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1/29/99 Friday / Saturday
1st hour.... Richard Hoagland and Robert Ghostwolf are unexpected guests
in the first hour with info on events in Miami, Florida. It seems there is
a formation which Richard likens to Stonehenge, in danger of being
bulldozed down. It is being called the Miami Circle, Atlantis Rising? In
Robert's estimation is that this is possibly a very very old Mayan
structure. Hoagland threatens to throw himself in front of the bulldozer
if he has too to prevent the destruction of this site.
Y2K.... Art reads a letter from an employee of a telephone company
relating an early Y2K problem with newly installed software that is
supposed to be compliant.
2nd hour news..
Y2K.... Art rereads the letter from a telephone employee.
Lewinsky.... Monica Lewinsky has been subpeoned. There are not enough
votes to convict and Art says this trial should be over.
Reno.... Janet Reno is not going to seek an independent council to
investigate the former White House Chief of Staff.
Law.... A federal law was upheld that makes it illegal to purchase
computer images that look like children engaged in sex. Art says, 'good'.
Howe.... Linda Howe will be on Monday to discuss the dying blackbirds in
Louisiana. Art reads a quick update from Linda before his guest comes on.
Butterfly.... There is going to be a press conference held by activists
concerning the state of the Monarch butterfly.
Ocean.... Experts say the north Pacific ocean is acting strangely and el
Nino may not be to blame. Plankton species have been changing, sea birds
dying, and crabs usually found in warmer waters are present. Even the
whales are acting oddly.
Guest.... Major Ed Dames join Art in the 2nd hour to discuss his remote
viewing of Satan.
The discussion begins with the ecological state of the world. Then Ed
relates a 'demon toaster' story because he heard Art last week threatening
to shoot his equipment.
3rd hour... The discussion begins about Satan.
4th hour..... At the top of the hour Art reads an email from a "fan", who
has been listening for 2 years and hates it.
Ed Dames tells us that Satan is not a physical being, but his
consciousness is in contact with the devil.
5th hour.... At the top of the 5th hour, Art reads a fax from a listener
saying he hasn't been this spooked since Harlot was on the program.
Art opens the phone lines for questions for Major Dames.
1/28/99 Thursday / Friday
1st Hour.... Linda Moulton Howe will be on in the first hour with alot of
new information.
2nd hour.... Because Rev. Jerry Falwell has said that the Anti-Christ is
probably here on Earth now, Art opens his "Anti-Christ" line after
reviewing the news.
Trial.... The trial will be postponed for a week while prosecutors depose
Monica and two others. Art still maintains that it is over.
Columbia.... The death toll in Colombia from the quake has reached to over
Internet.... Internet stocks have gone berserk, and Alan Greenspan said
investing in internet stock is somewhat like winning one in a million in
the lottery.
Money.... The President wants to take our social security money and put it
in the stock market, among other things.
Rocks.... Chemical evidence has been found in rock formations in Greenland
suggesting life existed 3.7 billion years ago.
Birds.... Art reads a AP story about dying blackbirds raining down onto a
N. Louisiana town. The Department of Wildlife is clueless as to why this
is happening.
Prodigy.... Prodigy on line internet service is simply going to shut down
in October because of the Y2k problem. Art says, "holy smokes", there
must be too much code to financially tackle.
Balls.... Balls of a black like tar substance have been washing up on
beaches in Puerto Rico. They are about 2 to 6 inches wide, and
investigators don't know what it is and are warning beach goers not to
touch them.
10 signs.... Art reads the top 10 signs that you are watching too much
3rd hour.... Art reads a quote from Rev Falwell about the anti-christ,
saying he must be male and Jewish. Open lines continue the rest of the
Last Hour.... At the top of the last hour Art tells us that the episode of
Millennium he was on was up a full share point.
1/27/99 Wednesday / Thursday
Trial.... Art reads the latest on the trial in the Senate. The vote to
dismiss tells Art that the trial is over.
Honduras.... Military dominance has ended in Honduras with the Commander
in Chief turning over control of the armed forces to a civilian president.
Volvo.... A Ford, Volvo deal may be near.
Guns.... A Florida County is suing a gun manufacturer, hoping to recoup
expenses for gun-related injuries. Art says everything is headed this way,
if you don't like something, go to court.
Gamma Ray.... Astronomers have recorded visible light from a gamma ray
burst. The peak of the burst lasted 110 seconds. Art asks if there is
creation going on out there somewhere.
Falcons.... Art reads an email from a Falcons fan about the superbowl and
clarifies that he did not say he was backing the falcons last night. Art
likes both teams. He reads a joke sent to him from a listener about the
possibilities of the Falcons being in the superbowl.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour. Between calls, Art
threatens to shoot his ISDN box with the gun he keeps nearby.
2nd hour.... Whitley Strieber will be on to discuss SoHo, the satellite
watching our sun. There are those who contend that they have seen more
than the sun, and when they do they turn it off. John Greenewald, an
UFOologist joins Art and Whitley.
3rd hour.... John reads a document about a UFO sighting in Iran back
in September of 1976.
4th hour.... The discussion on SOHO begins.
5th hour.... In the fifth hour Art talks about Whitley's Confirmation TV
special and why he is not going to be appearing in it. A tape which will
be available after the special will have Art in it. Whitley explains why
the tape is different than the TV broadcast. After the bottom of the hour
break, open lines continues.
1/26/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
Follow up.... Art tells us that many items have been posted by the
webmaster relating to last nights program.
Saddam.... Hussein is mad at us because of the missile that hit a bus. Art
says it appears we don't want to win the war, instead we choose to
Senate.... The closed door session has been completed by the Senate. Art
feels the Senate deserves the shameful award of the decade for doing all
of this in secret. Tomorrow they will vote to dismiss the case brought by
Senator Byrd. Then they will vote on whether to call witnesses.
Pope.... Art talks about the Pope's visit and the book he has that
contains the new rules from the Vatican on exorcism.
Earthquakes.... A 4.6 quake happened in Columbia,
no deaths but the pictures of the damage are devastating and looks like
there should be thousands dead.
Russia.... Russia's defense ministry has recognized the Y2K problem and
are 'working on it'.
Ice Holes.... Art reads a story on more star shaped holes
mysteriously appearing.
Slade.... Art reads a letter from Neil Slade about another Darwin Award
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
Terminator seeds.... Tonights' guest will be discussing a subject that
caught Art's attention recently, terminator seeds. Art just cannot figure
out why we would want to sterilize seeds so they could not be used the
next year for another crop. Patrick Roy Mooney, from Canada joins Art in
the second hour.
3rd Hour.... Art tells us of the new graphics posted. 33 evil eye pictures
sent in by listeners. Also posted is an article written about him by Jim
Stiles called, Saved by The Art Bell. Art opens the lines to questions for
Pat Mooney. Greenpeace and Agent Orange are discussed.
4th Hour... Art reads a little segment from the Saved By the Art Bell
article by Jim Stiles. With Mr. Mooney's departure, open lines continues
throughout the night.
5th Hour.... Art relates a little personal story about a time in New
Jersey that led him to his move to California and the song that inspired
him to do so. Art reads a fax from a grandmother sending her opinions on
the 'evil eyes'.
1/25/99 Monday / Tuesday
Politics.... Art watched the Senate today vote to close its doors, and
they did for 4 1/2 hours to consider a motion to dismiss the charges
against Clinton. Art thinks that this was deplorable, and one of the
reasons Art is not interested in pursuing politics. Art talks about rule
29, which says that any Senator that will discuss anything discussed in
closed session would be booted out of the Senate. Art wonders if this is
how we do business in this country now, everything in secret.
GMS.... Gordon Michael Scallion predicted earthquakes in South America
followed by one in North America. 273 people killed in an earthquake in
Colombia earlier today.
Iraq.... It looks like we missed in Iraq. 11 people dead, looks like a
missile hit a bus instead of an intended military target.
Clintons.... The Clintons opened the White house doors for a discussion on
what the millennium meant a thousand years ago and what it might mean 300
or so days from now.
Japan.... There was a 5. quake in Japan today also. N.California had a
Holes.... Art is following a story from Minnesota about a hole in the ice
shaped as a star. Spectators talked hopefully of meteors and mysteries.
They are sending divers down to see what could have crashed through the
Y2K.... Art reads a story about nuclear stock piles not being checked for
Y2K, that the Pentagon admits to falsifying reports on the readiness of
the stockpile.
Photo.... A photo has been posted sent in from a listener that shows a
marijuana plant that has been hit by the fungus Art has been reporting on
Germs.... Art reads a story from the Houston Chronicle about Clintons'
remarks on possible germ warfare attacks by terrorist groups.
Genes.... Scientists are trying to map all the genes in creatures ranging
from bacteria to human beings and think they are on the verge of figuring
out how to create an artificial life form from genes. Art says, Oh boy, good
luck to us, Frankensteins' monster, comes to mind.
Anthrax.... After the bottom of the hour break, Art reads a story about
military personnel threatening to resign if they are forced to take the
anthrax vaccine.
Y2K.... Art reads a story from a listener who relates a Y2K problem he
experienced at his bank recently. The electronic device on the bank's
vault went haywire and they couldn't get it open.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour. A caller asks Art
if he is a mason and accuses him of having an eye on his website. The
secret numbers are also mentioned.
2nd hour....William Thomas, an environmental reporter, joins Art to
discuss contrails, what do they contain and what could they be doing to
3rd hour.... Wm Thomas continues with Art as they discuss H.A.A.R.P.
Related items have been posted.
1/24/99 Sunday Dreamland
- Guest... Dr Randell and Kathy Eaton, 1999 Animal Predictions
01/22/99 Friday / Saturday
Crop Circles.... New never before seen photos of crop circles are posted.
Ed and Kris Sherwood from Millennium Research will be on in the 2nd hour to
discuss these and the millennium itself. Photos: One,
Starr.... Kenneth Starr is helping House prosecutors convince Monica
Lewinsky to testify. Art wonders if she is holding out for immunity.
Troops.... Troops patroled the streets in Eastern Indonesia during a clash
between Chritians and Muslims. Art says we continue to kill each other
over whose God is right.
Japan.... Japan is getting ready to boost its imported rice tariff. Art
feels this one is going to cause trouble.
Medicare.... A chairman for Medicare Reform informed the President about
raising the eligibilty
age and make the wealthy pay more, under a new compromised plan, medicare
would shift to helping the elderly buy health insurance instead of paying
individual bills as it does now.
AT Art reads a letter that ATÞ wrote to one of its customers who
inquired about Y2K.
Millennium.... Art opens the lines for the remainder of the hour and asks
for opinions on his performance on Millennium tonight.
3rd hour.... In the third hour the skeptics come in, Art calls them the
'pixel people', claiming the photos are fake. Art asks Ed and Kris about
this at the top of the hour.
4th hour.... Art takes calls from listeners for Ed Kris . Y2k is
discussed. At the bottom of the hour, open lines continues for the rest of
the program.
01/21/99 Thursday / Friday
Trial.... Art reviews the daily happenings in the Clinton trial.
Weather.... Tornadoes and funnel clouds tore across Arkansas, killing four
people. More than a dozen injured.
Quayle.... Dan Quayle is expected to go on TV and announce his running for
President in 2000. Art says the Democrats pretty much made a laughing
stock of Quayle.
Internet.... Art reads a fax from a listener about government intervention
on the internet regarding pornography. Art clarifies his view on this
Block.... A listener who works on a military base writes Art to say Art's
website has been blocked from the computers there. Art suspects it is
because of his words about Colonel Hanes.
S. Africa.... A listener in S. Africa tells Art of a TV spot showing a
panel of y2k experts who were called to discuss y2k problems. A systems
engineer for IBM told viewers that if they hadn't upgraded yet, it was too
late, there is going to be a domino effect happening.
Scallion.... Gordon M. Scallion will be on the program next month, and Art
reads a little update on the eruption of Mt. Etna.
Ozone.... Observations of this years ozone hole over the Antarctic are in.
The hole is at its largest since it began in the 80's. This was confirmed
by NASA's satellites though the politicians are denying it.
Open Lines... Open lines commences after the bottom of the hour break.
2nd hour.... Lance Henriksen, star of 'Millennium" will be on for an
hour to discuss Art's cameo role on tomorrow night's show.
3rd hour.... Biotoxicologist, Dr Robert Hysmith joins Art in the third hour,
discussing Gulf War Syndrome, among other things.
01/20/99 Wednesday / Thursday
Sadness.... One of Art's best friends there in Pahrump passed away a
couple hours before air time. Art wasn't sure he wanted to do the program
tonight, but he is here. Art talks a little bit about mortality and his
thoughts on death.
Trial.... Art reviews the headlines on the trial in the senate.
NATO.... NATO troops are moving in on Kosivo, trying to reach a diplomatic
solution, but moving airplanes and troops.
ACLU.... The ACLU is in the middle of a child porn case and the whole
question of the internet is up here. Art still doesn't think there is a
good argument for the easy accessibility of this to children. You wouldn't
give a lighter to a child and show him how to flick it on, would you?
Open Lines.... Art goes right into open lines after the first break to
finish out the first hour. The first caller talks with Art about the
racial messages being sent through the internet by someone impersonating
Art. Art has received many death threats due to this. Art discusses his
Libertarian view of this mess.
Fame.... After the bottom of the hour break, Art talks a little about fame
and the ups and downs.
2nd hour.... Avrol Looking Horse, a spiritual leader for three Native
American nations, joins Art in the second hour.
4th hour.... Art takes calls this hour for Avrol Looking Horse.
Last Hour.... Art has open lines for the last hour, the first caller is a
Cherokee Shaman who does the sun calendar and he tells Art what is in
store for June 21, 1999.
01/19/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
CNN.... Art turned on CNN Headline News yesterday after he got off the air
and saw his face on the TV. He realized they were doing a story on his
website. He called CNN and confirmed that it was indeed about the website.
He had talked to Keith earlier in the day and Keith had mentioned that
traffic was heavy on the website over the weekend for no reason he could
think of. Now we know why, the story was running over the weekend too.
Union Address.... Art reads some headlines about the President's speech.
Internet.... There is a new law being tossed around to help prevent
pornography on the internet reaching children. Art does not have a problem
with this. Art thinks we also need something that makes adults responsible
on the internet. He discusses the latest rash of racial messages being
sent over the net by someone impersonating him. Art is livid about this
and hopes someone catches this person. Art admits he is Libertarian and
adults should be able to do pretty much what they want but this is too
Darwin.... Art talks about the Darwin Awards, those awards given to
applaud those special people who kill themselves by extraordinarily
stupid means and thereby cleansing the gene pool. Art then relates the
latest nominee after slipping in another blonde joke.
Pluto.... The planet Pluto may no longer be classified as a planet, they
may lump it into a whole new class of objects. Art asks, "what the hell
does that mean"?
Guests.... Art is working on guests in 2 different areas. He did get a
guest to be on to discuss the terminator seeds, the gentleman who
actually coined the name 'terminator' seeds. Also a spiritual leader for 3
different Native American nations.
Contrails.... There are messages going on all over the internet about jet
contrails and Art has a guest coming on next week to discuss the possible
repercussions or weather anomalies resulting from them.
Trial.... Art has been watching the trial in the senate during the day
and his opinion, in a nutshell, is that it is boring. Art is not
suggesting that Judge Rhenquist be more like Judge Ito, but he is sure the
OJ trial had more viewers.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour, with the first call
relating to vegetarianism and the terminator seeds.
Guest.... Author Paul McQuire joins Art tonight to discuss many issues,
many of which include Earth changes and prophecies.
01/18/99 Monday / Tuesday
Clinton.... The president's lawyers will use past testimony, federal laws,
and the founding fathers' own words. Art says the founding fathers had
some interesting habits themselves. Art wonders if Clinton will mention his
ongoing trial in his State of The Union Address.
Berry.... A regular caller to the show, Doc Berry, has passed on. Art
received a letter from one of Doc's friends. Art says he will long
remember some of his interesting arguments with Doc.
Dames.... Art just talked to Ed Dames before the show, and his mind is
blown, as he has been going after Satan in a remote viewing session. Not
blown as in gone, just fascinated.
War.... A faxer tells Art that certain records from soldiers in the Gulf
War were ordered to be destroyed if that soldier had been in Kuwait during
a certain time.
Falwell.... The Rev. Falwell says that the anti-christ is probably on the
Earth now. Art ponders an anti-christ line for the near future.
Joke.... Art tells another blonde joke, and then reads a threatening
letter about a band of blondes planning to attack Pahrump because of his
telling blonde jokes.
Ohio.... The Ohio National Guard is preparing an emergency mobilization
plan to be used in case of a state of emergency due to Y2K.
Cassini.... Do you remember the Cassini probe? Remember the plutonium?
Cassini is in trouble, still on its way to Saturn, but it looks like it
has gone into it's 'safe mode' because something is wrong with the
navigational system.
Astronomer.... An astronomer was in the right place at the right time, and
saw a meteorite explode in the skies over his home.
Guest.... Art is trying to get a guest on to tell us about this new
terminator seed. Art is very concerned about this issue and really wants
to know what the reason could be for this.
Open Lines.... Art tells the first caller that he couldn't get anymore
copies of TV Guide because they are all sold out in Pahrump.
Joke.... After the break at the bottom of the hour, Art tells a joke that
is not a blonde joke, and then continues with open lines.
2nd hour.... After another blonde joke, Art introduces his guest. An
editor at Wired magazine and new author of "Apocolypse Pretty Soon, Alex
Heard, joins Art.
Third hour.... Art announces the posting of a new ghost photo sent to him
from a listener in Michigan. Also, a version of Joe Firmage's book.
Last Hour.... Alex continues with Art and callers and the discussion
begins with Masons.
01/15/99 Friday / Saturday
Millennium.... Art reminds us he will be on Millennium next week on
Friday. An article in Entertainment Weekly says the episode is the best
one in the series so far. There are photos under Latest News and Site
Addition from the shoot and from this week's issue of TV Guide.
Witnesses.... Art reads us the latest on the impeachment trial.
The White House says the Republicans want to call witnesses because they
don't have a case. Art does not understand this at all.
Weather.... The snow across the country is creating havoc.
China.... The Chinese government has ordered all its airline executives to
be on a flight to somewhere on January 1, 2000 to prove there will be no
Y2K problems. Art really gets a kick out of this story.
FAA.... A backup power generator failed at SeaTac and they went into a
full fledged radio and radar blackout.
Terminator.... Art talks about the plan to sterilize all seeds. This means
a farmer cannot collect seeds from his crop to plant next season's crop.
Art cannot understand this concept at all. Why would a sane government
allow this. Art says there must be some 'stated' reason for this
Dying to know.... Art tells us a few more things you are dying to know
from his list.
Open Lines.... After the first, break open lines begin with discussion
about the sterilization of seeds.
Guest.... Joe Firmage, the CEO who stepped down because of media flack he
received about his beliefs on UFOs, will be on for the evening beginning
at the top of the second hour. Art starts by reading Mr. Firmage's
statement released when he stepped down.
4th Hour.... At the top of the fourth hour, Art retells his personal UFO
5th hour.... Art comments on his impressions of Joe Firmage at the top of
the hour. He discusses his guest appearance on Millennium and then opens
the lines for the remainder of the night.
01/14/99 Thursday / Friday
Survey.... The new survey is in, and Art informs us of his status. Art is
number one in New York City in his time slot, and his number oneness has
grown with people ages 25 to 54.
NEWS.... World reacts to Clinton trial... Art said it was kinda boring.
Art has always felt kind of neutral towards Clinton, but as far as his
actual job as President, he has done well, the nation has prospered. But
if Art has ever been tempted to join the impeachment bandwagon, it is now,
because Clinton plans on a new cigarette tax.
Military.... About 400 Canadian Soldiers, some in armored vehicle,
entered Toronto to help the city cope with the snow storms.
Carlin.... Art heard on Don Imus' show that George Carlin listens to Coast
to Coast AM. Art is pleased cause he grew up listening to George.
Burglar.... Police have arrested a burglar who made himself at home before
robbing them, soaking in bubble baths and sipping wine.
AIDS.... AIDS vaccine tests effective... Art reads a report about the
latest studies.
Blonde Joke.... Did you hear about the blonde who bought an AM radio? It
took he a whole month to figure out she could play it at night.
Contrails.... Contrails spread by aircraft are making people sick across
the U.S. How do they know it is the contrails? Art asks.
Seeds.... Art is getting alot of email on the terminator seeds he
mentioned last night.
Photo.... Art mentions the new photo posted, check out Dog with Death Wish.
Open lines.... Tonight is all open lines and Art dedicates one line to
Area 55 workers, government agents, and time travelers at the top of the
second hour.
Phasing.... Art spent three hours yesterday adding phasing to the song
'Grease' and plays the results after the first break.
3rd hour.... At the halfway point in the third hour Art expresses his
excitement about being in TV Guide this week.
01/13/99 Wednesday / Thursday
Guests.... Art has not scheduled any guests for Thursday or Friday, plans
on doing just open lines both nights. Unless Joe Firmage is available,
the CEO who stepped down because of the media flack he has received due to
his thoughts on ETs.
Lewinsky.... House judiciary committee Republicans sought permission to
speak with Monica Lewinsky, but her attorney declined.
GOP.... Another headline says GOP focuses on other work. Art wonders what
other work they have.
Iraq.... US planes attack Iraqi defenses again.
French.... The French are getting ready to lift the oil embargo, Art says
the French always do that. He wonders what good this last attack on Iraq
Seeds.... Art thinks one of the things everyone should have as a backup is
seeds. There is a new thing called the ' terminator', a new technology
that could potentially sterilize the seed preventing it from being
replanted. Art wonders why this would be done, why would we tamper with
DNA.... Scientists have built a moving part out of a few strands of DNA,
a step towards creating tiny machines that could someday perform intricate
jobs like removing clogs in blood vessels.
Gimmick.... Art's 'mole' inside KNBC in LA, which has banned Art's
website, tells Art that a Maryland company is offering free long distance
service to be if they listen to advertisements first. Art wonders how they
would know if you were really listening, why couldn't you put the phone
down and wait till the ads were over. Art mentions that there is something
profoundly wrong with the phone company, he is still getting the 'all
circuits busy message' all day long.
Pre-feed.... Beginning at 6:00 in the evening Pacific Time, Art's network
has begun airing the previous night's show. Call 541-664-8829 to get your
station in on this.
Dying to know.... Art reads off some trivia, which he considers are some
of the things you have been dying to know. Such as banging your head
against the wall uses up 150 calories an hour, and no one can sneeze with
their eyes open. Art can't get over the fact that a pigs orgasm lasts 30
minutes and a lion sometimes mates up to 50 times a day.
Austin PD.... Art says a special hello to all the officers listening at
the Austin Police Department in the Forensics Division.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Matthew Alper, a guest that really moves Art, will be on. He
is the author of "The God Part of the Brain". Art warns the listening
audience that those with deep faith that do not want that disturbed,
should tune out.
Theory.... Art reads a theory from a listener about why the phone lines
are always busy. He says it is because the phone companies are mad that
people can stay on line for free all night connected to the internet.
01/12/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
NEWS.... McGwire's 70th home run ball sold at auction for 3 million
dollars. Art wonders who the money goes to.
Joke.... Art relates a joke about wisdom teeth sent to him from a
Clinton.... The President has decided to travel during the impeachment
trial, this way he won't be available for daily reactions.
Horses.... A Reno construction worker and two California Marines have
been arrested and charged with the shooting of 34 wild horses with high
powered rifles. Art hopes if these are the culprits they roast in hell.
Alaska.... Art is still receiving calls about the 'explosion' over
Anchorage. This occurred 50 miles up, and supposedly the size of a
basketball. Art wonders what it would have felt like if it had been the
size of a volkswagon.
Photo.... A new photo called Art's Hole is posted. A listener emailed Art and said he fell out of his chair
and sprained his ankle after looking at it.
Movie.... An upcoming NBC movie will be about Whitley Strieber's book.
Art talks a little about his experience taping his appearance on
Furby.... Art read an AP story about Furby being a threat to national
Open Lines... Open Lines finishes out the first hour with most callers
discussing telephone problems they have been experiencing. Y2K?
2nd Hour.... In reference to the explosion over Anchorage: Pilots landing
at Anchorage International Airport reported some kind of impact on Fire
Island, 5 miles west of the airport.
Y2K.... A listener writes in about an experience at the DMV in Tennesse
where the supervisor told everyone in the facility that everything that
expires in a year ending in 00 has been deleted.
Power Grid.... Tonights' guest is Stuart H. Rodman and he and Art will be
discussing the power grid and Y2K.
3rd Hour.... At the top of the third hour Art reads a letter he received
from Mr. Rodman which kind of explains why Art wanted to have him on his
program. They begin discussing rationing of electricity.
4th hour.... At the top of the fourth hour, Art reads a report from the
FEMA website about Y2K issues. Art opens the lines for callers to join him
and Mr. Rodman after Mr. Rodman relates a personal story from Christmas
eve of 1989. Several power company employees call in to inform Art that
their bosses are buying generators.
Last Hour.... Art has open lines for the remainder of the program after
reviewing the coming weeks' guests.
01/11/99 Monday / Tuesday
Headline.... Art tells us that there is a front page story about Joe
Firmage, who was just on Friday Night, in the San Fransisco Chronicle
titled, "Wizard Quits over UFO Views". Art says the media is just going to
have a field day with Joe.
Photos.... Art tells us of 2 new photos posted. One is of a jet at an air show at the exact moment it broke the
sound barrier. The other looks like some kind of tunneling machine.
NEWS.... Michael Jordan's retirement is the lead story, which surprises
Art since the impeachment trial is starting.
Trial... Art's questions about the trial are still, will it be broadcast,
and will we hear from Monica and Bill?
Hot.... An AP story reports last year was the hottest year on record
according to NASA, saying this is evidence the world is 'heating up'.
Alaska.... Anchorage Daily News says a brilliant flash and an earth
shaking boom was reported and they say it was either a meteor or a comet
fragment that exploded. Art reminds us that he broke into friday night's
show to report this sighting.
Dolphins.... Scientists are baffled by changes in the Bering Sea, puzzled
by abnormal conditions including die offs of sea birds, rare algae blooms
and very low numbers of salmon.
Virus.... The cause of the virus that killed 6 racing greyhounds in
Florida is still a mystery. They call it coughing sickness.
Fungus.... Libertarians are blasting Congress for spending 23
million dollars to develop a fungus to wipe out marijuana plants. They
feel it is the equivalent of Athlete's Foot and could be dangerous.
Life.... Remember how Art has always said the cycle of life seemed wrong
to him, that it should be reversed? Art reads an email titled "An
Interesting Concept" that echoes what Art has been saying all along.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
Next hour.... Joseph Delouise, named one of the world's top ten psychics by
American Woman magazine will be on.
Third hour.... Joseph tells a story at the top of the third hour
concerning a crystal ball and discusses what is so special about the
properties of crystal. Also discussed are the powers of the brain and what
it can allow you to see that others may not.
Fourth hour.... Art opens the lines for callers in Josephs' last hour
after warning listeners that Joseph is not going to do readings tonight.
Last hour.... Art rereads his email titled " An Interesting Concept" for
those who missed it. Open lines finishes out the program.
01/10/99 Sunday / Dreamland
Guest... Stanton Friedman
01/08/99 Friday / Saturday
KSFO.... Station KSFO in San Fransisco joins the prefeed program.
Senate.... The Senate voted on rules for the trial Friday. Art says he
watched the vehicle carrying the summons to the White House very slowly
and dramatically. Art wonders why they didn't use a hearse.
Iraq.... The Pentagon has doubled its estimate of how badly we have
injured Saddam and company from one year to two years setback.
Davenport.... After the first break, Peter Davenport joins Art for an
update. He plays an audio cut from a UFO sighting called in from northern
California that took place within the last couple hours.
Fax.... A listener informs Art of the deaths of five greyhounds at a
racetrack in St. Petersburg, Florida and many more ill from an unknown
Outage.... A blackout last night in LA has not been explained as of yet.
Art wonders if it is an early Y2k.
Y2k.... Art reads a couple more Y2K possibilities from the onslaught of
info being sent to him.
Guests.... At the bottom of the first hour, Steven Bassett joins Art.
Tonight's program is titled "Disclosure 1999" with quite a list of guests,
all of whom will give their opinions on what to expect UFO wise in the
coming year. Mr. Bassett begins by outlining the evening.
Scheduled to appear are:
Joe Firmage
Peter Gersten
Jim Marrs
Steven Greer
Richard Hoagland
William Birnes
James Erjavec
Each guests related works and websites are listed on the Guest page. Steven Bassett remains throughout the evening
with Joe Firmage in the second hour, Richard Hoagland and Steven Greer in
the third hour. William Birnes and Peter Gersten come on in the fourth
hour after Art tells us that he is getting multiple reports about
something really large and producing bright daylight type flashes was seen
above Anchorage and asks for any more verification from listeners in that
area. Jim Marrs and James Erjavec are on in the last hour.
01/07/99 Thursday / Friday
Open Lines.... Tonight's program will be all open lines because tomorrow
night will be guest driven with the 'Disclosure 1999' topic.
News.... The entire Senate will go behind close doors Friday to hammer out
details of the impeachment trial. Art wonders if they will do faster work
with the cameras off and who will be Clinton's lawyer.
Spying.... There is some indication that the U.S. may have been doing some
spying with the U.N. on Iraq.
Prediction.... A faxer tells Art if Clinton does get impeachment by the
Senate his approval rating will go to 100%
Vegetarian.... Another faxer tells Art he is a vegetarian, not because he
loves animals but because he hates vegetables.
El Nino.... Art reads a new story indicating that scientists are getting
some insight from ocean temperatures. El Nino may still be around.
ABC.... ABCNEWS.com has a story asking why we are so confident our sun
will continue to burn reliably for many more billion years. A scientist
at Yale says there could be a super flare that is a life extinguishing
Joke.... Art reads another blonde joke, though he has said in the past he
wouldn't do so anymore.
Special.... Art opens a special line tonight, calling it the 'date from
hell' line. Though Art hasn't dated in about a million years, he wants to
hear your horror stories about dates.
01/06/99 Wednesday / Thursday
News.... Art starts off with the news...House Republicans hope to compel
testimony from Monica Lewinsky, Vernon Jordan and others at the
president's trial. Officials discussed ground rules and an agreement on
procedures was near. Art still says there will be a deal made.
Speaker.... Amid gestures of partisan amity, the 106th Congress convened
Wednesday with the new House Speaker. Art says of course everyone will be
nice to him for about 24 hours.
NBA.... The NBA strike appears to be over, the question is, 'do you care?'
Art says this ends the 'support your favorite NBA player' program.
ABC.... Art reminds us that ABCNEWS.com had a article on y2k cults etc.
including CSETI and Steven Greer among those. They have now retracted
that inference and Art is glad they heard 'us'.
Microsoft.... The software giant announced today that the release of their
Windows 2000 operating system will be delayed until the 1st quarter of
1901. Art gets quite a chuckle out of this.
Plutonium....Traces of plutonium from a test blast in the Neveda desert
has appeared to migrated through ground water. Ask Art how warm and fuzzy
he feels about this report.
Washington.... The National Guard will mobilize half it's ground troops in
Washington on New Years Eve as a precaution against civil disorder or the
breakdown of government services stemming from the Y2K bug that may hit
computers world wide.
Email.... Art reads a joke sent to him from a listener.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour with the main topic
of dicussion being Y2K.
2nd hour.... Art tells us how he is going to become a millennium guru,
since the press will probably paint him as one, and get a black cape with
MM printed on it, and he is going to give out secret number every night.
After the commercial break, Art plays an enhanced version of the sounds
from the Fat Whacker commercial that continues to crack him up every time
he hears it. Michael Theroux joins Art in the second hour. Michael is the
editor in chief of the Journal of Borderland Research. Michael has done
research in all kinds of things and Art will go through them one by one.
They begin discussing Robert AM Stephens and Michael's involvement.
3rd hour.... Michael and Art begin the hour discussing the power grid and
outages that may occur due to Y2K. Low frequency acoustic sonar is talked
about in the beginning of the next hour, and after the break calls are
taken from listeners.
Last hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener, in Michigan, who had seen a
Robin in his yard yesterday in the middle of winter. Michael discusses how
the proliferation of our electro-magnetic technology affects our
environment. More calls are taken for Michael to finish out the program.
01/05/99 Tuesday / Wednesday
WQYX.... Art welcomes station WQYX in Joplin, Missouri.
Clinton.... The President goes on trial Thursday. Art says the Republicans
want the trial to last til the next election and the Democrats want it
over by Friday. Just Kidding. Art says he doesn't talk alot about
politics, because it is all 'fixed'.
Jets.... Four U.S. Air Force Navy jets fired on Iraq MIGs and missed. Art
says there is some kind of message here.
Y2K.... Art discusses how the Y2K problem is all over the media now that
the calendar flipped. He reads some email from listeners regarding Y2K and
problems already occuring in 1999.
Deaths.... Art talks about an article that reports on simultaneous deaths.
2nd hour.... William Henry will join Art in the 2nd hour. Mr. Henry says
America has a secret destiny and 'he' came to America 2000 years ago to
spread a secret message and hide a device and he is returning this summer.
Mr. Henry will tell us who 'he is' and what the device is.
3rd hour.... Art and William discuss a soul transporting device at the top
of the third hour while looking at the drawing. Art opens the phone lines
for questions for William.
4th hour.... Art reads a fax to William from a listener who says if
something is going to come from the sky in July and calls itself, 'the
king of terror' he will do his best to shoot it down. Art asks William for
his take on this and William shares the faxers sentiment.
5th hour.... Art has open lines for the last hour.
01/04/99 Monday / Tuesday
NEWS.... The U.S. plans to allow more contact between Americans and Cubans
and increase the amount of Americans eligible to send money to needy
Cubans, but, Art says, we still can't go to Cuba and buy cigars and come
Clinton.... GOP House leaders expect Clinton to deliver his State of the
Union Message as scheduled.
Dole.... Elizabeth Dole has announced her retirement from the Red Cross
and is seriously considering running for President in 2000. Art wonders
what it would be like having Bob Dole has the First Man.
Football.... Art discusses the Miami/Buffalo game where Andrea Reed was
clearly screwed by the officials. Another game altering mistake by an NFL
official and Art says it must stop. We have the technology to prevent
this, why don't we use it, especially in Wild Card games. Art is a big
football fan, and he really gives us a piece of his mind on the lack of
the 'instant replay.'
Predictions.... Art finishes out the first hour by reading last years
predictions, picking it up from #77, and seeing how well you all did.
He takes new predictions, too, picking up from #54.
2nd hour.... Art will read a statement from Peter Gersten (attorney for
UFOlogists) about the real Robert AM Stephens, in the second hour, and
feels you'll be really shocked. Art talks about the Hoagland/Stephens
melee and the ensuing remarks made by David Oates and Stephens on other
talk shows, accusing Art of censorship. Art admits to cutting Stephens off
because the interview got too confusing and disconnected.
Predictions continue with open lines throughout the third hour.
Fourth Hour.... At the top of the fourth hour, Art replays about ten
minutes of last Wednesday night's program with Stephens and Hoagland and
then rereads the statement from Peter Gersten. Art adds a few statements
about other talk show hosts who have given Mr. Stephens air time so they
could just have a bashing fest of Hoagland and Art. Art wonders how those
hosts feel about the resolution of this situation, now that Stephens has
been exposed as a fraud. Stephens actually wrote Art a letter, but Art
will not post it because he does not want to extend Stephens' 15 minutes
of fame.
Predictions continue to come in from callers and Art finishes reading last
years' predictions.