Mike the Chef from the Antarctic talk about the Ross Ice Shelf and life on the ice! (3/26/00)
Possessed Person Line opens with a person who claims to be possessed by Mike The Headless Chicken (3/17/00)
The Automated Art Bell: A classic "This is not Art" call. (3/9/00)
Lawrence describes the Enity that he has in his home. (2/19/00)
Art speaks about the after effects of Chili (2/16/00)
Art Bell and Whitley Strieber interviewed on NBC Today Show during their book tour in New York. (1/11/00)
Art Bell interviewed on WABC during his book tour in New York. Curtis Sliwa joins in the interview. Excerpts taken from the WABC
real audio stream, we joined the interview in progress. (1/10/00)
Art discusses his upcoming book signing in New York, and the trouble with Curtis Sliwa, and plays the recording from the Art Bell Recovery Center. (12/23/99)
Air traffic controller and airline pilots are interviewed regarding the UFO sighting over Dallas. (11/19/99)
Art interviews George Carlin, comedian. (11/19/99)
The missing 11/03/99 William Thomas program on contrails and other topics related to viruses. (11/08/99)
Vintage Ghost to Ghost for 1995 (10/29/99)
Ghost to Ghost for 1999 (10/29/99)
Art interviews Jane Seymour actress in "Somewhere in Time." (10/28/99)
Art interviews Chris Carter, X-FIles producer and writer. (10/28/99)
Art interviews Michael "Mad Man" Marcum who is building a time machine. This program is compiled from two different programs. (10/25/99)
Art opens the Secret Society Line all night. Here are the calls. (10/25/99)
Art plays one of the new ZZTop songs featuring Ross Mitchell.
EARTHQUAKE ALERT: On Saturday morning Oct 16th at 2:45AM, an earthquake was felt in the southwest desert. Here is Art Bell breaking in LIVE to the normal REFEED for Saturday morning, giving a report of the situation. You can submit reports to the USGS Earthquake Reporting Center.
Classic Art Bell radio discussion with Mel about Mel's Hole, a bottomless pit in Washington state. (10/13/99)
Classic Art Bell radio with Everett the Spirit trapped by Rodney. (10/12/99)
Art reads and responds to the erroneous Drudge Report regarding the Phil Hendrie syndication on Premiere Radio Networks. (10/07/99)
Art interviews a witness to a recent UFO in Florida. Peter Davenport joins Art with Rev Dr. Lynn Sane. (9/15/99)
Art Bell Promos that you might not hear, that play on the network satellite feed during the local station breaks! (9/09/99)
Art Bell the DJ plays some Fifties tunes one night and has a name that tune contest! (9/09/99)
Art interviews Lloyd Albright, the man who was the subject of a news report entitled: NASA Man Hiding from Meteor in Cave. (8/18/99)
Art receives a call from an Animal Activist and discusses the murdering of vegetables. (7/29/99)
Art interviews KPFA journalist Larry Bensky and discusses the current situation with the lockout of station employees. (7/14/99)
"J. C." calls to express his opinion on Women's roles. Art takes calls for JC, as we haven't heard from JC in over a year. (7/14/99)
The Headless Chicken is discussed with Art and Neil Slade. Here the photo on Neil's website of Mike the Wonder Chicken (5/18/99)
Here is Art quoting the words of H. L. Mencken: "Every normal man must be tempted at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." This clip is from the end of the April 13/14th program, the last one before Art's surprise vacation. (4/16/99)
Ramona Bell interviews Evelyn Paglini on Dreamland. (3/21/99)
Art and Whitley Strieber interview members of The Millennium Group on 3/4/1999. (3/4/99)
Dina Arnette sends Art photos of an object, that she explains on the air. (3/2/99)
Art demonstrates the Euler's Disk on the air, March 2, 1999. While I couldn't capture the video streaming, I did record the audio.
Trumbull County UFO 911 dispatcher tapes and other conversations. Excerpted from the program with Kenny Young on 2/26/99. Here is the Cover Letter that came with the tape. See his web site info page at home.fuse.net/ufo/Trumbull_Index.htm.
8 Kbps Version
Inter-Spliced and Filtered Sample 8Kbps The amazing Robert Ghostwolf voice impersonation by Harvey Ruvin. Art says he'll eat his right sneaker if he's not Robert Ghostwolf. Here are clips of both appearances. You be the judge. These clips have been edited, portions have been removed from the original airing. (2/13/99)
Art interviews Frodo, a 200 foot high tree sitter. (2/4/99)
Art interviews Sarah, who describes her incredible Near Death Experience. In 3 segments.(2/4/99)
Art interviews Lance Henriksen, star of "Millennium." (1/21/99)
Art plays the Fat Wacker commercial and then can't help but play the Enhanced Version.
Art speaks with a 32nd Degree Mason on 1/5/99
Art describes meeting Neil Diamond and the concert.
The Sounds From Hell: A man from Chicago provided a recording of sound coming out of a 9-mile deep hole. On April 9th, a caller comments on this and Art reads the e-mail he received and replays the WAV sound file sent to him.
Dr. Zahi Hawass interview from Jan 14th, 1998.
Little Ballerina Blue: Here is the George Fishoff song, that is currently out of production. This is one of Art's favorite piano tunes. Art had to get a 45 RPM record transferred to cart, for him to play it on the air. Here is a 16Kbps format version of it, running 3 minutes.
Listen to More Sound Clips from Art Bell Version 1.0