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 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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9/30/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Today Show.... Art has had many responses to his appearance on
the Today Show. Overall a positive review, though there were those
who hated it.
- Stocks.... Dow closes down 237.90. Tokyo down also.
- Swiss Air.... The thermal insulation in the plane is suspect in
the crash. This insulation has been found in 4 other planes that
have crashed in the past.
- Perot.... Ross Perot called for a nationwide grassroots campaign
asking the president to resign.
- Governor.... Governor Jim Gilmore went to court today to prevent
a family from removing a feeding tube from a comatose man who has
been kept alive for the last three years. Gilmore did so because a
member of the family asked him to intervene.
- Ozone.... The ozone hole over Antartica is bigger than ever
encompassing over 10 million square miles.
- Star.... Art reads an update on the emmisions from a star that
smashed into the Earth's atmosphere last month which he spoke of
last night.
- Interruption.... Art explains how he plans on keeping himself
from interrupting his commercials in the future.
- Open Lines.... Open lines fills the remainder of the first hour,
with Sean David Morton joining Art in the second hour.
- Predictions.... Sean gives some predictions for President Clinton
in the middle of the third hour. He says this November will be the
lowest American voter turnout ever seen. Clinton's health will fail
starting around April 17th, possibly a heart attack, due to a power
struggle between himself, Hillary and Al Gore. Sean's theory is
Clinton will leave office, Gore will be president and J. Rockefeller
will be vice president.
- 2000.... Sean predicts Republican candidates George W. Bush and
Christine Todd Whitman in the year 2000 election. He also predicts
Bush will die in office and Ms. Whitman will be the first woman
president. However, Sean is not even sure there will be an election
in the year 2000 because of political unrest.
9/29/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Rates.... The Fed has cut interest rates a quarter point. The
market looked at that and yawned and went down 28 points, Art said.
Art wonders what the market wants, another quarter point? Art
suggests you listen to his market forecasts and doing the exact
- Middle East.... The focus of US mediation in the Middle East
continues. Arafat accepted an Israeli offer for 13% of the West
Bank, including setting aside 3% for nature. Arafat promises to stop
some of the terrorism and violence. Art wonders how Arafat can
promise something like that when Arafat has always denied
involvement in violence.
- AP Report.... A burst of radiation from a distant star smashed
into the earth's upper atmosphere last month with enough energy to
power civilization for a billion years, astronomers say. Art wonders
if this is a Ed Dames "shot over the bow".
- Y2k.... Y2k now just 15 months away.
- Fireballs.... Peter Davenport continues to get reports on green
fireballs. Art wonders where the rest of the media is.
- Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener complaining of
radioactive ants up in the Northwest.
- Time.... Art reads another story about missing time, this time in
- Guest.... Stan Deyo joins Art tonight.
9/28/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Georges.... Georges is no longer a hurricane. New Orleans was
saved. Art admired all the reporters reporting live in the midst of
the hurricane. Clinton has declared disasters in many southern
- Summit.... Breaking news on CNN, a new middle east summit.
- Impeachment.... Henry Hyde says an impeachment hearing would not
be solely limited to the independent counsel's evidence.
- Photo.... There is a photo posted on
the website you should see. Art reads a story relating to the
picture sent to him by a listener. It is an xray of a man's
intestine who swallowed a nail.
- Letters.... Art reads a letter from a listener that relates to
Art's poison ivy story of last week and one that relates to the
problems he had with an antenna.
- Time.... Art has received hundreds of faxes from people in
Seattle claiming they also lost an hour and half of time last week.
Listen to the original caller from last week our
Sound Clips page.
- Storm.... The geomagnetic storm occurring in the last week
reached 8.6 on a scale of nine in terms of severity. Art says this
storm was the result of a whopper of a solar flare.
- Open lines.... Open lines fills the remainder of the first hour.
- Second hour.... In the second hour Matthew Alper will join Art.
Art says he is still haunted by Matthew's last appearance on Coast
to Coast. Art actually gives a warning to devout believers in God,
that they may want to tune out, because Alper gives quite a
convincing alternative.
- Third hour.... At the top of the third hour, Art welcomes station
KFBK in Sacramento. Art reads a letter from a listener who is a
doctor and gives his opinion on what will happen to the man who
swallowed the nail.
- Fourth hour.... At the top of the fourth hour Art poses the "Atheist
in a foxhole question" to Matthew.
9/27/98 Dreamland / Sunday
- Guest: Foster Perry, Author, "The Violet Forest:
Shamanic Journeys in the Amazon"
9/25/98 Friday / Saturday
- Quake.... An earthquake in Ohio and felt in three other
surrounding states reached 5.2 on the Richter scale. Art reminds us
that Sean David Morton predicted this one. He had also predicted the
hurricanes happening now. Art has a call into Sean to see if he can
join the program tonight.
- Homers.... McGwire and Sosa have both reached number 66.
- Georges.... Art recaps Georges' progress. New Orleans feared to
be the next target. Art call this the hurricane that won't die.
- Call.... David Meyers calls Art from North Pole, Alaska, in the
first hour to relate a UFO sighting he experienced last night which
he is sure was not the Northern Lights. David videotaped the
sighting and will be mailing a copy to Art for posting next week.
- Open lines.... Art takes calls for the remainder of the first
hour. One of the first few calls relates a Darwin Award nominee.
- Guest.... Steven Greer, of CSETI and Steve Bassett, a UFO
lobbyist, joins Art in the second hour to continue the discussions
of the past two nights about the meteorites and fireballs seen
lately. Steven Greer discusses a Free-Energy device he is working on
with others. He wants to release info about it to the public before
it gets hushed up.
- Morton.... Sean David Morton joins Art at the top of the fourth
hour to discuss his recent success with predictions of quakes and
9/24/98 Thursday / Friday
- Georges.... Florida, look out! Art updates us on hurricane
Georges and it's path of destruction.
- Jones.... Paula Jones is now trying to settle with Clinton, no
longer wanting a apology, just reimbursement for her legal fees.
- Tokyo.... Stocks in Tokyo are very seriously down, over 400
- Davenport.... Peter Davenport comes on right away with an update
on the UFO reports from Seattle last night. Peter has received over
400 reports since last night's sighting.
- Letter.... At the top of the second hour, Art reads a letter
from a police officer relating a UFO sighting.
- Storm.... Art says there is a major magnetic storm occurring
right now, causing varied radio reception problems.
- Guest.... David Adair joins Art in the second hour and the first
thing he comments on is the letter Art just read.
- 3rd Hour.... Art has announced that since many radio stations
are starting to tape his show and play it before the live show,
Art's network has decided to do the same. He explains.
- 4th hour.... Art talks with Stan Deyo in Austrailia after
reading another report of a sighting from a cargo pilot in
Wisconsin. Stan gives his opinions on some of the subjects discussed
with David Adair, especially the light that doesn't cast shadows.
- Last Hour.... At the top of the last hour Art recaps the market
in Tokyo and then resumes open lines. Midway, Art reads a fax from a
listener asking Art for any inside info about the Denver
International Airport since he was there last week. Also an update
on Georges from a listener in Tampa.
9/23/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Georges.... This hurricane has now killed 110 people. South
Florida has declared a state of emergency.
- Hearing.... The House will probably proceed with a impeachment
- Baseball.... McGwire and Sousa are tied again at 65.
- Injury.... Art hurt himself again when he had an argument with
an antenna.
- Davenport.... Breaking news from Peter Davenport with an
occurrence over Seattle. Peter joins Art right away with info on a
very large green fireball that was spotted an hour before Art's air
time. Peter plays a tape from the caller who alerted him of this
- Guest.... In the second hour, Joe McMoneagle, a remote viewer
joins Art.
- Announcement.... At the top of the third hour Art announces that
KABC in Los Angeles will be carrying Coast to Coast AM in it's
entirety starting at 10 p.m.
- Frogs.... At the top of the last hour, Art reads a Rueters news
story about dying and deformed frogs.
9/22/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- KWVR.... Art welcomes station KWVR in Enterprise, Oregon.
- Clock Gene.... Art relates a report that states day people and
night people are a result of genetics.
- George.... Hurricane George is on a path that could send it into
the Florida Keys. 11 killed in the Dominican Republic. Art reminds
us that Sean Morton predicted a terrible storm to hit Cuba about
this time, Art wonders if it could be George.
- Today Show.... Art's appearance on the Today Show is once again
being postponed.
- Pacts.... The U.S. and Russia have signed two agreements which
will help prioritize Russia's crumbling nuclear program and stop
plutonium stock piles from leaving the country.
- Y2K.... Art reads a fax from a listener regarding the Y2K
problem. The listener is a military retiree and Art reads a letter
he received that seems to be a cry for help from any retiree who has
the talent to assist the military in this computer crisis.
- Book.... An AP story notes that one book on Clinton's book shelf
is titled, "UFO Crash at Roswell" sitting there right
along with "Sex Talk".
- Responses.... Art reads some responses concerning the 'time loss
in Washington' discussion last night.
- St. Thomas.... Art is holding up a phone line for the Carribean
only again tonight. Open lines for the remainder of the first hour.
At the top of the second hour Art opens all lines for the Carribean
only and asks everyone else to hang up.
- Guest.... In the second hour, Brad Steiger joins Art to discuss
the paranormal tonight. Art is excited because he is going to give
his opinions along with Brad's tonight, something he rarely does.
The first topic discussed is the 'time loss in Washington' topic of
last night.
9/21/98 Monday / Tuesday
- George.... The winds are still screaming in Puerto Rico, already
three dead. Art holds a line open for those in St. Thomas as he
wonders how they are doing there.
- Welcome.... CJME in Regina, Saskatchewan has join the
affiliates, along with WMGW in Meadville, Pennsylvania, and CKOM in
- Denver.... Art takes time to thank the many people who assisted
him and those he met in Denver at his book signing. There are photos
posted on the web site for you to enjoy. A United Airlines
management person gave Art an impressive tour of the Denver
International Airport. A new 777 aircraft was among the many things
Art got to see. He sat in the cockpit and even got to touch the
controls! Art asked this person about the myths surrounding the
airport. This person said some of these you hear are actually true.
- Video.... Art says the tape of Clinton's testimony was four
hours of boredom. Art says Clinton put the prosecutors awash with
information by not limiting his answers to a simple yes or no.
- Suicide.... James Bo Grites, the former Green Beret Colonel, was
found near his home with an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound.
He will live, it was not a fatal wound. Investigators have not said
whether it was an accident or not.
- Accident.... Art relates a story about the Japanese Defense
Minister who was involved in an incident with the car they were
arriving in. The barriers installed in the car, which are to pop up
in an emergency situation, deployed by accident and bounced him
around enough to be sent to the hospital.
- Trip.... From October 3rd thru the 10th Art is going to Nogales,
South Africa, to see the animal preserve there and he will take with
him a digital camera and a computer and will feed back photographs
as they happen.
- Open Lines.... Open lines fills up the remainder of the first
- 2nd hour.... In the second hour, Richard Hoagland and Physicist
Tom Bearden join Art to discuss, among other things, black ops, free
energy and the upcoming meteor showers.
9/20/98 Sunday / Dreamland
- REPLAY... Art was at his Denver Book Signing.
9/18/98 Friday / Saturday
- REPLAY... Art was at his Denver Book Signing.
9/17/98 Thursday / Friday
- Absence.... Art returns after his "Darwin Award"
mishap. He explains how he fell off his missing porch and has been
sore for three days. He explains it as an NDE, a "no deck
- Book Signing.... Art will be at his book signing in Denver on
- News.... Art says there is nuclear political war going on in
Washington, with dirty laundry being flung back and forth.
- Mexico.... There was a slaughter in Mexico when three families
were gathered and gunned down. Nobody knows who did it or why.
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art in the first hour after Art
recaps upcoming programs.
- 2nd Hour.... In the second hour, Art interviews Seth Shostak from
the SETI institute, while Seth is in the Aricebo Control Room.
9/16/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- REPLAY Guest.... Mike Gray
9/15/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- REPLAY Guest.... Mark Eastman, MD & Chuck Missler
9/14/98 Monday / Tuesday
- Holliman.... CNN's John Holliman was killed in a car accident
over the past weekend, this saddens Art. Also dead is George
Wallace. Art says the media is only noting Wallace's statements
regarding segregation.
- Politics.... A trouble shooting squad has been formed for the
President. Art says tonight will again be an open lines program to
continue discussing this issue, which Art feels is very important.
This will be the end of it, says Art, back to regular programming
- Drudge.... Matt Drudge has confirmed what faxers were telling
Art last night, that two more women have emerged to embarrass the
President, one with videos.
- Poll.... Poll numbers do not show erosion toward the President,
but actually went up a point, so Art doesn't feel the President will
resign, though he says an honorable person would. Art says the
American people are obviously separating the President's private
life from his political one.
- Singapore.... People in Singapore are complaining to officials
about maurading monkeys breaking into condos and such and don't seem
to be afraid of humans anymore.
- Ozone.... Last Wednesdays Investers News Weekly reported that
the Atlantic ozone hole is at it's largest.
- France.... France's National Center for Space Studies said it is
now investgating an UFO in an alpine village, with video tape
- Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener commenting on the TNT
show UFO Files involving the KGB.
- Pollution.... Dutch researchers are saying that toxic levels
found in whales indicates man made pollution is spilling deep into
the Atlantic.
- Book signing.... Art relates info on his latest book signing
coming up in Colorado.
- Mexico.... Art asks that a listener from Mexico call on the
international line to check it out.
- 2nd hour.... Art recaps upcoming guests and continues with open
lines through the night along with various faxes being read. He
reads a fax from a listener in Atlanta saying John Holliman caused
his own car accident by passing in a no passing lane and hit a truck
head on.
- Poison Ivy.... Art relates a story involving himself while in
grade school and poison ivy.
- 3rd Hour.... At the top of the third hour Art reads more details
on the death of John Holliman sent to him by a police sargeant. Art
was the first to inform Richard Hoagland of this tragedy. Open lines
- 4th Hour.... Art takes a header off his missing front porch
during the break so he had to throw a tape in during this hour while
his wife attended to his wounds.
9/13/98 Sunday / Dreamland
- REPLAY: Sherri Hansen Steiger (1/04/98)
9/11/98 Friday / Saturday
- Today.... Art says the day went pretty much as he expected other
than Wall Street, Art says he is always wrong about Wall Street. Art
says money talks and everything else is talk radio. Art recaps the
discussion he had with Matt Drudge last night. All the info Drudge
gave that had not came out yet proved correct today. Art has two
bottom line questions, "Does he stay or does he go?", and "will
he fight?" Art feels Congress has no choice but at least start
impeachment proceedures. Clinton's attorneys are saying it was just
sex, and Art says it could have went that way if Clinton hadn't lied
the first time he put his hand on the bible. Art reads a letter from
a listener criticizing Art's discussion with Matt Drudge and many
other faxes with opinions on the situation.
- Art feels an entire open lines show would be the best format for
tonight. Art encourages listeners who use the international line to
call in with the reactions being seen in their own countries.
- 3rd Hour.... At the top of the third hour, Art scans a post card
from Cuba to get placed on the web site.
- 4th Hour.... At the top of the fourth hour, Ramona comes on the
air to talk a little about family values and her being a fan of "Married...
With Children."
9/10/98 Thursday / Friday
- WAMC... Art welcomes station WAMC in Nimes, Florida.
- Politics... Basically, Art talks about the continuing charges
against President Clinton. Art's web page will, of course, have the
latest links for the postings of the report.
Art wonders if Clinton will do the honorable thing, instead of
putting the country through what Art thinks will happen. Art feels
the honorable thing to do is resign, instead of putting the country
through a terrible crisis. This is Art's feeling about where we are.
Art feels all hell will break loose, including economic hell.
- Drudge.... Matt Drudge will be on with Art in the second hour
with all the dirt on the developing Clinton scandal after he
finishes his shower. Obviously Art caught him off guard and he
agreed to be on tonight.
- Brazil... Brazil's market lost almost 16% of it's total worth in
the first few minutes of trading. Our own market dropped 250. Our
banks have a great deal of exposure to Brazil, says Art. He is going
to watch Asia tonight.
- Guests... Art goes over his scheduled guests for the next couple
of days because he has done some shifting around with the political
tidal wave that has occurred.
- Open Lines.... Open lines fills the first hour, and the first
caller suggests Clinton hit a homerun, ( think of McQwire) and start
a war to divert attention.
- 2nd hour.... Art recaps what he has learned about the top 4
charges against Clinton: Perjury, obstruction of justice, witness
tampering and abuse of power. He recaps the world's financial
departments. Matt Drudge joins Art in this hour.
- 3rd Hour.... Art recaps the probable charges against President
Clinton and the stocks market around the world. Art reads a "bull
talking" type of fax regarding the market from an analyst. Open
lines continue through the rest of the program.
9/09/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Clinton.... Art says Clinton has had a bad day. He has been
apologizing all over the place. Meanwhile, Starr sent his report to
Congress. Art says this is big news, but not really. Art says this
was seen as a "the best defense is an offense". Clinton's
lawyer right away said there is no basis for impeachment without
even seeing the report. Art says this was a ridiculous statement,
like the old time compression excuse concerning Roswell. Art reads
the statement Starr prepared for Congress upon delivery of the
- Fax.... A fax from a near-term prophecy, speculates as to what
will happen with Clinton in the near future. It concerns the 25th
amendment, section 4. Art reads that section for us and feels this
scenerio could be possible.
- Today Show.... Due to this development with Starr, Art's
appearance on the Today Show will be postponed til next week.
- Story.... Art reads a story about a woman who has had an implant
installed in her hand that acts like an ATM card.
- 2nd Hour.... Lauren Zimmerman joins Art in the second hour to
discuss a book she wrote called, "Choosing Universes". She
had a life after death adventure and relates that story to Art.
- 3rd hour.... At the top of the third hour, Art recaps the day's
political news. Art reads a statement made by Bill Sapphire, not
really a friend of the President's, but still a supportive
statement. Then open lines continues.
9/08/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- 62.... MacQuire is the new homerun king. Art feels he is a pretty
decent guy and seems like a guy that really loves the game and his
family, like it used to be. Art isn't really a baseball fan, but is
pleased with this milestone. Art thinks baseball movies are
exciting, but baseball itself is boring.
- Dow.... The Dow set a day record of 380.53 points up, but Tokyo
is down. Art wouldn't lay any bets on anything because Greenspan
said possible interest rate cuts.
- Clinton.... President Clinton would like a preview of Starr's
report, but Starr says, "nope". He will release it this
week or next week, Art says next week because if Starr was partial
to the President he would release it Friday. But since Art suspects
this is the last thing on Starr's mind, he will release it Monday.
- China.... China executed more people last year than the rest of
the world. Art says. "Cool... we are not number one anymore."
- Orbit.... A group that monitors things in the Earth has reported
signals traveling through the Earth. Art reads a report about
transmissions and their possible explanations.
- Arizona.... The election is underway in Arizona, and Art doesn't
think Frances Barwood made it.
- Immortality.... Dr. Richard Seed is going to try to clone
himself, Art gets a little chuckle out of this.
- Y2K.... Art mentions an article from the Toronto Sun about the
Y2K problem which he will try to get posted on the site.
- Ironies.... Art reads some ironies that all us Americans do in
everyday life, such as banks keeping both doors unlocked, but
chaining the pens to the counter.
- Today Show.... Art says he will most likely be on the Today show
Thursday. An eight minute profile of Art Bell.
- Open Lines.... Open lines fills up the remainder of the first
- Eaton.... Dr. Randall L. Eaton will be on in the second hour with
information on the movement of Keiko, the 'Free Willy' whale. Art
thinks Keiko is Iceland bound.
9/07/98 Monday/Tuesday
- Taped Replay with Gary North from 7/24/98
9/06/98 Sunday / Dreamland
- Linda Howe
- John Major Jenkins... Mayan Calendar
9/04/98 Friday / Saturday
- Flight 111.... The more Art hears reports about this tragedy, the
more he forms his own opinion on the cause. Because they were
dumping fuel prior to their landing attempt, Art thinks maybe they
ignited the fuel spiraling out of the craft. The wreckage pieces
being so small also lead him to this conclusion.
- Greenspan.... Alan Greenspan said today, it is not credible that
the US can remain an oasis of prosperity unaffected by a world
experiencing greatly increased stress.
- Clinton.... Clinton said I'm sorry today. This is Art's big
Monica Lewinsky news.
- Crash.... 12 people are dead after 2 military helicopters crashed
in air.
- Fatima.... A 16 year old has sent Art what he thinks may be the
Third Secret of Fatima. This is posted on the web site.
- Carmel Valley.... A resident claims her neighbors are hydros,
people who have fish brains instead of human brains. The case has
been turned over to Adult Protection Services.
- Cat.... Art reads a Cat story/California story, about a listener
who clipped the claws of her cat when she caught it scratching up a
new chair. Of course the cat retaliated and scratched her. The
ensuing infection brought a humorous chain of events.
- Tombstones.... Art reads a few humorous tombstone inscriptions.
- Open lines.... Open lines fill the rest of the first hour and are
open again later in the program. The Bermuda Triangle is the first
topic discussed with callers.
- 2nd hour.... Stanislav Lunev, Russia highest ranking military
defector will join Art on the program. He says Russia is preparing
for inevitable war with the U.S. Art feels he has some questions for
Stanislav that haven't been posed to him before.
- 5th Hour.... Open lines for the rest of the program with various
topics discussed. The Y2K is the first subject discussed.
9/03/98 Thursday / Friday
- Flight 111.... 1000 people are still involved in the search of
flight 111's wreckage. Sixty bodies recorded as of air time. Last
nights report of survivors turned out to be incorrect as Art
suspected. Dr. Jonathan Mann was one of the crash victims, an AIDS
researcher. Swiss tennis star, Mark Rosette, was suppose to be on
that flight, but changed his mind at the last minute. Art wonders
what you think about that. Mark, a listener in Lousiana who is an
atheist, faxes Art to ask, What kind of God would kill babies? Art
never really has an answer for those type of questions.
- Quake.... 6.5 earthquake in Chile, details are not in yet.
- Moon....New evidence of water on the moon. Ten billion tons is
the number being reported by a lunar spacecraft.
- Market.... Market ends up 100 points down, Japan down too. Art
says you should start to watch the market in Russia and South
America. Art wonders why the world market is reacting this way to
the Russian market. Art doesn't feel their market has enough
signifigance to take a bite out of our market. Art feels the only
concern anyone should have about Russia, is their nuclear weapons,
not their economics.
- Open Lines.... Open lines fills up the rest of the first hour.
2nd hour has Linda Moulton Howe joining Art disucssing the crop
circles in Canada. Art wonders where are our crop circles, America
is the bread basket too! There are several links on the front page
to check out.
- 3rd Hour.... Art and Linda discuss the possible meaning of the
crop circle 4:20. Art reads faxes from listeners who relate their
opinions on what 4:20 means. Three faxes say it is a reference to
the time of day marijuana users smoke.
- 4th hour....At the top of the fourth hour a first time caller
calls in to ask Linda if there have been crop circles found in
something other than the usual wheat or barley crops. Linda
continues to take calls on various subjects.
9/02/98 Wednesday / Thursday
- Crash.... A jetliner carrying 229 people has crashed near
Landford, Nova Scotia. Rescue workers are searching the waters very
close to the shore. A caller from Nova Scotia calls in first thing
and relates to Art what she has learned so far. Art leaves his
international phone line open for people from Nova Scotia. The next
caller says that two survivors had been rescued and taken to the
Halifax medical facility. This turns out to be a false rumor. There
were no survivors known of during the show.
- Earl.... Looks like hurricane Earl is not going to hit Louisiana,
but is heading towards Florida's coast. Art asks for callers from
this area too. These two breaking stories consume the first two
- 3rd hour.... Dr. Randy Eaton joins Art in the third hour to
discuss whales. The discussion begins with Dr. Eaton's reasons for
getting involved so intensley with orcas.
9/01/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
- Welcome.... Art welcomes KLOA in California, and KGAB in
- Today show.... Art may be on The Today Show on September 8th,
barring any natural disasters.
- Earl.... Tropical storm Earl is churning in the Gulf of Mexico
and should turn in a hurricane and hit Texasand Louisiana. If you
are in Earl's path, evacuation is recommended.
- Market.... Art discusses the dow jones recovery and a theory
called a bear trap, where people rush in after a bad day and buy up
a bunch of stock.
- Summit.... Clinton urged Yeltsin to keep at those reforms.
- Dames.... Art brought on Richard Hoagland during Ed Dames'
interview last night discussing some NSA info he claimed to have
about the missile fired toward Japan.
- Signing.... Saturday, September 19th at 10 a.m., Art will be
signing his book in Glendale, Colorado at the Barnes and Noble.
- Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener referring to the
collective meditations Art has experimented with in the past.
- Open lines.... Open lines completes the first hour, and Richard
Hoagland joins Art in the second hour. The first topic discussed is
the Old Navy stores Richard used to speak of in the past. Then his
NSA source joins the show, Vance Davis.