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12/31/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- REPEAT: Mad Man Marcum Program
12/30/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- KJFK... Art welcomes yet another new affiliate, KJFK FM in Austin, Texas.
- Predictions.... Art continues with accumulating predictions for 1997. This
will be the last night and tonight's first prediction will be number 95.
- Quake... A 6.1 earthquake reported in Indonesia.
- Winter Storm... The Governor of Washington state has added four more
counties to the list of areas under emergency conditions.
- Marijuana.... The Clinton administration announced they will punish federal
workers using marijuana for medicinal purposes. Art feels that the reason
Clinton will never do anything "sane" about the marijuana laws is
because of his dumb statement about not inhaling that caused him so much
political flak.
- Gingrich.... Art says the nation seems to be in a great debate about Newt
Gingrich and the 74 allegations brought against him. Art feels this is a
ridulous situation and if someone needs to resign because of allegations, then
Clinton should have been gone before the election.
- Ebonics..... Another silly controversy, in Art's opinion, is the new Black
language, Ebonics. Art says English is English otherwise it is slang, and this
debate is not worthy of a mature society.
- CNN.... A major story reported by CNN implies that we are the Martians. Art
is surprised that a big mainstream organization like CCN would run a major story
like this.
- Quake..... A story reported by the AP tells of two Australian doctors who
believe the human brain can detect pre-earthquake tremors which seismologists
cannot detect. While monitoring a patient's brain, the instruments registered
this anomaly twenty minutes before the Earthquake that destroyed a city. The
doctors didn't know it but the instruments did. This occurred in 1989 in New
Castle, Wales. Now Art wants to know what this says about our ability to sense
quakes just like animals do. Has this been genetically combed from us, or has
the noise around us and civilization prevent us from feeling these things?
- Money.... There is a new bill in the Senate that requires two new forms of
money, multi-colored and ugly, according to Art. One form to be used inside the
country and one for outside. Art wants to know the reason for this, what do you
think? 1-800-877-9799 is the number to call to get a copy of this bill.
- 1996... Art reviews some of last years predictions that were big flops.
- #71.... Economic collapse
- #72.... An 8 shot revolver will be invented.
- #76.... Malcom Forbes to be nominated for the Presidency.
- #78.... A third party candidate will win election.
- #79.... A hail fire storm
- #80.... Gingrich runs for President.
- #82.... The ATF and DEA will merge.
- #83.... On October 29, the stock market will crash.
- #84.... Magnetic research will prove we do not die.
- #86.... There will be a Las Vegas book signing by Art.
- #88.... Mt. St. Helen will erupt.
- Tuesday.... Tuesday night will be a repeat show with Mad Man Marcum, while
Art welcomes in the New Year with a night off the air.
- Darwin Award.... Art relates this year's Darwin Award nominees.
12/27/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Predictions... Art will be taking predictions for 1997 over the air. None
will be accepted by e-mail or fax. The 125 predictions of 1996 were pretty much
failures, such as the one that said there would be no Super Bowl. Art reviews
some of them tonight. Art asks that you think your prediction out, and it will
be recorded and held in the Bell family vault. It is the listeners
responsibility to remember the number assigned to his prediction.
- KTIP... Art has a new affiliate in Porterville, California.
- Storm.... A giant winter storm has hit the Northwest, 275,000 homes without
power and 2 deaths attributed.
- Peru... Three rebels has been arrested in Peru.
- Gingrich.... More allegations against Newt Gingrich, which is one of the
successful predictions of 1996.
- Joyce Reilly... U.S. government medical experts and officials from the
Pentagon are planning to investigate a scientist's theory that a bacteria
possibly was used as a biological weapon and may be responsible for some
illness' suffered in the Gulf War. Art says those of you who thought that Joyce
Reilly was cracked, need to pay attention here. She was right on.
- #1.... The first prediction from a listener: Jacques Villeneuve will be
the Formula One World driving champion.
- #2.... Hale-Bopp and its companion will be a benign event and there will be
a national explanation for the companion.
- #3.... The Chinese will begin conquering territories to become a Chinese
empire, as they have been in the past.
12/26/96 - Thursday /Friday
12/25/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- 1996 Predictions.... Art has last Decembers predictions for 1996 and they
will be reviewed over the next week. Beginning tomorrow night Art will start
taking predictions for 1997.
- E-Mail.... Art is receiving e-mail from a lot of first timers who just
received a computer for Christmas.
- Rebels.... Marxist rebels released another hostage Wednesday in Peru.
Russia has suggested sending an anti-terrorist team to Lima with the combined
forces of the seven industrialized countries.
- The Quickening.... A 10 year old received 2nd degree burns when she was
hurt by a letter bomb delivered to her house Christmas Eve.
- Germany.... A suicide bomber with hand grenades strapped to her abdomen
killed herself and two others at a worship service Christmas eve.
- X Files... In true X-files style, an electrician in London claims to have
been lifted off the ground and knocked unconscious by a UFO. An insurance
company must now pay him two million dollars because he was insured against UFO
abduction. Art would love to see the evidence he presented to prove his claim.
- Internet.... Art reads a section from Michael Crichton's book, " The
Lost World" where he suggests the Internet will be the death of the world
because it will stop the evolutionary process with everybody connected together.
The diversity of ideas will disappear. Art wonders if you agree.
12/24/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
12/23/96 - Monday /Tuesday
12/20/96 - Friday /Saturday
12/19/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Richard C. Hoagland.... Friday night's guest will be Mr. Hoagland
discussing what is up in Egypt and update us on the photographs being taken of
Europa and other moons.
- Peru... 400 hostages remain in Peru, some American, the situation is fluid
and continuing. The White House would like to send help.
- Subpoenas.... The Justice Department has sent more subpoenas to the White
House. Newt Gingrich fired his attorney, blaming him for a misstatement.
- Ratings... President Clinton is praising a new ratings system for
television programs, but the critics are giving it two thumbs down.
- V chip... Art thinks we need chips for a lot of things.
- Drugs.... A new study says cigarette smoking and illegal drug use is rising
among U.S. teenagers. Marijuana smoking, among eight graders, has risen 300%.
- Winter... In North Dakota, this week, the bitter winter continues with
temperatures of 26 below. Art thinks this is the worst winter yet. He is also
surprised at the number of deaths due to flu this year.
- Al... Spaceship Al has built a "saucer" and there is a picture on
the Web page. Art has received a lot of e-mail concerning this picture. Art
put this picture up for entertainment but many were offended that he would put
up something so obviously phoney.
- Courtney Brown... Art has spoken to Mr. Brown recently, who assured him
this Professor will be coming forward soon.
- Dinosaurs.... The death of dinosaurs may not have been due to asteroids
colliding with Earth, according to Gannett News Service. It may have been dying
stars collapsing together and releasing deadly blasts of radiation. Art asks,
can you imagine two suns colliding somewhere, creating a bombardment of rays,
generally unnoticed til they got here, and when they did everybody on Earth
would drop dead. That's basically what these people are saying. Remember that
microbe reported last week that thrives on antibiotics?
12/18/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Guest: Mark McCandlish -- 2205 Hilltop Dr #158, Redding, CA 96002
12/17/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Guest: Jose Escamilla - Roswell Rods
12/16/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Mexico... There was an article about guns flowing freely from the U.S. to
Mexico. Mexico has a very strict gun control policy. Gun crime is up 30% in
Mexico City. Art says the guns are going to the average citizen, who is
terrified and wants to protect himself. Art says if the U.S. is going to crack
down on these guns getting into Mexico, aren't we going against our own moral
principals. Our right to protect our lives with equal force. Are you in favor
of spending a lot of money to keep guns out of Mexico.
- Campaign Reform... The Supreme Court is saying, 'money is speech'. They are
saying the giving of money is free speech. Art wants to know how we are going
to limit campaign contributions if money is free speech.
- Sen. Bradley... Retiring New Jersey Senator Bradley was asked over the
weekend, "What is the biggest problem you are leaving behind?" He
answered, " The lack of racial healing in America." Art thinks this
is a really good point. Why do you think race relations is such a problem in
modern America with all the other issues there are?
- Janet Reno.... Last week Ms. Reno was in court arguing that a passenger in
a vehicle during a routine traffic stop can be subject to a search as well as
the vehicle. She says this would be constitutional. Art feels this is a direct
violation of the Fourth Amendment.
- T-Shirt... Someone sent Art a T-shirt that simply says "civilian"
so he will be protected during any kind of raid.
- Debate... A listener sent in a report broadcast on his local news about a
debate being held with the FDA on Thursday on whether emergency room patients
can be used for medical research without their consent. Art wants to know why
they are even debating this. Of course, if the public can be subject to
biological warfare research, with thirty days notice, Art is not that surprised
about this debate.
- TV Ratings... Art wants to know whether the better way to base the ratings
would by age or by content. How would you do it if you were going to have a
ratings system.
- CPI... The political types are considering bumping the Consumer Price Index
down 1%. They say Medicare will be broke by 2001 and Social Security by 2012.
Art wants to know how you feel about this, considering this will raise taxes to
lower the deficit and save these two programs or everything goes up in smoke.
- Hale-Bopp.... A new explanation for the companion going around now, is that
it is debris breaking from the nucleus. Alan Hale himself said this could be
possible, there may be no companion at all. Art says the astronomers don't like
this explanation because they would have to do a lot of rethinking about comets.
Fax... A listener has faxed in a suggestion to rename "Hail Mary" to "Chip
off the old Bopp" in light of this new explanation. Abortion... The
partial birth abortion amendment is in the news again. Do you think it should be
signed, Art does.
- James Carvell.... Art wants to talk about this big thing going on between
James Carvell and Kenneth Star. Art says it is a political attack. You know how
people say it "should be against the law?" Art says, "baloney".
In America you are allowed to go after people, politically, if you want to.
- Tokyo... A University in Tokyo has suspended four students for throwing
brains at other students during a dissection of cadavers. They also opened
windows in the lab and pelted pedestrians.
12/13/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Dark Skies... Remember Art is on Dark Skies tonight on NBC. He plays
William Paley, the CBS executive.
- Mars Attacks... This movie premiers this weekend.
- TWA 800... The latest report is now that a fuel tank erupted because of hot
air from the air conditioning units just beneath the fuel tanks. Art is not
satisfied that this is the cause. How do you feel about it?
- Air Force... The Air Force is settling a sexual harassment suit brought by
a former female cadet. The terms were not disclosed.
- Supreme Court... The U.S. Supreme Court is looking at the sexual predator
law, which will affect as many as 13 states. A 64 year old man, Leroy Hendricks
from Kansas, who has 8 convictions for sexual assault is being paroled. When
asked if he could guarantee he won't assault again, he said only if he was to
die. Art says there are many who would like to see these criminal locked up
forever. Hendricks lawyer says it is unconstitutional to do that. Art's
question is, "Is it unconstitutional to lock someone up for something they
'may' do."
- Canada... Women in Canada can now go topless publicly as long as there is
no sexual connotation. Art is surprised that this first time ruling happened in
- Meteor shower... Art has received many e-mails reporting meteor showers in
the skies of Alaska, and the volcano there has gone code red.
- MacNeil/Lerher... An archeologist was interviewed about Prehistoric human
12/12/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Joyce Riley - Gulf War Syndrome.
12/11/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Richard Boylan... Art and Richard discuss the recent letter received by Art
from a former Vatican priest who claims to have some secret information
regarding the Vatican and it's relationship to Hubble, Hale-Bopp and Wormwood.
- Web Page... The MCI girl that Art adores, is now on the web page. The
board-op in Honolulu, Gina, is pictured on the web page tonight.
- Hoagland... Richard Hoagland may be on the program tomorrow with an update
about what is happening in Egypt.
- Dan Goldin.... There was a meeting at the White House with Al Gore and the
head of NASA, Dan Goldin, along with many more scientific types discussing plans
regarding the next trip to the moon. Art found it very interesting that there
were many Theologians attending the meeting.
12/10/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Guest: Robert Morning Sky
12/9/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Guest: Sheldon Nidle (First Hour)
- Channeling... Art tells us he is not a believer in channeled information.
His own sister is a channeler but he remains a skeptic.
- Quake... A 6.2 mid Atlantic quake was reported today along with a 6.1 in
the Indian ocean.
- Monsarat... The volcano in the Caribbean remains in a Orange condition.
Another swarm of volcanic tectonic earthquakes began today, very similar to the
previous swarm. The crack near "Gateways Wall" has open about a foot
since last measured before December.
- China.... China is extending a goodwill gesture by continuing to allow U.S.
Warships to visit Hong Kong after the British Colony reverts to Chinese control
next year. The Chinese Defense Minister, the same one who okayed the slaughter
at Teinemann Square, is scheduled to visit Washington and meet with U.S.
Officials. Art doesn't criticize the Administration for dealing with China,
because they will be a power to reckon with, but he feels hosting the Official
responsible for Teinemann Square might be going a little far.
- Plutonium... The Energy Department announced today plans to get rid of 50
tons of Plutonium either by encasing it in glass or burning it off in reactors.
- F.B.I..... The F.B.I. announced today a $500,000 reward for information
leading to the conviction of the Centennial Park bomber. Art thinks this means
they are "stuck".
- Stock Market.... The comment given by Alan Greenspan recently causing the
stock market to crash makes Art a little nervous.
- CPI... The government is thinking about raising the Consumer Price Index.
They say it is wrong by 1.1%. Art wants to keep an eye on this development and
see how it affects us.
- Bosnia... Art reminds us that the President said we would only be in Bosnia
a year and now he is saying another 18 months. Art mentions this to reiterate
his opinion that the citizens of this country are only told what the government
thinks we can handle.
- Nuclear Weapons... Art wants to know how you feel about the retired General
who used to be in charge of our Nuclear Arsenal saying we should go to zero
stockpile and eliminate "MAD". Art thinks that is not realistic.
Cutting down maybe, but these are our ultimate trump card. Art thinks nuclear
weapons have prevented war.
- Letter.... Art reads a letter from a listener who writes that he happened
to be one of the first to arrive at the scene of a drive-by shooting in
Escondido, CA. The listener needs advice on how to get the victim's lifeless
stare out of his head, as he sees this dead face everywhere he goes. The
question Art poses to you is, "How do you handle witnessing situations such
as this?"
- Hale-Bopp... There are 6-10 photographs of Hale-Bopp's companion on the web
page. Hale-Mary is what we are calling it now.
- Bacterium.... Doctors in London fear they may have encountered a new "Superbug".
A bacterium that not only resists antibiotics, but thrives on them, was found
in two post-operative patients. When treated with antibiotics, the bacterium
quickly adopted them as a vital part of it's metabolism. Art's response... "Holy
12/06/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Whitley Strieber, Hale-Bopp Discussion
12/05/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Clinton's choices.... Art agrees with Clinton's choices of Albright and
Cohen. He thinks Madeline Albright is bright, tough, outspoken and she is
replacing what Art has called in the past, "a total waste of human skin"
Warren Christopher. He thinks Cohen is a good choice too, and wonders if anyone
wants to argue with him.
- GWS... The pentagon head investigating soldiers' exposure to chemical
weapons says deadly saron gas was definitely present when U.S. Troops blew up an
Iraqi chemical dump in March of '91. He concluded the gas was exploded into the
air when they drilled into an Iraqi rocket. He also admits tactical records are
missing pertaining to what our troops were actually exposed to. The pentagon
representative says there is no proof the saron gas did any harm to the troops,
but Art feels it couldn't have done them any good. Art also wonders where those
missing records could be.
- Columbia.... Patchy fog and scattered clouds are threatening to further
delay the return of the spaceship Columbia. The backup landing strip at Edwards
has been ruled out too due to inclement weather, namely winds.
- Video Games..... Art remains unconvinced that the violence in current video
games is actually contributing to the general rise in violence. Art suspects TV
before video games, how about you?
- Fax.... The Hale-Bopp companion is mentioned in a Japanese newspaper saying
a Japanese astronomer has picked up signals from it. Art would be interested in
any updates pertaining to this story.
- Fax2... "Art, what happened to the mysterious astronomer who is going
to make an announcement concerning Hale-Bopp's companion?" Art thinks there
may be a press conference tomorrow.
- Sphinx.... A listener has inquired about any updates concerning the opening
of the Sphinx. Art hasn't heard anything, has anybody?
- Monserat.... This volcano may explode at any time, with 189 volcanic quakes
recorded since 4 p.m. yesterday. The vigil is on. Art is holding opening one
line for the Caribbean only for anyone with any information.
- Humor.... Art reads a parody from Steve in Portland who is pitching
presents for your reptilian lover. See Sound Clips page for "Absolutely Fresh Insects."
- Name the Companion..... Art has a contest
going to name the Hale-Bopp companion. There are eight choices to choose from
and you have the weekend to vote by e-mailing the webmaster.
12/4/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Hale-Bopp.... Art says he will release the photographs he has of
Hale-Bopp's companion if the press conference scheduled for this week does not
come about.
- Judge Kevin Chang.... Hawaii's Judge Chang has put on hold his ruling to
legalize gay and lesbian marriages, while it is heard by a higher court. It
could be as late as 1998 before the State Supreme Court makes a ruling.
- Columbia.... The astronauts aboard the Columbia have began a hasty
preparation for a early landing because a crucial navigational tool failed. Art
wonders what that tool is and how crucial it really is. This information, of
course, left out of this report.
- Reward.... Remember the green flash meteorite? You can still get the $5000
reward. Despite over one hundred rocks already submitted, they have not found
one that is the meteorite. So you still have a chance if your in the area.
- Talking Cat.... CBS ran a story of a talking cat saying " hello".
Art would really like to talk to someone who saw the news on local channel 2,
- Albuquerque.... Twenty rabbits dead in Albuquerque are being blamed on a
goatsucker according to the Albuquerque Journal dated December 4. Art wonders
if they have a "Chupacabra" on their hands.
12/3/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Hoagland... An update from Richard Hoagland tonight.
- Fax.... A listener from Albuquerque tells Art about a recent interview he
heard with Alan Hale. Mr. Hale, when asked what he thought of Art's show, said
it was a good source of news and current events.
- Hale-Bopp.... A source from the Royal Greenwich Observatory says that the
anomaly trailing Hale-Bopp does exist. Art also reads many reports from other
sources confirming the anomaly exists but no one in the Astronomical community
wants to stick their neck out until something is published.
- Strange Universe.... "Pamela", from a recent Strange Universe
episode, talks to Art about her experiences with reptilian aliens.
- Quake... Before air time Art received news of a 6.3 quake hitting southern
Japan, also a 4.3 in Nevada.
- Ice on the Moon.... There will be a news conference by the Pentagon later
today concerning the discovery of ice on the moon. Art reminds us that Richard
Hoagland said a long time ago there was water on the moon, but until Peter
Jennings or Dan Rather says it, it isn't true. Well now they have, so we
- Mars Attacks... Many listeners have faxed Art with previews of the new
movie "Mars Attacks" and their surprise at Art's city being picked as
the point of contact.
12/2/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Richard Hoagland... Updates us on his press credentials revocation.
- Lee Shargel...
Discusses his science fiction novel, as it relates to the Hale-Bopp comet.