ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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Art Bell guest reveals classified alien contact project. Amazing story.
9/30/01 - Sun/Mon
Special 9 PM Start Time
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Gregg Braden
Author and guide to sacred sites. A former earth scientist and senior
aerospace computer systems designer (Phillips Petroleum, Martin Marietta
Aerospace, Cisco Systems) Braden is now considered a leading authority on
the spiritual philosophy of the ancient Essenes and many indigenous
traditions throughout the world.
Book: Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation
Book: Isaiah Effect: Decoding Our Future Through the Lost Science of Prophecy, Time, and Miracles
Book: Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion
Website: www.greggbraden.net
9/29/01 - Sat/Sun
Special 9 PM Start Time
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Stephanie Gutmann
She is a graduate of the journalism school at Columbia University and the
New York Post's reportorial school of hard knocks. At the Post she had the
misfortune to be assigned to cover New York City's Board of Education, a
bureaucracy so eerily similar to the Pentagon she's begun trying to remember
if she's ever seen the two institutions in the same place at the same time.
Wearing her freelancer hat Stephanie's written for newspapers and magazines
too numerous to mention, ranging from Playboy to the New Republic and the
Washington Post to Cosmopolitan. Her stories about what is often called
"the new military" have appeared in The New Republic, Penthouse, Newsday and
the New York Times. She lives in New York City.
Book: The Kinder, Gentler Military
9/28/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Sean David Morton
Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who
specialize in month to month predictions of geological, political and economic events.
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
Related Image: The Sixteenth Tarot Card
Related Image: Sean's Submission of The Tower Card
9/27/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Major Ed Dames
The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Dames is the creator of
Technical Remote Viewing and cocreator of Mindazzle! An original member of
the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program, he subsequently
served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence
Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit.
Update: Chandra Levy's murderer and 911 Terrorist Attacks
Website: www.psispymaster.com (Info on Terrorist Activites)
Website: www.trvinstitute.com (Down for the Count)
Website: www.mindazzle.com
9/26/01 - Wed/Thu
Related Image: Today's Latest Sun Image
Guest: David Hagberg
David Hagberg is an ex-Air Force cryptographer who has traveled extensively
in Europe, the Arctic, and the Caribbean and has spoken at CIA functions. He
also writes as Sean Flannery and has published more than a dozen novels of
Art is reading David's fictional book, "Joshua's Hammer" and is amazed at the insight
David had into Bin Laden's organization and how the description of events in this story
that was written over a year ago, are hitting home today.
Book: Joshua's Hammer
Book: Eden's Gate (Latest Book)
Book: Critical Mass
Book: White House
9/25/01 - Tue/Wed
Related Image: Today's Latest Sun Image
OPEN LINES - Art takes calls from people who are against the "war" against terrorism, and
conducts debates between callers who support the war efforts with those who denounce any
war efforts. A very exciting program ensues, as people speak out about the tragedy and
imminent military attacks.
9/24/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Craig O.Thompson
An expert on the subject of terrorism and NBCW (Nuclear, Biological
and Chemical Warfare), and a member of the International
Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, author
Craig O. Thompson researched terrorism for over a decade.
Related Info: Fictional Diary of an Anthrax Attack
Book: Omar: A Novel
Website: www.omar-thriller.com
Website: www.keynoteR-central.com
Email: Brightomar@aol.com
9/23/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett, , SPECIAL starting time of 9PM
Guest: Howard Bloom
Book: Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century
Book: The Lucifer Principle : A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
Website: www.HowardBloom.net
9/22/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Ian Punnett, SPECIAL starting time of 9PM
Guest: Col John Alexander
Currently, he works with a private research institute, serves as a
consultant to CINC US Special Operations Command and is a member of the
National Research Council Committee for Assessment of Non-Lethal Weapons
Science and Technology. He also writes independently.
Book: Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Modern Warfare
Website: knightbilham.com/futurewar.html
9/21/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: William Strauss
America may have already entered a new era of crisis comparable to the
American Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II.
The survival of the nation is almost certainly at stake.ĘThe vision is based
on a provocative theory of American history as a series of recurring 80- to
100-year cycles. Each cycle has four "turnings"-a High, an Awakening, an
Unraveling, and a Crisis.
Books: The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy
Books: Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation
Books: 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?
Books: Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069
Website: www.fourthturning.com
Website: www.millennialsrising.com
9/20/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Robert Young Pelton
Readers for whom the word travel ordinarily conjures images of white-sand
beaches or Tuscan hill towns might wonder what person of above-average
intelligence leaves home in hopes of face-to-face contact with Afghan rebels,
Malaysian pirates, warlords, headhunters, or terrorists. That person,
apparently, is Robert Young Pelton. Among adventure enthusiasts, Pelton is
probably best known for The World's Most Dangerous Places, his utterly
unique, tough-guy's guide to where not to travel, and a similarly named
series on the Discovery Channel.
Books: Come Back Alive: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Disasters, Kidnapping, Animal Attacks and Other Nasty Perils of Modern Travel
Books: The Adventurist: My Life in Dangerous Places
Books: The World's Most Dangerous Places
Website: www.comebackalive.com
9/19/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: H. Michael Sweeney
Topic: Privacy issues
Website: www.proparanoid.com
Book: The Professional Paranoid: How to Fight Back When Investigated,
Stalked, Harassed, or Targeted by Any Agency, Organization, or Individual
9/18/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Craig O.Thompson
An expert on the subject of terrorism and NBCW (Nuclear, Biological
and Chemical Warfare), and a member of the International
Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, author
Craig O. Thompson researched terrorism for over a decade.
Book: Omar: A Novel
Website: www.omar-thriller.com
Website: www.keynoteR-central.com
Email: Brightomar@aol.com
9/17/01 - Mon/Tue
Coverage of the 911 Terrorist Attack
9/16/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
We will continue with the Assault on America coverage through the weekend.
Ian Punnett will be hosting this Sunday, between 9:00pm-3am
Pacific (12 midnight-6am Eastern).
The LIVE Internet Streaming Audio feed will also be started one hour earlier.
9/15/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Ian Punnnett
We will continue with the Assault on America coverage through the weekend.
Ian Punnett will be hosting this Saturday between 9:00pm-3am
Pacific (12 midnight-6am Eastern).
The LIVE Internet Streaming Audio feed will also be started one hour earlier.
9/14/01 - Fri/Sat
Art has agreed to come on one hour earlier tonight for
the Clear Channel special coverage. For this broadcast, the last hour
of the Prefeed starting at 9pm Pacific (12 midnight Eastern) will be
pre-empted for "live" coverage by Art Bell.
The LIVE Internet Streaming Audio feed will also be started one hour earlier.
Related Article: God Gave U.S. 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says
Related Article: Falwell: I sincerely regret that comments I made...
9/13/01 - Thu/Fri
Art has agreed to come on one hour earlier on September 13th and 14th for
the Clear Channel special coverage. For these two broadcasts, the last hour
of the Prefeed starting at 9pm Pacific (12 midnight Eastern) will be
pre-empted for "live" coverage by Art Bell.
The LIVE Internet Streaming Audio feed will NOT be active tonight for this extra hour,
however, it will be REPLAYED within the normal network feed at 1 AM PDT, so you could listen
to it on your local station or within the archive file that gets posted after the show tonight.
9/12/01 - Wed/Thu
Art has suspended tonight's scheduled guest and will be providing more
coverage of the 911 terrorist attacks against NY and DC.
Related Images: Hoagland: Coup Party Music
Related Images: CNN Photo: Devil in the Smoke?
Related News: Timeline of Events of 9/11 Terrorist Attack
Related Info: Listen LIVE to Public Service Scanner
Newsgroup Posting: alt.prophecies.nostradamus thread subject: 911
Newsgroup Posting: alt.prophecies.nostradamus thread subject: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
9/11/01 - Tue/Wed
Art has suspended tonight's scheduled guest and will be providing LIVE
coverage of the 911 terrorist attacks against NY and DC.
Related News: Timeline of Events of 9/11 Terrorist Attack
Related Info: Listen LIVE to Public Service Scanner
Related Images: Photos of 911 Terrorist Attack
Newsgroup Posting: alt.prophecies.nostradamus thread subject: 911
Related Info: Ed Dames' Remote Viewing Results
9/10/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Article: The Chilbolton Crop Glyphs: A Message Finally Received - In Answer to Carl Sagan?
Related Info: Crop Glyphs Images, Part One
Related Info: Crop Glyphs Images, Part Two
Related Info: Crop Glyphs Images, Part Three
Guest: Colin Adrews
A pioneer in Crop Circle research, he began his investigation into the crop circle phenomenon
after he discovered a set of five circles near Winchester, Hampshire, England over 15 years ago.
His most recent findings brought him to the conclusion that an estimated 20% of crop
circles show no evidence of being made by people, while 80% do. Andrews was involved
with a project measuring the Earth's magnetic field around crop circles. Results showed a
descriptive magnetic signature in a hand full of simple circles and basic geometric patterns.
Book: Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops
Guest: Andrew Yoder
Andrew Yoder is a hobby radio enthusiast, activist and author. His book
publishing credits include the latest edition of The Complete Shortwave
Listener's Handbook, Pirate Radio: The Incredible Saga of America's
Underground, Illegal Broadcasters, Pirate Radio Operations.
Book: Pirate Radio Stations: Tuning in to Underground Broadcasts in the Air and Online
Website: www.hobbybroadcasting.com
9/9/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: James Chiles
Book: Inviting Disaster : Lessons from the Edge of Technology
Website: www.invitingdisaster.com
9/8/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Michael Capuzzo
Book: Close to Shore A True Story of Terror in an Age of Innocence
Website: www.closetoshore.com
Guest: Barbara Hand Clow
Book: Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes and the Coming Age of Light
Book: Heart of the Christos : Starseeding from the Pleiades
Book: Signet of Atlantis : War in Heaven Bypass
Book: The Pleiadian Agenda : A New Cosmology for the Age of Light
Book: Chiron : Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets
Book: Eye of the Centaur : A Visionary Guide into Past Lives
Book: Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution
9/07/01 - Fri/Sat
Ghost to Ghost
9/06/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Stephen James O'Meara
Book: Deep-Sky Companions : The Messier Objects
Book: Mars : The Lure of the Red Planet
Book: Deep-Sky Wonders
Book: Volcanoes : Passion and Fury
Book: Deep-Sky Companions : The Messier Objects
Website: http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vw.html
9/05/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Rod and Randa Milliron
Discussing private missions to space and rocket development.
Website: www.translunar.org
9/04/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Katherine Ramsland
Katherine Ramsland holds master's degrees in forensic psychology and
clinical psychology, and a Ph. D. in Philosophy. She has been a therapist
and psycho-educator, and for many years taught philosophy at Rutgers
Book: Ghost : Investigating the Other Side
Book: Cemetery Stories : Creepy Graveyards, Embalming Secrets & the Life of a Corpse After Death
Book: The Vampire Companion : The Official Guide to Anne Rice's the Vampire Chronicles
Book: The Witches' Companion : The Official Guide to Anne Rice's Lives of the Mayfair Witches
Book: The Forensic Science of C.S.I
Book: Dean Koontz : A Writer's Biography
Book: Piercing the Darkness : Undercover With Vampires in America Today
Book: Prism of the Night : A Biography of Anne Rice
Website: www.katherineramsland.com
9/03/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Replay of Terence McKenna from 5/22/97
Topic: Nature of time and time travel
Book: The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, Ufos, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess and more....
Book: Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
Book: True Hallucinations: Being an Account of the Author's Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil's Paradise
Book: The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching
Website: www.levity.com/eschaton/hyperborea.html
9/02/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Joey Gaynor
Photo: Joey and the Ghosts
Email: bagdaddEo@aol.com
9/01/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Bob Frissell
Book: Something in This Book Is True...
Book: Nothing in This Book is True, But it is Exactly How Things Are
Book: You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
Website: www.bobfrissell.com