ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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11/30/97 Sunday / Dreamland
11/28/97 Friday / Saturday
Replay: Guest: David Adair
11/27/97 Thursday / Friday
Iraq.... Iraq's foreign minister renewed Bagdad's threat to shoot down
U2 spy planes, moreover they said UN weapons inspectors are not included
in an invitation to opening Suddams properties to foreign experts.
Art says we now find out what they meant by experts is 'diplomats'.
Art says most diplomats wouldn't know a good chicken soup from botchulism.
Japan.... Japan launches a satellite, low orbiting and carrying about a
ton of fuel. It will be looking at the clouds to decide how to do
better weather forecasting. It will be much lower than the Russian
satellite up there that can create hurricanes.
Macy's.... The parade didn't go too well when the Cat in the Hat balloon
hit a tall building and injured four people. Many other ballons had
incidents with large buildings.
Noise.... A faxer asks Art about these people reporting dizziness while
hearing a low frequency noise. Any updates? Could it be HAARP,
or the Russians trying to get their cyclone going? Does Art think
we are fooling with the weather, Yes!
Combo Line: Aliens, MIBs, Area 51 Employees, Vampires, Time Travelers
Replays.... Art replays the area 51 pilot shoot-down and the area 51 employee/satellite
outage caller from a previous program.
11/26/97 Wednesday / Thursday
WIMA.... Art welcomes WIMA in Lima, Ohio. 1150 on the am dial.
Art remembers his dislike of lima beans when he was a child. Actually
he still dislikes them.
Thanksgiving.... Art says he will not do the age old tradition of asking
people what they are thankful for, but what they are unthankful for.
Such as Suddam, AIDS, etc.
AIDS.... A new report says that 30 million people are now infected with
HIV, and only one in ten knows about it.
Iraq.... Iraq now says it will allow the UN Inspectors back in. Art
relates the events of the last couple days involving this incident.
Law....The Supreme Court has agreed to reconsider reinstating a law which
requires the National Endowment for the Arts to consider decency along
with artistic merit when handing out public money. Art thinks that
is just fine.
Deer.... A guy who shot a white tailed deer reports it had a fifth leg
growing out it's back. Art says these deformities are moving up the
food chain.
Present.... Art is very happy with a Packards helmet sent to him from a
friend in L.A.
Guest: Joyce Riley, American Gulf
War Veterans Association
11/25/97 Tuesday / Wednesday
Maj. Dames.... Art asks callers this first hour what they think this "discontinuity"
is that Ed Dames is going to talk about tonight. Is it some sort
of religious event, or catastrophe, or earth change?
Iraq.... William Cohen said today that Iraq has maintained enough chemical
and biological weaponry to kill every man woman and child on the face of
the earth. Probably hidden away in one of Suddam's castles.
Art guesses we will force a confrontation. Art thinks it will play
this way: The UN Inspectors will demand to go to these 60 or
so locations where the weaponry is hidden, the Iraqis will say no, the
inspectors will leave in protest and then the smart and dumb bombs will
begin to fall. Art says if we are going to do this, let's do it right
and kill the S.O.B.
Rats.... An ecological group in Chile is sounding an alarm about two foot
long mutant rats that are attacking barnyard animals. They expect
they have grown this big by feeding off the droppings of hormone fattened
Clinton.... Clinton is a believer that there may indeed be UFOs according
to a Little Rock associate, saying when he appointed his friend Webster
Hubble, he told him to examine government records to see if UFO's
existed. Clinton also wanted him to find out who killed JFK.
Art wonders what kind of answers he got.
Frogs.... Researches in Duluth think now that uv rays are causing the deformities
in frogs because they have been able to duplicate the deformities using
uv rays.
Sperm.... A third sperm density report has come out saying there is a decline
in sperm density. There has been an average of 1.5% decrease per
year. Art says all our others concerns will be for naught if this
continues. What if we slowly just stopped reproducing?
Guest: Major Ed Dames,
Remote Viewing and Discontinuity
11/24/97 Monday / Tuesday
Guest: Dr Joseph Gold,
Kathy Keeton's HS Doctor (1st hr)
Guests: Wm. Donaldson & 2 Witnesses, TWA Flt 800 (2nd hr)
11/23/97 Sunday / Dreamland
11/21/97 - Friday / Saturday
11/20/97 - Thursday / Friday
11/19/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Guest: Whitley Strieber, Alien Abductee,
Image of the Glenrock, Wyoming UFO
Guest: Dr. Roger Leir, Fund for
Interactive Reseach in Space Technology
11/18/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
11/17/97 - Monday / Tuesday
David Adair, Rocket Scientist
11/16/97 - Dreamland
Mark Ritchie, "Spirit of the Rain Forest"
11/14/97 - Friday / Saturday
Guest: Whitley Strieber, covering the Washington UFO sighting.
11/13/97 - Thursday / Friday
Space Cruise... Suppose you were able to book a cruise in orbit. Gene Meyers
will be on tonight to discuss the possibility.
Iraq.... Art followed the UN inspectors leaving Iraq. Art says we are being
groomed for some kind of confrontation with Iraq again. Art has become
somewhat cynical concerning our intent to really ever do anything specific
and final with Iraq. He feels we will never do it and it is a bunch of
baloney. Art's assessment of the situation is that there will be no violence
short of them taking a shot at one of our U2s. He says there is a lot of
roaring right now, but no teeth. He says Saddam must be shaking in his
boots with all the edicts being sent down by the UN. "What a joke, what
a complete joke," says Art.
Kevorkian... A 74 year old woman with liver cancer has died with Kevorkian's
Stocks.... Stocks are plummeting again in Tokyo, down about three percent.
11/12/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Guest: Caryl Dennis, Author,
"Millennium Children"
11/11/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Guest: Boris Said & Tom Danley
11/10/97 - Monday / Tuesday
Guest: Dan Sherman, Author, "Above
11/9/97 - Sunday / Dreamland
Linda Howe (1 hour)
Dr. Bruce Goldberg
11/7/97 - Friday / Saturday
Guest: René Barnett, Strange
Universe (1 hr)
Guest: Dr. Nicholas J.
Begich (4 hrs)
11/6/97 - Thursday / Friday
Guest: William Henry, Author, "The Peacemaker" (3 hrs)
Open Lines: Random Bits of News
11/5/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Guest: Gregg Braden, Author, Awakening to Zero Point"
11/4/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Fax... Art reads a fax from the Republican National Committee regarding
last night's show featuring Steve Bassett. The chairman, Jim Nicholson,
requested some rebuttal time on Tuesday night's show. Art came up with
two questions for him, one soft, and one more difficult. Before the end
of the show last night, Art predicted there would be some kind of unexpected
problem and Mr. Nichols would cancel his appearance. And he did.
Backup Guest: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (2 1/2 hours)
Fax... Art reads another fax from a listener saying that the leftist news
media tried to destroy Dan Quayle over the spelling of a vegetable, and
you know what they would do to a republican discussing UFO's and Art was
the one causing the chairman to back out by airing the questions he was
going to pose to him. Art disagrees, saying he could have just thrown the
questions at him unaware, but thought it would be unethical.
CNN... The Washington Post reports that CNN is planning to add a new beat,
MIR. Preliminary talks are underway concerning sending a reporter to MIR.
Art says the obvious choice would be John Holliman, the science reporter,
but personally Art thinks there are other choices. How about Bobbie Betista,
for the feminine angle. Art really hopes this comes about.
11/3/97 - Monday / Tuesday
Guest: Bob Guccione, Publisher
(1 Hr)
Guest: Steve Bassett, Stargate International
(4 hrs)