Ultimate Fat Loss Secrets!
Left, A saucer photo submitted by Mike Hawkins, scanned by Art Bell. Similar to two previous
saucer photos he submitted years ago. Looks like the same object again. "A model?"
Right, A NYC listener, apparantly arrived a few moments later and snapped this one!
These two photos sent a few years back, also scanned by Art from photographs provided by Mike Hawkins,
Roswell NM.
UFO images from the Arizona Republic newspaper of July 9, 1947, taken on
July 7th. Discussed on the radio program on September 8, 1997, with Richard
Hoagland and Francis Barwood.
UFO spotted on June 4th, 1997 in Ringgold Georgia by Lee Cross. Actual photo
scanned for the web by Art Bell.
by Barbara Davis, a photo taken by a friend Elizabeth, on the Pacific coastline
between Pacific Grove and Carmel, California on July 27, 1996 at 2 PM. One
object was round and the other like a boomerang, scooting around the sky in no
particular pattern. Notice the condensation trails.
UFO Photo in Valley, Alabama - September 16, 1996. Here are
the details.
Stanton Friedman talked about The Brazilian Varginha
Case, on Coast to Coast. Here is the article by P.H.Andrade, translated to
English entitled:
ET Case - The Whole Story