ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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10/31/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Replay of Program with Major Ed Dames, Remote Viewing
10/30/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
10/29/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Richard Hoagland... Providing an update tonight. The Florida and California
phone numbers are ringing of the hook for the rally and briefing at Cape
Canaveral and hundreds of people booking flights to attend. Also Art's audience
had a remarkable affect on the press conference held last March in Washington.
Richard would like to see the same response in regards to the launch at Cape
- Web Page... Modesto Bee article on Art, just out today, there is a link to
it on the page. Also a photograph of the Minnesota State Capitol with lightning
coming down on it taken by Doug Kiesling. A photo from Hawaii of a cat that
relates to a story done some time ago is also up there. This cat loves taking
- UAW... 7000 union workers on strike at two GM plants.
- China's top dissident sentenced.
- Democrats releasing records of campaign donations.
- Dole... Bob Dole has completed his California leg of his campaign.
- Yeltsin... Boris Yeltsin facing surgery next week.
- O.J. The civil trial of O.J. Simpson continues.
- Art's question to you today is... If you entered the "soon to be
opened" chamber in the Sphynx, and encountered a metal object with an
obvious On/Off button, would you flip it and if you did what do you think would
- Art conveys his thanks to all who has expressed concern about his wife. She
is feeling somewhat better. Art informs us of some new statistics about asthma.
- Board op night..... Art invites all his board operators across the country
to call on the first caller line as a kind of tribute to those who are in charge
of running his show every night.
- Tomorrow night.... The annual Ghost to Ghost show will be tomorrow night.
This is the night we tell real ghost stories and Art takes them seriously. So
this is the night for you to scare the hell out of everybody else.
10/28/96 - Monday /Tuesday
10/25/96 - Friday /Saturday
10/24/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Riot.... Major riot in St. Petersburg, Florida when a black motorist was
shot and killed by police when his car lurched forward during a traffic stop.
Art wants anyone in Florida that can shed some light on this to contact him.
- Bob Dole.... Art feels Dole's campaign has been just terrible and the fact
that he asked Perot for his support backfired. The polls are widening.
- O.J. Simpson... O.J.'s lawyers fiercely attacked his former wife's
character in court. Art remembers when O.J. declared his unconditional love for
Nicole. The Brown family walked out of the courtroom.
- TWA 800.... A fuel probe was recovered that shows damage that might prove
that the probe itself blew up.
- Suspect.... A Saudi dissident has become a suspect in the bombing in Saudi
Arabia that killed 24 Americans.
- Pope Paul II... The Pope is lending his support to the theory of evolution.
Art says, "Holy Smokes" but does agree with the Pope. How do the
Christians out there feel about this?
- Frogs... There has been no genetic reason for the recent frog deformities,
so now they are blaming pollution. Art wonders how that can be when they are
popping up all over the place. How can the same pollution be dumped all over?
Most scientists dont feel its parasites either, they are stumped.
10/23/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Gulf War Syndrome... Joyce Riley joins Art in discussing the Gulf War
Syndrome and how it is contagious and may affect all of us eventually. A link
to a recent lecture of Joyce's is on the Links page.
Call 800-917-4278 if you want a copy of the three hour Joyce Riley program.
- Last .... The last hour of last night's show was a repeat because Art had
an emergency to take care of. His wife had a medical condition.
- Bob Dole.... Dole's campaign manager asks Perot to drop out of the race and
support Dole. Art feels this is really a move of desperation. Perot said he
will not drop out and is in for the duration. 57% of the American people said
the outcome of this election will have little or no affect on their lives.
- Fires.... Art spent a night speaking with the people in Southern
California. The Harmony Grove fire is now under suspicion of arson. Art is
disgusted, but not surprised.
- Blonde Joke.... Two blonds were walking along a country road. One blond
said to the other, "Hey, look at those tracks! I think they are Deer
tracks." The second blond says, "No, my dear. Those are not deer
tracks, they are bear tracks. The first blond says, "No, I'm sure they are
deer tracks." The second blond says, "Well, I'm sure they are bear
tracks." They stood around and argued about that until they were hit by the
10/22/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Fires..... 80 homes now consumed by the southern California fires, 6
firemen have been injured and 30,000 acres now destroyed. The fire at this time
is only 10% contained.
- Troops Exposed..... The Pentagon is informing 20,000 US Gulf War troops
that they may have been exposed to chemical weapons. Rashes, vomitting, loss of
appetite are some of the symptons. Art feels it has to be something and once
again our government has lied to us.
- Ruby Ridge.... An FBI offical has now been charged with obstruction of
justice in connection with the murder trail of white supremist Randy Weaver over
the deadly 1992 shoot out at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The offical has agreed to plead
guilty and cooperate with prosecutors in their long running investigation of
possible wrong doing by the FBI. Art has always said there would be some
offical result, and it looks as though he was right.
- Nicotine.... A new study says that nicotine may help prevent Alzheimers
disease. It appears to stop the formation of plaque in the brain. The plaque
seems to play a role in the dementia of Alzheimers disease sufferers. Though the
doctor stresses that he doesn't recommend taking up smoking. Art wants to know
what is going to happen in places where smoking has been outlawed when they find
smoking is a preventitive to Alzheimers. Could someone geta medical excuse to be
able to smoke?
- Mutilations.... From KPAY in Chico, CA they announced the cow mutilations
were done surgically, no traces of blood found or evidence that people were in
the area.
- Earthquake.... In keeping track with the swarming earthquakes, a 5.7
earthquake in central Alaska has been reported.
- Politics.... A CNN poll showed that 50% of people felt that Dole was the
more honest candidate after the first debate. But when asked who would you vote
for.. Dole 28%, Clinton 58%. Art feels that this says something about the
American electorate. When Newsweek asked who was the most negative or nasty,
Dole gets 59%, Clinton 11%. Who has better character, Clinton 48%, Dole 36% and
10% said it makes no difference. Art's prediction for the election is that
Clinton will be re-elected, if not by a landslide, than by a whole lot.
Republicans will hold congress by a very slim margin. The Senate will remain
safely in the hands of the Republicans by a seat or two. Within a year the
Clinton administration will be buried in scandal.
- Bumper Sticker.... Art received a bumper sticker from "Mark" that
says, If God had wanted us to vote, He would have given us candidates. Art
thinks this is a little cynical, but could be right on.
- Dole Tactics.... Art feels that all the tactics Dole has used against
Clinton has not worked, including the recent fund raising allegations. Art says
that brings us right back to the survey that says, Clinton may not be the most
honest guy in the world, but we LIKE him.
- Cat Virus.... A gentleman in Austrailia is asking Parliment to unleash a
virus to kill all cats because they are killing species of birds. Art has a
problem with this, will it spread to other countries what with world wide travel
and all. Do you think it could be safely contained to Austrailia?
- Frogs... A man in Texas found two deformed frogs, but his dog ate them
before we could get a full report on them.
10/21/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Speech Reversal..... David John Oates does speech reversals on the Presidential debate.
- Fires.... Harmony Grove, 45 acres burning. North County calls for high
winds again, 50 homes destroyed so far, massive evacuations, power and phone
lines down. LA fires still burning, 21 homes damaged in Malibu.
10/20/96 - Sunday - Dreamland
10/18/96 - Friday /Saturday
10/17/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Guest.... Luba Brezhnev discussing the state of Russia today.
- Paul...... Upcoming Cruise to Egypt
- Crop circle...... An aerial picture of the crop
circle in Washington is now on the web page. An aerial picture of the Laguna
Hills crop circle. Oliver's Castle crop circle in England, formed in
about 2 seconds, was caught on video and is in an AVI file, which means an
actual moving video where you can see the objects hovering above and forming the
crop circle.
- Alien implant..... We have 8 electron
microscope photographs of an alien implant ordered extracted by John Mack of
Harvard. The first time the public has been able to see these incredible
- Pyramids...... Photographs of the Sphinx and
Pyramids are now on the web page.
- Bob Dole.... A big battle brewing in California between Dole and Clinton
fighting for the support of the voters there.
- Fax from Scott..... Pondering on how usually people get what they deserve
not what they want. So, Clinton will get re-elected but he will wish he had
stayed with only one term. Dole will be happy in the end that he wasn't in the
White House during these next four years. Clinton will be remembered as an
average President, while Dole will be remembered for his numerous years of
- Tokyo Subway Bomb.... The Japanese Cult Guru accused of masterminding the
Tokyo Subway has admitted to the crime.
- TWA Flight 800.... The Washington Post is reporting that detailed analysis
of debris from the planes center fuel tank showed damage patterns slower than
those that would be caused by a bomb or a missile. In addition tests show that
parts of the center fuel tank were blown in an outward position indicating the
blast occurred from somewhere inside it.
- Chupacabra..... The latest Chupacabra attack has been reported from
Portugal. Nine sheep found dead all died from a deep hole in the right side of
the neck. The identical cause of death that was previously reported in Mexico.
Art is wondering how can something that began in Peurto Rico and spread to South
America and ultimately even to North America end up in Portugal?
10/16/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Presidential Debate.... CNN says President Clinton took the debate last
night, 59% to Dole's 29%. Art feels Mr. Clinton did not answer Dole's
aggression. But on the other hand, the debate was uneventful. Art couldn't
understand why Dole would want another debate with all parties represented when
he was the one who was pretty much responsible for keeping Perot out of this
debate. Art was extremely tickled when Dole, during his closing statement said
"For those of you still listening...." Since Art feels this election
is already over, he decided not to talk about the debates any more.
- Birth defects..... A study shows that air pollution can contribute to birth
defects. Polish women subjected to high levels of pollutants in densely
populated cities, gave birth to babies with smaller heads and bodies. The study
was conducted by Polish, Amercian and Czezh scientists. Art's comment here was,
Remember what Ed Dames said.... first about the frogs and then about human
- Shooting... The upperclassman accussed of drug use by his counselor, shot
and killed that counselor and then turned the gun on himself and committed
- NASA... NASA says on Dec 2 it is going to launch a probe to Mars containing
a six wheeled robot the size of a small truck. The mission was supposedly
scheduled before NASA August announcement about the existence of life on the red
planet. The robot is scheduled to land on July 4, 1997 and be a mechanical
geologist and be able to send back photos.
- Ebola.... The fourth outbreak has been reported, its the second in Africa.
- Deformed frogs..... Several local news stattions and CBS have ran stories
regarding increased numbers of frogs with deformities.....
- Smoking.... In the aftermath of the Maryland no smoking law, a faxer from
Venice, California sends a story on how after 20 years in his comfortable
apartment, a smoker moved in downstairs underneath him. He could no longer keep
his windows open, the smell came up through the floor boards, he had several
medical bills, and now is spending thousands to relocate. Art wonders if the
next Maryland law will be that if you reside in a basement floor apartment you
will not be able to smoke in your own home. The faxer has volunteered for the
nicotine police force to save the government some money, however he wants a M16,
a navy blue uniform, and a badge that resembles an ashtray with a boiling frog
in it.
- Along those lines... another faxer wants to know why we let a doctor go
around helping people die with his own process, but wont let smokers die by
smoking a few packs of cigarettes a day.
- Methane gas.... Another faxer said that the issue of methane gas has been
ignored by our government and feels a task force for humanoids who release
flatulence should be formed to arrest those who cannot refrain. Though the faxer
was joking, Art reminds us that a major portion of our air pollution consists of
cow flatulence.
- Responses about the incredible photographs on the website were shared.
10/15/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Implants... Dr.John Mack, from Harvard, provided photographs for our web
page, electron scanning photographs,of actual alien implants. A women named "Anne"
complaining of pain, had Dr. Mack remove an alien implant. Each photograph is
explained and breakdowns of compounds are provided. Art feels there is a "yuk"
factor here but says they are absolutely incredible. Art is proud to be part of
this "First".
- Crop Circle..... A Californian pilot sent a message to Art re a crop circle
in Laguna, that was made in an area that was half grass and half dirt. So wheat
fields are not the only places they turn up. The aerial picture is on the web
page. Another first for the website.
- MSNBC... Art Bell website featured on MSNBC and a local Detroit news
- Pres Debates..... Dole calls the administration self-serving, calling
Clinton prone to ethical failures, untrustworthy, etc. Arts observation is that
Dole said all the right words but his voice did not contain the passion those
kinds of statements require. Like he didn't really want to be saying these
- None of the above.... Art is still leaning towards the column on the ballot
labeled "none of the above", using Dole's statement, "A president
that has betrayed your trust doesn't deserve your vote" as sort of a
guiding post.
- Death Penalty...... Gas chamber deemed cruel and unusual by California
supreme court. Art doesn't understand the fight, he's in favor of the death
penalty but it doesn't have to be a torturous death. Just.. hasta la vista...
- TV Violence... study shows network violence has dropped to lowest level in
nine years. Art wonders if the fact that real violence is down too has anything
to do with it.
- Smoking Ban.....Friendship Heights, Maryland has a total ban on cigarette
smoking anywhere in the city other than your home and automobile. Art thought
Mesa, AZ was bad, now there is a city one upping them.
10/14/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Debate Browne / Phillips (2 Hours)
- Clinton receives $425,000 from Lippo Company
- Dole to get tough in next debate
- Sacramento man kills wife and leave her with children for 10 days
- Shot-gun slaying trial in Pontiac
10/9/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- VP Debates - Gore wins!?!
- Has this election been thrown?
- Some troops are leaving Bosnia, some are going over
- Middle-East situation
- Mike "Mad Man" Marcum Update
- Subglacial volcano eruptions up north
- Deformed Frogs!
- More Earthquakes in the Middle-East
10/8/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- 6.1 earthquake in SE Indian Ocean, 6.1 off Vancouver, 4.2 Nevada/Calif.
- FBI dropped investigation of security gaurd in bombing at olympics
- Pope's appendix is out
- Dole says he was too nice in Presidential Debate
- Clinton campaign very optimistic
- IRA claimed responsibility in bombing at British Army HQ in Ireland
- Detective Fuhrman on Primetime, apologizes for racial slurs
- Art's strange dream: Political prisoner in Cuba
- Heavy smokers may go blind
- HR3610 - Gun-Free Zones around Schools
- Peruvian Airliner: brought down by ELF (H.A.A.R.P.) ???
10/7/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Last night's Clinton/Dole debate (poll percentage 51 / 32)
- Next Monday - Debate between Harry Browne (LIB) & Howard Philips
(Taxpayers Party)
- Tropical storms in the southeast US
- British hit by bombs in northern Ireland
- Jury selection in the case of the murder of the secret admirer that was on
Jenny Jones
- New Pyramid Photos from Caroline Davies
- Valley Alabama UFO photo
10/6/96 - Dreamland
10/4/96 - Friday /Saturday
10/3/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Guest: Dark Skies Producer: Bryce Zabel (3 hours)
- Object falls from the sky, reports come in from the west coast
- Middle-east situation doesn't look good
- Dole blasts Clinton on foreign policy
- Oklahoma bombing case decides on two trials
- TWA Flt 800 search now using sonar
- German astronomers
detect black hole at
the center of our galaxy
- Major Dames appearance on Inside Edition
- Subglacial volcano eruption up north
10/2/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Thursday - Executive Producer of "Dark Skies"
- Friday , Midnight - David Oates (Reverse Speech)
- Middle-East Summit: Israel says a success, PLO says a failure
- Fuhrman Reaches Plea Agreement
- Peruvian 747 crash, killing 70, pilot radio navigation failure
- Tank and Missile Launcher Stolen
- Child Kisser's Suspension Lifted
- Child Crying Crystals, Photo-1 and
Photo-2 and Photo-3
- New gun control legislation
- Kingdom of Hawaii - Wants Out of US
10/1/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Ramona in AOL chat room tonight
- Middle-East diplomats do lunch!
- Pentagon admits: Gulf-War veterans exposed to chemical weapons
- US Bosnian mission extended until March 97
- Perot will appeal judge's decision banning him from debates
- Why won't 3rd party candidates debate each other
- Supreme Court jumps into the 'right to die' issue
- Major League baseball umpire strike possible
- Evidence of human life in Austrailia over 175,000 years ago
- Soul-Catcher Implants