ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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8/31/99 Tue/Wed
- Argentina.... An airliner in Argentina crashed on takeoff.
- Dennis.... Hurricane Dennis appears to have changed its' mind and is
moving west back toward North Carolina. Art says this is pretty odd.
- Fires... Wild fires burning across the west. Art says it is very hazy
where he is due to the fires.
- FBI.... The director of the FBI wants an independent investigation of
the Waco incident. Reno is being warned that she had evidence withheld
from her. Art says, 'Oh, what a surprise'. Art still says Waco was
government sanctioned murder.
- Flare.... A pretty big solar flare occurred Saturday.
- Email.... Art reads an email about birds flying into a glass doors.
- Heads.... Art reads a story about plans for the first human head
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... John Thomas Nordberg, author of "What is
Time", joins Art this hour. Art begins by asking John, 'what is
time and was there time before the big bang?' After the bottom of the
hour break, Art and John discuss black holes.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks John if we can see the birth of the universe,
with better telescopes, how can we see something at the speed of light
after the event has happened? John offers three physical proofs about
his 'ball of light' theory. Phone calls are taken later in the hour.
- 4th hour.... John and Art discuss the 'balls of light' and
earthquakes. John touches on time travel. Phone calls continue.
- 5th hour.... After the guest leaves, open lines finishes out the last
hour. Art and a caller discuss the upcoming head transplant and how
Christopher Reeve may benefit from one of these procedures.
8/30/99 Mon/Tue
- REPLAY Guest....Col. John Alexander from 7/7
8/29/99 Sun/Mon LIVE
- Guest.... HIlly Rose interviews John Rappoport, Investigative
Reporter regarding WACO
- Guest.... David Hatcher Childress.
8/29/99 Dreamland
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Guest Host Whitley Strieber with an
astronomy update in the first hour.
- Guest....CNI News Director Michael Lindemann will report on the UFO
paper recently released by high ranking French officials that says
that it is time to start preparing a defense against what seems to be
an alien presence, and asks the question 'why is the U.S. keeping the
aliens secret.'
- 2nd hour.... Bernard, from Paris, joins Whitley this hour. He is one
of the people who signed the above mentioned report and Whitley simply
asks him the 'why' of all this.
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour.
8/28/99 Sat/Sun LIVE
- Guest.... Philip Clarke interviews Larry Pahl from The
American Institute Of Pyramidology.
8/27/99 Fri/Sat
- REPLAY.... Karen Anderson on Y2K Issues
- REPLAY.... Paul Moller on the Sky Car
8/26/99 Thu/Fri
8/25/99 Wed/Thu
- 1st hour....Art begins by discuss new items posted on the web site.
- Heroin.... The number of Americans checking into treatment centers for
heroin and other opiates has passed those seeking help for cocaine.
Art talks about what kids in his time thought about heroin.
- Atlantic.... Art talks about the tropical storms forming in the
- Game.... Art talks about the new game show on ABC, "Who wants to
be a Millionaire".
- Egypt.... Something new has been discovered in Giza, hundreds of
mummies wrapped in gold.
- Matter... Art reads a story about scientists in Long Island that have
built a tunnel to recreate the biggest event in the history of the
universe, the big bang. Art has some strong opinions on this.
- Tornado.... Art reports that according to a small station in Alaska, a
tornado touched down there.
- Bush.... Art talks about the issue of George W. Bush's past drug use.
He agrees with with Bush's 'go to hell' attitude about answering the
- Open Lines.... Open lines finished out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Edmund Pankau, one of the top 10 Private
Investigators in the nation, joins Art this hour to discuss, among
other things, his book, "Hide your Assets and Disappear".
Art asks Ed about the shady side of his profession. Later in the hour,
Art asks Ed if there really is a lot of people who want to disappear
and why.
- 3rd hour.... Ed and Art talk about the interest rates in the U.S. and
the differences with other nations, for home buying etc. Withdrawing
money from the bank and putting it in an off shore account and
internet tracking are discussed.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls are taken for Ed with a caller asking Ed what
he is doing to prepare for Y2K. Later in the hour, Ed talks about the
tax rates in different countries and the loss of citizenship that will
occur with the high rate nations.
- 5th hour.... Phone calls continue, Art reads a fax to Ed about Canada
and student loans. A caller discusses fraudulent transfer with Ed.
Later in the hour, a caller asks Ed about women in his profession and
their success in investigations.
8/24/99 Tue/Wed
- 1st hour.... Art begins with some personal comments relating to the
ongoing lawsuit he is involved in.
- Quake.... 20,000 dead, with the number expected to reach 40,000.
- Florida.... The use of the electric chair is being reconsidered. Art
gives his opinion on Capitol Punishment saying we need not torture
prisoners sentenced to die, just take their life.
- Rates.... Interest rates rose again.
- New Mexico.... Art reads a report about a Canadian man accused of
plotting to bomb the Trans Alaskan pipe line on New Years Day.
- Baghdad.... Art reads a story reported in Baghdad about ghosts dancing
about naked in front of oncoming motorists.
- FBI.... There was a report long ago that pyrotechnic tear gas was
never used in the Waco incident, now a source says this isn't true.
- Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour with the first
caller having an update on the super nova of the sun.
- 2nd hour.... Don Werthimer, from SETI@Home joins Art this hour
to discuss the new software that allows any of us monitor the search
for an ET signal. Later in the hour, Art asks Don about his opinion on
why we haven't been back to the moon.
- 3rd hour.... Art and Don discuss the possibility of planets not
discovered yet and signs of life. Phone calls are taken in this hour.
- 4th hour.... Don and Art discuss the dish used to search for a signal
and how it is placed. Phone calls continue. A caller asks Don some
technical support questions about SETI@Home.
- 5th hour.... Art begins this hour with a little commentary on himself
and the lawsuit and the fact that he is not a 'cheek-turner'. He
recaps what he said in the first hour, then open lines finishes out
the last hour.
8/23/99 Mon/Tue
- Ghost.... An AP story reports that drivers passing through a valley in
Bagdad saw naked ghosts throwing themselves in front of cars.
- Y2K.... Hilly gives us his weekly Y2k report.
- 1st hour....Doug Rogers from the Center for Crop Circle
Studies based in London England joins Hilly with some interesting
theories on what is causing these crop circles and why they are so
special. Doug talks about a heat source that is bending these crops.
Doug feels there is a higher intelligence creating these designs.
- 2nd hour.... William Lester joins Hilly to discuss his belief
that Jesus Christ was placed here on Earth by extra-terrestrial to
guide us. Hilly asks William to give some examples from the Bible to
support his theory.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly reads the last paragraph of William's book and asks
him what it means. Williams talks about his theory that Jesus was
bridge to close the gap between humans and aliens. Phone calls are
taken in this our for William.
- 4th hour... A listener faxes Hilly to ask William what Jesus' DNA
signature would be. Phone calls continue for William. After the bottom
of the hour break, the Anti-Christ calls in to tell William that Jesus
is Lucifer. He cites bible passages for William to check out.
- 5th hour... Hilly read a passage from the bible that could be
interpreted as a UFO sighting. The discussion turns to statues found
in the past that depict greys. Phone calls continue throughout the
remainder of the program.
8/22/99 Sun Dreamland
- Host.... Whitley Strieber
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe gives her weekly report. She talks about
the Dutch TV video of the eclipse showing a small object near the sun.
Linda reports that the newest crop circle in Wilshire depicts the same
object. Whitley and Linda discuss the recent concerns about an iceberg
in the Atlantic. Also discussed is Y2K compliance among major cities,
hurricane Bret and a breakthrough in the manufacturing of integrated
- Guest.... Dr. Roger Leir joins Whitley with a landmark implant
report just in, and he will also interview "Annie", who had
this implant removed from her body, about her amazing close encounter
experiences. Hers is now among the best documented of all close
encounter/abduction cases.
8/20/99 Fri/Sat
- Host.... Mike Murphy guests host tonight. He begins with a
story of a gentleman who found an object on the highway late at night
that may be of extra terrestrial origin.
- Guest.... Dan Sarver, author of "JFK Assassination
Fascination", joins Mike to discuss the Kennedy assassination.
They begin by talking about Jack Ruby's involvement. Later in the
hour, Dan talks about the retired FBI agents he interviewed, and
Madeline Brown, LBJ's girlfriend.
- 2nd hour... The death of Marilyn Monroe is discussed at the top of
this hour. Phone calls are taken. Dan tells us why people are still
fascinated with the mystery surrounding the assassination.
- 3rd hour.... Dan talks about how the 'scene was set' during the
motorcade in Dallas and lists all the people present that he feels
were involved. Dan discusses the people that JFK had angered and
alienated who may have had motives. Phone calls continue.
- 4th/5th hour... Dan goes through each shot and where they came from.
Phone calls continue. A caller, who claims to be an excellent shot,
explains how Oswald could not have fired the fatal shots. In the last
hour, Dan recaps the Sinatra-mafia aspect of the assassiantion at the
equest of a caller.
8/19/99 Thu/Fri
- Navy.... There is an AP story out reporting that the Navy predicts
wide spread Y2K failures.
- Guest.... Peter Davenport joins Art this hour for updates and
Art asks Peter for his opinion on last nights show. 5 solid sightings
of UFOs across the U.S. in the last 24 hours have been reported. Peter
starts with an audio cut of a report from a sighting in Seattle last
- 2nd hour.... Gary North joins Art in this hour to discuss Y2K
and they begin by reviewing the
report on the Navy's
statement. They discuss how the Y2K hype died down for a
while and has now begun again. Gary talks about the FDIC and keeping
our own paper records of our financial situation. In the second half
hour, Art asks Gary about the 60 Minutes program that aired earlier in
the year about Y2K.
- 3rd hour.... Art asks Gary if he thinks Marshall Law will go into
effect in any areas. Gary discusses proposed traffic control problems
due to Y2K. Gary talks about the cleaning out of the supermarkets in
late December. Later in the hour, Art asks Gary if there has been any
progress on the Y2K situation in regards to the computer chips out
- 4th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener who is a computer
consultant who says most computers will fail. Art calls a number that
gives recorded updates on the Y2K compliance of the government. Gary
talks about tax organizations that are not compliant and the problems
that will stem from that. Phone calls are taken.
- 5th hour.... Art talks about the FCC and the notices they are sending
out to new license applicants. Phone calls for Art and Gary continue
with a caller from Michigan saying their local county disaster
response department has not received funds to continue to operate
through Y2K. Art asks Gary what his best guess is when the average Joe
finally realizes there will be Y2K repercussions. Phone calls finishes
out the last hour.
8/18/99 Wed/Thu
- 4000.... 4000 now reported dead in Turkey as a result of the massive
Earthquake. 10,000 missing.
- Detroit.... The cities murder rate has jumped 16%, though crime in
general is down.
- Oil.... There is an oil refinery ablaze as a result of the earthquake.
- Hoax?.... Art talks about a previous guest named Charlie Plyler
who has been tracking an object which has been decelerating between
Aug 10th and 12th. Art asks Charlie to call him right away if he is
listening. Art has reports that during the recent eclipse there were
objects sighted in Turkey that we are just now hearing about.
- Article.... Art reads a 'purported' AP article about a man hiding in a
cave who was a NASA computer programmer trying to avoid a meteor he
said was going to hit the Atlantic ocean.
- Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... Richard Hoagland joins Art this hour and
discusses the 'man hiding a cave' story at the top of the hour. After
the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Richard about the objects
sighted before the earth quake in Turkey.
- Charlie Plyler Website: www.elfrad.com
- 3rd hour.... Richard talks about Comet Lee and his disagreements with
the Millennium group concerning the comet's path. Richard talks about
the man in the cave having 16 guns in his car and whether he didn't
'trip over something' at NASA. At the bottom of the hour, Lloyd
Albright, the man in the cave, calls Art to discuss his
- 4th hour.... Art and Richard, and Matt, who arranged the call, discuss
whether the caller was actually the man in the cave or not. After the
bottom of the hour break, Richard updates us on the Coral Castle and
the Egypt stuff he has been working on.
- 5th hour.... Art and Richard discuss Dr.Steven Greer and their
combined efforts to dispell disinformation about something big coming
as heard from Pentagon sources. Phone calls are taken.
8/17/99 Tue/Wed
- Quake.... Art talks about the huge earthquake in Turkey with 2000
people reported dead.
- Cassini.... Cassini should have been as close to Earth as it is going
to earlier this evening and is now on it's way out.
- Y2k.... Art reads a news story about how many states are actually Y2K
- WebSite:...
on the Goddess Gathering
"The photo of the "Lightsource at Putacusi" which I
took caused me to write down the events which transpired for me
personally during the Goddess Gathering. Evidently we were not
alone there, and though I have never paid very much attention to
the UFO talk that abounds, I am open to many things." --
Sophie McGinn
- Variety.... Variety magazine reports a Y2K movie is in the works.
- Warning.... The National Ice Center issued a warning that an iceberg,
that measures 24x48 miles wide, is in the shipping lanes.
- Balloon.... NASA is going to put a 60 story high balloon into the
atmosphere to collect particles of some of the rarest stuff in the
universe, anti-matter. Art wonders why CNBC is not reporting on this.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
- 2nd hour.... At the top of the hour Art recaps a phone call from a
listener who went around and around with Art about vegetarianism.
- Guest.... Bruce Friedrich joins Art in this hour, he is from
the activist group, PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
After the bottom of the hour break, Art goes off on his lima bean
attack. Art tells Bruce he would rather die 5 years earlier than be a
- 3rd hour.... Art throws some headlines and listener questions at Bruce
that contradict vegetarianism and its benefits. Bruce discusses his
organizations' talks with McDonalds about their practices.
- 4th hour... Art asks Bruce if he supports, in spirit or in more than
spirit, groups that are out there burning down labs and clinics, in
other words, the Animal Liberation Fund. In this hour, Art tells Bruce
he has crossed the line with his contradictions and quite a debate
ensues. Phone calls are taken.
- 5th hour.... Open Lines finishes out the program.
8/16/99 Mon/Tue
- 1st hour.... Hilly reads a fax from a listener that includes a story
from the London Telegraph about the CIA releasing info about UFO
- Cassini.... Hilly says now that we have survived Friday the 13th, we
have Cassini to look forward to, which will come within 725 miles of
the Earth.
- Y2K... Hilly reads some Y2K related news stories.
- Guest.... Lloyd Pye joins Hilly in the first hour with some
new info on the skull he has been studying trying to prove once and
for all that ETs have been here on Earth.
- 2nd hour.... Hilly opens the lines in this hour, since they couldn't
get the guest on the phone yet, after Hilly reads and answers some
faxes from listeners. Timothy Mayer, from Insight Magazine,
does join Hilly this hour to discuss, among other things, the
attempted assassination of George Wallace and the ineptitude of the
FBI during the investigation that ensued. After the bottom of the hour
break, Hilly asks Timothy about some of the suspicions concerning the
shooter, Arthur Bremmer.
- 3rd hour.... Hilly and Timothy discuss items found in Bremmer's
apartment that may have been planted. Phone calls are taken in this
last hour with Timothy.
- 4th/5th hour... Hilly reads a story on the anthrax vaccine. After some
technical difficulties, open lines finishes out the program tonight.
8/15/99 Sun Dreamland
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Whitley Strieber for her weekly
report. She reports on the crop circles in Wilshire and the solar
eclipse. Chad Deacon, who was in the area before the crop cirle was
formed, comes on the air with a recap of his experience there.
- Guest.... Bill McDonald, a UFO researcher joins Whitley with stunning
new revelations about UFO influence on military aircraft design. He
had to keep this information confidental until after the death
oflegendary Lockheed engineer John Andrews, who has now passed away.
- Skulls.... Bill and Whitley talk about the skulls discovered in Mexico
that Lloyd Pye has been studying.
8/13/99 Fri/Sat
- 1st hour.... Phillip Clarke is the host tonight. Michael
Mazaar, author of " Global Trends 2005" joins Phillip in
this hour. Michael begins by explaining the main theme of his book.
Phillip asks Michael to give his predictions on unemployment and the
economy in the near future. After the bottom of the hour break,
Phillip opens the phone lines for questions for Michael.
- 2nd hour. This hour Phillip is joined by Tom Shroder, author
of "Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives". The
conversation begins on reincarnation and then Tom tells us of his trip
to Beirut and his experiences with children relating past life
experiences. Later in the hour, Tom tells us of a little girl, just
learning to talk, who keeps asking her family to take her back to her
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour for Tom, with a caller
telling of his ability to tell tales about the revolutionary war when
he was a toddler. Other callers relate similar childhood stories. Also
discussed is dreams and if they are a sign of past lives.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls continue with a caller asking whether anyone
relating past life experiences have had any out of body experiences.
Tom tells us of people who have birth marks that relate to injuries
experienced by them in their past life.
- 5th hour.... A caller asks about childhood imaginary friends and how
it may relate to past lives. Phone calls finish out tonight's program.
8/12/99 Thu/Fri
- 1st Hour.... The Broadcast.com Archives did not include the first
hour, so Karen could not prepare a summary of it.
- 2nd hour.... Art and Ed Dames discuss how Ed's most accurate
work involves the environment. Ed warns listeners about water, that if
you are not living near a large source of water, you are in trouble.
Art asks Ed how much worse is it going to get. Ed said people will
start migrating because of water shortages. Later in the hour, Ed
talks about North Korea and what is brewing there. Art asks Ed why he
was given the name Dr. Doom.
- 3rd hour... Art asks Ed if it is more difficult to Remote View when he
is experiencing high emotions in his personal life at the time. Art
tells Ed that his audience either loves him or hates him and reads a
fax from a skeptical listener. later in the hour, phone calls are
taken with one caller asking Ed if he has remote viewed the
Anti-Christ. Ed says all he knows about that is he will be a throw
away baby, one born last year and thrown into a dumpster.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls continue with Ed explaining why he trusts
remote viewing. A caller asks Ed if remote viewing could be a form of
communicating with the dead. After the bottom of the hour, a caller
says Ed is wrong about the anti-christ cause the caller is the
Anti-Christ. After the bottom of the hour break, Art and Ed discuss
the movie, "The Seventh Sign".
- 5th hour.... Ed and Art talk about the HIV virus and DNA repairing.
Phone calls continue for the remainder for the program, with a caller
asking Ed how far in the future has he ever remote viewed an event.
8/11/99 Wed/Thu
- 1st hour... Tim Hughes, a radio personality from Salt Lake
City, joins Art to discuss the F2 tornado that hit the center of SLC
yesterday. Tim mentions that it has been 31 years, this week, since
the last F2 touched down in SLC. Glen Kimball, who is also in
SLC, talks with Art about todays tornado. Linda Moulton Howe,
who is in France, talks with Art about the solar eclipse, the crop
circles in Wilshire and the recent weird weather.
- 2nd hour.... Sylvia Brown, one of the world's greatest
psychics, joins Art in this hour. Art begins by asking her about the
recent weird weather and his predictions in his book, The Quickening.
Sylvia says we will be living in domed cities to protect us from
atmospheric conditions someday. Later in the hour, Sylvia explains to
Art that people will soon be able to walk out of their bodies when
they die .
- 3rd hour.... Art and Sylvia touch on the shooting in LA at the Jewish
Community. Art and Sylvia discuss Father Malachi Martin and Art asks
Sylvia about some of Martin's feelings on people possessed. Art and
Sylvia talk about the end of the Mayan calendar.
- 4th hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour, with the first caller
asking Sylvia about past lives. Art asks Sylvia how the pyramids were
made and they discuss the Coral Castle in Florida. Later in the hour,
Sylvia talks about her book and gives us a capulation of it.
- 5th hour.... Phone calls continue with the first caller asking Sylvia
about the 13 books left out of the bible and the axis of the Earth and
being spiritually aligned. Another caller asks Sylvia for her insight
on the state of American politics. A caller asks Sylvia to identify
the man who is killing cats in her neighborhood.
8/10/99 Tue/Wed
- 1st hour.... Richard Hoagland joins Art with an update on the Miami
Circle, Cydonia, the upcoming meteor showers, and the last solar
eclipse of this century.
- 2nd hour.... John Nolan joins Art this hour to discuss business
espionage among other things. John was in military intelligence for 22
years and has written a book about finding out the secrets of your
competition. Art asks John a cryptic question about a foreign
automobile in Washington. Art asks john about the terrorist who may
have briefcase nuclear weapons in his possession. John talks about
knowing the phsycological makeup of your adversary.
- 3rd hour.... John tells us how to take what he has learned in military
intelligence and apply it to the civilian sector. Later in the hour
John talks about the strict code of ethics he uses when helping
companies research their competition. Art asks John about Bob Crane's
problems with ideas being ripped off etc. and what he could do to
protect himself.
- 4th hour.... Art reads faxes with questions for John and phone calls
are taken.
- 5th hour.... Art asks John about an incident during the kidnappings in
Iran of Russians, where body parts were sent to family members. A
caller asks John about how easy it is for janitors to steal sensitive
material from companies they work for and John tells us of an actual
case. john tells us that the most dangerous trash can in a company is
the one next to the copy machine. Phone calls continue for John.
8/9/99 Mon/Tue
- 1st hour.... Hilly reads some faxes from listeners who have been
sending in Y2K related reports.
- Dr. Sky.... Steve Kates (Dr.Sky) joins Hilly this hour to
discuss the upcoming eclipse on August 11th and the meteor showers
which will send meteors dangerously close to the Earth.
- Guest.... John Mini joins Hilly in the second hour to discuss
the end of the 500 year old Aztec calendar. Hilly asks John why he has
devoted so much of his life to the study of the Aztecs. John insists
that the Aztec calendar does not end on August 13th, 1999. Later in
the hour Hilly asks John if the Aztecs believed they came from the
- 3rd hour.... Hilly and John discuss weather changes and sky anomalies
and how they are related to the aztecs' predictions. Hilly asks John
what he means by the phrase in his book that states: Movement is the
essence of life. Later in the hour, Hilly reads a fax from a listener
who asks if the Aztecs and the Phoenix have any connection.
- 4th hour.... Hilly takes phone calls and reads faxes for John. One
faxer asks John about some of Robert Ghostwolf's prophecies. In his
last hour with Hilly, John talks about spirituality and the Seven Days
of Tears.
- 5th hour.... At the top of the hour, Hilly talks about the simplistic
crop circles found in Canada. Open lines finishes out the last hour.
The first caller asks about Mark Bean and the propulsion ideas he is
working on. After the bottom of the hour break, a caller informs Hilly
that another white buffalo has been born.
8/8/99 Sun Dremaland
- Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Hilly in the first hour for a report
on the upcoming eclipse and on the strange light formations seen
around the crop circles in Wilshire, England.
- Guest.... J.T. Garret joins Hilly to discuss the secrets of
the Cherokees. Hilly asks J.T. if the Indians are so wise, why are
there so many problems on the reservations such as alcoholism. The
ways and teachings and wisdom of the Cherokee tribe is discussed
8/6/99 Fri/Sat
- 1st Hour.... Mike Murphy hosts tonight. He begins with open lines and
asks anyone who saw anything unusual in the sky above Stratton,
Colorado on I-70 at 6 pm on July 24th of this year to call him. Mike
describes what he saw and then his daughter, Sue, comes on the air to
relate a UFO story of her own. After the bottom of the our break, Don
Ecker, publisher of UFO Magazine, joins Mike. Mike asks Don his
opinion of Sue's story. Don discussess the possibility that these
sightings may not be alien but a secret black budget project.
- 2nd hour.... Mike reads an article from hi local paper about the
politcal action committee set up by Steven Bassett. Mike mentions the
Time magazine article about Coast to Coast AM and the passing of Fr.
Malachi Martin. Mike asks Don about a couple of movies, 'Fire in the
Sky' and 'Independence Day' which he was a technical advisor on.
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls commence in this hour. A caller asks Don if
he has ever investigated UFOs through the biblical aspect. Mike and
Don discuss the earliest of civilizations.
- 4th hour.... Don discusses government, the National Security Act,
Roswell and why the aliens don't end the supposed government coverup
themselves. Mike tells us of when he asked Sen Barry Goldwater of
Arizona about Roswell.
- 5th hour.... Phone calls conitnue with discussions about myths and how
they are usually rooted in fact somehow. Don discusses a time when he
investigated cattle mutilation and says there is a UFO connection in
many of these cases. After the bottom of the hour break, Don talks
about the moon, NASA and the Apollo program.
8/5/99 Thu/Fri
- Hiroshima.... 50,000 people comemerated the bombing that took place 54
years ago.
- Shooting.... A man shot 3 people yesterday in another case of
workplace violence.
- Expectancy.... American life expectancy has increased.
- News.... Art discusses this story listed under Latest News: 8/06/99 --
BERLIN (Reuters) - A 40-year-old German television cameraman was
battling what doctors said might be the deadly Ebola virus and was in
worsening condition Thursday after he became ill following a recent
trip to West Africa.
- Drought.... Art gives a few statitics on deaths resulting from the
recent heat waves.
- Open Lines.... Open Lines all night tonight. After the bottom of the
hour break, Art reads an email from a cop in Nova Scotia relating an
UFO sighting. Art calls this guy to talk to him about the sighting,
but he is on duty now.
- 2nd hour.... Art reads a UPI story about the Shroud of Turin before
continuing with open lines and a caller relating a ghost story
involving a hospital. Later in the hour, Art discusses weather changes
with a caller and how to protect ourselves from alien abductions with
- 3rd hour.... Art begins with discussing this story, listed under
Latest News: 8/06/99 -- In the town of Oblivskaya in Russia (southern
Russia, near the city of Rostov), people have been falling sick with a
terrifying disease. In the latest news, the disease has been diagnosed
as "Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever."
- Open lines continues with a caller claiming to be a cynic relating a
- 4th/5th hour.... Open Lines.
8/4/99 Wed/Thu
- Drought.... Art talks about the drought in the midwest where the trees
are shedding leaves as if it were fall.
- Loans... Congress approved loans for steel and gas companies because
they have been rocked by low prices. This is unbelievable to Art
- Buchanan.... Pat Buchanan may bolt from the Republican party,
probably, Art thinks because he feels the "fix is in" and
doesn't have a chance against Bush.
- KPFA....Dennis Bernstein, host of the program, Flash Point, joins Art
for an update of the radio station. Dennis tells us normal
broadcasting should resume tomorrow morning.
- Environment.... Art reads a few disturbing reports on environmental
issues from MSNBC about extinctions and dead zones in our oceans.
- Darwin.... Art reads a possible Darwin award nominee wannabe, cause
the guy isn't dead.
- 2nd hour.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art in this hour. Art
reads a story to Linda on an eboli outbreak in Europe, where she is
currently. Also he asks her about the extinction report he mentioned
to us earlier in the program. After the bottom of the hour Linda
discusses the crop circles in England and has Simon, a PhD from
Denver, tells us about electrostatic energy and what provoked him to
test for this energy in this crop circle.
- 3rd hour.... Linda has another gentleman with her who tells us of his
experience seeing strange lights over a crop circle. After the bottom
of the hour break, Simon relates a public statement from a hoax
research team. Art reads a few faxes to Linda from listeners who have
seen a picture of the crop circle she is discussing. Frances comes on
and expressess her opinion on the circle and the three dimensional
effect it is emanating.
- 4th/5th hour.... Phone calls are taken for Linda and her group there
in Great Britian, with one caller asking Linda if she feels these
circles are extra-terrestrial maps to show us where 'they' are. Also
discussed is the theory that a former civilization is communicating
with a spiritual machine through these crop circles.
8/3/99 Tue/Wed
- Time.... There is a full 2 page article in Time magazine on Art and
Coast to Coast AM.
- SETI.... Art talks about the SETI@Home screen saver available from
this site.
- Crystal.... Remember Bonnie Crystal who was to go underground in Peru?
She is now at 14,000 feet searching for caves and Art talks to her via
telephone within the first few minutes of this first hour. Art asks
her why a person who goes into caves is currently at the top of a
mountain. Bonnie talks about what she has found in the caves she has
explored so far.
- Taxes.... Republicans have agreed on a 792 billion dollar tax cut but
Clinton doesn't like it so it might happen.
- Sunscreen.... An AP report says sunscreens may increase cancer risks
because people who use them don't feel the effects of the sun and stay
out in it too long. Art wonders how many of these stories we have to
hear, one day milk is good, the next day it's bad and so on and so on.
- Flare.... Art talks about a major solar flare, an x class event.
- 2nd hour.... Joe Firmage joins Art in this hour. Joe begins by telling
us he feels 20th century physics are incomplete. Art asks Joe what he
feels these UFOs are that people are witnessing. After the bottom of
the hour break, Art asks Joe about an experience he had 2 years ago
that steered his life towards the direction it is in now.
- 3rd hour.... At the top of the hour Art and Joe discuss ISSO's
investigation into the paranormal and how it differs from other
organizations. After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Joe about
a story breaking in France from Michael Linneman about a group of
former defense officials who have issued a lengthy report about
sightings and unknown phenomenom.
- 4th hour.... Joe announces that ISSO has recruited a 17 year veteran
of NASA as its Director of Research and discusses some of the projects
in the works. Joe remains til the bottom of the hour break and then
open lines finishes out the program.
8/2/99 Mon/Tue
- Hillary.... Hillary said her husband's infidelity stems from his
desire to please women. Hilly thought it was the other way around.
Hilly says if she is going to use reasoning like this, the Senate seat
is not going to be hers.
- Sex.... Hilly talks at length about a divided congressional commission
that has endorsed sex integrated recruit training in our armed forces
but want the Pentagon to drop plans to loosen rules against adultery.
- Military....An Air Force nurse has been punished by superiors for
writing a letter to the military newspaper 'Star and Stripes'
questioning the safety of anthrax vaccinations. Hilly says this story
is really about freedom of speech.
- Ban.... Hilly reads a report about 2 pesticides recently banned from
being sprayed on fruits. Farmers say the EPA went too far because
there are 235 pesticides that pose threats to humans, why pick on
these two.
- Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour with the Aztec
calendar being a topic of discussion nd all the end of the world
- 2nd hour.... Hilly reads a fax from a listener that relates a story
about the south coast of England being sprayed in a secret biological
warfare test as early as the '70's.
- Guest.... Kurt Billings joins Hilly in this hour to discuss chemtrails
and later mind control. He begins by talking about how the
manufacturers of biological weapons cannot be sued in the event of
citizens being harmed. Phone calls are taken in the second half of the
- 3rd hour.... Phone calls continue in the first half hour discussing
chemtrails and then the topic switches to mind control after the
bottom of the hour break. Noreen joins Hilly and Kurt to tell her
story about her son, who is now in hiding from the CIA.
- 4th hour.... Kurt continues to discuss mind control practices by the
government and micro chip implementation during Desert Storm. Phone
calls continue after the bottom of the hour break. A caller asks Kurt
how many different government organizations, besides the CIA, are
involved in mind control.
- 5th hour.... At the top of this hour, Kurt recaps what he thinks is in
the chemtrails and their purpose. Phone calls continue. In response to
a question for Kurt about gun control/mind control, Kurt tells us his
anonymous source asked him to remind the audience that there was gun
control bills entered the day before the incidents at Littleton and