ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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04/30/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Donald Wulfinghoff
Donald Wulfinghoff is one of the world's top experts on energy conservation
and alternative energy sources. He is a professional engineer, licensed
stationary engineer, certified automotive mechanic, and licensed broadcast
engineer. He is a founder of the ASHRAE Energy Awards design competition.
He has developed efficiency programs for hundreds of facilities. He served
on panels of the National Academy of Sciences devoted to improving
engineering practice. He is president of Wulfinghoff Energy Services, Inc.,
which he established to advance the standards of performance in energy
Book: Energy Efficiency Manual
Website: www.energybooks.com
NEW Word Document: Economical and Practical Efficiency Improvements for Existing Dwellings
NEW Word Document: Actions to Build a Super-Efficient House at Little Additional Cost
Wooden UFO knick-knack box. Nifty stocking stuffer for Christmas
04/29/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Nancy Sinatra
Website: www.nancysinatra.com
Website: www.sinatrafamily.com
Guest: Hal Lindsey
Book: Last Days Chronicles
Book: Why Do We Have Trials?
Book: Amazing Grace
Books: List of Author's Titles
Website: www.hallindseyoracle.com
04/28/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Ed & Kris Sherwood
Ed & Kris Sherwood, co-founders of Millennium Research, have more than 25
years combined research of 'Crop Circles' and related phenomena.
Website: www.cropcircleanswers.com
04/27/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: William Calvin
One of the most shocking realizations of all time has slowly been dawning on
us: the earth's climate does great flip-flops every few thousand years, and
with breathtaking speed. William Calvin ma argues that such cycles of cool,
crash, and burn powered the pump for the enormous increase in brain size and
complexity in human beings. Driven by the imperative to adapt within a
generation to "whiplash" climate changes where only grass did well for a
while, our ancestors learned to cooperate and innovate in hunting large
grazing animals. William H. Calvin is affiliate professor of psychiatry and
behavioral sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine in
Book: A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change
Website: www.williamcalvin.com
04/26/02 - Fri/Sat
04/25/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Dr. Stephen La Berge
Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. is a world-renowned authority on lucid dreaming. His
pioneering studies at Stanford University have brought scientific attention
to this potentially illuminating state of consciousness. For the past 20
years, Dr. LaBerge has researched methods for teaching people to become
lucid dreamers, developing techniques and lucid dreaming induction devices.
In 1988, he founded the Lucidity Institute.
Book: Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
Website: www.lucidity.com
04/24/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: James Van Praagh
Van Praagh is recognized as one of the foremost mediums in the world today.
Using his talents as a medium, he has not only helped the bereaved reach
their lost ones and find peace, but he has also illuminated the mysteries
of death, the afterlife, and rebirth.
Book: Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss
Book: Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death
Book: Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death
Website: www.VanPraagh.com
04/23/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Linda Moulton Howe
Website: www.earthfiles.com
Guest: John Anthony West
Website: www.magicalegypt.com
Website: www.jawest.com
Guest: Peter Von Puttkamer
Peter Von Puttkamer, documentary filmmaker, went on a journey that took two
years and visited five countries in search of the great monsters and their
hunters. He is back from this journey and has incredible stories to tell
about the Jersey Devil, Yowie, Chupacabras and more. Von Puttkamer has been
producing international award-winning films in the United States and Canada
over the last 20 years. His documentaries have aired on Discovery
Channel/TLC (Canada,US, Europe), GLOBAL-TV, C.B.C., CTV, S.B.S. (Australian
Public Televison) and various Canadian specialty channels.
Related Image: Pteradactyl With Soldiers
Related Image: WTC: Angel, Bird or What?
Website: www.monsterhunters.com
Guest: Jason Walton
Caddy Researcher
Website: members.shaw.ca/caddyscan/
04/22/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Dannion Brinkley
Book: Saved by the Light
Book: At Peace in the Light
Website: www.dannion.com
04/21/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Daniel David Durda, Ph.D.
Daniel Durda is a Planetary Scientist with Southwest Research Institute. He
has authored 48 scientific publications and given 15 presentations at
professional conferences and meetings on the subject of collisional and
dynamical evolution of the asteroids. His space art has been displayed in
several galleries and exhibitions and has appeared in Sky & Telescope, The
Planetary Report, Final Frontier, and Alan Hale's book Everybody's Comet.
Website: pirl.lpl.arizona.edu/~durda/
04/20/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Scott S. Smith
Website: users.adelphia.net/~sssmith2/
Book: The Soul of Your Pet: Evidence for the Survival of Animals in the Afterlife
04/19/02 - Fri/Sat
04/18/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: John Zerzan
John Zerzan, ideological friend to Ted Kaczynski, and mentor to the
anti-Globalist anarchists, is well known for his anarchist critique of
technology and his work on the origins of our contemporary society in
Book: Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization
Book: Future Primitive & Other Essays
Book: Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections
Book: Elements of Refusal
Book: Questioning Technology: A Critical Anthology
Book: Questioning Technology: Tool, Toy or Tyrant
04/17/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Dr. Steven M. Greer
Dr. Steven M. Greer M.D., an emergency physician and Founder/Director of The Disclosure Project is widely regarded as the world's foremost authority on UFO's and Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The disclosure Project has over 450 government, military, intelligence community and defense contractor witnesses testifying to their direct, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology and the illegal coverup keeping this issue secret.
Book: Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
Book: Extraterrestrial Contact : The Evidence and Implications
Website: www.disclosureproject.org
Guest: Red Elk
He is a self-described half-breed Native American from both the BlackFeet
and Shoshoni Nations as well as part Irish and French. He is a member of
Heyoka (hi - OH - kah) a Contrarian group of Native American lost boys
which he is one of the twelve inner Heyoka. Red Elk is one of the last nine
members of the Red Web Society who are working to bring understanding to
Website: www.redelk.org
04/16/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Richard C. Hoagland, is the founder of The Enterprise Mission, recipient of
the Angstrom Medal, former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite,
author of "The Monuments of Mars", co-creator of the "Pioneer Plaque",
originator of the "Europa Proposal", and principal investigator of The
Enterprise Mission...
Related Info: Do Geologists Dream of Windblown Sheep?
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
04/15/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Warren Faidley
Warren Faidley is a renowned photographer and full-time storm chaser. His
work has been exhibited in major publications including Life and National
Geographic. Warren has also appeared as an on air severe weather expert for
MSNBC and Fox News.
New book: High Risk
Book: Storm Chasing Journalist and Cinematographer
Book: Storm Chaser : In Pursuit of Untamed Skies
Book: Eye of the Storm : Chasing Storms With Warren Faidley
Book: Lightning (Nature in Action)
Website: www.stormchaser.com
04/14/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Robert Felix
Beginning with the dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago, Robert Felix
explores the relationship between mass extinctions, ice ages, and magnetic
reversals (times when compasses would have pointed south instead of north).
Website: members.aol.com/iceagenow/
Book: Not by Fire but by Ice : Discover What Killed the Dinosaurs...and Why It Could Soon Kill Us
04/13/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Replay of Maurice Cotterell on 2/23/02
Maurice Cotterell's background as a scientist, mathematician, and engineer
helped him to decipher the code of the ancient Maya, revealing the mystery
of their science and religion to an extent never before possible. Using the
same techniques, the author turns his attention here to deciphering the
secrets encoded within the tomb of Tutankhamun. His extensive research
revealed that both the ancient Egyptians and the Maya possessed a
sophisticated understanding of sun spot activity and other astronomical
phenomena--facts recently confirmed by modern science.
Book: The Tutankhamun Prophecies : The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons
Book: The Supergods : They Came on a Mission to Save Mankind
Book: Los Superdioses
Book: The Mayan Prophecies : Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
04/12/02 - Fri/Sat
04/11/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Sean David Morton
Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who specialize in month
to month predictions of geological, political and economic events.
Related Info: North Magnetic Pole Location
Related Info: Polar Shift Diagram
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
04/10/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Stephen S. Mehler
Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the
answers to these questions: . Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization
in ancient Egypt? . Who were the people who built the great pyramids? . Who
carved the Great Sphinx? . Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not
as tombs for kings? Mehler believes the answers are "Yes!" An indigenous
oral tradition still exists in Egypt, he has been able to uncover and study
it with the help of a living master of this tradition, Abd'El Hakim Awyan.
Book: The Land of Osiris
Website: www.gizapyramid.com
04/09/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Michael Brown
Michael studied Tesla and his inventions. He is currently working on a
tabletop model of a Tesla System for pulling lightning out of the sky, using
it to charge a capacitor, and then extracting the energy for electric power.
Book: The Strength of Samson: How to Attain it
Website: www.mikebrownsolutions.com
04/08/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Russell Targ
Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of
laser, and cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation
into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.
Book: The Heart of the Mind: How to Know God Without Belief
Book: Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
Book: Mind Reach (Out of Print)
Website: www.espresearch.com
04/07/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Heidi Hollis
Heidi Hollis is the president and founder of the group UFO2U. Heidi
possesses a Bachelor of Science degree that earned her certification as an
Occupational Therapist. She has written articles for various venues and is
now an advocate for speaking on the level about the conflict in alien contact
between benevolent and intruding beings. She is also the author of her
publishers Best-selling book written on the Shadow People, which she wrote
several years prior to their mentioning elsewhere-where she speaks about the
war between these beings and others.
Book: The Secret War: The Heavens Speak of the Battle
Website: www.ufo2u.com
04/06/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Eugene Linden
Eugene Linden is an award-winning writer on science, nature, and the
environment, whose articles have appeared in many publications, including
Time magazine, National Geographic, and The New York Times
New Revised Book: The Future In Plain Sight: The Rise of the "True Believers" and Other Clues to the Coming Instability
Book: The Parrot's Lament
Book: Silent Partners: The Legacy of the Ape Language Experiments
Book: Apes, Men, and Language.
Book: The Alms Race: The Impact of American Voluntary Aid Abroad
Book: Affluence and Discontent: The Anatomy of Consumer Behavior
Website: www.eugenelinden.com
04/05/02 - Fri/Sat
Art takes calls only from those who have good ghost stories to tell.
04/04/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Professor Kevin Warwick
Professor Kevin Warwick, the world's leading expert in Cybernetics, here
unveils the story of how he became the world's first Cyborg (part human,
part machine) in a ground breaking set of scientific experiments. Humans
have limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way,
vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3
dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech. But
can this be improved on? Can we use technology to upgrade humans?
New Book: I, Cyborg, release date August 2002.
Book: QI: The Quest for Intelligence
Book: In the Mind of the Machine
More Books: List of Author's Titles
Website: www.kevinwarwick.com
04/03/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Brendan Cook & Barbara McBeth
Ghost Investigators Society, with actual recorded voices of ghosts.
Website: www.ghostpix.com
04/02/02 - Tue/Wed
REPLAY Guest: Mark Barry
Larry Walters Lawn Chair Trip Audio Recordings
Website: The Lawn Chair Pilot
Live Guest: Dr. Gary E. Schwartz
Dr. Gary E. Schwartz, along with his research partner Dr. Linda Russek,
asked some of the most prominent mediums in America -- including John
Edward, Suzane Northrup, and George Anderson -- to become part of a series
of extraordinary experiments to prove, or disprove, the existence of an
afterlife. Dr. Schwartz will reveal the lab results on this program. He is
currently Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry,
Director of the Human Energy Systems Laboratory, and Director of the
Bioenergy Core of the Pediatric Alternative Medicine Center, at the
University of Arizona.
Book: The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death
Book: The Living Energy Universe
Website: www.openmindsciences.com
04/01/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Bonnie Ramthun
Bonnie Ramthun is a former war gamer assigned to Schriever Air Force Base.
With a computer science degree from the University of Wyoming and an itch to
see the wild side of the defense world, she has also worked in helicopter
crash investigations and space station prototyping.
Book: Earthquake Games
Book: Ground Zero