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Linda Moulton Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination for her documentaries. Those films have included Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water investigated uranium contamination of public drinking water in Denver; A Strange Harvest explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery which has haunted the U.S. and other countries since the late 1960's-- and continues to date.
In 1989, she authored and published a hard-cover book entitled An Alien Harvest - Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms. She was also Director of International Programming for Earthbeat, an environmental series broadcast on Turner's WTBS Superstation, Atlanta, Georgia.
Her television productions number more than three hundred programs, including unusual phenomena such as UFO Report: Sightings which she created and was Supervising Producer for the FOX network which lead to the Sightings series and EARTH MYSTERIES; Alien Life Forms in association with WATL-Fox, Atlanta.
In 1992, Linda was voted the international MUFON award honoring her contributions to media productions about unusual phenomena. She helped coordinate 1992-1993 scientific investigations of the crop circle mystery in England.
Linda Howe continues to write, produce documentaries and speak at national and international conferences and symposiums, including NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Her latest book and documentary investigation are Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol.1 - Facts and Eyewitnesses and Strange Harvests 1993. She also produces reports for television and radio, including weekly news reports for the nationally syndicated Chancellor Broadcasting program DREAMLAND with Art Bell. She has been interviewed on Britian's 1996 ITN series The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna; 1995 Larry King Live special about Area 51, Nevada; The Other Side (NBC), Montel Williams (cable), and other national and international media. The second volume of Glimpses of Other Realities - High Strangeness will be released late summer 1996.
Linda Howe Reports in Real-Audio
You will need the Real-Audio 3.0 Player or Plug-in for your web browser. Visit the Real-Audio web site for more information.
- July 6, 1997 - From Roswell with Col. Philip Corso (All 6 Segments)
- June 29, 1997 - Austrailia Report on Forest Species Extinction
- Replay Program - State Rep from New Mexico on Gov. Coverups
- June 15, 1997 - Government Classified Documents Review
- June 8, 1997 - Global Climate
- June 1, 1997 - From Austrailia, UFO Sightings and Government Coverups
- May 18, 1997 - Big Foot and Shuttle to Repair MIR
- May 25, 1997 - From Sydney Austrailia on Fireballs and Abductions
- May 18, 1997 - Big Foot and Shuttle to Repair MIR
- Dec 8, 1996 - Egypt and Hale-Bopp Reports
- Art's Parts Reports
- First Report on Art's Parts Pt1
- First Report on Art's Parts Pt2
- Second Report on Art's Parts
- May 31st, 1996 - Extensive Analysis Report on Art's Parts
- Jun 23rd, 1996 - Hardness Testing of the Aluminum Pieces
- Jun 23rd, 1996 - Telephone Research regarding the Skin Pieces.
- Sep 15th 1996 - Testing of the Skin pieces by Travis
- Sep 15th 1996 - Reactions to the Video of Testing
Current Research
Linda's current research includes interviews with scientists, civilians, government professionals and ex-military personnel about their own encounter with unexplained phenomena. Out of these experiences, it appears that a new cosmology is emerging that suggests there are more dimensions than this one-- that the earth exists in one particular dimension that has a particular atomic frequency and matter/energy relationship that other beings from other dimensions and other time lines can penetrate and overlap our Space-Time, just as different radio and television signals move together in a single space to be separated at a receiver by a frequency tuner-- that there are many other universes that can be radically different from ours in both visual appearance and physical make up-- and that intelligences other than human are forcing glimpses of realities upon us.
Cherhill, England
Here are some photos from Linda's most recent book.
LMH Productions
P.O. Box 300
Jamison, PA 18929-0300
at (215) 491-9842
Call Paper Chase Press
Toll Free (800) 864-7991
Copyright ©1997 Linda Moultan Howe, All Rights