Isn't it time for all of us who have been enjoying, and learning from Mr. Bell
and his program to get together in a universal prayer/positive thought effort
toward the 'mending' of his back? You could pick a date and post it, perhaps.
Best of wishes and many thanks for THE best web-site on the net.
I believe that we have been doing lots of praying and meditating for our country,
its leaders and those who are grieving for lost loved ones this past week, so how about
it folks? Let's all add Art to our prayers and meditate on his healing all day today (Tuesday Sept 18th).
I would like to hear him come on the air tonight and tell us that he is feeling wonderful
again. I believe in Miracles. Do you?
Let's especially focus on doing this during the hours that he is usually resting before the
show, 7-11 PM Eastern time (4-8 PM Pacific).
Mary Rowland - feedback editor