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Guest List Page 2 (G-K)
- Dan Gallagher
- Book: The
Pleistocene Redemption

- Website: www.ancientmysteries.com
- Appearance: 4/24/98
- J. T. Garret
- Book: Medicine of
the Cherokee: The Way of Right Relationship
- Appearance: 8/8/99
- Andrew Gause
- On Feb 9, 1996, Andrew chatted for 3 hours with Art on the state of our economy,
etc, and had a wonderful time! Andrew made four of his booklets available free via
an 800 number for Arts fans. (800-468-2646)
- Book: The Secret
World of Money
- Website: usgoldcoins.com
- Appearance: 10/27/97
- Uri Geller
- Book: Uri
Geller: Magician or Mystic (Uri Recommended Biography)
- Book: Mind
Medicine: Harness the Healing Power of Your Mind
- Book: Confessions
of a Rabbi and a Psychic (Not Yet Published)
- Book: Uri
Geller's Little Book of Mind-Power: Maximise Your Will to Win
- Book: Uri
Geller's Mindpower Kit
- Book: Ella
- Website: www.uri-geller.com
- Appearance: 10/26/99
- Peter Gersten
- Online Book: The Ultimate Secret
- Website: www.caus.org
- Appearance: 12/14/98, 1/8/99, 2/8/99, 6/22/99, 9/1/99, 10/06/99
- A.J. Gevaerd
- Brazilian UFO Investigator
- Appearance: 9/5/99 w/Whitley Strieber
- Robert Ghost Wolf
- A Lakota/Iroquois Metis of the Wolf Lodge® Cultural Foundation
- Website: www.wolflodge.org
- Related Page: Atlantis
Rising: The Mysterious Miami Circle
- Related Page: Rocky Mountain Photos
- Related Page: Artifacts Photos
- Book: Last Cry:
Native American Prophecies: Tales of the End Times
- Book: Winds of
- Book: Through the Eye of the Shaman
- Book: Days of Destiny
- Appearance: 4/25/97, 7/30/97, 3/27/98, 5/27/98, 12/29/98, 2/8/99, 12/16/99
- Steve Gibbs
- Time Travel Machine discussed on Coast to Coast, Jan 13, 1997. For a catalog of
Time Machine Items contact Steve Gibbs, RR #1 Box 79, Clearwater, NE, 68726.
- Related Info: Art's Showing The Time Machine
- Related Info: Hyper-Dimensional Resonator Schematic
- Appearance: 1/10/97
- Joy Gilbert
- Book: It's Time
to Remember: A Riveting Story of One Woman's Awakening to Alien Beings
- Sharon Gill and Dave Oester
- The Ghost Hunters Gallery
- Website: www.ghostweb.com>
- Michael Glickman
- Website: www.cropcircleradius.com
- Appearance: 7/23/99
- Ken Goddard
- Book: First
- Book: Double
- Book: The
- Book: Balefire
- Book: Cheater
- Book: Wildfire
- Book: Prey
- Website: members.aol.com/kengoddard/kenhome.htm
- Appearance: 7/12/99
- Dr. Bruce Goldberg
- Book: Protected by the Light: The Complete Book of Psychic Self Defense
- Book: Time Travelers From Our Future, A Fifth Dimension Odyssey
- Book: Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel
- Book: Past Lives, Future Lives
- Book: Peaceful Transition: The Art of Conscious Dying & the Liberation of the Soul
- Book: Look Younger, Live Longer: Add 25 to 50 Years to Your Life, Naturally
- Book: The Search for Grace: The True Story of Murder & Reincarnation
- Book: Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Making It Work for You
- Book: Soul Healing
- Book: Unleash Your Psychic Powers
- Book: New Age Hypnosis
- Website: www.drbrucegoldberg.com
- Appearance: 11/26/96, 11/9/97, 7/26/98, 5/19/99, 1/2/00
- Timothy Good
- Book: Alien
Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed
- Lawrence Gordon
- Book: User
- Peter Gorman
- Book:Amazon Jaunt
- Website: www.aloha.net/~axiom/amazon.html
- Appearance: 1/12/98
- Dale Graff
- Former director and founder of the U.S. Government's
secret project STARGATE, a federally funded program which investigated and
used parapsychology to gather intelligence information.
- Book: River Dreams: The Case of the Missing General and Other Adventures in Psychic Research
- Book: Tracks in
the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, Esp, Precognitive
Dreaming, and Synchronicity
- Website: www.chesapeake.net/~baygraff/
- Appearance: 3/4/98, 2/11/00
- Glen Grant
- Book: Ghostly
Encounters on Supernatural Hawaii
- Website: www.chicken-skin.com
- Mike Gray
- Book:
Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out
- Related Site: www.drugsense.org
- Appearance: 6/18/98
- Dr. Marsha Green
- Director, Ocean Mammal Institute
- Website: www.oceanmammalinst.com
- Appearance: 3/12/98
- Wayne Green
- Wayne's List: Books You're Crazy If You Don't
- Website: www.waynegreen.com
- Address: Wayne Green, Hancock, NH 03449
- Fax: (603) 588-3205
- Phone: (603) 525-4747
- Book:Secret Guide to Health
- Book:Secret Guide to Wealth
- Book:Secret Guide to Wisdom
- Book:Submarine Life in WWII
- Appearance: 1/22/97, 5/28/97, 4/20/98, 2/16/99, 6/2/99, 1/5/00
- Dr. Brian Greene
- Book: The Elegant
Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate
- WebSite: Columbia UniversityProf. of Mathematics &Theoretical Physics
- EMail: bg111@columbia.edu
- Appearance: 4/8/99
- John Greenewald
- Website: BlackVault.com
- Appearance: 1/27/99
- Dr. Steven Greer
- Founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial
- Book: Extraterrestrial Contact : The Evidence and Implications
- Website: www.cseti.org
- Website: www.drgreer.com
- Appearance: 2/21/97, 5/8/97, 1/5/98, 4/30/98, 9/25/98, 1/8/99, 9/24/99
- G. Edward Griffin
- Book: World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17
- Website:www.realityzone.com
- Appearance: 1/17/00
- Kathy Grimshaw
- Director, The Society of Crystal Skulls, International
- Website: www.crystalskullsociety.org
- Appearance: 3/8/98
- Steve Grohman
- Website: www.creationseminar.net
- Appearance: 10/06/99
- Karl Grossman
- Discussing NASA's Cassini mission
- Book: The Wrong
Stuff: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to Our Planet
- Website: www.sonic.net/~west/cassini.htm
- Appearance: 7/9/97, 8/19/98
- Julie Gillentine
- Book: Messengers:
Among the Stars, Stones, and Legends the Ancient Wisdom Dwells
- Appearance: 11/05/99
- Dr. John Haaland
- Psychokinesis
- Website: www.mindsonginc.com
- Appearance: 3/2/97, 8/7/97
- Peter Hadfield
- Book: Sixty Seconds That Will Change the World: The Coming Tokyo Earthquake
- Appearance: 12/1/99
- Merle Haggard
- Appearance: 9/2/97
- Dr. Richard Haines
- Largest collection of pilot UFO sightings in world.
- Book: CE-5: Close
Encounters of the Fifth Kind
- Book: Advanced
Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War
- Book: If UFOs Are
- Appearance: 10/16/99
- Dr. Alan Hale
- Dr. Hale discusses the Comet Hale-Bopp
- Book: Everybody's
Comet : A Layman's Guide to Hale-Bopp
- Website: www.spaceportmemphis.com
- Appearance: 3/7/97, 3/12/98
- Leah Haley
- SeeMarc Davenport
- William "Bill" Hamilton
- Skywatch International, Executive Director
- Website: skywatch.itlnet.net
- Appearance: Dreamland April 1995.
- Related Site: Alien
- Appearance: 4/16/97, 6/19/97
- Graham Hancock
- Book: The Mars
Mystery: The Secret Connection Linking Earth's Ancient Civilization and the Red

- Book: Fingerprints
of the Gods
- Book: Message of
the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
- Website: www.anw.com/hancock
- Appearance: 9/27/96, 4/08/98, 6/16/98
- Dr. Keith Harary
- Book: Who Do You
Think You Are?: Explore Your Many-Sided Self With the Berkeley Personality
- Related WebSite: FACTNet International
- Appearance: 10/19/98 w/Hilly Rose
- Chuck Harder
- Appearance: 10/4/96
- Heather Anne Harder
- Book: Interdimensional Communication: The Art and Science of Talking to Ghosts, Spirits, Angels and Other Dead People
- Book: Many Were Called-Few Were Chosen: The Story of the Earth-Based Volunteers
- Book: Perfect Power in Consciousness
- Website: www.Harder2000.com
- Appearance: 2/21/99, 1/26/00
- Al Harrison
- Professor UC-Davis
- Book: After
Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life
- Appearance: 4/29/98
- Dennis William Hauck
- Book: Haunted
Places: The National Directory: Ghostly Abodes, Sacred Sites, UFO Landings, and
Other Supernatural Locations
- Website: www.haunted-places.com
- Appearance: 11/08/98
- Norio Hayakawa
- Director of Civilian Intelligence Network. He has led many expeditions to the
perimeter of Area 51 in Nevada and a covert facility located in the Tehachapis in
Southern California.
- Website: hometown.aol.com/norio1944/
- Appearance: 6/16/97 (Repeat of Aug'95), 11/30/97 (Replay)
- Lance Henriksen
- Website: Fox's Millennium
- Website: Lance
Henriksen Bio
- Appearance: 1/21/99
- William Henry
- Book: One Foot in
Atlantis: The Secret Occult History of World War II & Its Impact on New Age
- Book: The
Peacemaker and the Key of Life
- Book: The Keepers
of Heaven's Gate: The Millennial Madness, the Religion Behind the Rancho Santa
Fe Suicides
- Website: WilliamHenry.Net
- Related Image: William Henry Device
- Related Images: Seal Pic 1,Seal Pic 2
- Related Website: www.secondsight.net/henry.html
- Appearance: 11/6/97, 1/5/99
- Michael Hesemann
- Book: Beyond
Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, & the U.S. Government Coverup of
- Book: Cosmic
Connections: Worldwide Crop Formations and Et Contacts
- Book: UFOs: The
Secret History
- Website: hesemann.m-n-d.com
- Appearance: 7/4/97, 6/28/99, 12/26/99
- Sarah Hinze
- Book: Coming From
the Light: Spiritual Accounts of Life Before Life
- Website: www.primenet.com/~shinze/
- Appearance: Dremaland 6/29/97
- Philip Hoag
- Underground Shelters
- Book: No Such
Thing As Doomsday: Underground Shelters How to Prepare for Earth Changes, Wars
& Other Threats
- Website: www.nodoom.com
- Website: www.y2ksurvivalfood.com
- Appearance: 1/14/97, 8/26/99
- Richard C. Hoagland
- Founder of The Enterprise Mission
- Book: The
Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever

- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Send Movie Script Comments To: Universal Pictures
- Related Info: Cydonia Study Space Page
- Related Website: Save The Circle
- Related Story: NASA MAN HIDING
- Related Page: Something
Wicked This Way Comes ...
- Related Page: Something
Anomalous Seen During Solar Eclipse
- Appearances: 9/27/96, 10/25/96, 10/29/96, 11/12/96, 11/27/96, 12/3/96, 12/20/96,
3/19/97, 4/8/97, 4/9/97, 4/17/97, 5/2/97, 5/15/97, 6/17/97, 6/19/97, 6/26/97,
7/14/97, 7/25/97, 8/20/97, 9/1//97, 9/8/97, 12/4/97, 1/5/98, 1/27/98, 2/23/98,
3/26/98, 3/31/98, 4/02/98, 4/06/98, 4/14/98, 4/22/98, 5/26/98, 9/01/98, 12/30/98,
1/8/99, 2/8/99, 3/2/99, 5/19/99, 6/30/99, 8/18/99, 9/23/99, 10/14/99, 12/7/99
- John Hogue
- Book: Messiahs: The Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming
- Book: 1000 For 2000: Predictions for the New Millennium
- Book: The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome: The Prophecies of St. Malachy for the New Millennium
- Book: Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies
- Book: The Millennium Book of Prophecy
- Website: www.hogueprophecy.com
- Appearance: 12/29/96, 2/20/98, 1/3/99, 9/28/99, 01/02/00, 1/4/00
- Gillian Holloway, Ph.D.
- Dream Psychologist
- Book: Dreaming
Insights : A 5-Step Plan for Discovering the Meaning in Your Dream
- Website: www.lifetreks.com/~dreams/
- Appearance: Dreamland Sept 17, 1995
- Budd Hopkins
- Intruders Foundation
- Book: Intruders:
The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods
- Book: Missing
- Book: Abducted!:
The Story of the Intruders Continues
- Book: Witnessed;
The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions
- Book: The Gulf
Breeze Sightings
- Website: www.if-aic.com/
- Appearance: 7/3/97, 8/10/97, 2/7/99
- Dr. Len Horowitz
- Book: Emerging
Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?
- Website: www.tetrahedron.org
- Appearance: 11/22/96, 4/28/97, 5/8/97, 4/15/99
- Dr. Kent Hovind
- Dispelling the Myth of Evolution
- Website: www.drdino.com
- Appearance: 1/6/98
- Linda Howe
- Linda is featured every Sunday evening on Dreamland
- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II

- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
- Book: Alien
Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to
Alien Life Forms
- Diagram: Neilburg Crop Circle Formation
- Related Website: Circles
Phenomenon Research International
- Website: earthfiles.com
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
- Book: Conscious
Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
- Book: The
A Message of Hope for the New Millennium
- Website: www.cocreation.org
- Appearance: 4/28/98
- Dr. James J. Hurtak
- The Academy of Future Science
- Website: www.affs.org
- Book:The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch
- Related Site: Lambert Dolphin's
Resource File
- Dr. Robert M Hysmith
- Biotoxicologist
- Appearance: 1/21/99
- John Iannone
- Book:The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin
- Website: www.theshroudofturin.com
- Appearance: 10/24/99
- David Icke
- Book: The Biggest
Secret: The Book That Will Change the World
- Book: And the
Truth Shall Set You Free
- Book: I Am Me I
Am Free: The Robots Guide to Freedom
- Book: Robots'
Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
- Website: davidicke.com
- Appearance: 11/11/98
- Peter Isaksen
- Executive Producer of Fox'sOpening
the Lost Tombs.
- Appearance: 3/1/99
- David Israel
- Executive Producer: Y2K The Movie
- Website: www.nbc.com/y2k/
- Appearance: 11/16/99
- David M. Jacobs
- Book: The Threat

- Book: Secret
Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
- Website: www.ufoabduction.com
- Appearance: 7/29/99
- Laurie Jacobson
- Book: Hollywood
- Related Page: Ghost Photos from Laurie
- Related Topic: Art's Ghost Page
- Appearance: 10/19/99
- Beverly Jaegers
- Book: The Psychic Paradigm
- Book: Beyond Palmistry: The Art and Science of Modern Hand Analysis
- Book: The Human Aura: How I Teach My Students to See It
- Website: www.uspsisquad.com
- Appearance: 2/22/00
- Rollye James
- Guest Host
- Website: www.rollye.net
- Appearance: 12/17/99
- Terry & Linda Jamison
- Psychic Twins
- Phone: (323) 512-5424
- Appearance: 11/02/99
- Alexander Jason
- Crime Scene Analyst
- Website: www.projectile.com
- E-mail: ajason@projectile.com
- John Major Jenkins
- Book: Maya
Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date
- Website: edj.net/mc2012/fourahau.html
- Appearance: 9/06/98, 4/27/99
- James Bond Johnson
- Related Page: Roswell Debris Photos
- Website: www.geocities.com/Area51/hollow/8827/
- Appearance: 7/22/98
- Stan Johnson
- Appearance: Dreamland Feb 11, 1996
- Book:Bigfoot Memoirs, My Life with Sasquatch
- Website: www.mcsi.net/alahoy/johnson.htm
- Dale Kaczmarek
- Ghost Research Society
- Website: ghostresearch.org
- Appearance: 12/19/97
- Michio Kaku
- Professor of theoretical physics
- Related Info: A Scientific
Critique of the Accident Risks from the Cassini Space Mission
- Related Info: Speech at Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station Main Gates
- Related Info: Statement to
Clinton calling for postponement of Cassini
- Related Info: Explaining
The Risks of The Cassini Mission
- Book:
How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
- Book: Hyperspace:
A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth
- Book: Beyond
Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
- Book: Introduction
to Superstrings
- Website: www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/
- E-mail: mkaku@aol.com
- Appearance: 8/22/97, 9/24/97, 11/20/97, 2/24/98, 5/14/98, 12/15/98, 7/15/99
- David Kagan
- Book:SunStroke
- Address:David Kagan c/o John Talbot, Putnam Berkley Group, 200 Madison
Ave, New York, NY 10016
- Steve Kates(Dr. Sky)
- Website: www.drsky.com
- Appearance: 8/9/99, 9/25/99, 11/13/99, 1/22/00
- Kathleen Keating
- Investigative Journalist
- Book: The Final Warning: Your Survival Guide to the New Millennium
- Website: www.finalwarningthebook.com
- Appearance: 2/2/00
- Kathy Keeton
- Cancer treatment using alternative methods
- Website: www.kathykeeton-cancer.com
- Appearance: 8/15/97
- Jim Keith
- Book: Mind
Control, World Control
- Book: Casebook on
the Men in Black
- Book: Black
Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order
- Book: Black
Helicopters II; The End Game Strategy
- Website: www.illuminetpress.com/mib.html
- Appearance: 7/24/97
- Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.
- Website: www.accessnv.com/nids
- UFO Hotline:(702) 798-1700
- Appearance: 6/15/99, 9/22/99, 10/07/99
- Robert D. Keppel
- Book: Signature
- Appearance: 4/16/98
- Mark Kidger
- Book: The Star of Bethlehem
- Website: www.cropcircleradius.com
- Appearance: 12/19/99
- Richard Kieninger
- Book: Ultimate
- Website: www.adelphi.com
- Appearance: 9/22/99
- John Kierein
- Big bang and the cause of gravity on the expanding earth.
- Website: www.angelfire.com/az/BIGBANGisWRONG/index.html
- Website: Where
the Extraterrestrial Life Is
- Marsha Kight
- Mother of victim of the Oklahoma bombing. Director of Families and Survivors
- Website: www.familiessurvivorsunite.com
- E-mail: MTkite@aol.com
- Appearance: 6/4/97
- Glenn Kimball
- Book: Hidden
Politics of the Crucifixion
- Book: Hidden
Stories of the Childhood of Jesus
- Website: www.ancientmanuscripts.com
- Appearance: 10/23/98 w/Hilly Rose, 12/11/98, 4/2/99
- Charlotte King
- Biological Sensitive. Predicting earthquakes and other events by the pains
in your body from the earths changing magnetic field.
- Website: www.viser.net/~charking/
- Appearance: 11/06/99 w/Hilly Rose
- John Kirby
- John presented a series of interview sound clips on the program shortly after
the 50th anniversary of the Roswell crash.
- Related Page: John Kirby Interviews
- E-mail: john.kirby@intel.com
- Appearance: 7/10/97
- Annie and Byron Kirkwood
- Website: www.baproducts.com
- Robert Kiviat
- Executive Producer: "Worlds Greatest Hoaxes"
- Appearance: 12/23/98
- Dr. Ronald Klatz
- Human Growth Hormones, Immortality and Cloning
- Book: Stopping
the Clock: Why Many of Us Will Live Past 100 and Enjoy Every Minute!
- Book: Grow Young With HGH: The Amazing Medically Proven Plan to Reverse Aging
- Website: www.worldhealth.net
- Appearance: 2/18/98, 11/03/98
- Jon Klimo w/Catherine Cooke
- Book: Channeling:
Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources
- Related Website: Greenwich
- Recommended Website: www.ghostresearch.org
- Appearance: 10/03/99
- David Koerner & Simon LeVay
- Book: Here Be Dragons: The Scientific Quest for Extraterrestrial Life
- Appearance: 2/7/00
- Konstantinos
- Photo
- Appearance: Dreamland July 21, 1996
- Kal Korff
- Book: Spaceships
of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story
- Book: The Roswell
UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to Know
- Related Page: Kal Korff Incident
- Appearance: 8/7/97, 3/17/98
- Bart Kosko
- Book: The Fuzzy Future: From Society And Science To Heaven In A Chip
- Book: Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic
- Book: Fuzzy Engineering
- Book: Nanotime
- Website: sipi.usc.edu/~kosko/
- Appearance: 8/7/97, 3/17/98, 1/23/00
- Sue Kovach
- Book: Hidden
Files : Law Enforcement's True Case Stories of the Unexplained and Paranormal
- E-mail: suekovach@compuserve.com
- Appearance: 12/7/97
- Kathy Kramer
- Sister of the missing Philip Taylor Kramer, former bass player of Iron Butterfly
- Related Site: www.ironbutterfly.com
- Related Site: www.unsolved.com/kramer.html
- Appearance: 1/29/97
- Phillip H. Krapf
- Book: The Contact
Has Begun: The True Story of a Journalist's Encounter With Alien Beings

- Appearance: 3/23/98
- The Amazing Kreskin
- Book: Secrets of the Amazing Kreskin: The World's Foremost Mentalist Reveals How You Can Expand Your Powers
- Website: www.amazingkreskin.com
- Appearance: 1/19/00
- Dr. Edwin C Krupp
- Website: Griffith Park Observatory
- Book: Beyond the
Blue Horizon: Myths and Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets
- Book: Echoes of
the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations
- Book: Skywatchers,
Shamans, & Kings: Astronomy and the Archaeology of Power
- Appearance: 8/02/98