A collection of photos from various sources
submitted to the web page. Remember we don't suggest these are real,
just worthy of your consideration.
Click on Picture to See Full Size
Abducted Cow??? What can we say? We did receive this just prior to
April First! (Posted 4/3/99)
Photo from 1978 taken by a man named Jarad Mathews.
This is a Painting, Copyright by Mark McCandlish, of exactly what
Ramona and Art saw four years ago. See Ramona's
description of the sighting. It is VERY accurate. Many have
written and asked if it could be an
A-12 Avenger
reference to yesterday's posting of the UFO photo below: "We
think our fake is better than their fake. What say you?" askes
Tery Call.
This photo was taken at 10 AM on 6/2/98 on Salisbury Beach Ma. just
1.5 miles from the Seabrook Nuclear power plant, according to
jimheat@erols.com. However
take a look at direction of the shadows of the person and on the
![[IMAGE]](img/s_jetobject1.jpg) Art
and Ramona saw a UFO within the contrail of a passing jet on Memorial
Day 1997. Here are
Real Audio
segments from the broadcast, where Art and Ramona describe the
sighting and take calls. Now in June 1998, Art received photos from
Denise Patterson in St. Louis, that were taken in 1995 of the very
same looking object, again near the contrail of a jet. The photos were
taken one second apart, thereby showing the rapid movement that was
witnessed directly. These were not digitaly altered,
Art shows the actual photos in hand
on the studio cam.
"Mysterious Object" photographed by Ron Sprouse of Kaneohe,
Hawaii at the Nuuanu Memory Park on April 14, 1998, 3:20PM. Full photo
(left) shows an object in the upper right corner, which is blown up
(right) for closer examination. Original photo was sent to Art, who
scanned it and provided these images.