ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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8/31/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Market.... Art admits that he is a market watcher because he used to be in
it. The dow plummeted 6.4% today. Art recaps the day's market activity.
Robert Rubin says our economy remains sound. Art feels the President
should have said this, but he is on his way to Russia. Art is going to
keep tabs on the Asian market for us during the evening.
Korea.... The North Koreans launched a two stage missile missing Japan.
Japan is pissed. Art asks you to image the Cubans firing a missile that
flies over Florida and lands in the ocean, we would be pretty pissed.
Pahrump.... Police busted a meth amphetamine lab in little Parumph, Nevada
Crop circle.... Crop circles in Saskatchewan are currently being
investigating, Art provides Keith with a link.
Open lines.... Open lines fills up the remainder of the first hour.
2nd hour.... At the top of the second hour, Art recaps the news, the
markets' activity and takes a look at the Asian market. Then Major Ed
Dames joins Art. See upcoming transcript.
Third Hour.... Art reads a fax from Stan Deyo and his wife.
FAX.... Nancy, a listener from Fresno, reminds Art that Dannion
Brinkley's life was saved collectively.
8/30/98 Sunday / Dreamland
8/28/98 Friday / Saturday
8/27/98 Thursday / Friday
8/26/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Bonnie.... Art expresses his sympathy for the residents in North Carolina
affected by hurricane Bonnie. Art says this is the worst of all scenerios
because the eye of the hurricane is half on land and half in the water.
240,000 people are out of power, winds are over 100 miles an hour,
forecasters say the hurricane can linger for another day. Art asks that
only people in this area call on open lines in the first hour tonight.
Solar flares.... Art reads a item from Rueters about solar eruptions
causing a geomagnetic storm hitting the earth's magnetic field.
Art reads a few emails from listeners concerned with the apparent changes
in the sun.
Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener in Charlotte, NC saying there are
45 people trapped in a lighthouse and other updates on the conditions in
that area.
Guest.... Ed Yourdon comes on in the 2nd hour to discuss the Y2K problem
from the computer programmers' angle and how it could affect us
individually in our lives. He explains the origin of the problem in
layman's terms. Ed admits he knew there was going to be a problem way
back in 1972.
8/25/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Bonnie.... Art gives an update on hurricane Bonnie, thousands of people
ordered off the coast of North Carolina. Art talks a little bit about the
hurricane, and what a mandatory evacuation actually means, what does it
mean to you, Art is confused. Can somebody risk their own life by not
evacuating, especialy if you have a child? Art asks anyone evacuating,
that happens to be listening, to take their pets with them. Art asks to
hear from anyone listening in North Carolina.
Experiment.... Art has gotten so many emails and faxes about the past
"weather experiments" and he insists he will not do it where Bonnie is
concerned. He does not know enough about Bonnie right now to even think
about it. He feels the experiment may hold it up and hit a more
vulnerable area.
Phone Lines.... Art asks everyone to keep the "east of the rockies" phone
line open for those in the area of hurricane Bonnie. As the calls come in,
Art relates his feelings about those who refuse to leave.
8/24/98 Monday / Tuesday
Anthrax.... An update on the horrible Anthrax hoax: The letter Art
received which was found at the site, was posted on the web site and then
pulled down in cooperation with the FBI. It will be reposted when the
investigation is concluded.
Bonnie.... Hurricane Bonnie is churning around the east coast. Art
doesn't want to do any weather experiments with this one.
Charlie.... Tropical storm Charlie is being blamed for thirteen deaths in
Cyanide.... A cancer patient, who may have a grudge against doctors, was
arrested Sunday when she was found stuffing letters disguised as free
samples of a nutritional supplement, with cyanide. If you receive
something from Marina Del Rey, California, have it dealt with by the
Soil.... A soil sample, obtained clandestinely, led the Clinton
administration to conclude that the pharmacuticle plant in Sudan was
indeed making a key ingredient for nerve gas, rather than the reported
medicine. Has anybody out there seen any pictures from inside Afghanistan,
other than the destroyed plant?
Meteor.... A four week expedition to Greenland has failed to find any
trace of the meteorite said to have landed there a while back. But they
did come back with 200 samples of dust. The Astronomer in the expedition
says this may lead to the origin of the meteorite, possibly from outside
our solar system. Art wonders if something from outside our solar system
could possibly carry some kind of virus .
Nature.... Engineers at Sony have now created a robot dog which can walk
run, sit up and beg, and chase a ball all with voice commands. This dog
has no mouth.
Gingrich.... Newt says the House is going to want to hear all the evidence
from the independent investigation and if all only pertains to Lewinsky
there will not likely be an impeachment.
2nd Hour.... Art announces a surprised guest for the second hour, Albert
Taylor, author of books on OBEs. He starts out with a description of what
an out of body experience is. Art relates his own short, dramatic
experience that he felt was an OBE. Art asks Albert if one can instigate
an OBE.
8/23/98 Sunday / Dreamland
- Linda Howe
- Patrica Leva, Author, "Traveling the Interstate of Consciousness: A Driver's Instruction Manual, Using Hemi-Sync to Access States of Non-Ordinary Reality"
8/21/98 Friday / Saturday
Prediction... Art reminds us that a while ago Robert Ghostwolf
predicted a three day eclipse that would begin tomorrow.
CIA... The CIA has rated the possibility of retaliation for the
Afghanistan bombing as very high.
Vacation.... Art says there is another country out there that should be
very scared because President Clinton has gone back on vacation. Public
opinion polls show most Americans approve of the terrorist strike.
Art relates some info from a study that says, after marriage, the woman
begins to do 4 hours more housework and men do three hours less. Art
wonders if that means that after marriage, does the house just begin to
Before Sean comes on, Art reads a copy of the Wichita Anthrax Threat
letter he received in the mail. See our Misc
Page for more details.
2nd hour.... Sean David Morton comes on in the second hour and Art
feels that of all the guests he has had on with future predictions,
Sean has been the most amazing with the highest hit rate. His latest
was the beginning of the fall of the Clinton administration on August
17th, which turned out to be the Grand Jury Testimony day.
8/20/98 Thursday / Friday
Attack... Art was glued to CNN during the afternoon and was impressed
with their coverage of the bombing in Afghanistan. Art recaps the event.
Art thought the president's address was very presidential. Art says he
supports the president's actions, but wishes they had killed the bastard.
Art chooses to believe the coincidence between this event and the movie
"Wag the Dog" is some kind of cosmic synchronicity rather than a president
in trouble trying to divert attention. Art lays the whole program open
tonight for discussion of this important action.
8/19/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Art discusses The Cassini Mission and the pending slingshot manuever
with Carl Grossman, an investigative reporter. Also, Art has astounding
news he will bring to you through Jim Warren of WARN, Waste and Reduction
Network, along with Mr. Grossman. This info has not been confirmed, it
was received by an anonymous phone call to Jim Warren's organization.
Mr. Grossman reads a transcript of the call pertaining to the Titan rocket
failure last week in Florida involving a plutonium based energy cell that was on board. Here is the Sound Clip of that call..
2nd Hour.... Dr. Trisha McGill and Dr. Jeff Long will discuss chemically
induced near death experiences.
8/18/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Art reports that about 2/3 of Americans want the Clinton investigation over!
- It's raining in BC, the result of last nights expirement!
- Guest: Joyce Riley reports on suspected Anthrax release in Wichita. Here is the Real-Audio Clip of this segment.
- Guests: Whitley Strieber and Dr. Roger Leir describe the removal of an implant yesterday from a patient.
8/17/98 Monday / Tuesday
- President Clinton's testimony and confession afterwards is the topic for most of the first hour.
Crow Curse Continues! Someone dies on the set.
Solar panels are producing more power lately, according to Norman, a listener.
Guest: Neil Slade
8/16/98 Sunday Dreamland
- Guest: Barry Taff, Ghosts!
8/14/98 Friday / Saturday
- The first hour, Art asks people from Pahrump and Las Vegas to call in and report on the violent lightning storm in the area.
- Jim Dilettoso comes on and talks about the possible Gun Camera footage he has of the Phoenix Lights.
- Guest: Spike Tyson, Atheist.
8/13/98 Thursday / Friday
- Art explains his absence from last night.
- Morning of the bombing victims.
- House committee wants access to Starr's information he gathers from Clinton.
- FBI to test JFK bullet fraqments.
- Monsoon weather reports.
- The Sony X-Ray video camera.
- In Oregon, man dies when run over by Road Roller he
hot-wired. (Darwin Award anyone!)
- Art talks about an upcoming TV series called "Marshal Law."
- Mississippi man is trying to market a talking tombstone! You can
leave a final message to all who come to visit your grave.
- Windows 98 may not be Year 2000 compliant!! According to a British firm.
- Guest: Bob Mayer (AKA Robert Doherty or Joe Dalton)
8/12/98 Wednesday / Thursday
8/11/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
U.S. suspended operation at embassys due to threats. Art says we just pay lip service to these kind of attacks on Americans. There are still other incidents still unsolved.
Jonesboro kids trial ends, with one pleading guilty and the other convicted. There punishment, detainment until age 21.
Two more young boys in Chicago murdered a girl because they wanted her bike.
Art comments on last night scary program.
Astronomers found an asteroid where they shouldn't have found
one. It's not a direct threat however. Art doesn't like all these
movies regarding asteroids, he feels something will eventually hit the
Art talks about the Sheriff election coming up in Pahrump and
discusses the good job the current Sheriff is doing. He likes his town
and doesn't want it to be ruined by liberal law enforcement.
Guest: Michael Cremo, Author, "Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden
History of the Human Race"
8/10/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Peter Davenport comes on with a report regarding the Phoenix lights.
The tape recording is on our Sound Clips page.
- Guest: Joel Skousen, Author, "Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places."
8/09/98 Sunday Dreamland
- REPEAT Guest: Glen Campbell.
8/07/98 Friday / Saturday
- Tonight: The Area 51 and Government Employee Line is opened!
- Did Area 51 move to Utah? Nope. Area 51 employs 1850 people according to the Drudge Report. 6050 employees are at the Cheyenne Mountain facility.
- Bombs in Africa: Clinton promised to get who ever did it.
- Bomb in Iraq too!
8/06/98 Thursday / Friday
- Art says that last night was astounding.
- Art is asking for anyone experiencing near death, to call tonight.
- Monica is singing like a bird. Art says if all we uncover is sex in the White House, no impeachment hearings would be coming.
- The House of Representatives has banned soft money.
- Janet Reno gets cited for contempt of Congress.
- China floods causes over 2000 deaths. If this was in the US, it would be front page news for a month.
- Official Left-Hander's Day coming up, Thursday, August 23rd.
- Russia make have indeed smuggled suitcase size nukes.
- The first pig/human transplant is being planned. A human is to receive a pig's liver.
- UK scientists are searching for life on mars by inspecting a meteorite that they have found.
- NASA is sticking to their Life on Mars theory.
- Guest: Charles T. Tart, Near Death Experiences
8/05/98 Wednesday / Thursday
A very interesting evening as Art opens the Alien Abduction line.
Lewinsky ready to testify about the White House affair.
Drenching rains in Indiana. State of emergency was declared.
NATO may be getting ready to strike!
Fireball streaks across the sky in New South Wales, Australia. Art askes once again, how do they KNOW it's a meteor?
Lots of comments on the Lost Tribes of Israel.
NASA found some new asteroids, but claims they are not a problem for a couple decades.
A pack of wild monkeys raided a health clinic in Malaysia, making off with equipment and medical supplies.
8/04/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Broadcast.com goes with Art's direct back-haul feed instead of the
network feed. Art may send special messages to the Internet listeners,
that don't need to follow normal broadcast network rules.
- Art has the Night-Vision Cam on tonight, check it out.
- Guest: Neil Slade comes on to briefly discuss the Great
Rain Experiment Part II, on last nights show, which generated rain in
Texas! See CNN Story -- Last Nights
Rain Experiment Worked!
- Guest: Lawrence Gordon, claims to live in a Haunted House.
8/03/98 Monday / Tuesday
Check out the "What is it? photo.
Clinton trying to block testimony. Rumors are running wild. Art
explains how Sean David Morton may hit a prediction again, as Clinton
will testify on August 17th.
U.S. - Iraq talks are breaking down.
Another white buffalo has been born. We don't know how, but odds are
over 1 in a million. More in recent years, might be a sign of something.
From Fox News, surgeons in Kentucky are trying to restore limbs like
Dr. Frankenstein, and will try for the first time a complete hand.
Art talks about how he wants his local Sheriff reelected, since Pahrump is still staying relatively quite and is not turning into another Las Vegas, which happened after a recent change in Sheriff's over there.
Art askes us to concentrate our thoughts on Texas and conjur up some rain.
Guest: Efiong Sam, lost Nigerian tribesman who claims God is on Earth within the tribe.
8/02/98 Sunday / Dreamland
- Guest: Dr. Ed Krupp, Director Griffith Park Observatory