ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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Classified alien contact project revealed by Art Bell guest. Amazing story.
07/31/02 - Wed/Thu
Host: George Noory
Guest: Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan is a UFO researcher and author, "UFO and the National Security State".
Book: UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup 1941 - 1973
Website: www.keyholepublishing.com
Guest: Lynne McTaggart
McTaggart, an investigative journalist, describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian science with quantum physics and, most importantly, science with religion. At issue is the zero point field, the so-called "dead space" of microscopic vibrations in outer space as well as within and between physical objects on earth.
Book: The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
Website: www.thefieldonline.com
07/30/02 - Tue/Wed
Host: George Noory
Guest: Dr. Randall L Eaton
First hour update on Springer and on the beached pilot whales off Cape Cod.
For 20 years, from 1976 to 1996, Dr. Randy Eaton studied orca whales in the Pacific Northwest. His book examines the unique behavior of orcas and their exceptional relationship with humans across time and space. As president of the Orca Society, University of Washington, Dr. Eaton edited the popular science magazine, Orca: Marine Mammals and Humans. Dr. Eaton has held faculty positions in zoology, psychology and humanities at the University of Washington, the University of Georgia, Florida Atlantic University, etc.
Book: The Orca Project: A Meeting of Nations
EMail: reaton@eoni.com
Website: www.eoni.com/~reaton
Video: Sacred Hunt
Guest: Robert Bruce
Australian-based mystic and metaphysical researcher, Robert Bruce, has
actively explored astral projection, subtle realms, and the human
spiritual connection for over 25 years. Robert is the author of the
books, Astral Dynamics (A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience), and
Practical Psychic Self-Defense (understanding and surviving unseen
influences), and a coauthor of the book, Capturing The Aura. His
World Wide Web site offers a large amount of original material,
including many articles and tutorials relating to Robert's work and
Book: Astral Dynamics: A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience
Book: Practical Psychic Self Defense: Understanding and Surviving Useen Influences
Book: Capturing the Aura: Integrating Science, Technology and Metaphysics
Website: www.astraldynamics.com
07/29/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Michael Lynch Ph. D.
Para-Vision has lead the way in ghost and entity investigations for over six years.
Using the most advanced digital infrared video system, Para - Vision has video taped
hours of Entity Consciousness. In 1999 Para-Vision Research Labs sent a newly developed
video camera to the CVSMA for independent testing. This simple and easy to use
camera was designed for seeing NON-Biological Living Consciousness, which are
called Entities. Many call this type of Consciousness a Ghost. After a year of
outstanding research Para-Vision Labs sent a 6000x to CVSMA for independent
testing. Their conclusion, were beyond any expectation. The CVSMA has proven
time, and time again that the Entities that they are contacting, understand "Their
thoughts" and are responding to "Their commands".
Website: www.paranormalworld.com
Website: www.paravision.homestead.com
07/28/02 - Sun/Mon
Guest: Christopher Berg
Are you fascinated by mazes and labyrinths? Then you are not alone. For over 4,000
years, since before the ancient Greeks first began telling the mythical story of Theseus
and the Minotaur, the symbol of the maze-and what it signifies-has intrigued, inspired
and entertained humankind. Christopher Berg's mezmerizing maze artwork, which has
been compared to the drawings of M.C. Escher, is a modern twist on this ancient symbol.
Book: Amazeing Art: Wonders of the Ancient World
Website: www.amazeingart.com
07/27/02 - Sat/Sun
Guest: Benjamin Creme
British author and lecturer, has been traveling the globe, helping to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the Maitreya, "World Teacher".
from Maitreya the Christ
of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom
A Meditation for the New Age
Mission - Volume III
A Master
Website: www.shareintl.org
07/26/02 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Kathy Henley
Kathy Henley works at Puckett's Wrecker Service and saw the image on the
surveillance cameras in real time.
Related Info: Ghost Video and Articles
07/25/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Daniel J. Benor, M.D.
Dr. Daniel J. Benor is a practicing wholistic psychiatrist. As author of the
Healing Research series, he is an internationally recognized authority on the
scientific study of spiritual healing. He is a Founding Diplomat of the American
Board of Holistic Medicine and on the advisory board of the journals, Alternative
Therapies in Health and Medicine, Subtle Energies (ISSSEEM), and Frontier
Sciences. He is on the Board of Directors of ISSSEEM, a member of the Advisory
Council of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy (ACEP),
and on the Advisory Board of the Research Council for Complementary
Medicine (UK). Daniel is the editor and publisher of the newly launched
International Journal of Healing and Caring - On Line.
Website: www.wholistichealingresearch.com
Website: www.ijhc.org
07/24/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
First Hour Update of NASA Events
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Guest: J. Marvin Herndon
Herndon has researched the feasibility of a nuclear fission reactor at the center
of the Earth as the energy source for the geomagnetic field and described a
natural mechanism that would lead to variations in energy production and thus
variations in the geomagnetic field.
Website: nuclearplanet.com
07/23/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Dr. Gregory Little
When it was given over 70 years ago in his psychic readings, Edgar Cayce's ancient history of North and South America was considered to be impossible. Virtually everything he said was completely opposed to the archaeological belief at the time. Recent discoveries in archaeology and genetics has, astonishingly, completely supported Cayce's entire story. The existence of now-lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Atlantis and Mu/Lemuria) are better explanations for scientific findings than are the current scientific findings.
Book: Ancient South America: Recent Evidence Supporting Edgar Cayce's Story of Atlantis and Mu (due for release August 15 with the A.R.E.'s annual Ancient Civilizations Conference)
Book: Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America
Book: Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual Ufo Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancietn Ritual Sites, & Other
Book: People of the Web
Website: www.edgarcayce.org/am
07/22/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Philip Plait, Ph.D.
Dr. Plait works in the physics and astronomy department at Sonoma State
University in California. He maintains the Web site badastronomy.com and
writes monthly articles on astronomy for the German newspaper Die
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. His work has appeared in the Encyclopedia
Britannica Yearbook of Science and the Future and Astronomy magazine.
He also writes a monthly column for astronomy.com.
Book: Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing "Hoax"
Website: www.badastronomy.com
07/21/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Paul Young
Was Fidel Castro an extra in a Hollywood movie? Did Hitchcock ask Grace Kelly to do a strip tease in her window? Do murder rates go up when the Santa Ana winds arrive? These and other rumors are explained and dispelled (or verified) in "L.A. Exposed: Strange Myths and Curious Legends in the City of Angels". Paul Young researched dozens of persistent urban myths and scandals surrounding the celebrities, landmarks, natural history, politicians and criminals of Los Angeles.
Book: L.A. Exposed: Strange Myths and Curious Legends in the City of Angels
07/20/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Steve Alten
Terrorism. Acts of Oppression. The threat of nuclear war. What if one madman aboard a vessel could end these fears forever? "Goliath", the latest thriller penned by New York Times best-selling author Steve Alten, is about a victim of terrorism, Simon Covah, who steals the Goliath, a futuristic nuclear stealth submarine. Covah intends to use the Goliath's nuclear arsenal to stop global oppression and terrorism.
Book: Goliath
Book: Domain
Book: Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror
Book: The Trench
Website: www.stevealten.com
07/19/02 - Fri/Sat
Host: George Noory
Guest: Robert R. Prechter Jr.
Robert Prechter is President of Elliott Wave International, is a forecasting firm servicing institutional and private investors around the world, providing long-term as well as intraday analysis on stock markets, currencies, interest rates, commodities, and social trends. Every month, he writes thoughtful market commentary in The Elliott Wave Theorist. Prechter attended Yale University on a full scholarship and graduated in 1971 with a degree in psychology. He began his career as a Technical Market Specialist with the Merrill Lynch Market Analysis Department in New York City.
Book: Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression
Website: www.elliottwave.com
Get Ready For The Rebounding Stock Market, Learn to Trade
07/18/02 - Thu/Fri
Host: George Noory
Guest: Loyd Auerbach
Loyd Auerbach is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations.
He is also President of the California Society for Psychical Study, and has
been one of the very few parapsychologists active in both psychical research
and mentalists and magicians' organizations. For over 22 years, he has been
investigating cases of reported paranormal phenomena.
Book: Mind over Matter
Book: Esp, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
Book: Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
Book: Reincarnation, Channeling and Possession: A Parapsychologist's Handbook
Website: www.mindreader.com
07/17/02 - Wed/Thu
Host: George Noory
Guest: Charlotte King, Biological Sensitive
Predicting earthquakes and other events by the pains in your body from the
earths changing magnetic field.ΚΚ
Website: www.viser.net/~charking/core.shtml
07/16/02 - Tue/Wed
Host: George Noory
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Update: NASA Update
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Guest: Stephan Schwartz
Stephan Schwartz, Research Associate, of Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research, is one of the world's experts on
the practical applications of remote viewing and other aspects of extraordinary
human functioning.
Book: The Secret Vaults of Time
Book: The Alexandria Project
Book: Mind Rover: Explorations with Remote Viewing
Book: Through Time and Space: The Science of Remote Viewing
CD & Tapes: 2050
Website: www.schwartzreport.net
Website: www.stephanaschwartz.com
07/15/02 - Mon/Tue
Host: George Noory
Guest: The Right Reverend Sean Manchester, O.S.G.
Sean Manchester, President & Founder of the Vampire Research Society, is Britains foremost vampire hunter.
Book: The Highgate Vampire
Book: From Satan To Christ
Book: The Vampire Hunters Handbook
Book: Carmel: A Vampire Tale
Website: www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk
07/14/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will report on vaccines; the risks, the benefits and the choices.
Plus, Dr Tenpenny has critical information to share on her smallpox research.
Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. is the Director and Founder of OsteoMed II, a clinic established
in Strongsville, Ohio in1996 to provide alternative, traditional and preventive medicine.
Website: nmaseminars.com
07/13/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Carol Bowman
Carol Bowman explains the newly discovered phenomenon of same-family
reincarnation-grandfathers returning as their own great-grandsons, uncles returning
as their own nieces, mothers switching places with their own daughters-and the most
astonishing cases where children who die tragically young return to the same mother
within a few years. Carol Bowman is the world's premiere spokesperson in the field of
children's past lives
Website: www.childpastlives.org
Book: Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child
Book: Return From Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family
07/12/02 - Fri/Sat
07/11/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Warren Faidley
Warren Faidley is a renowned photographer and full-time storm chaser. His
work has been exhibited in major publications including Life and National
Geographic. Warren has also appeared as an on air severe weather expert for
MSNBC and Fox News.
Book: Storm Chaser : In Pursuit of Untamed Skies
Book: Eye of the Storm : Chasing Storms With Warren Faidley
Book: Lightning (Nature in Action)
Website: www.stormchaser.com
07/10/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Linda Moulton Howe
Website: www.earthfiles.com
Guest: Douglas Mulhall
Douglas Mulhall describes the exponential changes that may be wrought by the
nanotechnology and robotic revolutions. Mulhall is a technology journalist
and sustainable development specialist with years of experience developing
adaptive technologies internationally. He has managed European scientific
institutes and built field research facilities from Asia to Latin America.
Many networks have broadcast his award-winning documentary films. He
co-founded a national television network in Eastern Europe.
Book: Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and
Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World
Website: www.ourmolecularfuture.com
07/09/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Gerald Celente
As the founder of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente is well
respected for his track record of picking business, consumer, political, and
economic trends before they come to pass. It is his job to see the future
and understand how the issues and events of today will determine the trends
of tomorrow.
Book: Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century
Book: What Zizi Gave Honeyboy: A True Story About Love, Wisdom, and the Soul of America
Website: www.trendsresearch.com
07/08/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: John Cogan
John Cogan, author of "The New Order of Man's History", is a graduate of the
University of Washington. He is a jet pilot, lawyer, businessman and
paleo-historian who researched many scientific disciplines in order to
assemble a concise, comprehensive history of humans on Earth.
Book: The New Order of Man's History
07/07/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Margaret Morris
Margaret Morris has been involved with research on the Egyptian pyramids
since 1984, when she started her historical research at the Institute For
Applied Archaeological Sciences.
Book: The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery is Solved!
Website: www.margaretmorrisbooks.com/index.html
07/06/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Bill Millstead
For over 200 years treasure seekers have been searching for the Oak Island
buried treasure off the coast of Nova Scotia. Speculation of what the
treasure might be ranges from Captain Kidd's treasure; a communal bank built
by pirates; the hiding place for the treasure plundered by Sir Francis Drake
from Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean; writings by Francis
Bacon that would prove it was he that wrote Shakespeare's plays; Marie
Antoinette's jewels; the lost treasure of Tumbez, Peru; and others. Bill is
a 51 yr old business manager that has followed events on the island for over
30 years....more actively since 1988 when he made an investment in Oak
Island Exploration Co.
Website: www.oakislandtreasure.com
07/05/02 - Fri/Sat
Guest: John Chambers, Director, New Paradigm Books
Book: Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine
Website: www.newpara.com
07/04/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Rebroadcast of Art's interview with Donna Good Higbee on 05/23/02.
In 1994, Donna Good Higbee began an investigation into HSII (human
spontaneous involuntary invisibility). In every HSII case she has
researched, the person is physically still present, although unable to be
seen or heard. From the point of view of the invisible person, the world
looks normal and they have no idea that they cannot be seen or heard by
people around them. Donna continues to receive reports of human spontaneous
involuntary invisibility.
Website: members.aol.com/Rapunz1/DH_index.html
07/03/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Brendan Cook & Barbara McBeath
Ghost Investigators Society, with actual recorded voices of ghosts.
Website: www.ghostpix.com
07/02/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Candice DeLong
For twenty years, Candice DeLong was on the front lines of some of the FBI's
most memorable and gripping cases. Some have called her a real-life Clarice
Starling and a female Donnie Brasco. She has tailed terrorists, gone
undercover as a gangster's moll, and was one of the agents chosen to carry
out the manhunt for the Unabomber in Montana. For the first time, she
reveals the dangers and rewards of her career as a field profiler in the
Book: Special Agent: My Life On The Front Lines As A Woman In The FBI
Related News: Body From River Identified as Missing Harvard Biologist
Related News: FBI Searches the Home of a Former Fort Detrick Researcher
07/01/02 - Mon/Tue
Host: Art Bell Returns LIVE
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Update on NASA Conference Call
Guest: Ramon E. Lopez
We are now in the midst of a solar maximum, the effects of which are
expected to be felt all the way through the year 2004. Dr. Lopez, co-author
of Storms from the Sun, explores the emerging physical science of space
weather and traces its increasing impact on a society that relies on
space-based technologies. Ramon E. Lopez is the C. Sharp Cook Distinguished
Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at El
Paso. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from the University of
Illinois, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Space Physics from Rice
Related Story: Japanese Mars Probe Damaged by Solar Flares
Book: Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather
Website: www.stormsfromthesun.net
Website: aurora.physics.utep.edu/rlopez/