ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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12/30/00 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Glynis Kathleen McCants
McCants has sixteen years of numerology counseling experience. She has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Leeza, The View, E! Entertainment, Howie Mandel, and Donny and Marie. Glynis is the author of Glynis Has Your Number, a numerology book based on the 2500-year-old science of numbers.
Book: Glynis Has Your Number
Website: www.numberslady.com
12/29/00 - Fri/Sat
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Sean David Morton
Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who specialize in month
to month predictions of geological, political and economic events. Morton will discuss what to expect for
the New Year.
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
12/28/00 - Thu/Fri
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Brian Doran
Doran has been working as a radio copywriter and reporter in western New York since the early
1980's. He first began his research on the life of Malachi Martin in the late fall of 1999, four months
after Martin's death. Doran came to know Father Malachi Martin while working at radio station
WLEA in Hornell, New York in the mid-1990's. "Malachi Martin: God's Messenger" provides listeners
with remembrances of the County Kerry boy who one day would become a priest, linguist, an
archeologist, an exorcist, Vatican diplomat, and New York Times bestselling author.
Audio Tape: Malachi Martin: God's Messenger
Website: www.mmgm.org
12/27/00 - Wed/Thu
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Joyce Riley, RN, BSN
Riley has began researching the Gulf War Illness over five years ago. Her investigation has revealed documents that demonstrate that the U.S. government has utilized the military as unwitting test subjects for years. Riley served as a Captain in the United States Air Force and flew on C-130 missions in support of Operation Desert Storm. She now serves a spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association.
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com
12/26/00 - Tue/Wed
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Betty J. Eadie
In November of 1973, at the age of 31, Betty Eadie died following routine surgery. After undergoing what has been called the most profound and detailed near-death experience ever recorded, she returned with a life-changing message. Enlightened by her experience, Betty turned to the study of psychology and the human response to death.
Book: The Ripple Effect
Book: The Awakening Heart
Book: Embraced By The Light
Website: www.rippleon.com
12/25/00 - Mon/Tue
Host: Best of Mike Siegel from 12/05
Guest: Matt Moneymaker
Guest: Dr. Greg Bambenek
Guest: Dr. Leroy Fish
12/24/00 - Sun/Mon
Host: Best of Ian Punnett from 8/13
Guest: Dr. Kenneth Hanson
12/23/00 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Dr. Joe Cusumano
A mental health therapist who works for St. Louis Behavior Medicine Institute. He also is a literature
instructor. He has been invited to be a presenter at Montreal's International Institute of Integral
Human Sciences this spring. The theme of the conference is Spirit, Space & Human Transformation
2001. He has written numerous psycho-spiritually oriented magazine articles, and has developed a
counseling model he calls Scrooge Therapy.
Book: Transforming Scrooge
Book: If You Build It
Website: www.drjoe1.com
12/22/00 - Fri/Sat
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Glenn Kimball
After 25 years of research, author Glenn Kimball, has been able to piece together the historical
framework of Jesus' childhood. Kimball will discuss the historical context of the birth of Christ,
the significance of the Magi at the birth and the global impact of Jesus.
Book: Hidden Politics of the Crucifixion
Book: Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus
Book: Joseph of Arimathea: Foster Father of Christ
Website: www.ancientmanuscripts.com
12/21/00 - Thu/Fri
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
The Secrets Behind the Millennium: The several thousand year old story on why 2001 is the year.
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
12/20/00 - Wed/Thu
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Michael Hesemann
In May of 2000 the Vatican shocked the world by unexpectedly revealing the long-concealed Third Secret of Fatima. Michael Hesemann, a knowledgeable student of church history and Vatican politics, exposes one of the world's most explosive agendas.
Book: The Fatima Secret
Website: hesemann.m-n-d.com
12/19/00 - Tue/Wed
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Frank Jones
Frank Jones has been compared to the character played by Russell Crowe in the newly released
movie, "Proof of Life". Frank is the president of ODCC, which is a company that provides tactical
consulting, security, and training to commercial clients worldwide.
Website: www.odcworldwide.com
12/18/00 - Mon/Tue
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Adrian Gilbert
Throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world there exists a brotherhood, "Masters of Wisdom", secretly guiding the destiny of mankind. In 1972, following a pilgrimage to Bethlehem by bicycle, Adrian Gilbert also began searching for the masters. He was convinced that the secret school, if it really existed, was in some way connected with the story of the visiting Magi at the start of St. Matthew's Gospel.
Book: Magi: The Quest for a Secret Brotherhood
Website: www.adriangilbert.co.uk
12/17/00 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.
A Ph.D. in theoretical physics, is a consulting physicist. Dr. Wolf is well-known and respected among
scientists and lay people alike for his pioneering work combining scientific and spiritual thought.
Book: Mind Into Matter
12/16/00 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Susan Watkins
Book: Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the Author of the Seth Material
12/15/00 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Gary Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz believes that the consciousness survives death. Gary E.R. Schwartz, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology, medicine neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona; director of the UA Human Energy Systems Laboratory; and director of the Bioenergy Core at the UA Pediatric Alternative Medicine Research Center. Dr. Schwartz has published more than 300 scientific papers, including six paper in the journal Science, co-edited 11 academic books, and written, "The Living Energy Universe" and "Discovering the Living Soul" with his research partner and wife Linda Russek, Ph.D.
Book: The Living Energy Universe
Website: www.livingenergyuniverse.com
12/14/00 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Linda Moulton Howe
Earthfiles reporter and editor, Linda M. Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author. Her most recent book, "Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles", includes her research into accounts of crop circles, accompanied by lights and crackling sounds over the past two years.
NEW Book: Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
Book: Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms
Website: www.earthfiles.com
12/13/00 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Steve Lewis
Stephen Lewis will discuss how we may create and maintain well being through energetic balancing. The novel, "Sanctuary", is one of the first books written on the futuristic use of subtle-energy technology.
Book: Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness
Website: www.energeticmatrix.com
12/12/00 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Henry Bauer
Dr. Bauer, the former dean of Virginia Tech's College of Arts and Sciences, is a believer in the Loch Ness monster. His interest in "Nessie" started in the 60's and has brought him back time and time again to Urquhart Bay in Scotland where he hopes to have a glimpse of the elusive creature. Dr. Bauer is, also, the Editor-In-Chief of "The Journal of Scientific Exploration," which studies cases usually ignored by mainstream science, such as UFOs, ESP and Bigfoot.
Book: Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method
Book: Science or Pseudoscience: Magnetic Healing, Psychic Phenomena, and Other Heterodoxies (PREORDER)
Website: www.henryhbauer.homestead.com
12/11/00 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Robert Perala
Robert's ability to see into the spirit world was evident by the age seven and, after his well-documented close encounter with extraterrestrials in 1977, he devoted his life to the study of spirituality, metaphysics, the esoteric, mystery school, and sacred texts around the world.
Book: The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for a New Millennium
Website: www.unitedlight.com
12/10/00 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Steve Canada
Steve has developed an internationally reviewed theory (England, Germany, Italy) that deciphers new information presented in crop circle pictograms each season.
Book: Crop Circles and the Mistresses of the Martian Pyramids: England's Crop Circle Connection to Egypt's Giza Plateau and the Mars Cydonia Region
Website: www.cropcirclebooks.com
12/09/00 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Kenny Kingston
"Legendary Celebrity Psychic", is one of the most respected experts in the field of psychic phenomena. Kenny's new book, "I Still Talk To..." , features about 15 celebrated personalities and Kenny's experiences with them when they were alive, and his spirit encounters with them now, on the other side.
Book: I Still Talk To....
12/08/00 - Fri/Sat
Topic: Decision 2000
Open Lines Tonight.... Discussion of the recent events surrounding the election.
Michael Hesemann rescheduled for Dec 20th.
12/07/00 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Update on Mars
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Guest: Pamela Stonebrooke
"The Intergalactic Diva", a professional jazz singer, will describe the numerous encounters she had
with reptilian beings.
Website: www.experiencer.com
12/06/00 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Dr. Steven M. Greer
The Disclosure Project: Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, is widely regarded as the world's foremost
authority on UFOs and Extraterrestrial intelligence. In the past 4 or 5 months, CSETI has been able to
identify, contact and film nearly 90 military, intelligence and government witnesses to UFO events and
projects. Many of these interviews and accompanying evidence are definitive and will establish the
reality of the UFO/ET subject as well as the nature and purpose of the secrecy surrounding it.
Book: Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications
Website: www.drgreer.com
Website: www.cseti.org
12/05/00 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Matt Moneymaker, Expedition Leader/Organizer; Sound
Guest: Dr. Greg Bambenek, Pheromone Expert, Animal Tracker, Photographer
Guest: Dr. LeRoy Fish, Wildlife Ecologist, Animal Tracker, Logistical Assistance
Moneymaker, Dr. Bambenek & Dr. Fish, members of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Expedition, will
discuss the "Skookum Cast".
Website: www.bfro.net
Website: www.roadshipamerica.com
12/04/00 - Mon/Tue
Guest: John Gribbin
Gribbin, visiting fellow in astronomy at the University of Sussex, is the author of many bestselling books of science.
Book: Stardust: Supernovae and Life: The Cosmic Connection
Book: Q Is for Quantum : An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics
Book: In Search of Schrodinger's Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality
Book: Almost Everyone's Guide to Science : The Universe, Life and Everything
Book: In Search of the Edge of Time : Black Holes, White Holes, Wormholes
Book: In Search of the Big Bang: The Life and Death of the Universe
Website: www.biols.susx.ac.uk
12/03/00 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Neil Slade
Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases
in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the D
ormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known for his Brain Music
which has appeared nationally and on PBS television.
Website: www.NeilSlade.com
12/02/00 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Jim Miles
For years, Georgia has been a hotbed of peculiar activities, freakish creatures, UFO sightings and
alien abductions, and other unusual phenomena. Jim Miles's book, "Weird Georgia", examines centuries
of documentation of such activities.
Book: Weird Georgia: Close Encounters, Strange Creatures, & Unexplained Phenomena
12/01/00 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Stephen Corrick and Monica Rix Paxson
In light of increasing energy prices, the guests will be talking about
alternative fuel technology and alternative transportation. Stephen Corrick is a writer and researcher
on space and environment, and has worked in the environmental field for over twenty years.
Monica Rix Paxson is an author and scientific editor.
Book: Dead Mars, Dying Earth
Website: www.gardenearth.com
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