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11/29/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Vincent Di Pietro, Face on Mars
- Update on Yesterday's Program
- Open Lines
11/28/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Courtney Brown, Hale-Bopp Companion Report (1 Hr)
- Prudence Calabrese, Hale-Bopp Companion Report (2 Hrs)
- Whitley Strieber, Alien Contact (2 Hrs)
11/27/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Richard Hoagland, Mars Surveyor Launch
11/26/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Guest.... Tonight's guest is a Native American who survived actual death
after a severe car accident. While in the state of being dead she was given
visions of the future of our earth and our society. She was told of specific
changes that must be made to improve our lives and heal this planet.
- Winds.... The winds are screaming in the high desert tonight, so if there
is an interruption of service you'll know why.
- Strange Universe... Art would like your thoughts on tonight's episode of
Strange Universe if it has aired in your area already.
- News Briefs.... There is not much news to discuss tonight, the O.J. trial,
if anybody cares, North Korea releases an American. There is more proof
concerning the Gulf War Syndrome. The severe winter weather continues now
claiming nineteen lives. Other than that this is an unusually slow news night.
11/25/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Web Page.... Art will be on " Strange Universe" tomorrow, and you
can check your local TV guide or link to the "Strange Universe" page
and check their schedules. Also, Whitley Striebers' photograph of what he calls
a "Grey". Whitley may be on the show later this week. The MJ12 badge
that Art took from the Dark Skies appearance is also on the page. A picture Art
took while in Nashville to see Crystal Gayle is also on the page.
- Schedule.... Art is not taking a day off this week so his show will run as
- Bail Denied.... Art agrees with the judge who denied bail to former CIA
double agent Harold Nicholson accused of spying for Russia.
- Columbia.... The space shuttle Columbia used it's robotic arm to pluck a
prototype satellite factory from space.
- Hi-Jack.... The copilot of the Ethiopian airline plane that crashed was
unable to identify two detained men as the hijackers. The plane crashed 500
yards from the beach as it ran out of fuel. Art does not understand why we are
having so many aviation accidents, do you?
- Texas... Winter weather causing havoc in Dallas and surrounding areas. Art
says this is indeed a very strange and severe winter.
- Malstrom... Art wants to know what you think about the missiles near
Malstrom being shut down. What is the message they are sending us?
11/22/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Dr. Len Horowitz, Viruses
- Rodney, "The Entity"
11/21/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Whitley Strieber..... The author of "Communion" sent Art a
photograph of the alien which he describes in book. The picture is up on the
web page.
- Dark Skies.... Dec 14th will be Art's cameo appearance on Dark Skies. Since
rumors about the character he played leaked out, he confirms that he plays CBS
CEO William Paley, and you may not recognize him. The MJ12 badge that he wears
on the show and displays his photo in full make-up, is up on the web page.
- Strange Universe.... Art also appears on "Strange Universe"
Tuesday November 26, 1996.
- Chat Rooms.... There are chat rooms up on the web page now if you are
interested in participating in this experiment.
- O.J. .... O.J. Simpson takes the stand tomorrow in his civil case.
- Plane Crash... Another aviation accident reported in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Three dead. Art reminds us he just asked yesterday what is going on in aviation
these days?
- Explosion... A deadly explosion in Peurto Rico injures 80 and kills 20. The
blast destroyed a 6 story building containing apartments and shops.
- TWA 800..... With 95 percent of the plane recovered from the ocean, the FBI
is now saying it does not "think" it was a bomb or missile.
- Weird Stuff.... A friend of Art's who works at the L.A. Times was recenlty
in touch with a person who was at the meeting for the opening of the Sphinx. It
will open Dec. 5th. (Hoagland's prediction!) Guards who have been stationed at
the opening of the Sphinx are frightened because of chanting coming up from a
chamber below. Also there is a blue light that has been said to emit from the
opening turning people back, much like a force field.
- Deformed frogs.... A listener informs Art that a report on deformed frogs
finally hit his local TV news. The report confirms that it is higher levels of
UV radiation, not snake bacteria or pesticides.
- L.A. Times... An article in the L.A. Times reports sightings of deformed
frogs. So it is all back in the news again.
- Murder... Brian Peterson Jr. turned himself in for murdering his
girlfriends newborn son. He abandoned the child after helping in the delivery
of the baby in a motel room. The girlfriend had already been in custody.
- Captured..... An entity has been alledgedly captured by a guy named Rodney.
Electro magnetic devices are sealing off "Everett", an entity that
seems a little afraid but has been answering questions from Rodney. Everett says
we are being prepared for the great visit of our cousins beyond. Art is trying
to follow up on this and check it out. Rodney called late last night in the
program, Rodney will be on Art's program Friday after the guest....
- Friday .... Dr. Horowitz will be on discussing emerging virus'.
- Nov 30th.... Vince De Piatro will be on discussing Mars and his belief that
there is an area on Mars that is green every year, and much more.
- Fax.... An atheist in Alabama says the existence of the chupacobra proves
there is no God, and he lists off many reasons.
11/20/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Ice Storm.... A state of emergency, in Eastern Washington, was called by
the Mayor of Spokane after an ice storm raged through the area.
- Gingrich... Newt Gingrich was re-nominated to be Speaker of House on the
same day his stepfather died of cancer.
- Value-Jet.... A Value-Jet executive shifted responsibility to a
maintenience contractor for allowing hazardous oxygen canisters to be shipped
aboard the doomed Value-Jet flight. Art thinks there will be alot of shifting
of blame because whoever ends up with the blame gets the lawsuits as well.
- Schramek.... Art reiterates his dislike of the treatment Chuck Schramek has
- NBC Report... Art was interested in a program NBC aired about children of
rich people. It reported that the parents of rich children have certain fears
where the children are concerned. Art feels these are well grounded fears. They
are, in order;
- The children will be too materialistic.
- They won't know what money is worth.
- They won't have any ambition or independence.
two-thirds of these children will visit Europe before they are 18 and will have
a car as soon as they are old enough to drive. Art wants to know if you think
this is wrong? Do you have those fears about your children? Art worries about
this for his own son.
- Deformed Carp.... A trucker from Arkansas writes in to say popcorn has been
proven to cause deformities in carp, (chuckle). As far as the military, let's
let the females have it, no males allowed.
- Mad Man Markham.... An update on Markham lets us know that he has found the
generator he was looking for. Remember Markham is the gentlemen who stole some
transformers and built a Jacob's Ladder that dimmed out the entire town. Art
will be there when he fires up his machine again sometime in December and film
- The Quickening... A mill worker in S.C. suspected of murdering his son and
three stepchildren in their beds was found dead, Monday, in a resevior after
leaving a strange message for his estranged wife to pick up "four packages"
at home. He apparently drowned himself after having his wife discover the
bodies. He left a note wishing her a merry Christmas and saying she will be
alone in '97. He also had asked his insurance company last Friday to remove his
wife as beneficiary of his life insurance policy. This is the kind of thing Art
calls part of "The Quickening". He feels socially we are deteriorating
and this is proof of it. Do any of you have any idea why this type of thing is
increasing, this total disregard of human life?
11/19/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Hale-Bopp... Art received a letter from a friend of Chuck Schramek in
Houston on Chuck's behalf. The letter expresses Chuck's gratitude toward Art
for treating him fairly and being the only person in the media to ask all the
right questions. Chuck says Art will the first to know when there is more to
share. Art took at look at the Hale-Bopp website and to his amazement saw
something titled Hale-Bopp's eyes. There is a link from Art's web site to
Hale-Bopp's site. There are some remarkable photographs of what appear to be
two bright objects that look like TWO Hale-Bopps. Art feels this is hypocrisy,
since they shot down Chuck's theorys so adamantly, yet provide these photographs
that seem to support Chuck.
- Earthquakes.... A 7.1 quake along the India/China border, and a second
quake of 5.8 in the SW area of Tokoyo, in the Pacific Ocean.
- Quincy Crash..... A commuter plane and an express shuttle collide at
Quincy's Airport Tuesday night. What is going on in the aviation industry?
- Deformed Carp..... The Las Vegas Review Journal's front page says, "Lake
Mead Carp Deformed". The article states that common chemical pollution is
causing havoc with reproduction of fish. Remember, Lake Mead is the drinking
water supply for Las Vegas.
- Military... Art is amazed that the number of women in the U.S. Military
claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment last year has reached 61%. 10,000
women became pregnant last year while in the Army. The military has opened hot
lines for women to report sexual harassment. Art wants to talk to women who are
outraged over this scandal. Also, he asks, with a figure of 10,000, don't you
think there must be some consensual sex going on? Should women be in the
military with men?
- Ebola..... Art is asked in a letter what his opinion is of Clinton sending
Troops to Zaire where there is an outbreak of Ebola. Art feels the troops will
come back with more than they went with, not so much Ebola, but there are a lot
of other things over there emerging.
- Friday Show.... Emerging viruses around the world will be discussed.
11/18/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- Chuck Shramek, Hale-Bopp Oddity
- David Oates, Reverse Speech
11/15/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Father Malaci Martin, Exorcisms
- Surprise visit by Ed Dames in second hour
11/14/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Courtney Brown, The Farsight Institute
11/13/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Craig Roberts, author of Kill Zone
11/12/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Richard Hoagland, The Enterprise Mission
11/11/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- This Week's Guests.... Tuesday night Richard Hoagland, former NASA advisor,
will be on the show with a lot to say about the face on mars and the upcoming
missions along with Ken Johnston, also a former NASA employee. Wednesday it will
be Craig Roberts, author of Kill Zone, a former sniper in Vietnam. Thursday,
Dr. Courtney Brown from Wyola University who has made a remarkable announcement
on his web page about what is coming. Friday is the return of Dr. Malachi
Martin. Monday, the 18th Art has David Oates back with discussions on Reverse
Speech. On the 22nd, Dr. Horowitz, the author of Emerging Viruses.
- Web site... New items on the web site are, a picture of a big tree in a
Wilmington, N.C. cemetery with a large gap in its trunk with a clear picture of
a ghost. Also a picture of what is being called Demon Seeds because all the
attempts to kill the plant they become have failed. There is also a remarkable
picture of a UFO shot in California on July 27th at 2 P.M. Art finds it
intriguing that this object is leaving a contrail. Art also has provided us a
picture of all three of his crazy cats by request.
- Army... The Army is now investigating 170 cases of sexual misconduct
involving 20 supervisors who have now been suspended. This means drill
instructors, people of that cut, that apparently extorted sex from trainees. Art
says they better clear this up quick or people will be asking, "Is it safe
to let my daughter join the Army?" And we don't want that to happen, do we?
- Brinkley... David Brinkley did get to interview President Clinton over the
weekend and he did apologize to him for his statement on election night saying
that what he did was impolite and unfair. But Art thinks that he meant it
anyway. Clinton did say that there will be at least one republican in the
cabinet. Brinkley ended his show with an old story he told many years ago about
a man who called authorities complaining his wife was missing. The authorities
eventually found out that his wife was really a man. Art wants to know if you
think its possible for a man to be married for 3 and a half years and not know
the person he married is a man.
- Shays.... One Republican Congressman, Christopher Shays, says Newt Gingrich
should step down now while he is being investigated. Some are saying he should
consider resigning. Art thinks, based on the seriousness of the allegations,
that if Newt should resign prematurely then surely the President should too.
- Trent Lott... Lott was asked over the weekend whether he would consider
repealing the Brady Bill and the assault rifle ban. He hedged and didn't say
yes. So Art thinks that we are going to have a moderate on gun control as
Majority Leader of the Senate..... too bad.
- Sen. Don Nickels.... Nickles, a Republican, said that if the President dare
pardon anyone in the Whitewater matter, there would be "impeachment scent
in the water". Art doubts that he will pardon anyone.
- Reno... Janet Reno wants to stay on, though she feels Clinton doesn't want
her to. She really shouldn't have said that publicly.
- Cleveland.... Snow 15 inches deep and maybe more coming, Art has been told
that we are going to have one of the roughest winters in history. Do you think
it's getting under way right now in the Great Lakes?
- Guillotine.... Some discussion of severing heads with a guillotine and
whether all thoughts ceased immediately, took place last night on Dreamland.
This prompted a letter from a listener informing Art that you can still think
for about 30 seconds after decapitation. Art wants to know what would your last
conscious thoughts be while your head is laying in the basket.
- Slimed... Electromagnetic fireballs have been seen in Tasmania, with slime
resulting. This report from MSNBC. Do you remember the lady that was on Art's
show claiming to be slimed?
- DIA.... A former morning newsman from Cleveland who was assigned to the
Denver Airport story back when, confirms that it was indeed built on sacred
indian burial ground.
- UK News... A man received a little tiny cut from a chicken bone which has
turned him into an evil smelling social oucast. His entire body reeked of a
horrible smell and has ruined his life. Art fills us in on this true story, as
doctors are perplexed.
- Shortwave Radio Giveaway... The final question for winning the ATS-909
shortwave radio last night was: Name the 5 nationalities of Art's wife Ramona?
Click here for the answer. The winner was a
gentleman in Oregon. Congratulations one and all.
11/10/96 - Sunday - Dreamland
- Linda Howe Report... This weeks report with the most recent cattle
mutilations and the fact that one of them had the circle of missing flesh
removed around the eye. She asks for any veterenarian pathologists interested in
assisting with the analyzing of tissues to contact her. Fax # is 215-491-9842.
- Also, she talks with NASA representative Leslie Huntress, about the
concerns of photographing the face of Mars and the cameras on the Surveyor
itself. Mr. Huntress went on to explain that want he is really interested in
determining with these cameras is what is it about the martian surface that will
allow us to land in certain places. For example we need to know the
distribution of rock around the planet so we know how to build our landers.
Linda brings up the question, why go to Mars first instead of the moon? Mr.
Huntress says that since we know the moon is dead and never did have life, it
would be more compelling to go to mars and see if we can't prove there was life
there early on.
- Linda reminds us that Russia will launch another orbitor with small landers
on November 16th and slated to land around the same time as the U.S. orbitor,
September "97. Russia plans on photographing many areas, so we might learn
more from that mission.
- Concerning the Biz-Mag found in a wedged shaped vehicle in Roswell, N.M.,
Travis Taylor, a physicist working with Linda, offers one hypothesis. If you put
the Biz-Mag in a million volt generated field and add a antenna emitting a radio
frequency within a certain range we would see the Biz-Mag turn into a "lifting
body". The mystery continues...!
11/08/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Cameo.... Art has finished taping his cameo for Dark Skies which will air
December 14th. Remember don't look for him with his mustache, he has shaved it
off. Art would like to thank the following people at NBC, Bryce Zable, Oscar
Costo, Stacy Radford and too many more which I will not list in this space. Art
describes his experience with television as incredible, albeit very very
different from radio.
- Salinger.... Art discusses the fact that Salinger claims to have a document
proving that TWA flight 800 was shot down accidentally by our missile practice
off Long Island. We're wondering if it is the same one that has been floating
around the Internet for months.
- Indonesia.... Clinton says that contributions to the Democratic party by a
Indonesian business man did not influence U.S. policy towards Indonesia. Art
wants us to decide whether there was influence or not, since the trade inbalance
turned around drastically after that.
- Federal Budget.... Clinton says balancing the federal budget will be his
highest priority in his second term. Art is happy to hear that and hopes he
does. Clinton named N.C. Investment Banker Erskin Bowles as the new Chief of
Staff. Art wants to know, "Who is Erskin Bowles?"
- Army Trouble.... Rape and sexual harassment allegations are being brought
by 17 female recruits, says Army base commander Major General Robert Shadly.
Investigators plan to interview a thousand women who passed through the
Ordinance center and school at Aberdeen proving grounds near Baltimore. Some of
the people involved are saying the sex wasn't coerced but consensual , as far as
Art is concerned that is a total crock. Art wants to know if those of you who
were in the military remember the "Color of Authority".
- E Coli... A 15 month old girl was the first to die of the most recent E
Coli outbreak linked to tainted apple juice. Art says aren't there too many old
diseases coming back.
- New Weapon... Our government has classified the new products by Sony and
Philips Electronics which allows you to browse the world wide web as a weapon.
The $300 television top device being sold at chains like Sears is causing the
government dismay, they don't want people overseas to get their hands on it so
they may not be able to begin selling them over in Europe and Japan at the first
of the year as planned. Art has people asking him to advertise this device on
his show right now.
- Brinkley.... Art discusses Brinkley's comment overhead at a bull session
held on election night on ABC. Brinkley said, "We all look forward with
great pleasure, four years of wonderful inspiring speeches, full of wit poetry,
music, love and affection plus more ____ damn nonsense." He brushed off
advice that he was still on the air and then said of Clinton's victory speech;
"One of the worst things I have ever heard, the President hasn't a creative
bone in his body, he is a bore and will always be a bore."
- London story... A group of amateur satellite trackers in London say that
the 4 satellites claimed lost by the U.S. in 1990 have been showing up on their
computers which they use to track movement. Art reminds us that these
satellites can pick up a license plate and wonders if they were sent somewhere
to observe, what do you think that would be. The Pentagon claims those
satellites died but those watching them say their moving. So the question is
where are these incredibly expensive satellites that we paid for and what are
they looking at!
11/07/96 - Thursday /Friday
- Replay of Program with Albert Taylor
11/06/96 - Wednesday /Thursday
- Voter turnout... 49% of the nation voted Teusday, the lowest since Calvin
Coolidge's time. How embarassing. How do you look at this statistic? Is it
voter contentment?
- Resignations... 24 hours after the election Clinton is grappling with
resignations such as Secretary of State Warren Christopher, who Art hasn't been
very nice to in the past, Defense Secretary William Perry, Commerce Secretary
Micky Cantor and Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary. Chief of Staff Leon Pinetti
will be leaving at the end of the week. Art has some names that may be our new
Secretary of State, Sam Nunn, who Art as always liked, Colin Powell, George
Mitchell or perhaps U.N. Ambassador Madeline Albright. Clinton also plans to
higher three more White House attorneys. Art reminds us to watch what Clinton
does not what he says.
- Bob Dole... Dole had his first day of private life with not much to do.
- House... In the House of Representatives we lost about 10 seats but are
still a majority.
- Mars.... A vital mission to Mars had to be postponed Wednesday by NASA but
hope to launch the Mars global surveyor Thursday. The rallys run by Richard
Hoagland went very well. NASA had a new attitude towards the protesters.
- Courtney Brown... As of Midnight, eastern time, Courtney Brown, the remote
viewer, had a big announcement on his Web page. Basically, it is that our
President will be making an announcement very soon that extraterrestrial life
exists far beyond the bacterial stage. The details are on his Web page. Art
feels Courtney Brown is putting his reputation on the line. There is a link
from Art's web site to Brown's.
- Texaco... The chairman of Texaco has suspended two current employees who
allegedly were involved in a plan to destroy documents in a discrimination
lawsuit against Texaco.
- Marijuana.... Once again Art feels maybe it is time to legalize marijuana
and stop lying to our children about its affects. The White House drug czar
calls marijuana a gateway drug.
- Earthquake.... A 6.6 earthquake reported 515 miles south of Honchu, Japan.
- Story.... A police officer sent in an interesting story that Art read for
everyone to think about. This officer responded to a noise complaint at an
apartment building and encountered a white male that eventually bit him on the
arm when a struggle ensued. The man then simply disappeared and the officer was
told by a doctor that his bite wounds could only have been made by a dog. Also
the apartment unit from which the 911 call originated had been vacant for 2
weeks and the phone disconnected for three days.
- Dr. Horowitz.... Art is pursing Dr. Horowitz who has written a book called "Emerging
Viruses", it is a real fright night and he is trying to line him up.
11/05/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday
- Election... Art's election outcome prediction was right on. He was a little
surprised that Clinton took Nevada and Arizona. He feels the polls and the media
persuaded most to vote the way they did. Again, he feels Dole's campaign was
totally inept. Dole couldn't find an issue that contained any traction, so he
started on Clinton's character. However Mr. Dole was right on one thing, there
is alot wrong with this presidency. Art says politics will not be boring anymore
as the investigations get under the way.
- Yeltsin... Boris Yeltsin recovering from bypass surgery.
- Marijuana.... The ballot measures in California and Arizona regarding using
marijuana for medicinal purposes passed. Art asks for some input here to
explain what this really means, because a doctor cannot write a perscription for
it, that would be breaking federal law. Will HMO's pay for your drugs. Art
reminds us that he feels marijuana should be decriminalized anyway.
- Rally... Richard Hoagland is having a rally today in Pasedena at the jet
propulsion laboratory and one at the Cape. Art urges anyone that can make it
there should go. They are protesting the fact that they don't think they are
going to get the truth in regard to the launches of the next mars probes.
- Web Page... A couple of items on the page to see. There is a site you can
link to from Art's page that has live cameras all around the world where you can
watch certain activities. There is also a new ghost photograph that rivals the
Arizona basement ghost.
- Voters.... Art wants to know how you feel about the media calling the
election before most people even had a chance to vote. He feels we need a
election overhaul.
- Question.... If man should die off, be wiped off the planet, what species
would you imagine would take over and rule the planet. The first submisssion was
the Chupacabra.
- Pharoh's Lighthouse.... Underwater archeologists believe they have found
the remains of one of the seven wonders of the world. The Pharoh's Lighthouse
off the port of Alexandria, and maybe the palace of Cleopatra, her tomb and the
tomb of Alexander the Great. 200 experts from around the world are coming in to
examine the evidence.
- Earthquake... A 6.7 earthquake about 510 miles NNE of East Cape, New
- Fax.... Art agrees with a lady from Redding, CA. who claims that the far
right talk show hosts have numbed America with their Clinton bashing to the
point where their votes could have been one of defiance. There were so many wild
accusations thrown around that when something legitamately came up the public
just heaved a collective sigh and disregarded it. Like the campaign financing
improprieties. Dole tried to bring that to our attention but we were already "numb".
- Thursday night..... Thursday night may be a repeat show as Art has his
cameo appearance on Dark Skies to do. Then Friday night will be the 300th
station celebration.
11/04/96 - Monday /Tuesday
- WLS... Our 300th affiliate has been added, WLS in Chicago.
- Yeltsin... Boris Yeltsin is under the knife this morning for bypass
- Final Polls.... The final polls show a 12 to 16 point lead for Clinton.
Dole took Maine, of course.
- Campaigning.... Art has asked anyone who wants to call in and campaign for
their choice to do so, and if they can, give a dispassionate prediction.
- Fax.... First fax tonight from a gentleman with a pet Queeg who predicts
Clinton 377 electoral votes, Dole 161. Republicans 233, Democrats 211 and
Independants 1 for the Congress. For the Senate, Republicans 57, Democrats 43.
For Indictments, Hillary Clinton 7, Nessbaum 5, Slick Willy 0. Now you know
what both Hillary and Queeg know.... It takes a rat.
- Art's Prediction.... Art's prediction is the same as it has been for weeks.
Clinton will be re-elected, the Republicans will barely hold the House and
comfortably hold the Senate. And then in one year the whole administration will
be involved in scandal, if not impeachment problems.
- Marijuana... Both California and Arizona with propositions on the ballot
for legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. The detracters of this idea
argue that it will not be people who are ill smoking pot, it will be people who
want to smoke pot smoking pot. Art doesn't quite understand how that would be
in view of the fact that AIDS patients would be using it, cancer patients,
glaucoma patients. How do you feel about that?
- Michael Jackson.... Debbie Row saying she is pregnant with Michael
Jackson's child.
- Earthquake... A 6.3 earthquake has been recorded along the Panama-Columbia
border as mother earth continues to be very active.
- Life on Mars.... British scientists on Thursday said they have found
chemical traces in a meteorite that are consistent with the presence of life on
the red planet. Art says it is getting pretty strange out there where Mars is
concerned. A reminder that the Mars global surveyor is scheduled to be launched
Wednesday and the Pathfinder will land on Mars in July.
- Miami.... Art wants to hear from anyone in Miami you can shed some light on
the story, buried by the press, about the 106 sick school children.
- Deformed Frogs.... A fax regarding the deformed frogs from a resident of
Wisconsin where on Saturday in Lake Shawno about 1000 ducks were found dead for
no apparent reason. Tests are being done. A report from Denver reports that
toads used to be abundant but now they need equipment to even find one. Some
scientists feel its an ozone depletion related problem, and what is affecting
the toads could affect us in the future. Art wants to know what you think about
- Vote.... Art reminds us that he will be voting for "none of the above,"
which you can do in Neveda. He will then vote a republican house to keep Clinton
in check. His prediction is 400 electoral votes for Clinton, 150 for Dole.
- Joke.... There was a Priest, a drunkard and an engineer all to be beheaded
by the guillotine. When asked which way he would like to face when he died, the
Priest said face up, so he can see heaven. He was placed into position and the
blade came speeding down, and suddenly stopped a few inches from his neck.
Well, the authorities saw this as divine intervention and released the Priest.
The drunkard decided to die face up too hoping for the same luck as the Priest.
The blade came speeding down and suddenly stopped a few inches from his neck.
The drunkard was released. When the Engineer's turn came he decided to die face
up too. When he was placed into position, facing up at the guilotine, he said, "Hey,
I see your problem."
- Nervous... Art admits he is nervous tonight what with his 300th affiliate
being the 50,0000 kw station in Chicago. His childhood dream has come true.
When he thinks about how big the network is, he gets the heebie jeebies.
- Dark Skies.... Art is doing an appearance on Dark Skies friday, but will
still be on air friday night.
11/01/96 - Friday /Saturday
- Replay of Program with Father Malaci Martin, Exorcisms