ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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7/31/97 - Thursday / Friday
7/30/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
7/29/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Replay.... Due to UPLINK problems, the program with Clare Sylvia was
7/28/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Pets.... Art asks that anyone that has captured on tape any communication
from their pets to give him a call. Art feels he can communicate with his own
cats, even if some people think he's looney tunes.
- Talk Radio.... Nationally, talk radio ratings have gone down almost across
the board. One of the few exceptions is Coast to Coast AM. Art feels the down
trend is because of the myopic concentration on the political world. He says it
is about as interesting as watching grass grow.
- Budget.... Republicans and the White House have announced they have reached
a deal to balance the budget within five years.
- Justice Dept... The Justice Dept now says it made a major error in
judgement that could have violated Richard Jewels' rights when they interviewed
him after the bombing.
- Cosby.... Bill Cosby says he will take a DNA test to disprove paternity.
- Fox Network....Fox had an interesting show on UFOs. Art wonders if you
found it convincing.
- Honda.... Honda Motor Company introduced a two legged robot that resembles
a man in a boxy space suit. It is sophisticated enough to know when to step
over an obstacle or take another route. It only takes a simple command to
start. It has been likened to the androids seen in science fiction, except it
only does what it is told to do. Art says when you put this together with the
initiation of the first intelligent machine he talked about last week, you have
an essencian being. Did you ever imagine technology would move this quickly?
- Virus.... The first case of hunta virus being passed from person to person
is being reported in Argentina. Art is not surprised. Mother Earth is kicking
back, says Art.
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe had an extremely alarming report on Dreamland
last night about the number of fish having large open bleeding sores along the
coast of North Carolina. Art will try to get the report on the air tonight.
- Psi-Tech.... Art has a fax from Ed Dames concerning the Jon Bennet Ramsey
murder case. He won't disclose the contents til he gets permission from Dames
to air it.
7/25/97 - Friday / Saturday
- Guests: Richard Hoagland, Ken Johnston, Marv Czarnik, Ron Nicks
7/24/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guest: Jim Keith, Author, "Casebook on the Men on Black"
7/23/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Guests: Dr. John Alexander with Col. Phillip Corso
7/22/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Guest: Leonard Nimoy (First Half Hour)
- Greenspan.... Alan Greenspan says the economic growth is slowing and will
not raise interest rates.
- Clinton.... Clinton accepted a proposal from Janet Reno that will reduce
the wide desparities in Federal prison sentences, even them out so to speak.
- Gingrich.... Newt is trying to calm things down after the attempted coup.
- Mars.... The mars mission is back on track after losing contact with
Pathfinder on July 20th for a little while.
- Guest: Charles Ostman, Nanotechnology (12:30 PDT)
7/21/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Cunanan.... Officials speculate that Cunanan may be dressing as a women to
elude capture. Art feels he is probably good at that and it will be very
difficult to find him.
- MIR... Repairs on MIR will await a new crew. Art says you have to read
between the lines. He feels this means there is something seriously wrong with
this crew.
- 20th.... On July 20th NASA lost contact with Surveigner at the jet
propulsion station in Pasadena. Art says this is strange. Remember the 20th?
- Pageant.... For the first time Miss America contestants will have an option
to participate in the swim suit competition. They say it is not supposed to be
sexy anyway. Art says what's wrong with the swim suits being sexy. What is the
point then.
- Politics.... Bill Paxon and company were allegedly planning to get rid of
Newt Gingrich. The coup has been smushed, as Art puts it. This is actually the
biggest thing going on in politics lately. Art says if Newt was gone, it
wouldn't change his life in any way.
- Killers.... A new study done by MRI says that 60% of people who commit
murder have a specific brain abnormality. Art says this could mean many things.
Suppose you went in for a MRI and they detected this abnormality in you. Does
this mean you should be watched? What if they detected this in a child? Could
killers actually be diagnosed.
- Webpage.... Two crop circle photographs have been added to the page, both
from England. Art says if these were made by humans, he would refuse to believe
it. They are too intricate and perfect.
- GUEST: Clare Sylvia, Heart and Lung Transplant Recipient (2 Hours starting
at Midnight)
7/18/97 - Friday / Saturday
7/17/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guest: Robert Anton Wilson (2 Hours)
- Fax.... Ken faxes Art inquiring about Art's plans to have Ed Dames on
again. Art might make a surprise call to Ed Dames and see If he's ready to "put
his signature" on the climatic changes he mentioned a year ago. Art says
there are climatic changes going on now and he could almost put "his"
signature on it. He did, and Ed is one later in the show.
- MIR.... Officals say MIR has realigned itself back in the sun again, lights
on. Most systems up and running again.
- AIDS.... Florida upheld a case involving a man dying of AIDS and assisted
suicide by a physician. Art is very much opposed to suicide, except for you.
Meaning he wouldn't impose his personal beliefs on you. Art feels the
government has no damn business enacting laws concerning what you can do with
your life.
- Storm.... There is a tropical storm, "Danny" brewing out in the
gulf off the coast of Louisiana. Art says the problem with this one is it's
sitting out there feeding on the warm water, and when it hits land it will be a
very dangerous storm. Later in the night Danny turned into a hurricane.
- Guest: Ed Dames comes on for 1 hour to update us on the released video tape
training modules and past predictions. Real Audio Recordings will provided this
7/16/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Guest: Evelyn Paglini, Mystical Witch!
7/15/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Web page....Broke records last night concerning hits on the page during the
Internet access to LIVE images, being uploaded to the site from the Hoagland
- Fax.... A listener faxed Art saying he was impressed by all the electronic
sounds and bells and whistles heard on the show to make it sound like they were
really in Phoenix. No way to convince this guy that the show was in Phoenix.
- Veracci.... Andrew Cooninon is the suspect in the murder of fashion
designer Veracci. He is a serial killer who has been on the FBI's most wanted
- Foal.... Michael Foal, an American astronaut, may be required to do
emergency duty to fix MIR. The commander of MIR is having heart trouble and
suggesting that he is not up to the job. The Russians have asked NASA for
Michael Foal.
- Rover.... The Mars rover is back on track after having it's computer reset
again. They are saying this rover could work indefinetly, sending back images.
Discovering rocks is the only thing they can boast about so far. Art says he
pretty much knew that before we even left Earth.
- Star.... Whitewater prosecuter Kenneth Star has declared the Vince Foster
suicide, a suicide.
- Soldiers..... US Radio news reports North and South Korean soldiers are
exchanging gunfire across DMV.
- Dead?.... A man declared dead, in Cairo, regained consciousness after 12
hours in a morgue refrigerator. Upon discovering the man alive, a paramedic
collapsed in shock and died. The cold of the refrigerator revived the man. He
said he had opened his eyes and couldn't see anything. After sliding the
coffin-like lid away he called for help.
- Hanford.... Remember the incident in Washington State at Hanford, they said
nothing toxic was released in the explosion. Well indeed there was a small
release of plutonium. Art says, "I told you so". Just another
example of coverup and not telling us the whole truth.
- Darwin Award Nominee... A 22 year old man bungee jumped off a railroad
trestle and died because the ropes were too long.
- Nominee #2.... A man was shot in the knee when he used a 22 calibler rifle
bullet to replace a tube like fuse in his Chevy pickup. The electricity heated
up the bullet and it hit him in the knee. He used the bullet because it fit
- Time Line.... Art opens his time lines, special phone numbers only for
those who have time traveled. We will get sound clips of these calls up
7/14/97 - Monday / Tuesday
- Hoagland.... Coverage of the Richard Hoagland "Phoenix Connection"
Seminar, LIVE from Phoenix. First 2 1/2 hours.
- Crop Circles.... Linda Howe and Doug Ruby discuss the latest orcurrances.
7/11/97 - Friday / Saturday
- Guest: Father Malachi Martin
7/10/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guest: John Kirby, Roswell Investigator
7/9/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Guest: Karl Grossman, discussing the
Stop Cassini Mission
- NASA.... Art relates his support of our space program but does feel the
American people have a right to know what the risks are. Art's first guest,
Carl Grossman, used the freedom of information act to tell us about Cassini, and
the plans for its landing back on earth. He says we haven't been told that NASA
plans to relocate every citizen in whatever city Cassini will land in.
- Tyson.... Tyson has been banned from boxing and fined 3 million dollars.
Art's not sure that hurts him too much. Art feels he will fight again and
appeal every year.
- Ratings.... The new ratings, S, L, V, D, will be enacted. Art feels this
will be what our younger people will use to determine what they will watch. The
more letters, the better.
- Clinton.... Clinton's approval rating is as high as it has ever been, 64%,
mostly due to the good economy. Art agrees the economy is good and even though
the market takes 100 point jumps every other day, it is more up than down.
- Pathfinder.... The rover continues it's work. Art finds it astounding and
there will be another news conference at noon on Thursday.
- Quake.... A 5.5 earthquake has hit Venezuala and has killed 28 people, with
150 others injured.
- MIR.... Nobody knows what kind of dangers await the Russians astronauts
when they open their hatch. Art feels it could be a Pandora's Box because there
are shards of broken glass floating around from broken bottles, globules of
blood and urine from popped vials and toxic spills from ruined experiments and
burst pipes. NASA is scrambling to put together a worst case list in
preparation for repairs.
- FAX.... A fax from Don contemplates the idea of surgically altering
astronauts to be practically cyborgs for extended missions.
- Crop circle.... A crop circle has been seen in a wheat field in the Salem
area near Highway 22. It is about 50 to 60 feet across about 100 yards NE of
the Silver Creek Falls exit. Now posted on our Crop
Circles Page.
7/8/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
7/7/97 - Monday / Tuesday
7/6/97 - Dreamland / Sunday
- Linda Howe and Colonel Philip Corso, "The Day After Roswell
7/4/97 - Friday / Saturday
- Guest: Michael Hesemann, "Beyond Roswell"
7/3/97 - Thursday / Friday
- Guests: Linda M. Howe & Bud Hopkins, On sight of the Roswell Convention
7/2/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
- Guests: Jamie Shandera and Dr. Bond Johnson, Roswell investigations
7/1/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
- Guest... Lan Lamphere of WindChaser
comes on again to update us on the UFO found in his storm chaser video. (3
- Mars.... Art has received a lot of faxes from people who don't believe
there really is a dust storm developing in Pathfinder's landing zone. But there
is, and one faxer in Honolulu tells Art the storm may cover the entire planet.
Art reads a story from Reuters confirming the storm, but saying the effects on
Pathfinder should be minimal.
- Roswell.... There will be a news conference on July 4th with a scientist
that was involved in the research of the original incident. It is said that he
will confirm that studies of the crash debris will prove the materials were
manufactured with extra-terrestrial materials. A lot of discussion on open
lines deals with this announcement.