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Guest List Page (T)
- Dr. Barry Taff
- Holds a doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering,
is a world renowned parapsychologist. His
book, is based on over thirty years of research and investigation into ghosts and other
paranormal events.
- Book: Aliens
Above, Ghosts Below
- Appearance: 1/10/97, 5/13/98, 8/16/98, 5/12/00
- David Talbot
- Book:Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered
- Appearance: 6/13/99
- Nancy Talbott
- Burke Levengood Talbott Research Team
- Appearance: 7/23/99
- Russell Targ
- Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of
laser, and cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation
into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.
- Book: The Heart of the Mind: How to Know God Without Belief
- Book: Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
- Book:Mind Reach (Out of Print)
- Website: www.espresearch.com
- Appearance: 9/07/99, 6/29/00, 5/16/01, 4/08/02
- Charles T. Tart, Ph.D.
- Dr. Tart pioneered the field of consciousness studies decades ago, with his
classic best-selling anthology Altered States of Consciousness, in print for
more than 20 years and selected by Common Boundary as one of the one hundred
most influential psychology books of the twentieth century. Tart is credited
with almost single-handedly legitimizing the study of altered states,
including hypnosis, meditation, lucid dreaming and drug-induced states. He
initiated several important lines of research in parapsychology, including
teaching ESP and out-of-body experiences.
- He is currently a Core Faculty Member at the Institute of Transpersonal
Psychology (Palo Alto, California) and a Senior Research Fellow of the
Institute of Noetic Sciences (Sausalito, California), as well as Professor
Emeritus of Psychology at the Davis campus of the University of California,
where he served for 28 years. He was the first holder of the Bigelow Chair
of Consciousness Studies at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas and has
served as a Visiting Professor in East-West Psychology at the California
Institute of Integral Studies, as an Instructor in Psychiatry at the School
of Medicine of the University of Virginia, and a consultant on government
funded parapsychological research at the Stanford Research Institute (now
known as SRI International).
- Book: Body Mind
Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality
- Book: Altered States of Consciousness
- Book: Transpersonal Psychologies
- Website: www.paradigm-sys.com/cttar/
- Website: http://www.issc-taste.org/index.shtml
- Appearance: 6/03/98, 11/14/00, 10/5/01
- Albert Taylor
- Out-Of-Body Experiences
- Book: Soul
Traveler: A Guide to Out of Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond (New 2000 Edition)
- Website: www.alberttaylor.com
- Appearance: 9/25/96, 11/07/96 (Replay), 2/05/97, 9/5/97, 3/01/98, 7/23/98,
8/24/98, 12/08/98, 2/22/99, 7/20/99, 4/5/01
- Dr. Eldon Taylor
- Book:
Without Thinking: Who's in Control of Your Mind
- Book: Subliminal
Communication: Emperor's Clothes or Panacea?
- Book: Subliminal
Learning: An Eclectic Approach
- Book: Subliminal
Technology: Unlocking the Power of Your Own Mind
- Book: Be: A
Little Cowboy Philosophy
- Book: Simple
Things and Simple Thoughts
- Website: www.innertalk.com
- Appearance: 11/15/98
- Ruth Mattson Taylor
- Ruth is in touch with her dead father, A.D. Mattason, who provides answers about our time after death
like, Is there a heaven? Is reincarnation a reality?
- Book: Evidence From Beyond: An insider's guide to the wonders of Heaven and Life in the New Millennium
- Appearance: 2/13/00
- Bob Teets
- Book: West
Virginia UFO's: Close Encounters in the Mountain State
- Book: UFOs
And Mental Health, Book One: A Briefing On The Phenomenon
- Martin Teitel, PhD
- Will tell us why
our food has been genetically altered--without our consent--and with no
testing and no labeling--and what we can do about it.
- Book: Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Our Planet
- Appearance: 2/6/00
- Stan Tenen
- Tenen, Director of Research of the MERU Foundation, discovered geometric
forms and mathematical symbols in the first verse of Genesis, supporting an
ancient Jewish belief that the Hebrew alphabet is "sacred".
- Book: The Sacred Geometry of Genesis and the Alphabet
- Website: www.meru.org
- Website: www.meetingtent.com
- Appearance: 6/9/97, 7/8/97, 2/28/00, 7/27/00
- Dr. Edward Tenner
- If it can go wrong, it will--thus Murphy's Law. Science journalist Edward
Tenner looks more closely at this eternal verity, named after a U.S. Air
Force captain who, during a test of rocket-sled deceleration, noticed that
critical gauges had been improperly set and concluded, "If there's more than
one way to do a job and one of those ways will end in disaster, then
somebody will do it that way." Tenner concurs, and he gives us myriad case
studies of how technological fixes often create bigger problems than the
ones they were meant to solve in the first place. Edward Tenner, former
executive editor for physical science and history at Princeton University
Press, holds a visiting research appointment in the Department of Geological
and Geophysical Sciences at Princeton University. He received the A.B. from
Princeton and the Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago and has
held visiting research positions at Rutgers University and the Institute for
Advanced Study
- Book: Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences
- Appearance: 2/5/02
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will report on vaccines; the risks, the benefits and the
choices. Plus, Dr Tenpenny has critical information to share on her smallpox
research. Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. is the Director and Founder of OsteoMed
II, a clinic established in Strongsville, Ohio in1996 to provide
alternative, traditional and preventive medicine. She is also the president
of New Medical Awareness Seminars, LLC. Dr. Tenpenny is a graduate of the
University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. She received her medical training at
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. Dr.
Tenpenny is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Osteopathic
Manipulative Medicine. She has undertaken many advanced courses in
alternative medicine, including acupuncture and complex homeopathy. Prior
to her career in alternative medicine, Dr. Tenpenny served as Director of
the Emergency Department at Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in
Findlay, Ohio, from 1987 to 1995. In 1994, she and a partner opened
OsteoMed, a medical practice in Findlay limited to the specialty of
osteopathic manipulative medicine.
- Website: www.osteomed.com
- Website: nmaseminars.com
- Appearance: 11/14/01, 7/14/02
- The Amazing Kreskin
- One of the "Wonders of our World"
- Website: www.amazingkreskin.com
- Appearance: 5/17/02, 5/29/02
- Ceri Louise ThomasandChris Morton
- Book: The Mystery
of the Crystal Skulls: A Real Life Detective Story of the Ancient World
- Appearance: 4/29/99,
- Kenn Thomas
- Related Website: www.konformist.com
- Appearance: 4/20/99
- William Thomas
- Will Thomas is an independent journalist, author, and videographer. He reported for the
Environmental News Service while serving as a member of a three-man Gulf environmental
emergency response team during and immediately following the Gulf War. His thirty-minute
Gulf War documentary, "Echo War" won the 1991 US Environmental Film Festival award
for the best documentary short.
- News: Conspiracy theories find menace in contrails
- Related Article: Chemtrails Outlaw
- Book: Bringing
the War Home
- Book: All Fall Down: The Politics Of Terror And Mass Persuasion
- Book: Chemtrails Confirmed (formerly: Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum--Completely revised book)
- Book: Alt. Health: 40 Investigations Into Good Health and Long Life
- Related Info: Report of the Committee on Government Relations
- Related Info: Biocontainment - Assessments for Animal Agriculture
- Website: www3.bc.sympatico.ca/Willthomas/homepage.html
- Appearance: 1/25/99, 2/18/99, 3/17/99, 5/6/99, 11/03/99, 5/3/00, 10/16/00, 3/14/01, 2/27/02
- Craig O.Thompson
- An expert on the subject of terrorism and NBCW (Nuclear, Biological
and Chemical Warfare), and a member of the International
Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, author
Craig O. Thompson researched terrorism for over a decade.
- Related Info: Fictional Diary of an Anthrax Attack
- Book: Omar: A Novel
- Website: www.omar-thriller.com
- Website: www.keynoteR-central.com
- Email: Brightomar@aol.com
- Appearance: 9/18/01, 9/24/01
- Dr. Richard L. Thompson
- Book: Forbidden Archeology
- Book: Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
- WebSite: www.sacreduniverse.com
- WebSite: nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu/~ghi/fa.html
- Appearance: 03/13/01
- Paul Tice
- Book: Triumph of
The Human Spirit: The Greatest Achievements of the Human Soul and How Its Power
Can Change Your Life
- Website: www.thebooktree.com
- Appearance: 9/19/99
- Dr. Philip M. Tierno
- Dr. Philip M. Tierno, the NYU Medical Center director of clinical
microbiology and diagnostic immunology, shares the story of bacteria,
viruses, and prions and their myriad effects on human beings. From toxic
shock syndrome to Lyme disease to diarrheal infections of the Third World,
Tierno offers a broad overview of the impact of these microbes on the world
today. He also addresses germ warfare, anthrax and other possible
- Book: Protect Yourself Against Bioterriorism
- Book: The Secret Life of Germs: Observations and Lessons from a Microbe Hunter
- Appearance: 2/14/02
- Kevin Todeschi
- Website: www.are-cayce.com
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on Soul Mates: Unlocking the Dynamics of Soul Attraction
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on the Reincarnation of Famous People: Mind Body Spirit
- Book: Edgar
Cayce's ESP
- Book: The
Encyclopedia of Symbolism
- Book: Twelve
Lessons in Personal Spirituality: An Overview of the Edgar Cayce Readings on
Personal Transformation
- Book: The Edgar
Cayce Ideals Workbook: Taking Control of Your Life
- Appearance: 5/3/99
- Dr. Pepsi Togar
- Book:Why God Wants Us to Dream
- Appearance: June 2nd 1997
- Russ Torlage
- Website: www.SotaInstruments.com
- Appearance: 1/17/00
- Allen Tough
- Book: Crucial Questions for the Future
- Website: members.aol.com/welcomeeti/4.html
- Appearance: 12/11/99
- Lori Toye
- Prophet, will reveal to us earth changes. Toye had a
dream in 1983 of four Beings in white robes unrolling huge maps of North
America, showing imminent changes on earth. She will share information
about the Golden Cities, the safe places to live.
- Website: www.iamamerica.com
- Appearances: 3/21/97, 5/08/98, 5/5/00
- Ann Blake Tracy
- Ann Blake Tracy holds a Doctorate in Health Sciences with the emphasis on
Psychology, is the director of the International Coalition for Drug
Awareness, heads the only support group in the state of Utah for those who
have suffered adverse reactions to serotonergic medications (such as prozac,
zoloft, paxil, luvox, effexor, serzone, anafranil, fen-phen, and redux) and
has testified before the FDA and congressional subcommittee members on
Prozac. She has testified since 1992 as an expert witness in Prozac and
other SSRI related court cases around the world. Her first book on the issue
was published in 1991.
- Book: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?
- WebSite: UFO Video at Filmwave.com
- Website: www.drugawareness.org
- Appearances: 6/7/99, 9/4/99, 1/21/01, 6/24/01, 12/08/01
- Patricia Troyer
- Book: Letters
from Home : A Guide to Symbols - Awake or Dreaming
- Appearance: December 1st, 1996
- Roy Tucker
- Planetary Scientist
- Roy Tucker is an instrumentation engineer at the National Solar Observatory for the
GONG (Global Oscillation Network Group) project, an investigation of the solar interior by
means of acoustic oscillations. As an amateur astronomer, he has discovered numerous
Main Belt asteroids, three Near-Earth Objects (two of which are classified as
'Potentially Hazardous Objects' and two of which are members of the rare class of
Aten asteroids), and shares credit for the discovery of a comet. Roy is currently
building a prototype instrument intended to economically search for NEOs.
- Website: Goodricke-Pigott
- Website: www.gong.noao.edu/index.html
- Appearance: 6/24/99, 10/17/00
- C. L. Turnage
- Book: Sex with E.T's
- Book: Holy Bible is E.T. Transmission
- Book: E.T.'s on the Moon
- Book: War in Heaven
- Appearance: 3/3/98
- Spike Tyson
- Director of the American Atheist national office
- Website: www.atheists.org
- Appearance: 8/14/98
Tracy Twyman & Boyd Rice
Tracy Twyman is the Editor and Boyd Rice is the main staff writer of
Dagobert's Revenge Magazine. They are currently writing a book together on
the mysteries of the Holy Grail. They have traced the Grail legend, as well
as the royal bloodline of Christ with which it is associated, back to the
ancient kings of Atlantis, and a race of "gods" who created human
civilization as we know it, perhaps even modern man himself.
Website: www.dagobertsrevenge.com
Appearence: 1/30/01, 8/12/01
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