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10/31/97 - Friday / Saturday
10/30/97 - Thursday / Friday
10/29/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Guest: Brad Stieger, Author
10/28/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Guest... Dr. Brian O'Leary will be on tonight to discuss many subjects
such as Mars, free energy and the quickening. He was a NASA science astronaut
during the Apollo program.
News... The stock market came roaring back today with over one billion
in volume. Art thinks this means the little guy was in there. Asian markets
were up strongly too. Art says that the world appears smaller this morning,
because we are so interconnected economically.
Fax.... Art receives a fax from a listener in San Diego saying he doesn't
believe in human affected global warming, blaming it on Al Gore for president
in the year 2000. Art cannot say that there is actually global warming
taking place. But Art does feel we as humans are affecting the weather.
10/27/97 - Monday / Tuesday
Guest: Andrew Guase (FREE Newsletter
Guest: Don McAlvany (FREE Newsletter 800-525-9556)
Both guests discuss today's Stock Market Crash!
10/26/97 - Sunday Dreamland
REPLAY Guest: Brad Stieger
10/24/97 - Friday / Saturday
Replay - Philip Corso / John Alexander
Replay - John Kirby
10/23/97 - Thursday / Friday
Guest: Michael Holm, CUSCO
Guest: Harlot (Patsey) The Witch!
10/22/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Wednesday Guest... Tonight's guest, a man who Art calls, Officer X, a communication
officer from the Ulyseus S Grant submarine tells about a time they were
out of communication due to a nonmeadic series of errors that led to an
argument among ships officers on whether or not to release nuclear weapons.
Art says this story is incredibly dramatic and one of the scariest things
he has ever heard. "One of the damnedest hours I have ever run on talk
radio", says Art. Although we all know it was a tall tale, especially when
Officer X declined to actually speak regarding the mir space station and
came up with some phoney story about having to leave the line.
Mitchell... Art reads a story from the Arizona Associated Press reporting
statements made by Edgar Mitchell relating his opinions of the existence
of aliens. Art called Mr. Mitchell and is scheduling him for an appearance
on Coast to Coast.
Clinton... Clinton proposed a plan today to avert the unacceptable risk
of global warming, but immediately drew opposition from both sides. Art
skims over the plan and would like to discuss this subject on open lines
tonight. Art says both sides agree that the climate is changing, but disagree
as to why it is changing. Art wants to know what you think will happen
when we run out of oil.
Quickening.... Art explains how he doesn't believe in channeling, even
though his sister is a channeler, but in writing his book, he wonders whether
everything he wrote came directly from him because it poured out so easily
and most of what he wrote is unfolding right before our eyes.
10/21/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Complaint.... Art has a complaint, if we can send a man to the moon and
harvest organs from a headless embryo, why can't we cure the common cold.
Obviously Art is still suffering from one.
Weird.... Art is opening a special phone line for weird people. Anyone
who thinks they are especially weird calls Art tonight and Art will be
the judge. Art steals this idea from the show Strange Universe.
The IRS is due to be being overhauled.
Clinton is poised to announce a new plan for global warming. Art thought
it was quite interesting that as the two arguments were being given, both
sides admitted there is a climate change underway.
A breakthrough in electric automobiles. Arts guess is the breakthrough
will come about when our fossil fuel supply is just about gone. In other
words just in the nick of time.
Egypt.... Art plays some sound clips of Dr. Hawass, the Director of Antiquities
in Giza, showing his "two faces" so to speak.
10/20/97 - Monday / Tuesday
He's Baaaack.... Art is back from Egypt and predictably has a bad cold.
Dannion....Dannion Brinkley's book will be shipping soon, delayed due to
his recent life threatening illness. Art reads the inscription that will
be found inside each copy. Dannion is at home and continues to recover,
and Art emphasizes that his recovery is nothing short of a miracle.
Trip.... Art says his trip was nothing short of incredible. Art received
carte blanch while in Egypt from the Director of Antiquities, barred from
absolutely nothing. Art tells some amazing stories about Giza and has amazing
photographs on the web for you to see.
Pope.... Art just happened to see the Pope. He was in the right place at
the right time, there are pictures of the Pope on the web.
Pyramids... Art was given a demonstration of how the blocks were made for
the pyramids. There was one fellow with a sledge hammer and a large rock
of limestone, and Art was very skeptical, didn't think he could ever break
that rock. Of course he did break it, exactly in half. The director said,
"See Art, this is how the pyramids were built." Art said it was a mind
blowing moment.
King's Chamber.... Art then went up into the King's Chamber. Art says he
will be living a few more years because if he was going to have a heart
attack from exertion he would have had it going up the pyramid. Art says
this was one time when he saw the two faces of the Director. The Director
showed anger towards the tourists ahead of him as he was going towards
the Chamber, kind of like saying, 'don't you know who I am, move along!'
Sarcophagus.... Art jumped right into the sarcophagus and he says there
is an extremely strange vibration in resonance to your voice when you lie
in the sarcophagus.
Secret.... Art was taken to an area that has been excavated for the last
year in Giza. There were hundreds of graves. According to the Director,
this was the burial ground for the people who built the pyramids. Art asks,
how do we know this? He says because there were beautiful hieroglyphics
showing how the pyramids were built and the various jobs they did. Art
was told not to take pictures, but had already gotten a few off before
Bethlehem.... Art went to Bethlehem and saw the exact place where Christ
was born, and then went to Jerusalem and saw the exact place where Christ
died. Art had a very strong reaction to this. Art recommends this experience
to all. It produces emotions hard to describe, like walking out into the
real world and running into Snow White and the seven Dwarves. (Art admits
this isn't a very good analogy, but hopes you get the idea.)
The News... Microsoft is in a little trouble with Anti-Trust laws.
Two cosmonauts got angry on MIR because they had to spend too much time
in their bulky spacesuits doing repairs.
We have shot a laser at a US satellite. It didn't blow up, but we don't
know whether it has been disabled. They won't tell us. Sounds a lot like
Star Wars.
U.S. Government has reported the biggest annual increase in heat trapping
industrial pollution, carbon emissions resulting from burning fossil fuel
oil jumped 3.4 percent, despite all this new gasoline we have out there.
Catholic church is looking at Texas which has been dispatching death row
inmates at an ever increasing rate. The Bishop says the death penalty does
not deter crime. Art disagrees with the Catholic Church, he is in favor
of the death penalty, not necessarily electrocution, just shoot him and
say good night Charlie Brown.
British scientists have reportedly created a frog embryo without a head.
Oh boy... they are talking about a startling human application for that
research, to grow headless human clones to harvest organs. An ethics expert
at Oxford is appalled, but others argue that it does no harm without a
brain or a nervous system. Aren't we beginning to play God here?
Partial human fetuses will be grown to harvest human organs within the
decade, reports the Washington Post.
Scientist now believe a big comet whacked Nevada 370 million years ago
causing 1000 foot tall waves in what was then an ocean that caused one
of the worst mass extinctions in history.
Former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell is among those who believe aliens have
landed on Earth. He is calling for congressional hearings. Art says he
better get Mr. Mitchell on the show again.
10/19/97 - Sunday / Dreamland
Dannion....Dannion Brinkley's book will be shipping soon, delayed due to
his recent life threatening illness. Art reads the inscription that will
be found inside each copy. Dannion is at home and continues to recover,
and Art emphasizes that his recovery is nothing short of a miracle. Here
is the Real-Audio Streaming 14.4K version.
Linda Howe Report
Guest: William Buhlman, "Adventures
Beyond the Body"
10/17/97 - Friday / Saturday
Replay - Albert Taylor (9/5)
10/16/97 - Thursday Friday
Replay - Mark Furman (9/4), and Keith Rowland
10/15/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Replay - Gordon-Michael Scallion, Stan Deyo, Timothy O'Riley
10/14/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Replay - Merle Haggard (9/2)
10/13/97 - Monday / Tuesday
Replay - Dr. Charles Pyke, Climatologist (8/25)
10/12/97 - Sunday / Dreamland
Replay - Glen Grant "Hawiian Ghosts" (4/6)
10/10/97 - Friday / Saturday
Replay - Michio Kaku (8/22)
10/9/97 - Thursday / Friday
Replay - Rio DeAngelo (Heavens Gate 8/21)
10/8/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Replay - Collier & Hoagland Debate (8/20)
10/7/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday
Replay - David Adair (8/19)
10/6/97 - Monday / Tuesday
Replay - Jeff Holland, "Feral Humans"
Mike Markum
10/5/97 - Sunday / Dreamland
Replay - Philip Corso, Roswell (7/6)
10/3/97 - Friday / Saturday
Replay - Robert Ghostwolf (7/30)
10/2/97 - Thursday / Friday
Replay - Brother Ali (7/31)
Jesse Marcell Jr. (9/26/96)
10/1/97 - Wednesday / Thursday
Replay - Malachi Martin (7/11)