ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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2/27/98 Friday / Saturday
- Guest... Gregg Braden, Author, "Awakening to Zero Point"
2/26/98 Thursday / Friday
1st Hour.... Peter Davenport, from the UFO Reporting Center in Seattle,
and Michael Curt, the state director of the Colorado MUFON will be on
discussing the fire balls occurring over the skies of Colorado tonight.
A listener faxes Art asking if these fireballs might be a answer to the
great telepathic experiment Art conducted last week.
2nd Hour.... Mark J. Carlotto and Stanley McDaniel were on in
regard to the Mariner mission to Mars.
3rd Hour.... The News...Open Lines...
Nightline.... The staff at Nightline decided to get into a fax war with
Art by faxing back to Art all the faxes they received yesterday. Art
wants to compliment all those who faxed ABC, the faxes were all very
Photos.... Someone sent Art two photos that Art feel has national security
implications. He was asked to sit on them, but will not do so indefinetly.
Art will not release the source, of course.
Kevorkian.... A young quadriplegic student has died with the assistance of
Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Art reiterates his feelings on suicide.
Oprah.... Oprah won her case in Texas.
Clinton.... Art says Clinton has again done the right thing. Art called
the proposed tax on Internet sales a stinky idea and apparently the
President agrees.
Sanctions.... A U.S. decision to withdraw sanctions against Columbia
was helped by the impending departure of the President there.
Animals.... Art reads a fax from a listener whose cat turned on him
Scallion.... Art reads a fax from a listener who bought Gordon Michael
Scallion's map of the future.
Fish.... With all the fresh water in the San Francisco Bay right now, many
of the saltwater fish that are generally abundant in this area, are taking
off to the ocean trying to get back into the salt.
Time Travel.... Art has a time traveler communication, part of which he
has been instructed not to read on the air, and part he can and says he
will before the end of the show or later in this third hour.
2/25/98 Wednesday / Thursday
2nd Hour.... Loren Coleman, a crypto zoologist, will be on in the 2nd
hour. He is an expert on things that go bump in the night.
ABC.... Art received a fax from the Nightline staff saying they were
impressed with the response from Art's listeners but could they please
desist with all the faxes and contact ABC thru the snail mail address
of ABC, Inc. 1717 Desales N.W., Washington DC 20036.
Stations.... WJBC am 1230 on the dial in Bloomington, IL and WKHM am in
Jackson Michigan are welcomed by Art.
Executive privilege.... It looks like the White House is going to invoke
executive privilege to stop confidant Bruce Lindsay from testifying
about conversations he has had with the President. Art doesn't think this
is going to fly. It didn't work during the Nixon administration. If Art
could give the President advice, he'd say 'don't do it'.
Camera.... Art has added a fourth camera to the studio cam operation. It
is an outside camera with double the resolution. Art took a picture of
his backyard and it is on the web page.
UPN.... The alien abduction video aired again Tuesday on UPN. Art reads a
fax from a listener with some info on Lake County and what the weather was
really like on the night of this taping. In other words, it was snowing
that night in real life, but the people in the video were wearing short
sleeves and there were no signs of the 4 to 6 inches of snow that was on
the ground that night.
Peru.... Both Gordon Michael Scallion and Edward Cayce have made maps of
what they think the future world will look like. They both have a large
body of water located in the same spot in which a new lake has formed in
Lima, Peru due to the effects of El Nino.
Honolulu.... A Navy ship is set to start blasting high volume sounds at
humpback whales, Wednesday, after a Federal Judge deemed it would
not be harmful. Art doesn't think this is a good idea. The Navy is studying the
humpback whales reaction to the sounds to help them in their submarine
sonar development.
Marijuana.... Since a million people requested a copy of the report
confirming marijuana is not as harmful as tobacco or drugs, there is a
link to it under Latest News and Web Items.
India.... Reports from India are saying tigers are beginning to attack
people. This will be a good topic for Art's guest tonight.
2/24/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Youngman.... Henny Youngman has passed away due to complications from the
flu. He was 91.
El Nino.... El Nino continues to claim lives, 7 now confirmed dead in
California due to weather disasters. 39 now confirmed dead in Florida due
to the swarm of tornadoes. Art says we are now living through the weather
changes he wrote about a year ago.
Internet.... Government leaders have come up with a tax system for taxing
goods sold over the Internet. Art is not quite in tune with this because
if you order something through the mail from another state you don't pay
Interview.... Mark Fisher from the Washington Post interviewed Art today.
He especially enjoyed discussing Watergate. Art says it was fun
interviewing the guy interviewing him.
Peru.... A new lake has formed in the desert in Lima, Peru due to all the
rain. This usually takes tens of thousands of years, but El Nino has now
created the second largest lake in the country.
Darwin.... Art reads a candidate for the future Darwin Awards at the top
of the show about an inept bank robber.
Organs.... Two Chinese men have been arrested in New York for trying to
sell human kidneys, corneas and lungs which were taken from executed
Chinese prisoners.
Dolly.... The company that cloned Dolly the sheep, are now saying they
have cloned a calf using the same laboratory techniques. The calf was
cloned from fetal cells.
Marijuana.... Art reiterates his contempt over the suppression of a report
confirming marijuana is not as bad as tobacco and alcohol.
Tampa.... Art's show has will be moving from WHNZ in St. Petersburg to WFLA in
Tampa. The fan reaction was furious. Art says chill! He'll be back on shortly
and do not send anymore email about it.
2nd hour.... Dr. Kaku will be on in the 2nd hour. Art describes him as
the person walking in Carl Sagan's huge shoes, if you want to anything
about the cosmos, he is the one to ask.
2/23/98 Monday / Tuesday
2nd Hour.... Richard Hoagland will be on in the second hour with news
about Mars, and joined an hour after that by another guest who has a lot
to say about the Challenger "accident".
Book.... Art is reading a book by Richard Preston that is about people who
stare through the big telescopes, and contemplate the Big Bang theory.
Tomorrow night's guest, Dr. Kaku, will be discussing these kinds of
things with Art.
War.... This doesn't look like it is going to be war week like Art
predicted because of the agreement reached today. Art has great mixed
emotions about this. He is glad we are not going to war though. Art says
Clinton really had no choice since the head of the UN came back with the
agreement we wanted.
El Nino.... The deadliest swarm of tornadoes on record in the state of
Florida has killed 38 people, injured 250, when they struck in the wee
hours of the morning. Linda, a listener in Florida, faxed Art with some
specific info, such as an 18 month old toddler is still missing after
being sucked from his father's arms. Art says this is all El Nino driven
and bound to continue.
UFO....A listener caught a broadcast from Switzerland on his short-wave
radio and faxed Art to tell him the announcer mentioned a large UFO
convention presently being held in Zurich. Many military dignitaries were
there discussing what they knew. The Phoenix lights and all the sightings
in Mexico were at the top of the agenda. Swiss Radio International then
ended this news summary by mentioning that the over all tone of the
conference was that the alien presence is dramatically increasing all
over the planet.
Marijuana.... Officials at the World Health Organization in Geneva
suppressed a report that confirmed that cannibus is safer than tobacco and
alcohol. The WHO feared this report would give ammunition to the "legalize
marijuana" campaign. Art wants you to think about this as he reads the
entire article. Art has been telling us this for years, that marijuana is
less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.
Smoking.... A divorcee is being threatened with losing the rights to visit
her children because she is a smoker. She had been divorced three years
when she received court papers filed by her ex saying she was exposing
them to her second hand smoke. This woman also pays child support. Art
says this is some world we live in.
2/20/98 Friday / Saturday
- Guest: Dr. David Jacobs, "The Threat"
- Guest: John Hogue, an expert on Nostradamus
Harris.... Larry Harris, in custody for possessing Anthrax, was on a show
with Diane Sawyer and admitted having Anthrax in his possession.
26th.... Art reiterates his prediction that war will break out on
February 26th if the UN Minister fails to get some kind of agreement.
Whales.... Yet another 30 sperm whales have beached themselves in
Tasmania, bringing the total to 95 in the last three weeks.
Heaven's Gate.... Charles Humphrey, a former Heaven's Gate member
interviewed by Art some time ago, has committed suicide in the same
fashion. Art finds it strange because when Art interviewed him he had a
new lease on life and wanted nothing more than to live.
Meteor.... A meteor was seen in the skies of southern New Mexico Thursday.
Researches say it made a huge sonic signal. Art wants to know how these
researches know they are meteors.
2/19/98 Thursday / Friday
Anthrax.... Las Vegas had a hell of a scare today. Two men were arrested
and charged with possessing Anthrax for use as a weapon. The car carrying
the virus was sealed in plastic and hauled off to Nellis Air Force Base.
Art reads the report in detail and the entire complaint filed by the court
is on the web site. Art will interview one of the defendants' lawyer later
in the show.
Interviews.... A channel 3 cameraman, who actually had a conversation with
these two men in a Radio Shack earlier in the day, will be talking to
Art tonight. Tom Medsker, who runs the White Ayrian Resistance, which one
of these men claims to have an affilliation with, will be interviewed
tonight also.
WDBO.... Art welcomes station WDBO am in Orlando, Florida, 580 on the
Guest... Edgar E. Cayce, Association for Research and Enlightenment
2/18/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Eclipse.... A solar eclipse should take place on February 26th that peaks
at 9:26 am with a new moon that night. Art predicts this will be the day
we go to war.
Clinton.... Art thought the town meeting held by President Clinton today
was remarkable. Art reads a few comments from listeners about the
protesters who were at the meeting in Columbus. Art got some inside info
from Marshall Barnes during the meeting and he joins Art on the program
tonight, in the first hour, to let us all in on what really happened. Art
reserves his east of the Rockies line for the city of Columbus.
Guest... Dr. Ronald Klatz,
Human Growth Hormones, Immortality and Cloning
2/17/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Iraq.... The Chief of the United Nations still trying for a diplomatic end
to the situation in Iraq. Clinton addressed the nation today from the
Pentagon. Kuwait is about the only country supporting us right now. Art
asks how do we come out of this winners. If we kill Suddam, we get his
son, who is said to make Suddam look like a Disney character.
McCurry.... The chief White House spokesman, Mike McCurry, said today he
regretted saying that the explanation for Clinton's relationship with
Monica Lewinsky would be very complicated.
CNN.... CNN is running a poll on the Web to gage whether we should or
shouldn't attack Iraq. The results so far show the nah votes two to one
over the yeahs..
Baby.... A baby boy born from a embryo frozen seven years ago seems to be
Deer.... A deer came out of the woods next to a military base, made her
way through a crowded parking lot and attacked a soldier standing outside
having a cigarette. The man ducked in time and the doe missed him and
crashed into a window and into the barracks. She then attacked another
soldier inside the barracks, who kicked her in the head and dazed her.
She eventually escaped back outside and reentered the woods. Another
incident of unusual and agressive behavior by an animal.
Oregon.... Strange lights in the sky being reported and excessive military
Holes.... Art reads a few stories on other holes around the world. One
where scientists, who had drilled a hole nine miles deep, heard human
Utah.... Art reads a story about a UFO, the size of about five football
fields, spotted by over 75 I Omega employees in Roy, Utah.
Guest.... Robert
McCallum, Discussing the "Devil's
Well" in Washington.
2/16/98 Monday / Tuesday
WGY am.... Art welcomes WGY am in Albany, New York.
2nd hour.... Mark McCandlish, who works in the aerospace industry, will be
on in the second hour. Mark can bee reached at: 2205 Hilltop Dr #158, Redding, CA 96002
Weather.... There are five storms raging right now throughout the
nation. Linda Moulton Howe comes on with an update. See Linda Howe page.
Report.... The UFO/Paranormal news group has published a story titled "Art
Bell on Government Black Ops payroll." Art says this is one of the better
attempts to accuse Art of this and he will read it to us later in the
show. Here is the story at UFO Mind Message Board, titled: Art Bell On Gov't Black Ops Payroll?.
2/13/98 Friday / Saturday
2nd Hour.... Art talks briefly with Luman Perry, a prisoner who shared a
cell block with Carla Faye Tucker, who was recently executed in Texas.
Perry says Art has alot of listeners in prison.
Witching hour.... Around the witching hour Art is going to try to contact
'others' mentally, with pure thought, by projecting massive amounts of
thought. The first time Art did this there was the massive sighting in
Phoenix, the 2nd time, a Las Vegas sighting.
Address.... President Clinton will address the nation regarding the Iraq
crisis on Tuesday from the Pentagon.
Anthrax.... U.S. scientists want a sample of a new form of Anthrax
developed in Russia that may be able to elude the vaccine shots that
American troops will soon be getting.
Galaxy.... A surprisingly sturdy little galaxy is barging into Earth's own
Milky Way. It probably will be sucked in instead of causing any damage.
This galaxy may help astronomers figure out the secret of dark matter,
which makes up about 90% of the universe but cannot be seen.
Collision.... The third stage of a military missile launched from
California struck some space debris and was destroyed. It carried some
dummy warheads and a collection of targets. Art wonders what the odds are
for a rocket to hit some space junk. What if something else has taken it
out? Art is suspicious.
Embalmed.... New Zealand police are investing the possibility of a woman
being embalmed while still alive. The neck artery continued to pump blood
when cut to begin the embalming process.
Wolf pups.... Something is killing Red Wolf pups born in the Great Smokey
Mountains National Park. Carcuses of 5 have been found. Here we are again
with animal deaths with no explanation.
Support.... Art relates some funny "technical support" recordings heard
while on hold for computer support with various companies.
2/12/98 Thursday / Friday
Lewinsky.... The manager of Hot Talk Radio station who offered the 5
million dollars to Monica Lewinsky for an interview will be on tonight.
2nd Hour.... 2nd hour has David John Oates with some reversals of
Dr. Hawass and others.
Brain cells.... Scientist have been able to grow rat brain cells on a
micro chip.
Mars.... When NASA launches the next mission to Mars there will be a
microphone on board to listen for signs of life. Art thinks the first
sound you would hear is 'bring me Richard Hoagland'.
Yeltsin.... A listener asks Art what Yeltsin meant when he said if the
U.S. attacks Iraq there will be a great fire. Art thinks it means nukes
from Russia on our military.
2/11/98 Wednesday / Thursday
1st Hour.... Dane Wilt, GM, Hot Talk 105.1 FM
2nd Hour.... Jack Schulman from the American Computer Corporation which
claims to be back engineering actual alien technology. Here is his web site on
Roswell Alien Technology
Lewinsky.... Monica Lewinsky will not testify tomorrow. But her mother
has been testifying before the Grand Jury. Art says this is getting to
the ridiculous stage. Art told us last night about an announcement one of
his Las Vegas affiliates was to make today on the Jim and Julie show. Hot
Talk Radio is offering Monica Lewinsky a cool 5 million dollars for an
exclusive, truthful interview regarding her relationship with Clinton. Art
thinks she ought to take the deal.
Babbitt.... Janet Reno has decided to assign an independent council to
investigate Babbitt in the Indian gaming issue.
Iraq.... Art says it appears we are going to war. Art asks if we are
'wagging the dog' or really going to war. Art says if he had to guess, it
will about a week before we initiate Project Desert Thunder, using
a lot of smart bombs and airplanes. A story in Newsday reports that the
Clinton Administration has quietly changed U.S. nuclear weapons policy to
permit targeting Iraq with tactical atomic warheads. The directive is part
of the administration's contingency plan to consider using atomic bombs on
Japan.... Rain, heavy fog and snow has postponed the men's downhill for
the third time in five days.
Climate.... A team of scientists from the University of Rhode Island have
some new data on climate change. Art reads an in depth report.
Headlines.... A listener has sent Art a collection of headlines all
concerning animals attacking human beings. Everything from monkeys to
bears to deer to elephants and pit bulls. Art is not saying it is the day
of the animal, but something is going on out there and it isn't good.
2/10/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Strieber.... 1st hour has Whitley Strieber talking with Art regarding the Gulf Breeze UFO along with witness Vicky Lyons. The photo is on our
UFOs Page.
Sims.... Derrel Sims will be on in the second hour. He is a fact
gatherer in the area of Ufology. Here is his Secret Clearance Letter, making reference to his previous TOP SECRET
Announcement.... There will be an announcement given on the Julie and Jim
show Wednesday at 5:00 on Hot Talk 105.1, Art will tell us what it is all
about tomorrow night.
Slalom.... The gold medal was taken away from a Canadian Olympic
athlete after he tested positive for marijuana. Art doesn't see how
marijuana would have given him any sort of edge.
Medal.... The 1st American medal has been won by Johnny Mosely. Art loves
the ice skating and a Chinese skating pair used the theme song from
Dreamland to skate by.
Fax.... CBC Radio News in Canada reported on Harp seals in New Foundland
leaving the seas and heading into the forest.
Beijing.... A warming in water temperatures caused by El Nino is being
blamed for 9 beached whales, 3 died and 6 hauled back into the waters.
2/09/98 Monday / Tuesday
KVBC.... Art welcomes KVBC FM in Las Vegas, KBSI in Big Springs, Texas,
and the monster CKLW in Windsor/Detroit.
Photos.... There is a series of photos on the web, under latest news and
web items, of the daylight UFO sighting in Mexico City. How can you deny
your eyes? The video these pictures are taken from will air on UPN on
March 6th.
60 Minutes.... 60 Minutes had a story where they related an incident where
we got close to a full nuclear war due to a peaceful launch of a rocket.
The Russians, though notified, lost the paper work and the condition and
moral of the Russian military is horrendous, people not getting paid, etc.
Nukes.... Some of Russia's portable nuclear bombs (the suitcase bombs)
are still missing. Yeltsin finally admitted this today.
- Guest: Major Ed Dames, Remote Viewing
2/6/98 Friday / Saturday
Time Line.... Art sets up his infamous Time Line tonight. A special phone
line for time travelers only to call on.
KMHI.... Art welcomes KMHI, 1240 on the dial in Mountain Home, Idaho.
Japan.... Japan is asking the U.S. to refrain from taking any military
action against Iraq during the Winter Olympics.
Clinton.... President Clinton's lawyer is decrying leaks from the special
prosecutors office. The prosecutors says there does seem to be some leaks
and will investigate.
Balloon.... The hot air balloon that was going around the world stopped in
Burma and ends the attempt.
Flu.... The NY Times is reporting the finding of a deadly 1918 flu
specimen in the frozen remains of a victim of influenza in Alaska whose
body was exhumed. Art says he can close his eyes and see the test tube
slipping from the technician's hand and breaking on the floor. OOPS!
Riverside.... A Riverside beach may be closed after discovering a toxic
algae that may be the cause of many beach goers illnesses. All but three
of a party of 66 children and adults from a primary school complained of
sore throats and tiredness. Art says if this keeps up we are going to
have beached kids.
NASA.... The first launch of the new international Space Station may be
delayed again. Art is starting to believe the earlier reports of a space
2/5/98 Thursday / Friday
Photos.... There are photos on the web site that go along with tonight's
guest, Peter Davenport, concerning a military released whale.
Movie.... StarzII has a movie on today/tonight called "The Trigger Effect"
which Art recommends. Also on HBO on the 20th. It documents what could
happen if a nationwide power outage was to occur.
NY Times.... Art reads an article in the New York Times about the debate
over global warming.
Guest.... Peter Davenport, Whale Photos Analysis
Guest.... Pamela, "The Lizard Lady"
2/4/98 Wednesday / Thursday
Whales.... There are photos of some whales that were placed out to
sea by the military after they beached themselves a couple years ago. Art
got these from Peter Davenport, and hopes to have him on the air to give us
his theories on the recent beachings.
Clone.... Art has a call into Dr. Richard Seed, the man who plans to clone
a human being.
2nd Hour.... Dr. Roger Leir and Derrel Sims will be on. Dr. Leir is a
surgeon who has removed implants from people. There are photos on the web
Lewinsky.... An offer by Lewinsky's lawyers was turned downed by Starr's
Dr. Day..... 1-800-917-4278 is the number to call to get a copy of last
night's show with Dr. Lorraine Day. 1-800-574-2437 is the number to call
to order HER tapes.
Weather.... Art reads a fax from a listener with a weather report of
California and the effects El Nino is having on the state.
Volcano.... A volcano is ready to pop in Guatemala.
AIDS.... In Chicago, a tiny frozen blood sample collected in 1959 from an
African man has yielded the earliest known evidence of the AIDS virus in
human beings. This pushes the origin of AIDS into the late 40's or
early 50's.
2/3/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Tucker.... Carla Faye Tucker has gone to that big pick axe warehouse in
the sky. Texas has done it again, they really are dispatching them rapidly
in Texas.
Storms.... Atlanta: flash floods, Miami: floods, San Fransisco: High
winds, power outages, patio furniture flying like missiles. Parumph:
raining like cats and dogs.
Quake.... Strong quake hit Mexico's southern Pacific coast Monday evening,
a 6.4 causing severe damage.
Dolphins.... Biologists have collected tissue and blood samples from the
71 dolphons who beached themselves in Massachusettes. A spokesman says
they still do not know why the dolphins did this yet. 54 sperm whales
beached themselves in Western Tasmania, Tuesday. Art asks, "What in the
hell is going on in our oceans to cause our mammals to commit suicide?"
Goo.... A email reports a listener found some clear goo on the ground in a
forest in Rosedale, Washington, enough to fill a cup. He noticed a tree
break right above the goo and a jet flew over head a few moments later. He
wants to know if Art wants him to send it to Art. Art says, "No."
NASA.... NASA has reversed it's decision to cancel all manned
explorations. Art cannot help but feel we all had something to do with
- Guest.... Lorraine Day, Cancer Survivor.
Here is the rather graphic photo of the tumor she endured.
Here is another view.
2/2/98 Monday / Tuesday
Dolphins.... 71 dolphins have beached themselves in Massachusetts.
Lewinsky.... Bruce Lindsay's testimony has been delayed.
Wag the Dog.... Art went to see the movie Wag the Dog today. It is a
film about presidential woes similar to what is happening today with
Clinton. Art wonders if the producers of this movie knew something
Texas.... In Austin, Texas a state board unanimously rejected
Carla Faye Tucker's bid for clemency. Only the Supreme Court and the
Governor of Texas now has the power to halt her execution.
AIDS.... AIDS deaths have dropped 44% in the first half of last year.
Fax.... Antarctica's Larsen Bee ice shelf appears to be melting according
to CNN.
Photo.... There is a photo on the web site you must see, Ghost in the
Religion.... Mike, from Ohio, writes, Religion is for those who fear hell,
spiritually is for people who have been there.
New Zealand.... Scientists in New Zealand are investigating the mysterious
death of a thousand baby sea lions and other marine life. Some have
suggested a toxin or other virus.
- Guest... Stanton Freidman, UPN's Lake County Abduction Show
2/1/98 Dreamland / Sunday