ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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7/30/99 Fri/Sat
Moon.... Hilly talks about the Lunar prospector which is about to crash
into the moon.
JFK.... Hilly mentions that there a lot of navy wives still waiting for
their deceased husbands to be buried at sea, but JFK got to be buried one
day after his body was found.
Info.... IPI, is a secret program instigated by President Clinton for
handling sensitive information that could influence foreign audiences. It
is so secret it ended up on the front page of the Washington Post.
Y2K.... Hilly reads a few brief stories about Y2K from listeners about
canceled leaves of absences in certain organizations.
Jennings... Peter Jennings will do a 22 hour marathon before Y2K
with cameras in 62 countries. Hilly asks, 'What are they expecting'.
Chaos.... Hilly does us of a report that states during the week of August
21st & 22nd, there are many electronic devices that will become confused
because of the configuration of some GPS satellites.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the 1st hour. A caller claiming to
be the leader of the galactic federation said there are 355 U.S. UFOs
parked in Canada because there has been a war going on with the U.S. and
various planets and we lost.
Guest.... Mark Bean joins Hilly tonight to discuss propulsion systems
used by UFOs. Mark begins by explaining electrogravity which he thinks is
the way of alien transportation. Many calls are taken and faxes are
5th hour.... Open lines this hour while Hilly tries to confirm the the
story told in the first hour about the 355 UFOs in Canada.
7/29/99 Thu/Fri
Signing.... Art reminds us of Brad Steiger's book signing this weekend.
Shooting.... Art talks about the shooting in Atlanta. He is baffled as to
why the man would shoot customers.
Detroit.... Detroit's first casino will open in what used to be an old IRS
building. Art loves the irony in this.
KPFA.... The radio station opens again Friday.
Fungus.... Art reads a report about a new marijuana eating fungus being
considered for use in Florida.
Y2K.... Art mentions a couple of Y2K glitch reports involving banks.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour with Fritz being the
first caller and discussing the Fox special 'Signs from 'God.
2nd hour.... Dr. David Jacobs, author of "The Threat" joins Art this hour.
Art asks David his favorites scenario for abductions. Art reads a
description of abductions from the International Center for Abduction
research, asking David his opinion. Later in the hour the discussion turns
to Hybrids.
3rd hour.... Art asks David how many cases that he is involved in involved
the military. David talks about the hybrids that look like humans and how
they reproduce and hoe they can impregnate humans. Art ask David why more
women are abducted than men. Phone calls are taken.
4th hour.... Phone calls continue for David. David counsels a caller on
how to handle her child's story of abduction. David comments on the Dr.
Mack setup where he was duped by a supposed abductee.
5th hour.... Open Lines finishes out the program with the first caller
commenting on Robert Bigelow's plans to build a cruise ship to the moon.
7/28/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art with a report on some recent
'sightings' and an audio clip. Nancy Talbott joins Linda and Art to
discuss new crop circle formations in Holland.
2nd hour.... Art recaps Robert Bigelow's announcement of last night about
a new space cruise ship he plans on financing. A number to contact Robert
is 702-795-7200.
Guest.... Seth Shostak, an astronomer from SETI, joins Art in this hour.
The discussion begins with the possibility of life on other planets
and not necessarily earthly life. After the bottom of the hour break, Art
asks all to read a posting under News Headlines on the home page which is
a statement from RAMS's ex-webmaster. Seth and Art discuss Robert
Bigelow's plan to build a space cruise ship.
3rd hour.... Art asks Seth about the government financing SETI and why
funds have been cut. Art asks Seth why politicians, who can't even do the
right "social" thing, get to make decisions on "science" things. Art and
Seth talk about possibile government coverups regarding the presence of
aliens and why they would do that.
4th hour.... Art and Seth talk about the movie "Contact" and it's
similarities with what SETI is doing, and the fact that the staff making
the movie called up SETI numerous times. Black Holes are discussed. Art
and Seth discuss what the aliens would send us if they did contact us.
5th hour.... Art talks about the Pacifica radio station reopening, calling
it an incredible victory, although he doesn't agree with their politics.
Phone calls are taken this hour with the first caller asking Seth how he
can dispute that there is currently alien life on Earth.
Later in the hour, a caller asks Seth about the discovery of new planets.
7/27/99 Tue/Wed
Welcome.... Art welcomes station WETT AM in Ocean Spray, Maryland.
1st hour.... Art announces the passing of Father Malachi Martin with
deepest condolences.
Guest.... James Napier joins Art in the 1st hour, with information about
Madeline Murray O'Hare that you have never heard before that Art says will
shake you to the core. Madeline was instrumental in removing prayer from
the schools. She is missing and presumed dead.
2nd hour.... Robert Bigelow, a billionaire who has been financing and
aiding many in the alternative field joins Art in the 2nd hour to
make an amazing announcement. First, Art asks Robert what it is like to
have a billion dollars and how his interest in esoteric subjects began.
After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Robert if he has reached any
conclusions in his mind as to the animal mutilation investigations he has
financed in the past.
3rd hour.... Art asks Robert about his time at Area 51. Later in the hour,
Robert talks about a space cruise/hotel, with a gravity environment, that
he wishes to establish.
4th hour.... The conversation continues about Robert's plan for space
cruises around the moon. Art asks Robert what kind of people he is looking
for, for short term employment, to get this project started.
5th hour.... Art asks Robert what is in the future for NIDS. Art asks
Robert about his recent survey that reveled that most people think the
government would coverup any ET information they might have. Art and
Robert talk about NASA's resistance to public space travel.
7/26/99 Mon/Tue
1st hour.... Tonights show with Hilly Rose is all about our government.
The first topic is global warming, which Hilly says there is none, and
hopes to prove it this hour. Hilly says satellite info shows a cooling in
the atmosphere over the last 8 years. Henry Lamb, from the Environmental
Conservation Organization joins Hilly to discuss this.
Pilots.... CBS reports that pilots in the Air Force Reserve and National
Guard are quitting so they do not have to receive an anthrax vaccine.
Kenowith man.... Anthropologists have checked out the skull of the
Kenowith Man, stored in a Washington Museum and cannot find a match with
over 300 species.
2nd hour.... William J. Olson joins Hilly this hour. He is an expert in
Presidential abuses of power via the Executive Order. Some folks
feel with the call up of military forces and police units for January 1 Y2K
possibilities, it sets the stage for martial law to be declared in America
on January 1, 2000. Hilly and William talk about the law that allows the
military to act against civilians in the second half of this hour.
3rd hour.... Hilly talks about Y2K readiness. Hilly and William talk about
declared states of emergency from the past. William explains Federalism
and why it is important to us. Phone calls are taken in the second half of
this hour.
4th hour.... William talks about the 2 times Lincoln declared Marshall
Law. Phone calls continue. later in the hour, William talks about a
statute that has to do with hording scarce material that is no longer in
5th hour.... William talks about the Oklahoma City bombing and Clintons
desire to pass the anti-terrorism bill. Hilly asks William about Truman
citing a United Nations resolution in order to pass an executive
order. William talks about the 'trading with the enemy' law from long ago
which is still on the books. Phone calls continue.
7/23/99 Fri/Sat
1st Hour.... Whitley Strieber guests host tonight with crop circles being
the main subject. Whitley says there has been a news blackout in this
country where crop circles are concerned ever since Doug and Dave were
caught traipsing through the wheat with boards on their feet.
JFK/TWA 800.... Whitley talks about how crop circles may relate to the JFK
assassination and the downing of flight TWA 800. Nancy Talbott joins
Whitley this hour, she is from the Burke Levengood Talbott research team
and she begins by explaining the purpose of the research team. Nancy tells
us about the exhaustive documentation she has done with plant samples from
crop circles. She talks about the results of many control studies.
2nd hour.... Nancy explains how the stems of the plants in crop circles
are elongated and describes the many changes found in them. She talks of
seed germination and the differences in plants and crop circle plants.
Phone calls are taken after the bottom of the hour break. Nancy touches on
the theory that crop circles are messages from the dead after a caller
asks her about it.
3rd hour.... Michael Glickman joins Nancy and Whitley in this hour and
tells us about this season's crop circles and the differences with those
from the past. Michael and Whitley touch on the different calendars and
how they may relate. Also discussed is the Tree of Life formation and how
it may relate to Judism.
4th hour.... Patricia Murray, Michael's partner, joins Whitley and
Michael this hour. Whitley begins by asking her how she got involved in
this research. Phone calls are taken this hour. Patricia talks about how
crop circles 'respond' to researchers.
5th hour.... Whitley asks 'the powers that be' that make crop circles to
create an Art Bell crop circle, an eleven petaled flower. Michael talks
about how he feels that crop circles are some kind of continuing
education and we will eventually know their origins. Phone calls are taken
throughout this hour. Michael and Patricia give their opinions on how crop
circles are created when asked point blank by a caller. Also discussed are
the little balls of light that seem to be involved.
7/22/99 Thu/Fri
Columbia.... Columbia launched successfully earlier tonight.
1st hour.... An update on the situation at radio station KPFA is given by
Ralph Steiner. After the bottom of the hour break, Peter Davenport joins
Art with some audio clips of recent UFO reports.
2nd hour.... Art mentions that there are updates on the home page re: the
lawsuit and a statement by Keith Rowland that you should read.
CNN.... Art complains that CNN always talks over the satellite launch
during the first few critical seconds and he would rather hear the control
Kennedy.... Art reads a sobering scenario sent to him from a listener
pertaining to flying in inclement weather.
Guest.... Nick Pope, who works for the Ministry of Defense in London
since 1985, and has outspoken views on extra-terrestrials, joins Art in
this hour. Art asks Nick what Great Britian has that parallels our First
Amendment and how is he allowed to be a government representative and
still speak out on these controversial issues. After the bottom of the
hour break, Nick tells us of the crop circles he has stood in and whether
he feels projected energy weapons has anything to do with their creation.
3rd hour.... Nick and Art talks about the change in weather patterns and
other ecological problems occuring now. Nick talks about people who have
been abducted and shown some of these apocalyptic situations. Phone calls
are taken after the hour of the break with one caller asking if Nick feels
our propulsion systems have been influenced by alien technology.
4th hour... Phone calls continue this last hour with Nick. the first
caller asks Nick about an alien agenda. Art and Nick talk about the
implant in Whitley Strieber. After the bottom of the hour break, a caller
talks with Art and Nick about a possible implant in his nose.
5th hour.... Art recaps the news. A teenager who had half of her brain
removed was released from the hospital today. Some Mexican housewives, in
Mexico City, have gone on strike today forcing their husbands to actually
cook meals, do laundry and wash dishes. Congress is upset with the
Pentagon which says it has spent several hundreds of millions of dollars
on secret air force projects that they forgot to tell Congress about. The
Drudge report says that two villagers in Nepal were bitten by unknown and
unseen animals. In New Zealand, the cockroach has become the official
millennium bug. Art says this is an example of a world with too much time
on his hands.
Open Lines finishes out the last hour.
7/21/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Steven Bassett, a UFO lobbyist, joins Art in the first hour
for an announcement. Steven says on the 13th of this month filings were
done and the first political action committee in history was formed that
will directly go after the politics of the UFO/ET phenomenom and
government coverup of same.
2nd hour.... Dr. Drew Ross, a forensic psychiatrist, joins Art to discuss,
among other things, serial killers. Art begins by asking Drew how he got
into this field, what is it like to be face to face with a murderer and
has he ever found any of them to be remorseful. Later in the hour, Art
asks Drew about his idea of isolating serial killers but not in the
traditional jail sense.
3rd hour.... Art and Dr. Ross discuss the death penalty. Art asks Dr. Ross
about current day movies and how they used to be blamed for todays
violence but that trend seems to be waning. Phone calls are taken later
in the hour with mind altering drugs used on killers being discussed.
4th hour.... Art and Dr. Ross talk about sociopaths before more phone
calls are taken. The first caller's mother was killed by a serial killer
and he expresses his feelings on the death penalty. Art asks Dr. Ross
about defendants that are rich and how they are favored in the justice
5th hour.... Art asks Dr. Ross if hate crimes (murders) are different
than most and what kind of treatment is warranted, should it be a
different kind and why. Art asks Dr. Ross if there has ever been a time
when he could recommend a killer be returned to society and for what
reason. Phone calls finish out tonight's program.
7/20/99 Tue/Wed
1st hour.... Art talks about the recent fall Father Malachi Martin took
and his resulting injuries. He has suffered a severe stroke and is near
death. He will be 78 on Friday.
Review..... Art reviews upcoming guests and announcements.
JFK, Jr.... Art talks briefly about the tragedy.
Loans.... The Federal Reserve has approved issuing loans to banks you may
suffer due to people withdrawing their money because of Y2K.
Soldiers.... Archeologists that were digging under a football stadium in
South Carolina believe they have found the bodies of the original crew of
the Hunley, the first submarine made of old locomotive boilers, used in
the civil war.
Rods.... Jose Escamilia joins Art for an update on rods and where you can
go to hear him speak on the subject and show video footage.
JPL.... Art reads snippets from a paper released from JPL about comet
Big Bang.... Art talks about the nuclear accelerator designed to replicate
the big bang and the fact that it may create a black hole.
Calls.... Art reads a fax from a listener in Portland complaining of the
phone service.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Albert Taylor joins Art in this hour. In light of the 30 year
anniversary of the landing on the moon, Art asks Albert why he thinks we
should go back to the moon. Art and Albert talk about our country's
astronauts and how their lives haven't been that great.
3rd hour.... Art and Albert talk about remembering dreams, NDE's and
Dannion Brinkley. After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Albert how
to travel outside your body.
4th hour.... Art and Albert talk about astral sex, and Art asks Albert if
that isn't 'cheating' and whether men experience this more than women.
Calls are taken later in the hour, with a high priestess calling in to
talk with Albert about her being disabled and how she can astral project.
5th hour.... Phone calls continue in this hour. A caller asks Albert about
his experience of rising out of his body during yoga. Another caller asks
Albert about the vibrations his body goes thru when attempting an OBE.
7/19/99 Mon/Tue
1st hour.... Hilly says the UPI ran a story yesterday on the Kennedy
tragedy that says a witness saw a big white flash in the sky in the area
where JFK Jr.'s plane disappeared.
Canada.... Hilly tells us that Canadian military forces have canceled all
leaves between Christmas and New Years due to possible Y2K problems.
Big Bang.... A nuclear accelerator designed to replicate the 'big bang' is
under investigation. Hilly reads a report on this.
ETs.... Hilly reads an email from a listener responding to last weeks
discussion on why aliens abduct human beings.
Crop circles are discussed with Karen Douglas who is in England after
attending the big conference over there over the weekend.
2nd hour.... David Childress, a world explorer, joins Hilly this hour.
They begin by discussing Richard Shaver, who wrote a book that David has
reprinted. Later in the hour, David talks about man made ancient tunnels
he has explored in the Andes and South America.
3rd hour.... The discussion continues on the hollow earth and lost
continents. They discuss a city in the eastern jungles of Peru where all
the gold of the Incans came from. Phone calls are taken later in the hour.
4th hour.... Hilly reads a question for David from a listener asking about
the book, "The Hollow Earth". David also talks about the Lost Horizon
city, Shangrila. Hilly asks David about Egyptian underworlds.
5th hour.... Phone calls continue for David. The discussion turns to how
the ancients made the stone blocks found in different parts of the world
including the Pyramids. Later in the hour, David talks about the bases the
Germans set up in Antarctica during world war 2. David mentions the X
Files movie and how the final scene showed a base in Antarctica. David
talks about the underground base at the South Pole.
7/16/99 Fri/Sat
Brian Wilson guest hosts tonight. Brian begins by talking about the new
millennium and how it does not begin til the end of next year.
L. Neil Smith, a Libertarian and science fiction author, joins Brian
tonight to discuss our nation's future politically and paranormally. Neil
talks about his bid for the Libertarian nomination and his political
agenda. Brian asks Neil about his plan to ignore the 'old media' and take
his message on a different route and how he plans to raise his awareness
2nd hour.... Brian and Neil touch on Y2k and resulting scenarios. Phone
calls are taken with the discussion turning towards the Bill of Rights
and gun control.
3rd hour.... Phone calls continue with Neil telling a Canadian caller that
he will offer statehood to any Canadian province that will adopt the Bill
of Rights if he is elected president of the United States. The topic of
gun control pops up again after the bottom of the hour break.
4th hour.... Brian and Neil get into the topic of science fiction and
Brian asks Neil if science fiction is a vision of the future through
Libertarian eyes. Later in the hour a caller asks Neil about people giving
up rights for alleged security.
5th hour.... A caller asks Nial about corporations and how we the people
can start making them accountable for how they are hurting us. Neil tells
us of all the taxes he wants to eliminate and why. Later in the hour, a
caller asks Neil about the missile defense system.
7/15/99 Thu/Fri
HMO.... A patient's protection bill has passed in the Senate, Clinton says
he'll veto it.
House.... The House voted for a pay raise for themselves and the
President. Art says if they keep this up the Presidency will be a job
worth having.
China.... China says it has now invented its own neutron bomb.
Meteor.... Art reads a fax from a listener in New Zealand who says there
is a video of the meteor that exploded over New Zealand last week. Art
wants to know why we haven't seen this.
Peppers.... Almost the entire crop of green chili peppers in New Mexico
has failed due to Curly Leaf Virus as well as excessive heat and wind.
Internet.... Art is getting alot of messages about Robert Raith (remember
Dr. Reed and the alien in the freezer) being shot.
Y2K.... Art talks about how many U.S. cities are leaving themselves scant
time to prepare for Y2K.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Michio Kaku joins Art in this hour and Art starts out by
asking him what will it mean for us if we honor the theory of everything.
Art and Michio also talk bout the Bubble theory, the multiuniverse theory
and the Big Bang.
3rd hour.... The discussion turns to the project NASA has planned to
harpoon a comet. Michio also talks about the Cassini mission.
Later in the hour, Michio talks about the dangers of producing anti-matter.
4th hour.... Michio talks about the possibility of cloning and designer
children and homosuperior. The discussion then turns to nuclear weapons
and accidents.
5th hour... Art tells Michio about his interview with Leonard Nimoy and
asks Michio if he is shocked that so much of what was shown in the Star
Trek series is eventually going to be real. Michio says the hardest to
duplicate will be the transporter, though, Art says IBM is working on a
theory. Later in the hour, Michio talks about us becoming a planetary
civilization. Phone calls are taken with one caller asking Michio about
the chaos theory.
7/14/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Art talks about the siege at station KPFA in San Fransisco.
It made front page news there. Larry Bensky, a journalist and voice at
KPFA, joins Art to enlighten us about the 'siege'.
Crop Circles.... Crop Circles are front page news in Tennessee.
Gore.... Art reads an article about Air Force Two's near miss with another
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Art asks us to send white light to Terrence McKenna on
Thursday, 7-15.
Guest.... Dr. Leonard Shlain, a brain researcher, at California Medical
Center, joins Art this hour. Dr. Shlain talks about the difference
between male and female brains. He talks about the two hemispheres of the
brain. Later in the hour, he talks about language and how the alphabet is
the most left brain form of communication and the first culture to adopt
an alphabet.
3rd hour.... Art asks Dr. Shlain about Gods and Godessess and his opinion
on Matthew Alper and his studies on "The God Part of the Brain". Later in
the hour, Dr. Shlain talks about our brains becoming more integrated and
our culture becoming more feminine, the internet and connectivity.
4th hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour. Dr. Shalin talks about
the chinese culture and language. Later in the hour a caller asks Dr.
Shlain about being ambidexterous.
5th hour.... Art talks again about the near miss Air Force Two experienced
due to a radar 'quirk'. Open lines finishes out the last hour.
7/13/99 Tue/Wed
MIR... MIR is leaking air and the cosmonauts seem to be stranded.
Art is sure they wouldn't let them die, would they? Art says to watch this
story closely as there is a danger of MIR reentering.
CHAP.... Art reads a report on CHAP, metal fibers used to stop radar, that
suggests it may block lightning too, as witnessed in a 1993 situation in
Joke.... Art tells a joke about how the FBI, CIA and LAPD would handle
finding a rabbit in the woods. After the bottom of the hour break Art
tells a blonde joke.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Dr. Paul Moller, the CEO of Moller Enterprises, who makes the
'skycar', joins Art in this hour. Paul and Art discuss the upcoming
testing of a four passenger version of the skycar. Art asks Paul about the
features of this car that flies. After the break, Art asks Paul about the
software used to run this vehicle.
3rd hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour, with one caller being an
old neighbor of Pauls and she tells us of the silver flying saucer Paul
had in his garage. After the break, a caller asks Paul if he thinks the
airlines will give him trouble because of the competition.
4th hour.... Phone calls continue, Art and Paul discuss the possibility
of regular gas stations fueling the sky car, if the car can land there.
Art asks Paul how many cars he must manufacture to get the purchase price
under $100,000.00 and who gets the first skycar made.
5th hour.... Art talks about an uprising at station KPFA, a station
located a few blocks from Berkley, and Art has a contact who has been
monitoring the situation call in to explain. Details are available by
clicking the link under Latest News and Site Additions.
After the bottom of the hour break, Art reads a statement released by KPFA
prior to the current incident. Open lines finishes out the program for
this evening.
7/12/99 Mon/Tue
1st hour.... Hilly tells us of a decision by the FBI to cancel all leaves
scheduled between December 15, 1999 and mid January because of Y2K.
Bob Brown, the founder and director of the UFO Congress, joins Hilly in
the 1st hour to discuss the many sightings of late. Bob talks about the
interest the Japanese have in UFOs and how the Japanese government does
not try to suppress information. Phone calls are taken after the bottom of the hour break.
2nd hour.... Ken Goddard, a criminalist who currently is the director of
the National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratories, joins Hilly. Bob
talks about his job and his responsibilities and some of the cases he has
handled. Hilly asks Ken about the aliens allegedly at Roswell and what his
lab would be able to check out.
3rd hour.... Hilly asks Ken about the story of the elk abduction witnessed
by several forest rangers, and the incident where some teenagers killed a
puppy by putting a firecracker on his collar. Hilly and Ken discuss
dolphins and the fact that they are killing other mammals. After the
break, phone calls are taken with one caller asking Ken why aliens
mutilate cows.
4th/5th hour... Phone calls continue in this hour with the selling of
mammoth ivory being discussed. Hilly reads a fax from a listener on the
discovery of steel head trout in the San Diego area and asks Ken to
comment. Phone calls continue in this hour and next.
7/09/99 Fri/Sat
1st hour.... Whitley Strieber is the guest host. Whitley begins by
expressing his thoughts on the theme of Coast to Coast Am and why it draws
criticism once in a while. Whitley talks about how close Mars is to us
right now, and a crop circle discovered June 12th in Wilshire. Richard
Belzer and Jim Marrs joins Whitley this hour. Richard tells us why he
wrote his book and how he met Jim Marrs and where he was the day Kennedy
was assassinated. After the bottom of the hour, Lee Harvey Oswald is
2nd hour.... The discussion turns to the months following the
assassination and what happened to those who witnessed it, untimely deaths
and such. Whitley asks his guests if they feel the cover up involved
people who were not involved in the assassination.
3rd hour.... Dorothy Kilgallon's death and her tie in with Kennedy and
UFOs are discussed. Whitley asks his guests if perhaps Kennedy was on the
verge of divulging something when he was killed. Phone calls are taken
after the bottom of the hour break.
4th hour.... Whitley and Richard talk about the Brookings Report.
Richard tells us what he thinks would happen if an alien appeared on the
White House lawn. After the break at the bottom of the hour, phone calls
continue with a caller relating his thoughts on crop circles.
5th hour.... At the top of the hour, Whitley talks about how Oswald can be
linked with every possible group of people that may have wanted Kennedy
dead. Whitley and Richard take phone calls for the reminder of the show.
07/08/99 Thu/Fri
1st hour.... Peter Davenport joins Art in the first hour with some
updates. A pickup truck was hit by a meteor in Washington, and the owner
of the truck comes on to tell his story. After the break, Peter plays some
audio clips from reports in North Carolina. Another report comes from
Ottawa, Canada.
2nd hour.... Dr. Ronald Laura joins Art in the second hour to discuss time
travel and the paranormal, among other things. Art asks Ronald about the
reports from the first hour and his thoughts on the increased activity. Art
asks Ronald about the rogue planet Art reported on a few nights ago. After
the break, Ronald discusses transcending physical consciousness and gives
3rd hour... Ronald discusses life after death and has the audience
participate in an exercise.
4th hour.... Ronald talks about inhaling consciousness and gives examples.
Phone calls are taken this hour. One caller describes a 'slip' in time and
Art asks Ronald if he were to consider all the inmates in mental
institutions, wouldn't there be some who are just in a different place,
not really insane.
5th hour.... Art reads a fax from a pilot who sighted a UFO during a
flight tonight that he felt may be seeding thunder storm clouds.
Clinton.... Clinton will be called upon to do some campaigning for Hillary
in New York. Art says it probably didn't come out as a request, but a
demand, if you know what he means.
Vegas.... Weather nightmares happening in Las Vegas.
Unabomber.... Art reads a story that reports the unabomber was a mind
control participant sponsored by the CIA at Harvard in the late 50's. Art
asks where in the hell was this information all this time?
NASA.... NASA insists that it is just a coincidence that 6 years from now
a space craft named Deep Impact is going to fire a 1100 lb. copper bullet
at the nucleus of a comet. The purpose is to study the makeup of comets.
Art says with our luck, the bullet will knock off a chunk that comes our
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the last hour.
7/07/99 Wed/Thu
1st Hour.... Linda Moulton Howe and Pete Sorensen join Art in the first
hour. Linda plays an audio clip from a witness to an alleged crop circle
being formed in Tennessee. Peter reports from Great Britian on the
beginning of the crop circle season and why it especially impresses him
this year. later in the hour, Linda explains why the crop circle media
coverage has dropped off drastically.
2nd hour.... Art reads a report about an asteroid that exploded over New
Zealand. Col John Alexander, the father of non-lethal weapons research,
joins Art this hour. Art asks John about Kosovo and a new weapon used that
could be turned off or on with a switch. Later in the hour, Art and John
discuss his new book and a chapter, that in retrospect, sounds like the
incident in Columbine.
3rd hour.... Art and John talk about police assisted suicide and a study
that show 10% of all shootings involving the police are 'suicide by cop'
shootings. Art asks John how this percentage can be decreased. Art asks
John if he thinks our government would get into mind control research.
4th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener asking whether we would be
more vulnerable to biological warfare if we were using nonlethal type
weapons. John gives us his current 'view of the world' specifically what
is going on in North Korea. Phone calls are taken this hour.
5th hour.... A caller asks John for any info on H.A.A.R.P. and weather
modification weapons. Later in the hour, a caller asks John about scaler
weapons and also his thoughts on Tom Beardon. John continues throughout
the rest of the program and Art asks him his opinion on an exit plan in
7/06/99 Tue/Wed
1st hour.... Jeff Rense joins Art in the first hour to discuss the DJO,
RAMS mess and Jeff's involvement and take on the situation. Jeff talks
about the private investigator that dug up info in Monterey, his having
RAMS on his program and the settlement attempts with DJO.
Jeff praises Art's stamina and patience and the dignity he has shown in
dealing with situation.
2nd hour.... Steve Simon, the producer of two of Art's favorite movies,
joins Art in this hour. They discuss the movies, Somewhere in Time and
What Dreams May Come, the inceptions, the development and the success of
3rd hour... Steve talks about the different religious denominations and
what their interpretations of what heaven and hell is as it relates to
what he did in the movie, What Dreams May Come. Steve talks about the
"Somewhere in Time" weekend that is held every October at the hotel used
in the movie and his decision to attend this year.
4th hour.... Steve and Art talk about the alternate endings made for 'What
Dreams May Come'. Phone calls are taken this hour. Art and Steve talk
about the different facets of movie production inbetween calls.
5th hour.... Art asks Steve if he plans to do a direct to video sequel of
'Somewhere in Time' as hinted on the internet. Steve says he has
approached Universal but they are not interested. Phone calls continue
throughout the last hour.
7/01/99 Thu/Fri
House.... The House voted yesterday to give consumers the right to block
banks from sharing personal data.
Congress.... Congress endorsed legislation to shield businesses against
y2k related lawsuits.
Cable car.... The cable car that crashed in France that killed 20 had just
been inspected for safety and passed.
Limbaugh.... Art talks about Rush Limbaugh's rampage on the President
about the exaggerated number of Serbs killed that initiated the bombing in
the first place. Limbaugh said the lying was all for the sake of Clinton's
place in history.
Pakistan.... Pakistan is saying they would use nuclear weapons if a full
scale war broke out. Soldiers are being sent to the shores of Cashmere,
more than 700,000 soldiers have been amassed. Art says this means
something is about to happen with those kinds of numbers.
Squirrels.... Squirrels riddled with crusty brown tumors have been
reported in 8 Florida counties.
Red Cross.... The American Red Cross is warning that a new class of
weather and population growth are likely to reach unprecedented havoc over
the planet over the coming months. What does a new class of weather mean
to you, asks Art.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Gerard Fox, Art's attorney joins Art to update us on the
pending lawsuit and the recent serving of Robert AM Stephens and
settlements talks with David John Oates.
3rd hour.... Steven Bassett, a UFO lobbyist, joins Art in this hour. The
discussion begins with the Phoenix lights and Frances Barwood. Later in
the hour Steven talks about the problems and smear campaigns that can
occur to people involved within the paranormal realm and those who strive
to bring attention to this issue. Steven talks about the 5 people that
have suffered heart problems in the last year.
4th hour.... Steven talks about Carl Sagan and how, shortly before his
death, he started to hedge about earlier concrete statements he had made
in the past. Phone calls are taken in this hour.
5th hour.... Calls continue throughout this hour. A caller asks about the
enhanced photographs from Roswell. Another caller asks why taxpayers
couldn't join together to start some sort of campaign to help the