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Guest List Page 4 (S-Z)
- Dr. Michael Sabom
- Book: Light and
Death: One Doctors Account of Near-Death Experiences
- Related Files:Angiogram Image,Letter Document
- Appearance: 4/11/99
- Dr. Samuel Sagan
- Book: Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences
- Book: Awakening the Third Eye
- Website: www.clairvision.org
- Appearance: 2/20/00
- Boris Said
- Related Page: Pyramids Page
- Appearance: 11/11/97
- Victor Sanchez
- Book: Toltecs of the New Millennium
- Book: The Teachings of Don Carlos: Practical Applications of the Works of Carlos Castaneda
- Appearance: 10/24/99
- Jennifer Basye Sander
- Book: The Magic of Christmas Miracles
- Book: Mothers' Miracles: Magical True Stories of Maternal Love and Courage
- Book: A Gift of Miracles: Magical True Stories to Touch Your Family's Heart
- Book: The Millionairess Across the Street: Women: Lessons to Change Your Thinking and Achieve Wealth and Success
- Book: 101 Best Extra-Income Opportunities for Women
- Book: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published
- Book: Complete Idiot's Guide to Investing for Women
- Book: The Complete Idiots Guide to Day Trading Like a Pro
- Appearance: 1/16/00
- John Vincent Sanders
- Wrote Article on Immanuel Velikovsky
- Appearance: 6/13/99
- Dan Sarver
- Book:JFK Assasination Fascination
- Website: www.jfkresources.com
- Appearance: 8/20/99
- Richard Sauder
- Book: Underground
Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?
- E-mail: jrsauder@erols.com
- Gordon-Michael Scallion
- The Matrix Institute
- Book: Notes from
the Cosmos: A Futurist's Insights into the World of Dream Prophecy &
- Website: matrixinstitute.comorearthchanges.com
- Related Info:A recentshort FAXfrom
Gordon-Michael, read by Art as transcribed by a listener containing info about the
most recent quakes and his predictions.
- Appearance: 9/19/97, 6/09/98, 2/17/99, 12/31/99
- Marcia Schafer
- Book: Confessions
of an Intergalactic Anthropologist
- Website: www.beyondzebra.com
- Appearance: 6/23/99, 9/19/99
- Rev. André Schlesinger
- Book: Satanic
- Book: Satan
- Book: The Devil's
- Book: The Satanic
- Book: The Satanic
- Website: www.satannet.com
- Appearance: 11/20/98
- Don SchmittandTom Carey
- Book: The Truth
About the UFO Crash at Roswell
- Book: UFO Crash
at Roswell
- Website: www.orionworks.com/roswell/
- Appearance: 4/28/99
- Jim Schnabel
- Book: Remote
Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
- Dr. Robert Schoch
- Book: Voices of
the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations
- Website: www.teamatlantis.com/schoch/
- Appearance: 6/27/99, 7/18/99
- Dr. Gary E.R. Schwartz
- Works in area related to the "Sixth Sense"
- Book: The Living Energy Universe
- Website: www.livingenergyuniverse.com
- Appearance: 11/04/99, 12/28/99
- Steven Seagal
- Actor
- Website: www.stevenseagal.com
- Appearance: 12/02/99
- Charles Seife
- Science Journalist discusses the history of mathematics, science, philosophy and theology.
- Book: Zero: The Biography Of A Dangerous Idea
- Website: www.users.cloud9.net/~cgseife/
- Appearance: 2/6/00
- Dr. Walter Semkiw
- Physical Evidence of Reincarnation
- Book: Astrology For Regular People
- Website: www.plutoproject.com
- Appearance: 11/24/99
- Richard Senate
- Ghost hunter and Author
- Book: Ghosts of
the Haunted Coast
- Book: The Haunted
- Website: www.phantoms.com/ghost.htm
- Appearance: 10/6/96
- Jane Seymour
- Appearance: 10/27/99
- Shahan Shammas
- Book: A Passion for Living
- Appearance: 11/15/99
- Lee Shargel
- Science fiction author, discussed the Hale-Bopp Comet and possible alien contact
- Book: Voice in
the Mirror: Will the Final Apocalypse Be Averted?
- Appearance: 12/2/96
- Kimberly Clark Sharp
- Book: After the
Light: The Spiritual Path to Purpose
- Website: www.serv.net/~seande/kimbook.html
- Appearance: 3/16/97
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Book: Dogs That
Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of
Animals: An Investigation
- Book: A New
Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance
- Book: The
Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Habits of Nature
- Book: Seven
Experiments That Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to
Revolutionary Science
- Book: The Rebirth
of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
- Website: www.sheldrake.org
- Appearance: 9/18/99
- Steve Shenk
- Website: www.jmichaelstevens.com
- Appearance: 5/13/99
- John Shepherd
- Creator of S.T.R.A.T., a radio transmitter used for ET Communication
- Related Info: STRAT Page
- Appearance: 2/26/97
- Website: www.nwcis.com/strat/
- Dan Sherman
- Book: Above
Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact &
- Website: www.aboveblack.com
- Appearance: 11/10/97
- Sam Sherman
- Book:The Supernatural
- Appearance: 1/28/98
- Sam Sherman
- Film producer will discuss the audio tape he made from scrambled data obtained
under the Freedom of Information Act of an actual UFO chase by Edwards Air Force
Base fighters.
- Website: www.edwardsufo.com
- Appearance: 10/10/99
- Ed & Kris Sherwood
- Website: Millennium
- Photos: One,Two,Three
- Appearance: 10/21/98 w/Hilly Rose, 1/22/99
- Pete Shipley w/Garph & Disorder
- Computer Security Experts
- Related Website: www.sekurity.org
- Related Website: www.dis.org
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V1: The Protocols
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V2: The Implementation
- Recommended Book: TCP/IP
Illustrated, V3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the Unix Domain
- Appearance: 6/22/98
- Dr. Leonard Shlain
- Book: The
Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image
- Book: Art &
Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light
- Website: www.alphabetvsgoddess.com
- Appearance: 7/14/99
- Brian Shock
- Cryogenics and Cryonics: The Alcor Foundation
- Website: www.alcor.org
- Appearance: 6/23/97
- Seth Shostak
- SETI Institute
- Book: Sharing the
Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
- Website: www.seti.org
- Appearance: 6/23/97, 3/13/98, 9/17/98, 7/28/99
- Tom Shroder
- Book: Old Souls:
The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives
- Appearance: 8/13/99
- Dr. H. Paul Shuch
- Book: Conquering
- Website: www.setileague.org
- Appearance: 3/3/99
- Stephen Simon & Barnet Bain
- Pre-Order Video: What Dreams
May Come
- Video: Somewhere
in Time
- Appearance: 11/22/98, 7/06/99
- Hugh Simpson
- Book:A Family Survival Manual for Y2K and Beyond
- Website: www.kepplernet.com/y2k/
- Appearance: 3/9/99
- Zecharia Sitchin
- Book: The Cosmic
Code (6th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: When Time
Began (5th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Lost
Realms (4th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Wars of
Gods and Men (3rd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The
Stairway to Heaven (2nd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The 12th
Planet (1st Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: Of Heaven
and Earth: Essays Presented at the First Sitchin Studies Day
- Book: Breaking
the Godspell (Future Is Now Series)
- Book: Divine
Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries
- Book Review: Genesis
- Book Review: Divine
- Website: sitchin.com
- Appearance: 9/27/96, 11/24/98
- Mike Sivilli
- Trip to Area 51
- Website: www.vvcs.com
- Appearance: 1/15/00
- Joel Skousen
- Book: Strategic
Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places
- Book: How to
Implement a High Security Shelter in the Home
- Website: www.xsw.com/securehome
- Appearance: 8/10/98
- Neil Slade
- Our Brain Functions
- Image: Mike the Wonder Chicken
- Website: Neil.Slade.net
- Appearance: 7/07/98, 8/4/98, 5/18/99, 6/30/99
- L. Neil Smith
- Book: The
Adventures of Lando Calrissian (Classic Star Wars)
- Book: The
Probability Broach
- Book: Bretta
- Book: Pallas
- Campaign Website: Draft
L. Neil Smith for President
- Appearance: 7/16/99
- Mark Smith
- Book: Auras, See
Them in Only 60 Seconds
- Website: www.aurorasmith.com/aura/
- Appearance: 3/22/98
- Paul Smith
- Remote Viewer
- Appearance: Mar 25, 1997
- Captain Robert L. Snow
- Commander, Homicide Branch, Indianapolis Police Dept, Amazing story of how,
during hypnotic regression, he saw a group of paintings and then used this
clue to investigate and discover the person he was in a former life.
- Book: Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective's Search for His Past Life
- Appearance: 1/9/00
- Steven Sora
- Steven takes us on a hunt for the fabled treasure that centers on an enigmatic
island off Nova Scotia, a treasure that may contain not just valuables, but the
hidden truth of the true nature of Christ and the hidden history of mankind.
- Book: The Lost
Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery
- Appearance: 9/12/99
- Dr. R Leo Sprinkle
- UFO Investigator
- Book: Soul Samples: Personal Explorations in Reincarnation and UFO Experiences
- Appearance: 2/1/00
- Robert Stack
- Website: Unsolved Mysteries
- Appearance: 4/1/99
- Scott Stanton
- Where famous dead musicians and singers are buried.
- Book: The
Tombstone Tourist
- Website: www.teleport.com/~stanton
- Appearance: 10/31/99
- Brad Steiger
- Book:
Source(w/Art Bell)
- Book: True Ghost
Stories: A Psychic Research Hunts for Evidence of Hauntings
- Book: Guardian
Angels and Spirit Guides: True Accounts of Benevolent Beings from the Other
- Book: Mysteries
of Time and Space
- Appearance: 10/28/96, 10/29/97, 6/08/98
- Sherri Hansen Steiger
- Book: The Power
of Prayer
- Book: Mother Mary
Speaks to Us
- Book: The
Teaching Power of Dreams: Using Your Dreams to Change Your Life
- Appearance: 1/4/98
- Ralph Steiner
- Website: www.savepacifica.net
- Appearance: 7/22/99
- Mark Stephens
- Book: Y2K Ready or Not? Preparing for the Year 2000
- Website: www.y2ksource.net/
- Appearance: 11/17/99
- Richard Stevens
- Book: Dial 911 and Die
- Website: dial911.itgo.com
- Appearance: 12/11/99
- Pamela Stonebrooke
- Reptilian Alien Encounter
- Related Info: Our Alien Images Page"
- Related Info: LA Weekly Article
- Appearances: 12/3/96, 2/5/98
- Paul Stonehill
- Russian UFOlogy Research
- Book: The Soviet
Ufo Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain
- Appearances: 9/29/99
- Dr. Frank E. Stranges
- Book: Stranger at
the Pentagon
- Book: UFO
- Transcript: October
1st, 1995ByJerry
- Website: www.nicufo.org
- Whitley Strieber
- Books:Communion and Confirmation (Order through Website)
- Website: www.globalsuperstorm.com
- Website: www.strieber.com
- Appearances: 9/22/96, 11/21/96, 11/28/96, 12/06/96, 2/12/97, 4/9/97, 6/19/97,
11/14/97, 11/19/97, 2/10/98, 5/02/98, 5/19/98, 7/26/98, 11/5/98, 12/10/98, 1/27/99
- Barry Taff
- Related Info: Entity Photos
- Book: Aliens
Above, Ghosts Below
- Appearance: 1/10/97, 5/13/98, 8/16/98
- David Talbot
- Book:Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered
- Appearance: 6/13/99
- Nancy Talbott
- Burke Levengood Talbott Research Team
- Appearance: 7/23/99
- Russell Targ
- Book: The Heart
of the Mind: How to Know God Without Belief
- Book: Miracles of
Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
- Book:Mind Reach (Out of Print)
- Website: www.espresearch.com
- Appearance: 9/07/99
- Charles T. Tart
- Book: Body Mind
Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality
- Website: www.paradigm-sys.com/cttar/
- Appearance: 6/03/98
- Albert Taylor
- Out-Of-Body Experiences
- Book: Soul
Traveler: A Guide to Out of Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond (New 2000 Edition)
- Website: www.alberttaylor.com
- Appearance: 9/25/96, 11/07/96 (Replay), 2/05/97, 9/5/97, 3/01/98, 7/23/98,
8/24/98, 12/08/98, 2/22/99, 7/20/99
- Dr. Eldon Taylor
- Book:
Without Thinking: Who's in Control of Your Mind
- Book: Subliminal
Communication: Emperor's Clothes or Panacea?
- Book: Subliminal
Learning: An Eclectic Approach
- Book: Subliminal
Technology: Unlocking the Power of Your Own Mind
- Book: Be: A
Little Cowboy Philosophy
- Book: Simple
Things and Simple Thoughts
- Website: www.innertalk.com/
- Appearance: 11/15/98
- Bob Teets
- Book: West
Virginia UFO's: Close Encounters in the Mountain State
- Book: UFOs
And Mental Health, Book One: A Briefing On The Phenomenon
- Martin Teitel, PhD
- Will tell us why
our food has been genetically altered--without our consent--and with no
testing and no labeling--and what we can do about it.
- Book: Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Our Planet
- Appearance: 2/6/00
- Stan Tenen
- The Meru Foundation
- Book: The Sacred Geometry of Genesis and the Alphabet
- Website: www.meru.org
- Appearance: 6/9/97, 7/8/97
- Ceri Louise ThomasandChris Morton
- Book: The Mystery
of the Crystal Skulls: A Real Life Detective Story of the Ancient World
- Appearance: 4/29/99
- Kenn Thomas
- Website: Steamshovel Press
- Related Website: www.konformist.com
- Appearance: 4/20/99
- William Thomas
- Book: Bringing
the War Home
- Website: www.islandnet.com/~wilco/
- Related Info: Report of the Committee on Government Relations
- Related Info: Biocontainment - Assessments for Animal Agriculture
- Appearance: 1/25/99, 2/18/99, 3/17/99, 5/6/99, 11/03/99
- Paul Tice
- Book: Triumph of
The Human Spirit: The Greatest Achievements of the Human Soul and How Its Power
Can Change Your Life
- Website: www.thebooktree.com
- Appearance: 9/19/99
- Kevin Todeschi
- Website: www.are-cayce.com
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on Soul Mates: Unlocking the Dynamics of Soul Attraction
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life
- Book: Edgar Cayce
on the Reincarnation of Famous People: Mind Body Spirit
- Book: Edgar
Cayce's ESP
- Book: The
Encyclopedia of Symbolism
- Book: Twelve
Lessons in Personal Spirituality: An Overview of the Edgar Cayce Readings on
Personal Transformation
- Book: The Edgar
Cayce Ideals Workbook: Taking Control of Your Life
- Appearance: 5/3/99
- Dr. Pepsi Togar
- Book:Why God Wants Us to Dream
- Appearance: June 2nd 1997
- Russ Torlage
- Website: www.SotaInstruments.com
- Appearance: 1/17/00
- Allen Tough
- Book: Crucial Questions for the Future
- Website: members.aol.com/welcomeeti/4.html
- Appearance: 12/11/99
- Lori Toye
- Website: www.iamamerica.com
- Appearances: 3/21/97, 5/08/98
- Ann Blake Tracy
- Book: Prozac:
Panacea or Pandora?
- Website: www.drugawareness.org
- Appearances: 6/7/99, 9/4/99
- Patricia Troyer
- Book: Letters
from Home : A Guide to Symbols - Awake or Dreaming
- Website: www.moneycreek.com/pthome.htm
- Appearance: December 1st, 1996
- Roy Tucker
- Planetary Scientist
- Website: Goodricke-Pigott
- Appearance: 6/24/99
- C. L. Turnage
- Book:Sex with E.T's
- Book:Holy Bible is E.T. Transmission
- Book:E.T.'s on the Moon
- Book:War in Heaven
- Website: www.fastlane.net/~normw/
- Appearance: 3/3/98
- Spike Tyson
- Director of the American Atheist national office
- Website: www.atheists.org
- Appearance: 8/14/98
- Dr. Tom Van Flandern
- Book: Dark
Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated
- Website: www.metaresearch.org
- Appearance: 12/20/96, 3/16/98, 5/2/97, 3/16/98, 4/14/98, 10/14/99
- James Van Praagh
- Book: Reaching to
Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death

- Book: Talking to
Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death
- Website: vanpraagh.com
- Appearance: 9/12/97, 1/30/98, 3/23/99
- Dr. Alan Vaughan
- Book: Doorways to
Higher Consciousness
- Book: Incredible
Coincidence: The Baffling World of Synchronicity
- Book: Pole Shift:
Predictions and Prophecies of the Ultimate Disaster
- Appearance: 11/25/98
- Jon Voight
- Websites: Jon Voight Web
- Related Info: Transcript
of Interview
- Appearance: 4/2/99
- Erich Von Daniken
- Website: www.aas-ra.org
- Book: Chariots of
the Gods?
- Book: The Eyes of
the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Egypt
- Book: The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Vistations
- Appearance: 11/06/98
- Rupert Wainwright
- Director of the movie "Stigmata"
- Appearance: 9/23/99
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 3
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 2
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 1
- Book: Conversations
With God: An Uncommon Dialogue - Guidebook
- Website: www.conversationswithgod.org
- Appearance: 11/24/98
- Travis Walton and Mike Rogers
- Arizona Abduction Case
- Book: Fire in the
Sky: The Walton Experience
- Website: www.anw.com/fire/
- Chuck Warren
- Website: contrailconnection.com
- Appearance: 6/9/99
- Ed and Lorraine Warren
- Ghostbusters from New England Society for Psychic Research
- 25th Anv. of Amityville and other famous cases
- Book: Graveyard:
True Hauntings from an Old New England Cemetery
- Website: www.warrens.net
- Appearance: 10/30/99
- Larry Warren
- Book: Left at
East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO Incident, Its
Cover-Up, and Investigation
- Appearance: 4/18/97
- Charles P. Watson
- Consulting Geologist
- Website: www.seismo-watch.com
- Appearance: June 10, 1996
- Richard Webster
- Book: Feng Shui
for Success and Happiness(PreOrder)
- Book: 101 Feng
Shui Tips for the Home
- Book: Spirit
Guides & Angel Guardians: Contact Your Invisible Helpers
- Book: Astral
Travel for Beginners
- Book: Chinese
Numerology: The Way to Prosperity & Fulfillment
- Book: Feng Shui
for Apartment Living
- Book: Feng Shui
for Beginners: Successful Living by Design
- Book: Feng Shui
for Love & Romance
- Book: Feng Shui
for the Workplace
- Book: Feng Shui
in the Garden
- Book: Omens,
Oghams & Oracles: Divination in the Druidic Tradition
- Book: Revealing
Hands: How to Read Palms
- Book: Aura
Reading for Beginners: Develop Your Psychic Awareness for Health & Success
- Book: Dowsing for
Beginners: The Art of Discovering: Water, Treasure, Gold, Oil, Artifacts
- Book: Why Freud
Was Wrong: Sin, Science and Psychoanalysis
- Book: Seven
Secrets to Success: A Story of Hope
- Website: www.psychic.co.nz
- Appearance: 4/22/99
- Howard Weinstein
- The Real Story behind the...
- Tom Clancy Book: The Hunt
for Red October
- Recommended Video: The Hunt
for Red October
- Recommended Video: Das Boot
- Related Video: Crimson
Tide (1995)
- Related Book: Blind Man's
Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage
- EMail: ssradioman@aol.com
- Appearance: 11/23/98
- Prof Dan Werthimer
- Website: SETI @ Home
- Appearance: 8/24/99
- John Anthony West
- Independent researcher on ancient Egypt
- Book: The
Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt: A Guide to the Sacred Places of Ancient Egypt
- Book: The Serpent
in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
- Website: members.aol.com/jawsphinx
- Appearance: September 1995, 5/06/98
- Dr. Robert White
- Neurosurgeon who transplanted monkey heads.
- Related Info: Photo of the Experiment
- Related Site: Holy
Headswapping, Batman!
- Related Site: Against
Nature: Dr. Satan's Robot
- Appearance: 3/6/98
- Stuart Wilde
- Book: Simply
Wilde: Discover the Wisdom That Is
- Book: The
Little Money Bible: The Ten Laws of Abundance
- Book: Whispering
Winds of Change: Perceptions of a New World
- Book: Infinite
Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power
- Book: Sixth
Sense: Including the Secrets of the Etheric Subtle Body (Feb 2000)
- Book: Affirmations
- Book: The
- Book: The
Secrets of Life
- Book: Miracles
- Book: The
Trick to Money Is Having Some!
- Book: Silent
- Book: Weight
Loss for the Mind
- Book: The
- Book: Life
Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle
- Website: www.powersource.com/wilde/
- Appearance: 10/27/99, 11/07/99
- Katharina Wilson
- Book: The Alien
- Website: www.alienjigsaw.com
- Robert Anton Wilson
- Scientific Theories & Conspiracies
- Book: Cosmic
Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati
- Book: Cosmic
Trigger: Down to Earth
- Book: Cosmic
Trigger: My Life After Death
- Book: The
Illuminati Papers
- Book: Reality Is
What You Can Get Away With
- Website: www.tcp.com/~prime8/raw/index.html
- Appearance: 7/17/97
- Randolph Winters
- Billy Meier Case Investigator
- Book: The
Pleiadian Mission: A Time of Awareness
- Website: www.timelink.net/pleiades/
- Appearances: March 24th 1995, Feb 17th, 1995, Jan 2, 1998
- Elia Wise
- Instruction manual for life in the universe.
- Book: "Letter to Earth"
- Website: www.lettertoearth.com
- Appearance: 1/8/00
- Fred Alan Wolf
- Book: The
Dreaming Universe : A Mind-Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and
Physics Meet

- Book: Taking the
Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Nonscientists
- Book: Parallel
Universes: The Search for Other Worlds
- Website: www.stardrive.org
- Appearance: 4/17/98
- Robert M. Wood & Ryan Wood
- Book:The Secret Evidence That We Are Not Alone
- EMail: drbobwood@aol.com
- Website: www.thewordistruth.org
- Related Page: The New MJ-12 Documents Are Here
- Appearance: 12/07/98
- R. Daniel Woolman
- Explained some of the simularities with "Art's Parts" to projects he
worked on.
- Website: www.in-search-of.com
- Ted Wright
- Book: Wright's
Complete Disaster Survival Manual
- Website: www.theepicenter.com/TedWright/
- Appearance: 4/13/98
- Chris Wyatt
- TV Producer of UFO Specials
- Appearance: 9/26/99
- Kenny Young
- The Whole Trumbull County UFO Story
- Related Page: Real-Audio Archive of Tape
- Website: home.fuse.net/ufo/
- Appearance: 2/26/99
- Edward Yourdon
- Website: www.yourdon.com
- Book: Time Bomb
2000: What the Year 2000 Computer Crisis Means to You!
- Bryce Zabel
- Dark Skies Producer
- Appearance: 10/3/96, 5/12/97
- Don Zaidle
- Book: American
Man-Killers: True Stories of a Dangerous Wilderness
- Appearance: 5/28/98, 6/04/98
- John Zajac
- Book:The Delicate Balance: Coming Catastrophic Changes on Planet Earth
- Related Page: Great
- Appearance: 9/28/97
- Lauren Zimmerman
- Book:Choosing Universes
- Appearance: 9/09/98
- Dr. Robert Zubrin
- Book: The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet
- Book: Entering Space: Creating a Space-Faring Civilization
- Book: Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space
- Website: www.marssociety.org
- Appearance: 11/20/99
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