ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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It was after 11:30pm on August 29th, 1994, less than five miles
from our residence in Pahrump, NV. After finishing Art's then Sunday
show "Area 2000", which was broadcast from KDWN in Las
Vegas, we were on our way home. The night sky was clear with a nearly
full moon. The air temperature was around 75 degrees with little wind.
Out where we live, there are no public street lights and just a
scattering of homes, so other than the moonlight, it was very dark.
We had just stopped at Homestead and Kellogg, getting ready to turn.
Art was driving, I was turning to look at him when I noticed a strange
movement coming from the left and slightly behind us. I could see a
huge, dark object moving toward us from the rear window and began to
yell at Art, "What is that- What the Hell is That??" We
jumped out of the car and watched this huge, triangle-shaped object
float across the Pahrump valley from southeast to northwest. It was
right over our heads, maybe 150 to 200 feet above us, moving slowly,
too slow for aircraft we were familiar with.
There was a white, strobing light on the nose of the craft, and two
stationary white lights on the rear. It was big enough blot out the
stars and moon as it passed. The most unnerving part of this sighting
is that for as big as this craft was, there was absolutely no noise,
not a single sound could be heard except for crickets. We watched this
thing drift for more than five minutes across the valley before losing
sight of it.
We finally got home, sat down and compared our thoughts about what
happened. Art said he had to go on the air to talk about our sighting
the following night and that I had to verify the story. I was
reluctant to do this, but Art was adamant that we both had to give our
side of the experience. I considered myself fairly open-mined about
most paranormal experiences, i.e., ghosts, witchcraft, OBEs', NDEs',
clairvoyance, even UFOS and ETs', but this was more than I wanted to
see or experience in my lifetime.
Now for the funny part. Two weeks after our sighting, our local
newspaper ran a story saying that the object that was seen over the
Pahrump valley by other people as well as the two of us, was a C-130
transport plane that was on a secret training flight passing on
through the valley. This was the statement given by Nellis Air Force
Base. Art served in the Air Force and knows how loud a C-130 is, that
they cannot fly at such a slow speed. All I can say is what I saw was
real, and still disturbs me to this day.
-- Ramona Bell |