ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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Art Bell guest reveals classified alien contact project. Amazing story.
11/30/01 - Fri/Sat
11/29/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Leland Gregory
Book: What's The Number For 911 Again? More Wacky 911 Calls (NEW)
Book: What's the Number for 911? America's Wackiest 911 Calls
Book: Presumed Ignorant! Over 400 Cases of Legal Looniness, Daffy Defendants, and Bloopers from the Bench
Book: Presidential Indiscretions
Book: Great Government Goofs: Over 350 Loopy Laws, Hilarious Screw-Ups and Acts-Idents of Congress
Book: America's Dumbest Criminals: Based on True Stories from Law Enforcement Officials Across the Country
Website: www.wacky911.com
11/28/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: James Van Praagh
Van Praagh is recognized as one of the foremost mediums in the world today.
Using his talents as a medium, he has not only helped the bereaved reach
their lost ones and find peace, but he has also illuminated the mysteries of
death, the afterlife, and rebirth.
Books: List of Author's Titles
Website: www.VanPraagh.com
11/27/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Topic: Random Number Generators
Dr. Dean Radin is presently Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic
Sciences, in Petaluma, California. For over 20 years he has conducted
research on exceptional aspects of human consciousness, including psychic
phenomena. He has held appointments at Princeton University, the University
of Edinburgh, and the University of Nevada, was a staff scientist at Bell
Laboratories and Interval Research, and co-founded the Boundary Institute in
Silicon Valley. He also spent a year on what is now known as the CIA's
STARGATE program, a formerly secret government project investigating psychic
Related Info: Terrorist Disaster Analysis from The GCP
Related Info: Results Graph from On-The-Air Experiment
Book: The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Website: www.gotpsi.com
Website: www.ions.org
Website: www.boundaryinstitute.org
11/26/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Glenn Kimball
Report on the recent discovery of ancient Egyptian artifacts found in a cave
located in Southern Illinois.
Related Images: Photos of Artifacts and Analysis
Website: www.ancientamerican.com
11/25/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punett
Guest: Craig Hagstrom
Craig Hagstrom will explain the instinct that drives Osama bin Laden. And,
how obsession mixed with religion breeds fanaticism.
Craig has been a computer analyst for over 25 years, and an amateur
anthropologist for about 40 years. He is the author of, The Passionate Ape:
Bad Sex, Strong Love and Human Evolution, which is being described as a
"stunning new perspective on our sexual and emotional evolution. This book
is the product of an anthropology hobby run amok, rather than a programmer's
attempt to reduce emotion to binary logic.
Book: The Passionate Ape: Bad Sex, Strong Love and Human Evolution
Website: www.passionateape.com
11/24/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Glynis Kathleen McCants
McCants has sixteen years of numerology counseling experience. She has
appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Leeza, The
View, E! Entertainment, Howie Mandel, and Donny and Marie. Glynis is the
author of Glynis Has Your Number, a numerology book based on the
2500-year-old science of numbers.
Book: Glynis Has Your Number
Website: www.numberslady.com
Guest: Jay Zane Walley
Website: www.paragonpowerhouse.org
11/23/01 - Fri/Sat
Host: Art Bell REPLAY
11/22/01 - Thu/Fri
Host: Art Bell REPLAY
Guest: Dr. Seth Shostak from 3/19
Website: www.seti.org
11/21/01 - Wed/Thu
Host: Art Bell
Guest: Sean David Morton
Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates",
who specialize in month-to-month predictions of geological, political and
economic events.
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
11/20/01 - Tue/Wed
Host: Art Bell
Guest: Ralph Merkle, Ph.D.
Dr. Merkle received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1979 where he
co-invented public key cryptography. He joined Xerox PARC in 1988, where he
pursued research in computational nanotechnology until 1999. He is now a
Principal Fellow at Zyvex, where he continues to pursue research in
nanotechnology. He chaired the Fourth and Fifth Foresight Conferences on
Nanotechnology, was corecipient of the 1998 Feynman Prize for Nanotechnology
for theory, and was corecipient of the ACM's Kanellakis Award for Theory and
Practice, the 2000 RSA Award in Mathematics, and the IEEE Kobayashi Award.
Dr. Merkle has published and spoken extensively.
Website: www.foresight.org
Website: www.zyvex.com/nano
Website: www.alcor.org
11/19/01 - Mon/Tue
Host: Art Bell Returns
Guest: Linda Howe
Updated report on lost underwater city near Cuba.
Website: www.earthfiles.com
11/18/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Glenn Kimball
Website: www.ancientamerican.com
Guest: Wm. Michael Mott
Michael Mott examines the striking similarities between folklore, religious,
mythic, and first-hand witness or historical accounts cryptid and reptilian
figures. He has studied the link between electromagnetism and some types of
underworld beings, "ghosts," UFOs and other related phenomena. Michael is
the Creative Director for a high-performance software company. He is also a
freelance artist and writer, and writes both fiction and non-fiction. He is
currently also researching and writing on Fortean and paranormal topics. His
research in this area has appeared in magazines such as Fate, Nexus, and
World Explorer.
Book: Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures
Website: http://www.skywebsite.com/hollow/cccc/
Website: http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/
11/17/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Steve Kates
The Leonids meteor shower is at its best tonight! Steve will tell us all about it and
give us viewing tips. We will also attempt to link up LIVE with the NASA observation
aircraft in flight.
Website: www.drsky.com
Guest: Don Crutchfield
Don Crutchfield has been a private investigator for three decades. His list
clients and subjects reads like a Who's Who of Hollywood. Present and former
clients include Marlon Brando, the Beatles, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra,
Charles Bronson, Jerry Lewis, and Carroll O'Connor. Subjects of his
investigations include Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley, Tim Allen,
Donald and Marla Trump, Roseanne Barr, Tom Arnold, and O.J. Simpson.
Crutchfield is also a member of International Association of Chiefs of
Police, American Society for Industrial Security (A.S.I.S.), California
Association of Licensed Investigators (C.A.L.I.), Board of Directors for
World Boxing Hall of Fame, member of Screen Actors Guild and AFTRA.
Website: www.pi4stars.com
11/16/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Dr. Eric Pearl
As a doctor, Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12
years until one day in 1993 when patients began reporting that they felt his
hands on them even though he hadn't physically touched them. For the first
couple of months, his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon began seeing
angels and reporting miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related
diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and
other serious afflictions. All of this occurred when Dr. Pearl simply held
his hands near them...and, to this day, it continues. Based in Los Angeles,
Eric has elicited great interest from top medical researchers worldwide.
These include Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars Sinai, the V.A.
Hospital, University of Miami Medical School and the University of Arizona
(where he addressed physicians at the request of Dr. Andrew Weil and where
new research programs are currently underway). Internationally recognized
healer Eric Pearl, has appeared on THE OTHER SIDE, THE LEEZA SHOW, SALLY
and Dean Ornish) and various news programs across the country.
Book: The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself
Website: www.drericscottpearl.com
11/15/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Rebroadcast of Jose Escamilla & James A. Peters
RODS revisited
Related Info: Photos and Videos of Rods
Website: www.roswellrods.com
11/14/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest Host: George Noory (george@georgenoory.com)
Guest: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will report on vaccines; the risks, the benefits and the
choices. Plus, Dr Tenpenny has critical information to share on her smallpox
research. Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. is the Director and Founder of OsteoMed
II, a clinic established in Strongsville, Ohio in1996 to provide
alternative, traditional and preventive medicine. She is also the president
of New Medical Awareness Seminars, LLC. Dr. Tenpenny is a graduate of the
University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. She received her medical training at
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. Dr.
Tenpenny is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Osteopathic
Manipulative Medicine. She has undertaken many advanced courses in
alternative medicine, including acupuncture and complex homeopathy. Prior
to her career in alternative medicine, Dr. Tenpenny served as Director of
the Emergency Department at Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in
Findlay, Ohio, from 1987 to 1995. In 1994, she and a partner opened
OsteoMed, a medical practice in Findlay limited to the specialty of
osteopathic manipulative medicine.
Website: www.osteomed.com
11/13/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest Host: George Noory (george@georgenoory.com)
Guest: Michael Lynch Ph. D.
Para-Vision has lead the way in ghost and entity investigations for over six
years. Using the most advanced digital infrared video system, Para - Vision
has video taped hours of Entity Consciousness. In 1999 Para-Vision Research
Labs sent a newly developed video camera to the CVSMA for independent
testing. This simple and easy to use camera was designed for seeing
NON-Biological Living Consciousness, which are called Entities. Many call
this type of Consciousness a Ghost. After a year of outstanding research
Para-Vision Labs sent a 6000x to CVSMA for independent testing. Their
conclusion, were beyond any expectation. The CVSMA has proven time, and time
again that the Entities that they are contacting, understand
"Their thoughts" and are responding to "Their commands".
Website: www.paranormalworld.com
Website: www.paravision.homestead.com
11/12/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Eugene Mallove
Infinite Energy Magazine
Book: Nuclear Transmutation; The Reality of Cold Fusion
Book: The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel
Book: Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
Website: www.infinite-energy.com
11/11/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Dr. Kenneth Hanson
Book: Words of Light: Spiritual Wisdom from the Dead Sea Scrolls
Book: Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story
Book: Kabbalah: Three Thousand Years of Mystic Tradition
11/10/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: William Bastone
Editor of The Smoking Gun web site (which he founded in April 1997 along
with Daniel Green and Barbara Glauber). Until last year, Bastone was a
staff writer at The Village Voice, New York's leading weekly newspaper.
During his 15 years at The Voice, Bastone worked as an investigative
reporter covering local politics, criminal justice matters, and--for the
last decade--organized crime. In May 2001, Bastone managed the launch of
WMOB.com, a sister site that offers FBI wiretaps of New York gangsters. In
September 2001, Little, Brown & Co, published "The Smoking Gun," the first
book based on documents gathered by the web site's founders. Bastone, 40,
is a lifelong New York City resident.
Book: The Smoking Gun: A Dossier of Secret, Surprising, and Salacious Documents
Website: www.thesmokinggun.com
Website: www.wmob.com
11/09/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Richard Hoagland
Richard C. Hoagland, is the founder of The Enterprise Mission, recipient of
the Angstrom Medal, former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite,
author of "The Monuments of Mars", co-creator of the "Pioneer Plaque",
originator of the "Europa Proposal", and principal investigator of The
Enterprise Mission...
Related Info: Odyssey Image
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
11/08/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Robert O. Dean
As a retired command Sergeant Major, Mr. Dean's history includes forty years
of research in the UFO field. He spent twenty-seven years of active duty in
the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major after serving as a
highly decorated infantry combat veteran. He also served in Intelligence
Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO.
Website: www.beyondzebra.com
11/07/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest Host: George Noory (george@georgenoory.com)
Article: A Soldier Died Today (Read by George on Air)
Guest: Bill Stanton
With the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 still all-too fresh on the
American consciousness, what do we do if something else happens? In The
Anti-Terror Checklist security expert and former New York City police
officer Bill Stanton lays out the specifics: how different types of
terrorist acts happen and what their effects are, and, most importantly, how
we can be ready and fully-prepared in the face of such situations.
Book: The Anti-Terror Checklist
11/06/01 - Tue/Wed
George Noory will be filling in for Art tonight, 11/6. We will reschedule
Dr. Dean Radin with Art Bell.
NOTICE: This program had technical difficulties during the first 45 minutes,
so you'll hear portions of previously taped programs (George's program with Stan Freidman).
Eventually, the studio connection to George gets fixed and the guest listed below, is on
the program.
Guest Host: George Noory (george@georgenoory.com)
Guest: David Morehouse PhD
Dr. David Morehouse was a highly decorated, 3rd generation army officer and
commander of one of the army's elite Airborne Ranger companies when a
routine training mission changed his life forever. Dr. Morehouse was
wounded by a stray machine-gun bullet and began having psychic visions. He
was soon earmarked for recruitment into Stargate, a top-secret clan of
psychic spies backed by the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Book: Psychic Warrior; Inside the CIA's Stargate Program: The True Story of a Soldier's Espionage and Awakening
Website: www.remviewtech.com
11/05/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Ian Gurney
Ian Gurney has studied theology and eschatology for the last thirty years
and is considered to be one of the foremost authorities on the Biblical
Books of Daniel and Revelation, together with the prophecies of Nostradamus
and the Papal predictions of Malachy. He has written many articles over the
years on "the end times" and has presented and produced numerous BBC radio
programmes on the same subject. The end result of his research led Gurney
to an astonishing conclusion that is currently shaking the theological
establishment. Ancient prophecy and world events appear to be running in
parallel, and mankind's destiny seems to have already been foretold.
Book: The Cassandra Prophecy-Armageddon Approaches
Website: www.caspro.com
11/04/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Michael E. Bell
Close your eyes and imagine a Vampire. Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula. But
another kind of vampire was believed to live in rural New England, where on
March 17, 1892, three corpses were exhumed from Rhode Island cemetery. One
of the bodies was that of Mercy Brown, who had succumbed to consumption. It
appeared to her family that she had turned over in her grave. They cut out
her heart, which still had blood in it, burned it on a nearby rock, and fed
her ashes to her ailing brother. In his fascinating investigation of this
shocking custom, Bell relates the stories of twenty families who dug up
their loved ones to save the living.
Book: Food For The Dead: On The Trail of New England's Vampires
11/03/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Adrian Havill
Adrian Havill tells the entire story of Robert Philip Hansen, the FBI Double
Agent. For decades, the quirky but respected counterintelligence expert,
religious family man, and father of six, sold top secret information to
agents of the Soviet Union and Russia. A self-taught computer expert, Hansen
often encrypted his stolen files on wafer-thin disks. The data-some 6000
pages of highly classified documents-revealed precious nuclear secrets,
outlined American espionage initiatives, and named names of agents-spies who
covertly worked for both sides.
Book: The Spy Who Stayed out in the Cold: The Secret Life of FBI Double Agent Robert Hanssen
11/02/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Wayne Green
Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since
1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green's
long list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his
"been-there, done-that brag list.
Book: Secret Guide to Health
Book: Secret Guide to Wealth
Book: Secret Guide to Wisdom
Book: Submarine Life in WWII
Website: www.waynegreen.com
11/01/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest Host Barbara Simpson
Guest: Dr. Hank Wesselman
Dr. Hank Wesselman claims that after having sex with his wife, he can travel
into the future. He discusses sex-induced time travel in his new book,
"Vision Seeker". Research paleoanthropologist Hank Wesselman, PhD is one of
those rare cutting edge scientists who truly walks between the worlds. He
did his undergraduate work, as well as his Masters Degree, in Zoology at the
University of Colorado at Boulder, then went on to receive his doctoral
degree in Anthroplogy from the University of California at Berkley. For the
past 30 years, he has worked with an international group of scientists,
exploring East Africa's Great Rift Valley in search of answers to the
mystery of human origins. He is also a shaman in training, now in the 20th
year of his apprenticeship.
Book: Visionseeker: Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge
Book: Medicinemaker : Mystic Encounters on the Shaman's Path
Book: Spiritwalker : Messages from the Future
Website: www.sharedwisdom.com