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Charles Cagle
This page is contains a compilation of images and text to compliment
Charles Cagle's appearance on Art Bell Coast to Coast AM on November 18th,
Diagrams![]() Early earth when the present continental crust constituted the entire
planetary surface.
![]() Early earth when the present continental crust constituted the entire
planetary surface and just as a new dipole reversal sequence with mass
generation in the core begin to take place. Magnetic loop collapse induced
earthquakes with Global rifting into present continental blocks began.
But such rifting would release the underground aquifers to the surface
and cause global flooding.
![]() Early earth when the present continental crust constituted the entire
planetary surface and just as a new dipole reversal sequence with mass
generation in the core begin to take place. Magnetic loop collapse induced
earthquakes with Global rifting into present continental blocks began.
But such rifting would release the underground aquifers to the surface
and cause global flooding. Cutaway shows active core generating neutrons
which induces lithospheric tension which will result in rifting.
![]() Early earth when the present continental crust constituted the entire
planetary surface and just as a new dipole reversal sequence with mass
generation in the core begin to take place. Magnetic loop collapse induced
earthquakes with Global rifting into present continental blocks began.
But such rifting would release the underground aquifers to the surface
and cause global flooding. Cutaway shows active core generating neutrons
which induces lithospheric tension which will result in rifting. Dipole
Reversal Sequence to the dipole off mode showing all effects including
CME incursions because of the lack of a deflecting dipole.
![]() This shows the fallacious dynamo model which even though repudiated by the Steens Mountain data which shows that the field can shift as much as six degrees per day is still endorsed by geophysicists world wide. Supposedly a differential rotation between a postulated nickel-iron crystalline core and an outer liquid core generates a current that produces the geomagnetic field. The magnetotoroidal model easily replaces such unscientific ad hoc inventions. See this quote from Science: The magnetic-field situation is in even worse shape. When planetary scientists found that Uranus' magnetic field was tilted 60? from the axis of rotation, they worried a bit but didn't think that this one exception would overthrow the favored dynamo theory of field generation. After all, the magnetic fields of Jupiter, Saturn, and earth are reasonably well- behaved. But Neptune's field is now found to be misaligned by 50?! The confidence of the planetologists has now been shaken. What, if anything, is different about Neptune and Uranus? It may just be that we don't really know how the magnetic field of any planet is generated.Each time a new planetary magnetic field is found such as for Ganymede or Europa a new mechanism is ad hoc formulated as if there were as many mechanisms as there are planets. The scientific community does not appear to be after understanding but rather is sufficiently satisfied with 'explanations'. Any sufficiently complex lie can in principle explain the most complex data. This is the state of science as far as modern theory goes with respect to the origin and nature of planetary magnetic fields. Right now, even though there is compelling evidence to the contrary (tail shedding and cometary outbursts, and strong x-ray emissions), the scientific community denies that comets have magnetic fields. ![]() This jpeg file created with Adobe Photoshop shows the impact of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun with the Earth's magnetotoroid. Note the toroidal nature of the CME which is but an emitted magnetic loop system itself. If the distortion of the Earth's field is sufficiently rapid the incursion of a CME could cause the current vector of the dipole field to rotate 90 degrees around the axis of the vector potentials and stimulate a dipole reversal sequence. Now if the dipole field of the Earth was down (as during a reversal
sequence) a CME striking the Earth could, instead of being deflected by
the magnetic field, directly heat the atmosphere. The Greek Legend
of Phaeton is perhaps the mythologized account of the last time the dipole
field of the Earth went through a reversal.
![]() Prior to the Great Deluge the Earth had a great worldwide aquifer layer under the lithosphere. This water originated from the core which produced neutrons (that became protons) and and variety of elements to include copious amounts of oxygen to accomodate the hydrogen. The heavily supersaturated (hydrated) mantle differentiated and a layer of water developed under the lithosphere. This was later expressed to the surface under several millions of lbs per sq in in the days of the deluge (these were the fountains of the great deep) through the rifts that became the continental margins fracturing rock to sand and shooting up into the troposphere to come down as rain and sedimentation. The above image shows Antedeluvian Earth with sublithospheric water
layer. After dipole reversal sequence, matter production in the core
and lithospheric tension which fractures the lithosphere the water was
expelled to the surface under several million pounds per square inch.
This supersonic flow expressed into the troposphere and shattered lithosphere
to sand and these expressions were the fountains of the great deep.
![]() This shows how the expansion of the Earth (so that the surface moved
outward in the time gradient field produced by the magnetotoroid of the
planet) caused the coincident reduction in the lifespans of the ancient
patriarchs. Prior to the deluge the patriarchs average age was 912
years, the first three patriarch's born after the flood had an average
age of 445 years, and then starting with Peleg (who was named that because
in his days the Earth was divided) the next three averaged only 236 years.
As the earth continued to grow the outward motion of the surface reduced
the lifespans of men to about 80 years. Naturally such an outward
motion would skew all radiometric dating assumptions as well. The
generation of mass in the Earth's core destroys the foundations of isotopic
radiometric dating.
![]() This file created with Adobe Photoshop depicts the fundamental Archetype
which is the ubiquitous underlying structure of the universe, Ball Lightning,
Magnetotoroids of planets, stars, comets, etc. and is the fundamental form
of neutrons.
![]() This shows the emission from the sun of a closed magnetic loop system
which is a Coronal Mass Ejection or CME. CME's traverse from the sun to
the Earth without gross dispersion of energy because they are a self contained
magnetotoroidal system.
![]() HH30 is a stellar jet (NASA Hubble Photo Credit). This black and white
double shot shows HH30 eleven months apart. This is a classic
example of a star oscillating between the two current modes of poloidal
and toroidal. During the poloidal current mode the star generates mass
in its core and then ejects the material. Once in a while the star
goes through a complete dipole reversal and ejects a blob out the left.
Mostly these pictures are evidence of a star that mere goes through a dipole
excursion where the current vector becomes poloidal then back to poloidal
with the original orientation.
![]() This shows the tsunamis which originating in the Indian Ocean will cause
the nations to weep. A tsunami of 400 ft. originating in the Indian
Ocean moving northward up the Bay of Bengal upon reaching the shallow topography
could rise to a mile high as it comes ashore and innundates the Brahmaputra
and Ganges flood plains. The toll could reach 130 million in a single
day as Calcutta, Dhaka and much of Bangladesh is innundated. Millions
more would perish in Malaysia.
![]() Sequence of drawings made similar to Karl W. Luckert's. Lower
portion shows effect of decreasing curvature on the lithosphere which causes
surface compression and lower lithospheric tension which upon failure makes
magma channels to feed mountain chains (orogesis) and dikes and basalt
CreditsAll material on this page provided to the Art Bell web page by: Charles Cagle, CEO
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Copyright © 2000 Premiere Radio Networks Page Updated: Friday, 06-Oct-2000 13:47:23 PDT
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