remote Viewing Association
- Website: Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc
- Appearance: 3/25/97, 5/16/01
- Scott S. Smith
- Scott was managing editor of Vegetarian World 1974-78 and associate
editor of Vegetarian Times 78-85. In the past decade he has contributed
dozens of stories about the paranormal to publications such as Fate Magazine.
Now he primarily writes for Success Magazine and other business publications
and web sites and has interviewed Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Gov. Jesse
Ventura, and Mayor Richard Riordan.
- Website: users.adelphia.net/~sssmith2/
- Book: The Soul of Your Pet: Evidence for the Survival of Animals in the Afterlife
- Appearance: 8/6/00
- Tim Smith & Albert Chen
- Sports Illustrated researchers on the cover photo jinx.
- Website: sportsillustrated.cnn.com/features/cover/2002/jinx/main/
- Appearance: 1/20/02
- Captain Robert L. Snow
- Commander, Homicide Branch, Indianapolis Police Dept, Amazing story of how,
during hypnotic regression, he saw a group of paintings and then used this
clue to investigate and discover the person he was in a former life.
- Book: Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective's Search for His Past Life
- Appearance: 1/9/00
- Steven Sora
- Steven takes us on a hunt for the fabled treasure that centers on an enigmatic
island off Nova Scotia, a treasure that may contain not just valuables, but the
hidden truth of the true nature of Christ and the hidden history of mankind.
- Book: The Lost
Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery
- Appearance: 9/12/99
- Dr. Morgan Spence
- Website: www.shadowbeings.com
- Appearance: 5/31/01
- Dr. Leo Sprinkle
- UFO Investigator
- Dr. Sprinkle, legendary pioneer of UFO contactee research and reincarnation, began his career in psychology with the idea of being a conventional, practicing "scientist" in the traditional sense. However, two close encounters with UFOs shifted his direction in life.
- Book: Soul Samples: Personal Explorations in Reincarnation and UFO Experiences
- Book: Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials
- Website: www.frii.com/~iufor/
- Appearance: 2/1/00, 10/10/00, 1/06/02
- Robert Stack
- Website: Unsolved Mysteries
- Appearance: 4/1/99
- Dennis Stacy & Patrick Huyghe
- Book: The Field Guide to UFOS: A Classification of Various Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena Based on Eyewitness Accounts
- Appearence: 11/11/00
- Alex Standish
- Jane's Intelligence Digest Editor
- Website: www.janes.com
- Appearance: 10/13/01
- Bill Stanton
- With the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 still all-too fresh on the
American consciousness, what do we do if something else happens? In The
Anti-Terror Checklist security expert and former New York City police
officer Bill Stanton lays out the specifics: how different types of
terrorist acts happen and what their effects are, and, most importantly, how
we can be ready and fully-prepared in the face of such situations.
- Book: The Anti-Terror Checklist
- Appearance: 11/07/01
- Scott Stanton
- Where famous dead musicians and singers are buried.
- Book: The
Tombstone Tourist
- Website: www.teleport.com/~stanton
- Appearance: 10/31/99
- Robert Steensen
- EMail: projectrainbow2000@yahoo.com
- Related Website: www.dekaresearch.com
- Article: Wired Magazine
- Appearance: 3/16/01
- Brad Steiger
- The author/coauthor of 154 books with over 17 million copies
in print. Steiger's first published articles on the unexplained appeared in
1956, and he has now written more than 2,000 articles with paranormal
themes. From 1970-'73, his weekly newspaper column, The Strange World of
Brad Steiger, was carried domestically in over 80 newspapers and overseas
from Bombay to Tokyo.
- Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.bradandsherry.com
- Appearance: 10/28/96, 10/29/97, 6/08/98, 8/7/00, 10/30/00, 10/29/01, 3/25/02, 6/19/02
- Sherri Hansen Steiger
- Book: The Power
of Prayer
- Book: Mother Mary
Speaks to Us
- Book: The
Teaching Power of Dreams: Using Your Dreams to Change Your Life
- Appearance: 1/4/98
- Matt Stein
- Book: When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance and Planetary Survival
- WebSite: www.whentechfails.com
- Appearance: 3/27/01
- Dr. Donald Steinberg
- Donald Steinberg, MD, is a retired General Surgeon who has developed a
unifying theory of many poorly or unexplained natural phenomena in Geology,
Paleontology and Astrophysics. It is based on the Chandler Wobble, a
peculiar, but scientifically confirmed, movement of the Earth's rotation.
- Book: Cataclysm
- Appearance: 8/4/01
- Ralph Steiner
- Website: www.savepacifica.net
- Appearance: 7/22/99
- Mark Stephens
- Book: Y2K Ready or Not? Preparing for the Year 2000
- Appearance: 11/17/99
- Mark Stern and Pen Densham
- Producers of "The Outer Limits"
- Website: www.theouterlimits.com
- Appearance: 4/18/01
- Richard Stevens
- Book: Dial 911 and Die
- Website: dial911.itgo.com
- Appearance: 12/11/99
- Rodney Stich
- Rodney Stich was an FAA inspector who was asked to take over the air safety
responsibilities in the most senior program at the world's largest airline,
that at that time was experiencing more fatal airline crashes than all the
other airlines combined. Among the various reasons for writing Unfriendly
Skies were making responsible people aware of the arrogance behind some of
America's worst air disasters and to motivate as many people as possible to
show outrage and force changes in government and at major airlines.
- Book: Drugging America A Trojan Horse
- Book: Defrauding America
- Book: Disavow
- Book: Unfriendly Skies
- Website: www.unfriendlyskies.com
- Website: www.druggingamerica.com
- Website: www.defraudingamerica.com
- Website: www.ciadrugs.com
- Appearence: 1/29/01
- Dr. Gregory Stock
- Rather than worry about the ethics of human cloning, Gregory Stock, director
of the UCLA School of Medicine's Program of Medicine, Technology and
Society, believes we should focus our attention on the idea that we'll soon
be able to genetically manipulate embryos to develop desired traits a more
immediate and enticing possibility for most parents than cloning.
- Book: Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future
- Book: Engineering the Human Germline: An Exploration of the Science and Ethics of Altering the Genes We Pass to Our Children
- Book: The Book of Questions
- Book: Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism
- Website: research.mednet.ucla.edu/pmts
- Appearance: 5/20/02
- Rev. Howard Storm
- Book: My Descent into Death, and the Message of Love which Brought me Back
- Appearance: 5/03/01
- Clifford Stone
- Served 21 years in the Army and has experienced personal encounters with alien beings during his
military service and has spent over 20 years investigating the UFO phenomenon.
- Book: UFOs Are Real: Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S. Government
- WebSite: www.theknownuniverse.com/stone.htm
- Appearance: 5/11/00
- Pamela Stonebrooke
- The Intergalactic Diva, a professional singer in the
Los Angeles area, has written the story of her alien encounters. Pamela explores
her contact experiences in light of their
transformative aspects, describes sexual relations with a Reptilian alien,
and details her experiences with the various aliens she has encountered.
- Book: Experiencer: A Jazz Singer's True Account of Extraterrestrial Contact
- Related Info: Our Alien Images Page
- Related Info: LA Weekly Article
- Website: www.experiencer.com
- Website: www.intergalacticdiva.com
- Appearances: 12/3/96, 2/5/98, 12/7/00, 3/24/02
- Paul Stonehill
- Russian UFOlogy Research
- Book: The Soviet
Ufo Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain
- Appearances: 9/29/99
- Dr. Frank E. Stranges
- Book: Stranger at
the Pentagon
- Book: UFO
- Transcript: October
1st, 1995 By Jerry
- Website: www.nicufo.org
- Dr. Rick Strassman
- Book: DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
- Website: www.rickstrassman.com
- Appearance: 6/6/01
- William Strauss
- America may have already entered a new era of crisis comparable to the
American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II.
The survival of the nation is almost certainly at stake.ÊThe vision is based
on a provocative theory of American history as a series of recurring 80- to
100-year cycles. Each cycle has four "turnings"-a High, an Awakening, an
Unraveling, and a Crisis.
- Books: The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy
- Books: Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation
- Books: 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?
- Books: Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069
- Website: www.fourthturning.com
- Website: www.millennialsrising.comWebsite: www.millennialsrising.comWebsite: www.millennialsrising.com
- Appearance: 9/21/01
- Dr. Paul Steinhardt
- What if the big-bang theory is wrong? Recently, Princeton University
physicist Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok at Cambridge introduced the
``cyclic theory" of the early universe. In this picture, space and time
exist forever. The big bang is not the beginning of time. Rather, it is a
bridge to a pre-existing contracting era. Paul J. Steinhardt is the Albert
Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, a member of the
faculty in both the Department of Physics and in the Department of
Astrophysical Sciences. He received his B.S. in Physics at Caltech in 1974;
his M.A. in Physics in 1975 and Ph.D. in Physics in 1978 at Harvard
University. He is a Fellow in the American Physical Society and a member of
the National Academy of Sciences.
- Article: The Endless Universe: A Brief Introduction to the Cyclic Universe
- Article: A Cyclic Model of the Universe
- Article: The Cyclic Universe: An Informal Intruction
- Book: Quasicrystals: The State of the Art
- Book: The Physics of Quasicrystals
- Appearance: 5/16/02
- Whitley Strieber
- Whitley Strieber hosts Dreamland on Saturdays. He is the best-selling
author of more than twenty books, including The Coming Global Superstorm
co-authored with Art Bell. There have been reports of numerous UFOs
observed around the US on September 11, the same day as the World Trade
Center attack, after the grounding of all commercial aircraft. One of
AmericaÕs leading investigators of unexplained phenomena, Whitley will share
with us his insight on the increase of UFO sightings.
- Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.globalsuperstorm.com
- Website: www.unknowncountry.com
- Website: www.strieber.com
- Related Topic: New York City UFO Video
- Appearances: 9/22/96, 11/21/96, 11/28/96, 12/06/96, 2/12/97, 4/9/97, 6/19/97,
11/14/97, 11/19/97, 2/10/98, 5/02/98, 5/19/98, 7/26/98, 11/5/98,
12/10/98, 1/27/99, 6/20/00, 9/6/00, 2/07/01, 4/30/01, 7/9/01, 10/11/01
- Dr. Peter Sturrock
- Supported by Laurance Rockefeller, analyzes the UFO enigma from the viewpoint of a highly credentialed scientist.
- Book: The UFO Enigma: A New Review of the Physical Evidence
- Appearance: 2/20/00
- Heather I. Sullivan
- Assistant Professor of German, Mondern Languages &
Literature at the Trinity University. She
will discuss such topics as the age of the universe, time's relativity as
described by Einstein, the possibility of travel through galatic space and
even through time itself, as written in her article.
- Appearance: 6/2/00
- Terry O'Sullivan
- Healing the spirits of the dead
- Book: Soul Rescuers
- Appearance: 8/20/00
- Curt Sutherly
- Sutherly is a professional journalist with more than thirty years'
experience investigating UFOs and paranormal phenomena. His articles have
been published in a variety of magazines, including FATE, Strange Magazine,
and Psychic World.
- Book: UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks The Truth
- Book: Strange Encounters : Ufos, Aliens & Monsters Among Us (Fate Presents)
- Caller Images: UFO Image1, UFO Image2, UFO Image3
- Appearance: 1/27/02
- Ingo Swann & Paul H. Smith
- Ingo Swann, the father of remote viewing, is internationally known as an
advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and as
a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and
identify the scope of subtle human perceptions. Paul Smith, former military
remote viewer and Vice-President of the International Remote Viewing
Association, was a student of Ingo Swann.
- Book: Secrets of Power, Volume 2
- Website: www.biomindsuperpowers.com
- Website: www.rviewer.com
- Website: www.irva.org
- Website: www.RVConference.org
- Appearance: 5/15/02
- H. Michael Sweeney
- Topic: Privacy issues
- Website: www.proparanoid.com
- Book: The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back When Investigated, Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by Any Agency, Organization, or Individual
- Appearance: 9/19/01
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