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Guest List Page (J)
- Devon Jackson
- Devon Jackson will discuss some of the world's most famous conspiracy
theories. What do Pan Am flight 103, JFK, mercury fillings, the Mars
Pathfinder, Henry Luce, The Grateful Dead, Teletubbies, and Mad Cow Disease
all have in common? The answer to this question is clearly that they are
all, in some highly explosive, ultra-confidential fashion, related.
- Book: Conspiranoia!: The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories
- Appearance: 12/09/01
- David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.
- Dr. Jacobs is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth
century American history and culture. Dr. Jacobs began researching the controversy over
UFOs in the mid 1960's, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and
analytical hypotheses on the subject.
- Book: UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge
- Book: The Threat

- Book: Secret
Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
- Website: www.ufoabduction.com
- Appearance: 7/29/99, 10/26/00
- Donald Trent Jacobs
- Tells his experiences with the Raramuri people of Mexico and his research of
other indigenous societies. Don Trent Jacobs earned a doctorate in
psychology and holds a second doctorate in education renewal and is the
Education Department Chair of the Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge
Reservation in South Dakota.
- Book: Primal Awareness: A True Story of Survival, Transformation, and Awakening with the Raramuri Shamans of Mexico
- WebSite: www.innertraditions.com
- Appearance: 6/15/00
- Joseph Jacobs
- Jacobs is an internationally known psychic.
- Website: www.800seeself.com
- Appearance: 8/08/02
- Laurie Jacobson
- Book: Hollywood
- Related Page: Ghost Photos from Laurie
- Related Topic: Art's Ghost Page
- Appearance: 10/19/99
- Beverly Jaegers
- Jaegers is a known field researcher in Psi and Remote Viewing and director of U.S. Psi Squad, a group of trained remote viewers working with law enforcement and scientists, formed in 1971. She will discuss current remote viewing projects, including Kursk, the downed Russian submarine.
- Book: The Psychic Paradigm
- Book: Beyond Palmistry: The Art and Science of Modern Hand Analysis
- Book: The Human Aura: How I Teach My Students to See It
- Website: www.uspsisquad.com
- Appearance: 2/22/00, 1/17/01
- Rollye James
- Guest Host
- Website: www.rollye.net
- Appearance: 12/17/99
- Bryan Jameison
- Long acclaimed as a Master Past-Life regressionist, Bryan also is
internationally recognized as a true pioneer in the field of past-life
therapy. After creating his own non-hypnotic method of past-life regression
in 1968, he went on to facilitate more than 25,000 regressions and train
nearly 2,000 others to become past-life regressionists in the United States,
Canada and Western Europe.
- Book: The Search for Past Lives: Exploring Reincarnation's Mysteries & The Amazing Power Of Past-Life Therapy
- Website: www.adventuresinreincarnation.com
- Appearance: 5/21/02
- Terry & Linda Jamison
- Psychic Twins
- Phone: (323) 512-5424
- Appearance: 11/02/99
- Alexander Jason
- Crime Scene Analyst
- Website: www.projectile.com
- E-mail: ajason@projectile.com
- John Major Jenkins
- Book: Maya
Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date
- Website: edj.net/mc2012/fourahau.html
- Appearance: 9/06/98, 4/27/99
- James Bond Johnson
- Website: www.geocities.com/Area51/hollow/8827/
- Appearance: 7/22/98
- Dr. Matthew A. Johnson, licensed psychologist
- Dr. Johnson had a Bigfoot sighting near the Oregon Caves National Park in
Southern Oregon on July 1, 2000.
- Related Info: Dr. Johnson's Sighting Report
- Related Website: www.sasquatchsite.com
- Related Website: www.audubonportland.org
- Appearance 7/28/00
- Miesha Johnston
- Miesha is Founder and Director of Star Family Contact Support Groups
of San Diego, California.
- Appearance: 8/18/00
- Stan Johnson
- Appearance: Dreamland Feb 11, 1996
- Book:Bigfoot Memoirs, My Life with Sasquatch
- Website: www.mcsi.net/alahoy/johnson.htm
- Frank Jones
- Frank Jones has been compared to the character played by Russell Crowe in the newly released
movie, "Proof of Life". Frank is the president of ODCC, which is a company that provides tactical
consulting, security, and training to commercial clients worldwide.
- Website: www.odcworldwide.com
- Appearance: 12/19/00
- Frank Joseph
- Book: Atlantis in Wisconsin: New Revelations About the Lost Sunken City
- Website: www.ancientamerican.com
- Appearance: 7/15/00
- Lawrence J. Joyce, LLC
- Lawrence Joyce is a Member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, a private
sector organization that advocates civil defense. As a member of DDP, in
August 1996 Lawrence participated in a guided tour of the U.S. Army's Dugway
Proving Grounds Biological Warfare Unit an hour and a half southwest of Salt
Lake City. He spoke with researchers there and listened to them discuss the
threat of germ warfare, including plans to build a $400 million mock city in
the desert to train our troops in how to recognize if a germ warfare attack
had taken place and, if so, how to then go in and decontaminate the area.
- Book: Lessons From Dugway: What I Learned About Surviving Germ Warfare At The U.S. Army Proving Grounds
- Website: www.germwarfarebook.com
- Appearance: 10/12/01
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