ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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9/30/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Replay - Sean Morton & "Victor" (5/23/97)
9/29/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Replay - Doug Ruby, Crop Circles (6/12/97)
9/28/97 - Dreamland
- John Zajac, "The Delicate Balance"
9/26/97 - Friday / Saturday
9/25/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guy Finley, Life of Learning
Foundation, Author, "Intimate Enemy"
- Guy.... Art understands what Guy was saying this evening, but he
doesn't agree with it. Art likes this quote from W.C. Fields sent to
him by fax: I never hold a grudge, as soon as I get even with the
son of a bitch I forget all about him.
- Shuttle.... The shuttle went off last night, quite a sight at
night, headed for Mir where David Wolf will be dropped off for a
four month tour of terror. That is Art's take on it anyway, he says
you can't fault the astronauts, they want to be in space.
- Nora.... Nora went from Mexico to the U.S. tonight. Traffic
accidents have been blamed on her.
- Speed Record.... Andy Green, a RAF fighter pilot broke the land
speed record last Thursday going across the desert in Neveda at
714.1 mph in a car equipped with 2 jet engines.
- Travel Tips.... Ramona gets on the air and talks about the
upcoming cruise and gives us some travel tips. This is also in
Real-Audio on our Sound Clips page.
9/24/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
9/23/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
9/22/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Dannion.... Dannion Brinkley is getting better by the second, up
and eating solid foods. Your prayers have worked.
- Photos.... There are photos on the web site pertaining to
tonight's discussion of Egypt. See the Pyramid
- Photo... A photo taken 11/26/95 from an observatory was sent to
Art and is on the web page. Look to the right of the little girl
dressed in red. Ghost? See the Ghosts
- Chupacabra.... A picture of a model of a chupacabra made out of
garden tools on the Chupacabra page.
- Funnel Clouds.... A listener sent a couple of incredible photos
of funnel clouds in Florida. See the Graphic
- Rogue Market.... Art says this will be a great week for the Art
Bell stock on the rogue market.
- Clinton... Clinton denies wrong doing during the '96 campaign.
Art says what else would he say.
- NASA.... NASA begins shuttle countdown despite all the troubles,
Art says it is an experiment in mortal terror and disagrees with the
decision to send an American to MIR.
- Kathy Keeton... passed away during surgery Friday. Art expresses
his condolences to Bob Gucionne, may she rest in peace.
- Guest: Boris Said, discusses his exploration of the
Great Pyramids.
9/21/97 - Sunday Dreamland
- Linda Howe reports on the "Cell from Hell", ACC, UFO
sightings and military accidents.
- Dannion Update.... The news is GOOD! The bleeding has stopped,
the shunts are removed and the pain has receeded. Dannion is feeling
much better and thanks all who prayed for him. Here is the
Streaming 14.4K version and a
14.4K version.
- Guest: Greg Bear, Sci-Fi Writer and Futurist
9/19/97 - Friday / Saturday
- Dannion: Art's reports a setback again for Dannion. Another
aneurism has occured, this time under his brain. Dannion is not
stable anymore, the blood is not draining from the holes that were
drilled. His pressure is getting high, and again what is keeping him
alive is actually killing him. Art is truly sadden by this
development. Dannion is in intensive care. Art does have on
videotape Dannion's goodbye to all of you. Art says life is very
short and his advice to you is to make the most of it while you can.
Use your time wisely. Here is the Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K audio clip.
- Bomber.... An Air Force B-1 bomber crashed, killing all 4 crew
members. This makes the sixth military crash this week.
- Gore.... Al Gore has hired private lawyers to deal with the
mounting allegations involving fund raising activities. The spin the
White House is putting on this is that it humanizes him. Art wonders
if this is out in '98.
- Diana.... Diana's bodyguard cannot remember a thing about the
crash. Art says maybe our brains do this, particularly with respect
to short term occurrences, the brain just sort of rejects it.
- Korea.... Peace talks broke down yesterday between North and
South Korea. Art reminds us that Ed Dames suggested that the next
use of a nuclear weapon would be the north against the south in
- El Nino.... El Nino is growing. Four months ago it was only
two-thirds of the size it is now.
- Quickening... Art tells us that these are really the best and
worst of times for him in his life. The book is doing great, the
show is growing and growing, and he has an exotic trip coming up.
- Guest: Gordon-Michael Scallion of
The Matrix Institute
- Caller: Stan Deyo calls during the last hour and updates
9/18/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Dannion... Today we have a
of Art's Dannion Brinkley update. Here is the full report in a
Streaming 14.4K version.
- Ted Turner... Ted Turner has pledged one billion dollars to the
United Nations over the next ten years and has requested other
wealthy people do the same.
- AIDS.... New reported cases of AIDS is on the decline, Art is
happy to see that, unfortuneately cases among heterosexuals is on
the rise. Art says that the education in the gay community has been
received and is working.
- MIR.... US lawmakers are trying to figure out whether MIR is
safe. "Duh, no it is not", says Art. He calls it a
experiment in weightless terror.
- Attack.... Terrorists attacked a bus in downtown Eygpt, leaving
ten dead. Seven of them Germans. Art reminds us he will be there in
a few weeks.
- Camaro.... The Chevy Camaro has once again been deemed the most
dangerous car having the highest driver death rate according to
insurance companies.
- El Nino... Nora has become a huricane off the coast of Mexico and
El Nino keeps chugging along.
- Guest: Major
Ed Dames - We have a Real Audio clip of Ed's report on the
Phoenix Lights on our Sound Clips page.
9/17/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Dannion... Art reports from a hotel room in North Carolina that
Dannion's surgery was preempted by a less risky procedure of
drilling two small holes and draining the blood clot from Dannion.
So far Dannion is in intensive care and is sedated while recovering
from this procedure. Art feels that Dannion is out of the woods as
they say, barring any post operative infection. Art is on his way
back. Here is the full report in a Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K version .
- Replay.... Art's May 22nd interview of
9/16/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Replay - While Art is visiting Dannion in the hospital, a replay
of the July 18th interview with Dannion is replayed.
9/15/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Dannion.... Dannion Brinkley has taken a turn for the worse. He
will be having surgery Wednesday morning at 7:05. The medication he
had been taking for his bad heart is now killing him due to the
clots. Art talked to him Monday and Dannion said the pain is just
beyond toleration, hence his decision to have surgery. His surgery
is scheduled exactly 22 years after he was struck by lightning. If
Dannion decides he wants to see Art, Art will be on the first plane
there. Art asks that you continue your prayers. Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K version.
- Ed Dames.... Ed Dames will be here Thursday night with a rather
long story on the Phoenix lights, a short follow up in regard to
Hale-Bopp and information on the next use of a nuclear device.
- Area 51 caller.... David Oates will do reversals on the call from
a man claiming to be a former employee of area 51 in the near
future. Art has set that show up. This is the man that was on the
phone when the satellite went dead last week. Officals at Art's
network have serious reservations about the excuse they have been
given for the earth link loss. Art says the whole situation scared
him and he doesn't like the thought that he may have been taken off
the air by someone. So he may just set up the area 51 phone line
again tonight. The end of the original call that listeners didn't
hear has the man screaming and then sound of the phone being
- Weld... William Weld is giving up the fight for a foreign post.
Art says the moral of this story is don't mess with Jesse Helms if
you want to be nominated to a foreign post.
- F117.... The Air Force has grounded Stealth F117 aircraft after
the accident at an Air Show where one fell apart in midflight.
- Land Mines.... The U.S. has changed its position on land mines.
- Princess Di.... Art now has that photograph that nobody should
have and he will not post it on the web.
- Linda.... Art says we had a close call with hurricane Linda,
surely a product of El Nino. Art predicts an interesting winter.
- Football.... Art says Monday Night Football had an incredible
finish tonight. Art says you can apply the same mistake a bowler
might make when they stop too soon to release the ball to the field
goal attempted by the kicker of last night's game.
- Book Signing.... Art's one scheduled book signing will be in
Encinitas at Barnes and Noble north of San Deigo October 25th.
- Stan Deyo.... A fax from from a lady in Austraila says she has a
urgent message from Stan Deyo for Art. An area near Lake Taupo, in
New Zealand, has three volcanoes that may become active and kill the
24,000 people in the village. There is also a miltary base near the
foot of one of them. The faxer asks that Art broadcast this info in
hopes it will help these people.
9/14/97 - Dreamland
- Linda Howe - Followup report on the Roswell connection to
advanced technological discoveries.
- Dannion - Art updates us on a setback for Dannion Brinkley.
Streaming 14.4K version.
- Guest: Gail De Sciose, Animal Communicator
9/12/97 - Friday / Saturday
- Area 51.... Art replays the lost portion of last nights show due
to GE1 satellite losing contact with Earth. Art has never had this
happen to him in all his years of broadcasting. Quite a coincidence
that it happened during a particular Area 51 call on the Area 51
phone line.
- Linda.... Hurricane Linda is a massive hurricane 5 forming off
the tip of Baja. It could easily hit California if it continues at
its current speed. Art suggests that those listeners in California,
be prepared.
- Guest: James Van Praagh
9/11/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Area 51.... Art opens up his Area 51 ex-employee phone line
tonight. He was a little under the weather last night so there was a
- Diana.... Officals are now preparing to consider charging the
hotel in the death of Diana and her companions.
- Army.... The Army continues to battle sexual harrasment. Art has
always thought women in the military was a mistake in most regards.
The Army is talking about adding another week to basic training for
sensitivity training.
- Brinkley.... Dannion calls Art tonight with a medical update. He
got his medication regiment out of order and popped a vessel and
began bleeding in the brain. He explains the treatment he has
received and his prognosis for the future. He explains his beliefs
about the healing process.
- Satellite... The General Electric satellite that Art and CBC uses
for uplinking had problems last night. During an "Area 51
Employee Line" call, Art's program drops off the air. It
appeared to affect Art's uplink, downlink, and the network's feed to
the affiliates. More details on the Satellite
Outage Report page.
9/10/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Repeat - Charles Ostman, Nantechnology
9/9/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Brinkley.... Dannion called Art today and it looks like he is
going to make it. All three aneurisms have ceased bleeding, though
the clots are still there but dissolving. He is expected to remain
in the hospital another week. Miracle? Dannion and Art want to thank
everyone for their prayers. Dannion said he could feel the prayers,
there was a blue aura all around him. CNN has been doing reports
this week about the power of prayer. Personally Art doesn't put "God"
to the power of prayers, he feels our brain has powers we are
unaware of. Art respects anyone who has faith. Tuesday's Nights
Update in Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K version.
- Book.... Art's book debuted on the Business best seller list at
number 6. Art is surprised and pleased. He says it is like having a
baby and watching it grow up.
- Fax... A brokerage firm faxed Art today and asked Art to help him
out with a client who has ordered him to buy Art Bell stock because
it has gone up 700% and it is about to split. Chuckle, chuckle. Art
called him back and asked if this client is a very nice, rich
elderly lady, and yep, it was. Art had to explain to this broker
about the rogue market.
- Diana.... It is now being reported that the driver of Princess
Diana's car also had depression medication in his system. Art knew
this was going to be a case of driver negligence.
- Paula Jones.... Paula Jones is dismissing her lawyers because
they want her to accept a settlement and she wants an apology. Art
says hang in there Paula, get a new lawyer, one that will get you
what you want, your reputation back. Art applauds Ms. Jones for
sticking to her demands.
- Barwood.... Frances Barwood reports on the result of her recall
election. She Won!! Here is a Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K version.
9/8/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Brinkley.... Dannion Brinkley is scheduled for a MRI Tuesday
morning. The bleeding in the third aneurism has stopped, which he
attributes to your prayers. He is still facing a rough road with a
number of clots in his brain. If they do not dissolve he may have a
stroke. Art speaks to him about twice a day. Dannion is very
concerned with the Medical Access Treatment Act, bill 578 or HR746,
and wanted Art to tell his audience to contact Senator Frist,
Jefferds or Kennedy and urge them to keep the MATA bill attached to
the reform bill and urge its passing. Real-Audio
Streaming 14.4K version.
- Quickening.... Art's book is number 22 on the New York Times Best
Seller List.
- Guest... Linda Howe, updates her report on the Roswell connection
to Bell Labs and the American Computer Company. This report includes
an additional witness report regarding alien crafts. (See
Linda Howe Page for Real-Audio
- Guests.... Frances Barwood, Richard Hoagland discuss the
UFO photos from 1947 in Phoenix.
- Guest.... Steve Bassett discusses his experiences as a UFO
lobbyist. Here are two (Word 6.0) documents that Steve would like
you to download and distribute.
9/7/97 - Sunday / Dreamland
9/5/97 - Friday /Saturday
- Brinkley.... Dannion Brinkley is still in critical condition in a
private room in intensive care. His brain continues to bleed, and is
taking steroids and if he can be stabilized he will face brain
surgery. Dannion says if you never believed in the power of prayer,
you should be in his situation. He asks that he have no visitors at
this time. Art asks that you all pray for Dannion. Art is not
certain why prayer works, but he knows it does. Here is the Friday's
Streaming 14.4K version of the three minute report.
- Mother Teresa.... Art is puzzled as to why the continuing
coverage of the death of Princess Diana is overshadowing the passing
of Mother Teresa. Art reads a fax from a listener conveying the same
thoughts. Many feel there will a third famous death.
- Bombs.... Reminding us that there are still 100 missing nuclear
bombs disguised as suitcases, Art asks where do you think the first
target would be if they fall into the wrong hands.
- UPS.... Art says UPS is still screwed up. A radio he ordered
Wednesday still hasn't made it 65 miles to his house.
- Book.... The Quickening, Art's book, has hit #10 with a bullet in
- Guest: Albert Taylor, author and now screenwriter,
9/4/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guest: Mark Fuhrman
- Dannion... Dannion Brinkley is reported to be suffering from an
aneurism and is in the hospital at this time. Art asks for prayers
and thoughts of Dannion at this time.
- Russia.... The Russian military has lost track of more than 100
nuclear bombs. The story will be on 60 Minutes this week. The
devices are designed to look like suitcases.
9/3/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Guest: Joyce Riley, American
Gulf War Veterans Association
- Pahrump.... The town officials of Pahrump have declared a state
of emergency due to the floods. All the schools will be closed
Thursday, many roads closed. Any more rain and Pahrump is in deep
- Canada.... A listener from Canada faxed Art, saying Art is now
getting a taste of his own medicine, calling Art a catastrophe lover
and pretty much insulting him. Art says, "Classy".
- Drudge Report.... Art reads a report about El Nino that is pretty
discouraging. Calling this El Nino the climatic event of the
century. Another listener faxes Art with the news that many fish not
usually found in some waters are there now.
- Symington.... The governor of Arizona must resign after being
convicted of fraud.
- Bounty Hunters.... Arizona has arrested two bounty hunters in
connection with the mistaken identity shooting a few days ago. This
brings the number up to five arrested.
- Cassini.... The Cassini space probe is in trouble. This makes
many people happy, Art included. A blasting air conditioner has
caused damage and will probably delay the launch of it's mission to
explore Saturn.
- Surprise Guest: Stan Deyo, Discusses weather changes for the last
1 and 1/2 hours of the program.
9/2/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Guest: Merle Haggard for all 5 hours
9/1//97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Alaska.... Art had a short but wonderful vacation in Alaska.
There are many pictures of his trip on the web page. Take a look.
Art especially had fun on a Blackhawk Helicopter.
- Princess Di.... Art doesn't think the paparazzi was the cause of
the accident due to the alcohol level in the drivers' system. He
thinks all the paparazzi will be charged with is not aiding in an
emergency. Art hopes that no one ever buys whatever photos were
taken at the time of her death.
- Bounty Hunters.... Art says that even though these bounty hunters
made a mistake, so do the police, and bounty hunters have
successfully recaptured many criminals.
- Guests: Richard C. Hoagland and Ron Nicks join the program at
midnight to discuss the upcoming
Conference and the images they have processed and compared and
feel show artifacts on Mars.
- Guest: David John Oates joins at 1AM to play his reversals.
- Last hour: Richard previews many more discoveries.