ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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6/30/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Richard Hoagland joins Art in the first hour with updates on
the Miami Circle, the activity on the sun and what the comet may have to
do with that. Richard says when Comet Lee crossed the ecliptic all hell
broke loose and the sun spot count jumped up significantly.
2nd hour.... Art reads a report from Caltech about rogue planets without a
sun that are warm and moist enough to sustain life.
Neil Slade joins Art this hour. Art asks Neil to tell us of his experience
with T.D. Lingo. After the break, Neil gives a summary on energy that
flows through the human brain and how you can externalize it. Reptilian
behavior is discussed late in the hour.
3rd hour.... Art reads a report from Rueters about Russian bombers flying
within striking distance of the U.S. last week. Neil talks about the
switches in our brains that we can turn on to direct our energy away from
me, me, me and out into the universe. After the bottom of the hour break,
Neil tells us how stimulate the parts of the brain that controls pleasure.
4th/5th hour... Phone calls are taken in the last two hours with the first
caller asking about the one hour orgasm. Art asks Neil if people who annoy
him could be those in reptilian behavior while he isn't or vise versa.
A caller asks Neil about mind over matter in that could he shape a piece
of marble in his hand with powers of the brain.
6/29/99 Tue/Wed
Art begins by discussing his current legal situation and recent
Art reads an email from Gordon Michael Scallion about a magnetic pole
Stan Deyo joins Art in the first hour to discuss the
recent activity on
the sun. Stan talks about s shaped objects, a new discovery, which is a
precursor to coronal mass ejections.
After the bottom of the hour break, Stan relates worse case scenarios
resulting from the suns activity.
2nd hour.... Art asks Stan about Comet Lee and the fact that it just
passed by it's closet point to the sun. After the break, Gene Meyers joins
Art and begins by telling us about the inception of the Space Island
3rd hour.... Gene explains that the external fuel tanks from shuttles are
tied together in space to create a space island. Art asks Gene to explain
the design. After the break, Art and Gene talk about when Space Island
would be realistically open for business and what would a typical trip
entail as far as activities and cost.
4th hour... Phone calls are taken for Gene this hour with one caller
suggesting an alternate method of getting people to the Space Island. Gene
tells us they plan to have the Space Island orbiting the Earth and the
moon by 2010.
5th hour.... Art reads some questions from listeners for Gene before
continuing with phone calls. Different types of launch vehicles are
discussed, the possibility of going to Mars and space walks from the Space
Island and the possible dangers.
6/28/99 Mon/Tue
1st hour.... Hilly talks about Uncle Sam now knowing everything about you.
He recaps an
article from the Washington Post about a new data monitoring system
tracking working adults to help in finding deliquent parents. Hilly talks
about a program on The Learning Channel called 50 years of UFOs, a story
in USA Today about Y2K, and an email he received warning him about
September 9, 1999 and it being a date that will interrupt computers.
Hilly recaps the disasters of last year according to the Red Cross, who
predicts next year will be worse.
Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour....Hilly's guest tonight is Michael Hesemann. Hilly calls him the
foremost ufologist in all of Europe. Hilly asks Michael if we are actually
getting close to the day when we will have proof of alien existence. Hilly
asks Michael if he feels the governments in Germany and Holland, etc. hide
the truth like we believe ours does. Later in the hour, Hilly and Michael
touch on the Billy Meijer story and his contact with the Palaedians.
3rd hour.... Hilly asks Michael to elaborate on the Palaedians as they
continue to discuss Billy Meijer this hour. Phone calls are taken later in
the hour.
4th/5th hour.... Hilly and Michael continue to develop the case of Billy
Meijer and his abduction. Billy's son calls in at the top of the
hour. Michael asks Billy's son a few questions about statements his mother
made on the Fox special. Phone calls continue.
6/25/99 Fri/Sat
Mike Murphy is the host tonight with guest Michael Lindemann, a planetary
scientist, who begins by telling us how he got involved in this area of
study. Michael tells us his answer to the oft asked question, "You don't
really believe in this stuff, do you?" Late in the hour, Michael talks
about Frances Barwood and sightings in Phoenix.
2nd hour.... At the top of the hour, Michael tells us he calls himself a
futurist. Phone calls are taken in this hour. Michael explains to a caller
a law passed long ago, and since repealed, about ET contact.
Michael talks about Edgar Mitchell, from the Apollo 14 mission.
3rd/4th hour.... Calls continue. Alien civilizations are
discussed, cigar shaped UFOs and balls of light. Michael talks about UFO
sightings in Brazil and how that is a very active area.
5th hour... Mike asks Michael if he would go away with aliens if they
asked him. Phone calls continue with callers relating sightings asking
Michaels opinions on such.
6/24/99 Thu/Fri
Bids.... Art discussess the domain name auction currently being held on the
site. See home page headline.
Drudge.... Art reads a section of the Drudge report about a high flying
cloud made of ice crystals hovering over Colorado.
Guest.... Peter Davenport joins Art in the first hour. Right away Art asks
Peter if he would indeed divulge the names of the eyewitnessess Peter
Gersten is interested in talking to. Peter has new info on sightings in
Kentucky and Idaho last Saturday night. An eyewitness joins Art and Peter
to describe her sighting. After the break, a pilot describes his sighting
in Idaho the same weekend.
2nd hour.... Roy Tucker joins Art to discuss near earth asteroids. Art asks
Roy how he finds these asteroids using a telescope. Roy talks about the
naming procedure of asteroids. Art asks Roy why the media always tells us
about near misses the day after it happened.
3rd hour.... Roy goes over the asteroid population, sizes and numbers. Art
asks Roy about suns and stars and the stability of our sun. Roy talks about
the possibility of water on Mars.
4th/5th hour.... Art and Roy discuss the objects found by David Tolan and
then take questions from the listening audience.
6/23/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Art reads an email from a listener asking about an outbreak of
hives and if it could be related to chemtrails.
Volcano.... People are fleeing from the base of an active volcano in the
Mazarat.... A carribean Island is confounding scientists because it's
volcano is still producing flows of mud and lava after an eruption 2 years
ago. Art is not surprised.
Telescope... A telescope on a mountain in California is being upgraded to
detect asteroids that could threaten Earth . Art mentions a study he read
recently that says a person is as likely to be killed by an asteroid as a
Pilots.... Art reads an email from a professional pilot telling Art that
many pilots see UFOs but are asked to keep it to themselves. He also
describes what a normal contrail should look like.
Glaciers.... All 15,000 glaciers in the Himalayans are melting at an
alarming rate and could cause floods within the next 40 years followed by
water shortages.
Cloud.... There were reports of a large cloud of pollution, the size of the
continental United States, hovering over the Indian ocean.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the 1st hour.
2nd hour.... Marcia Shafer, an intergalactic anthropologist, joins Art. She
begins by describing her first 'contact'. She says she has been having
visits since before she could even talk. Art asks Marcia about the Travis
Waltons of the world, and cases of real physical abductions in contrast to
what she is talking about.
3rd hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener questioning Marcia's
description of her contact. Marcia describes her contact with the reptilian
species. Later in the hour, Art asks Marcia if she has heard of the
Stockholm Syndrome and whether it applies to her. Art asks if she thinks
she is being lied to by these visitors. Marcia says these species
understand the human ego very well and use it to their advantage.
4th hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour. The first caller talks
about personal credibility and asks Art what guidelines he uses to judge
his guests' credibility. Art tells us his skepticism of channelers. Later
in the hour, a caller asks Marcia her opinion on the callers experiences
and whether she feels they are visitations.
5th hour.... After Marcia departs, Art holds open lines for the remainder
of the program.
6/22/99 Tue/Wed
1st hour.... Peter Gersten joins Art in the first hour. Peter asks Arts
counsel about the lawsuit he has filed in Arizona against the Department
of Defense regarding the sightings of Black Triangles. Peter asks Art if
he thinks Peter Davenport would divulge the name of the eyewitnessess he
has who he promised anonymity to. Art says Peter Davenport would probably
go to jail before he divulged that.
2nd hour.... Ed Dames joins Art in the second hour. He begins with his
Remote Viewing 101 explanation for new listeners. Ed talks about the
case when he attempted to remote view Art's leave of absence back in
October. He tells us of this protection mechanism that kicks in when he
attempts to see into personal lives which he calls angelic intervention.
Later in the hour Art asks Ed about the workings of the Bob Bigelow
foundation and it's investigations into UFO activity. Ed says there is a
hot bed of activity out there. Art asks him not reveal that place if he
3rd hour.... Ed talks about what we really want in regards to aliens,
saying contact is the number one desire. Art doesn't think we are ready
for this. Ed tells us what bait should be used to elicit contact.
4th hour.... A caller, John Alexander, gives more info on the 'hot spot'.
John works for NIDS, which is financed largely by Bob Bigelow. He tells of
women and children who have left the area due to perceived danger.
Art asks Ed about the activities of the sun and how Ed previously said to
forget Y2K cause there will be a kill shot from the sun. Later in the hour
Ed talks about the pathogen.
5th hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour with Ed and Art.
6/21/99 Mon/Tue
Poll.... Hilly tells us of a CNN poll that says 91% of the public polled
have not had any alien contact.
Yeltsin.... Russian President Yeltsin is trying to repair trade relations
with the U.S. Yesterday he gave Clinton a file of recently declassified
Russian documents on the Kennedy assassination.
NASA.... NASA is launching a space telescope Wednesday for an
archeological expedition to study the big bang.
LA.... Hilly relates a story about a new sheriff in LA who has a plan for
celebrities to have permits for carrying guns.
20/20.... Hilly talks about tonights episode of 20/20 with Charles Van
Damme and the skeptics who tried to debunk his channeling abilities.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Constance Clear joins Hilly to discuss alien abductions.
Hilly will only take call from abductees during tonights program.
Constance begins by telling us how she was inspired to begin this study by
Whitley Strieber.
3rd hour.... Constance tells us about monthly meetings she holds for
abductees to meet and talk about their experiences. Calls are taken later
in the hour.
4th hour.... Constance talks about physical marks and scars on abductees
that are unexplainable. More calls with listeners relating their personal
experiences this hour and next.
6/18/99 Fri/Sat
Marines..... Hilly recaps the news story of a 20 year old Marine was
sentenced to 30 days in jail for refusing to follow an order, the one to
take the anthrax vaccine.
Einstein.... Hilly talks about Einstein's brain, the dimensions and how
they could have determined his intelligence. Researchers believe he had
more neurons.
Britian.... Hilly tells us the forecast for Britian for the next 100 years.
Killer heat waves, disasterous floods and invasions of disease carrying
insects are predicted by researchers.
Gun.... Hilly talks about the Gun bill in the Senate.
Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Stephen Mehler joins Hilly to discuss Egypt, crystal skulls
and UFOlogy. Stephen begins by telling us of experiences he had early in
life that directed him towards the studies he does now.
3rd hour.... Stephen discusses the ancient Hebrews and other ancient
civilizations and tribes he talks of the Exodus and how the modern Jew got
his name. Later in the hour, Stephens talks about the 5 crystal skulls he
has investigated.
4th hour.... Phone calls are taken in this hour for Stephen. Hilly asks
Stephen about the Sphinx and the tunnels leading away and the fact that
Stephen feels the erosion found there is from water not sand.
5th hour.... In this hour the discussion turns to astrology and Stephen
tells us he uses astrology as a tool to help work with whatever forces he
is trying to deal with. Later in the hour, a caller asks Stephen about
Comet Lee and the Nostradamus prophecy.
6/17/99 Thu/Fri
1st hour... Art reads a story about a cell used from a man's leg and a
cow's egg to clone a human. The scientist involved joins Art this hour
for an interview. Her name is Brigiette Boisselier and she is the director
of Clone Aid. Art asks Brigiette if one had a heart attack at age 60,
would the clone also? Brigiette talks about the possibility of
2nd hour... Brigiette and Art discuss why we, as humans, have such a short
shelf life. Phone calls are taken later in the hour with evolution being
the main topic.
3rd hour.... Richard Hoagland joins Art this hour to recap the Miami Circle
discovery and ensuing events. Richard talks about a benefit being held on
Sunday to raise money for the preservation of the circle. He tells us that
a trial will actually take place to determine how much the developer, who
has to give up his project, will receive as compensation.
4th hour.... Richard and Art talk about Richard's health and his continuing
recuperation. They talk about Keith and his condition. The attacks
against Art and Keith are discussed as Art tells Richard that the person
doing these attacks says he is doing so on behalf of NASA and asks
Richard's opinion on this.
Later in the hour, Richard talks about the Millenium Group and Comet Lee.
Richard continues throughout the rest of the program.
6/16/99 Wed/Thu
1st hour.... Terrence McKenna joins Art in the first hour, the first time
since his recent treatment for a brain tumor. Art asks Terrence how he
feels about the great experiment Art's audience participated in to send him
energy etc. He said he could feel the energy when it was happening.
2nd hour.... Art fills us in on Keith's condition before his guests.
Tonight Art will discuss the new comet, Lee with Stewart Best, a former
commercial airline pilot who has some thoughts on what the comet may mean
prophetically. Also, Gary Goodwin and Earl Crockett from the Millenium
Group will join Art to dicuss this comet. Art says he also has something
from NASA.
3rd hour.... NASA says the comet will not even come close to Earth, let
alone hit it. Art asks Gary and Earl for a rebuttal to NASA's statement,
and they say the next few days will be crucial fact gathering days. On the
21st of June, the comet will go behind the sun and will not be able to be
seen. After the bottom of the hour, Stewart begins the prophetic part of
the discussion and what Nostradamus has said about this comet.
4th hour.... Stewart reads some prohecies from Mother Shipton and
Nostradamus as requested by a caller. Phone calls are taken this hour. Art
asks Stewart about the Third Secret of Fatima.
5th hour.... Phone calls continue throughout the rest of the program, with
one caller asking Stewart to cite prophecies Nostradamus was wrong about.
6/15/99 Tue/Wed
Keith.... Art expresses his concern about Keith being in a hospital
tonight with a heart arythmia problem.
Quake.... Central Mexico had an earthquake that killed twelve.
Albanians.... The ethnic Albanians are on their way back to Kosovo.
Korea.... South Korea sank a North Korean ship Tuesday during a battle at
CAUS.... Peter Gersten's CAUS did a report on a new comet. Art reads this
report which says there is a one in 10 million chance that it would hit the
Earth in 2046.
Open Lines... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Colm Kelleher joins Art in the second hour. He is a staff
member of the National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS). He had a hand
in the roper survey about the peoples reaction to an alien landing. Art
begins by having Colm review the original Brookings report and what its
purpose was.
3rd hour.... Art asks Colm what he thinks the media's influence has been on
the answers in the survey.
After the bottom of the hour break, Art and Colm outline field
investigations Colm has been involved in
concerning animal mutilations.
4th hour.... The discusssion about experiments being conducted in the
Southwest continues. Art asks Colm about an experiment Bob Bigelow
mentioned to Art about video cameras mounted to look at
each other and what that purpose was. Later in the hour Colm talks about
trying to simulate what animals actually see. Art asks Colm what his cats
are seeing when they act like something is there that Art cannot see.
5th hour.... Phone calls are taken for Colm this hour.
6/14/99 Mon/Tue
Kosovo... Hilly wonders if the Chinese will now send troops to Kosovo
since the Russians are there.
Ruling.... Hilly talks about the ruling handed down by the Judge presiding
over the 5 marines being court martialed for refusing the anthrax vaccine.
Toot Toot.... Hilly toots his own horn and tells us he will be on a show
Saturday night, the number one program in Canada called the X Zone radio
BBC.... According to the BBC, astronomers have discovered the most distant
galaxy yet found. It was detected because it gives off radio waves.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour... Lady Ambermaeve joins Hilly to discuss the Wiccans,
witchcraft, and Army involvement. Hilly says according to a survey,
witchcraft is the number one interest of teenage girls. The discussion
begins by Hilly asking Lady to explain the term witch.
3rd hour.... Lady discusses her title and the Wiccans being a religion and
the origin of such. Later in the hour Hilly asks Lady to define the
4th hour.... Hilly asks Lady how Wiccans feel about extra-terrestrial
life. Hilly refers to a article in the Washington Post and asks Lady her
opinions on the accuracy of the data. Phone calls are taken this hour.
5th hour.... Hilly asks Lady what a pagan religion is, since she claims
that is what Wiccans are. Phone calls are taken with one caller asking
Lady if she believes Jesus Christ existed and if so what was he.
6/11/99 Fri/Sat
Mike Murphy, from a radio station in Kansas City, guest hosts tonight.
After a short monologue, Mike introduces Mark Davenport as his guest
tonight. They discuss Whitley Strieber and his book Communion and the
ensuing movie, Y2K, the rain forest, meteorites and Mars.
After the break, Mark and Mike discuss the numerous books out on UFO's,
aliens and related subjects.
Mark tells us his theory on ETs.
2nd hour.... Mark talks about what other intelligent races would think
about us . Later in the hour Mark tells a story about batteries being found
thousands of years ago. They also talk about an expedition going to the
Congos. Phone calls are taken.
3rd hour.... Mark and Mike talk about Elvis and his interest in UFOs and a
new book coming out about him. They also discuss Mark's wifes' abduction
experience. Later in the hour, phone calls continue.
4th hour.... Mark and Mike discuss earth crossing asteroids. Later, a
caller asks Mark how you can get invited onto a spaceship. The discussion
turns to the passages in the bible that refers to alien visitations.
5th hour.... Mark tells us his hypothesis about the greys being seen 80% of
the time in the United States, but only 20% of the time in other countries.
A caller asks Mark why the government hasn't informed us of visitations if
they have indeed occured. Phone calls continue.
6/10/99 Thu/Fri
War.... They are saying the war is over, and the bombing halted. Art says
he hopes the war really is over but he is concerned with the ground troops
entering Kosovo. Also, we now have to pay for all the bridges we blew up
and for keeping the peace keeping troops there for years to come. This is
basically the news for the night.
Ghost Stories.... Tonight is a caller driven program with only ghost
stories. Art has many stories faxed or emailed to him which he reads
inbetween callers. See Our Ghosts Page for photos submitted during the show also.
6/09/99 Wed/Thu
NATO.... NATO ambassadors approve peace deal, Art says the Serbs are
hightailing it out of town and we are going to send in ground troops. Art
is concerned that they are not really serious about this peace and would
hate to see things go sour with all our troops on the ground.
1st hour.... Peter Davenport joins Art for an update. About one half hour
before air time
Peter got a sighting report from a couple in Las Vegas. Also, Peter plays
an audio clip from a dramatic sighting report from Kernard (sp) Nebraska
that came in just a few hours prior to the Vegas report. Art asks Peter
about Bob Bigelow's new survey about people's belief that the government
would not tell the public of alien evidence. Peter relates another report
from a couple who witnessed between 25 and 32 UFOs outside a casino in Las
Vegas back in April of this year.
2nd hour.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art and begins with an audio clip of
an eyewitness to a crop circle being formed in Holland. After the break,
Art reads a message from a listener about contrails in New Hampshire and
alleged resulting rashes. Linda comments on this as well as reporting some
other news on the subject of bioterrorists.
3rd hour.... Chuck Warren joins Art and Linda this hour to continue
discussing chemtrails and photos posted on Chuck's website. Phone calls
are taken later in the hour for Art, Linda and Chuck.
4th hour.... Art reads a fax from a listener who is acquainted with someone
who had a sample of contrail debris analyzed at a lab and found it to be a
biohazard. Also the listener asks if the chemtrails could be related to
the anthrax vaccinations and some sort of mass innoculation. Linda
comments on this and elaborates on the anthrax topic. After the break, Art
reads a roper survey conducted on influencial people dealing with their
views on extra-terrestrials and UFO's. Phone calls continue through this
hour and the last with Art and Linda.
6/08/99 Tue/Wed
Photo.... Art talks about a photo which is posted under News/Headlines.
Brookings.... Art talks about an old sponsor of his, Bob Bigelow, who is
looking to disperse funds he has into the UFO research realm. Art suggested
he go back to the Brookings report. Art reads an article about a poll
taken asking people how they would react if evidence of alien life was
TIME.... There is a big ruckus going on at Time magazine over the most
influencial soul of the Century. Is it Hitler or Jesus.
Song.... Before the bottom of the hour break, Art plays a Y2K song.
Marconi.... Art has once again been nominated for the highest award in
radio, a Marconi.
Sun.... Art reads a report from the BBC saying there was a tremendous
explosion on the surface of the sun last Tuesday. Art reminds us of what Ed
Dames said.
Open Lines.... Open Lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour....Alan Mesher joins Art this hour. He has written a book called
"the T Zone" and he says the world has entered a prolonged dark period.
Art begins by asking Alan what he meant by the 500 year cycle we are in.
Later in the hour, Alan and Art talk about reincarnation.
3rd hour.... Art and Alan talk about redirecting energy and Art asks Alan
about Terrance McKenna and whether this would be the kind of case Alan,
being a healer, would take on. After the bottom of the hour, Art opens the
phone lines. Art asks Alan if his power is related at all to remote
4th hour.... Art asks Alan questions faxed in from listeners. Phone calls
continue. Art tells us that the world is accelerating toward a change, but
it won't be the end of the world. Art tells us his 'little red light'
analogy. This is the last hour for Alan.
5th hour.... Open lines for the remainder of the show.
6/07/99 Mon/Tue
Marines.... Hilly had planned to have a spokes person from The U.S. Marines
on in the first hour to discuss the anthrax vaccine and the 5 marines
being court martial, but he was a no show.
Open Lines this hour.
The topic in the second hour is depression medication and our children
with guest Ann Blake Tracy. She is working with the family of Phil
Hartman, whose wife was on Zoloft.
3rd hour.... Hilly asks Anne about the political aspects of these
medications and vast amount of money being made of these drugs. Phone
calls are taken in this hour. After the bottom of the hour break, Hilly
and Anne discuss the drug Ritalin. Anne says Utah is the Ritalin and
Prozac capital of the Nation and crime is rampant.
4th hour.... Hilly and Anne talk of situational depression, and
medications being wrongly prescribed for this type of depression. Phone
calls continue. Anne talks about medical conditions that do produce
Last Hour.... Hilly asks Anne if she attributes the teenage suicide rate
rising to these drugs. Later in the hour the discussion turns toward
sexual dysfunction resulting from these medication.
6/04/99 Fri/Sat
Hilly Rose is the host tonight. In the first hour he talks with the Mayor
of Taylorsville, a suburb of Salt Lake City. They will discuss the invasion
of sewage falling from the skies in that city since April of this year.
The Mayor tells us she spoke with the FAA who told her airplanes could not
malfunction and dump sewage while in flight. The sewage has been tested and
it is fecal matter, and though they don't know for sure, they assume it is
human waste. After the bottom of the hour break, Hilly reads some email
from listeners with their theories on this subject. Open lines finishes
out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Mark Bean, who the U.S. Air Force says is a brillant mad
scientist, joins Hilly in this hour to discuss Nikolas Tesla. Mark begins
by listing the many inventions by Tesla. His creating AC is the main topic
in this hour.
3rd hour.... Mark tells us of a device he is working on now to produce a
source of motion in a certain direction in disk form (flying saucer). Later
he tells us of an artifical intelligence he is working on that allows
computers to think and learn, which Mark says is alot like Hal in 2001.
4th hour.... Hilly and Mark talk a little about area 51, Bob Lazaar, and
some recent rumors. Phone calls are taking in this hour. Teslas' death is
5th hour.... Phone calls continue throughout this hour with Mark Bean. The
Philadelphia experiment is discussed. Mark tells us about his role in the
investigation of the mystery skull.
6/03/99 Thu/Fri
McKenna.... The gamma knife procedure done on Terrence McKenna Tuesday was
successful and 90% of his tumor has been removed. Art says we still have to
pray for him, and we may have to do another massive experiement.
Miosovic.... Apparently Milsovic has tentatively agreed to a peace pact,
but the bombs continue to fall. Art says the fat lady hasn't sung yet.
Hillary.... Hillary Clinton intends to form an exploratory committee
preparing for a senate race in New York next year.
Computer.... Art reads a story from the BBC telling us that a biological
computer has been born. Interconnected leach neurons can add. This
computer can grow and expand it's base of knowledge.
Shooting.... A man in Las Vegas entered a supermarket and opened fire and
killed 4 employees.
Fed.... The FED has stockpiled 200 billion dollars as a cushion in case of
a problem due to Y2K and citizens withdrawing money at the end of the year.
Art is impressed.
Green.... Art talks about the deal Wayne Green has made with the houseflies
in his home. Art reads a fax from a listener on this subject.
Ants.... Art reads a fax from a listener who works in south Florida who saw
a bunch of deformed ants in his place of employment. After the bottom of
the hour break he reads one from a listener who says he has failed to get
along with the mosquitoes in his garden. Art tells a joke before going to
open lines for the rest of the hour.
2nd hour.... Art has confirmation that the remains found in a van down a
deep gorge is indeed those of Phillip Kramer, the Iron Butterfly bass
player. No one knows if it was an accident or suicide. Art says this is a
bonk for Ed Dames regarding where Ed sais he would be found.
Guests.... Tricia McGill and Dr. Jeff Long join Art in this hour to discuss
near death experiences. These two guests are the ones who brought 'Sarah'
to the program to describe her NDE a while back, and they have more to say
about Sarah. Art begins by asking them about the message Art received from
someone in France about Tricia being asked to participate in a flatliners
experiment. After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Jeff about
Terrence McKenna's condition, and Tricia talks of Sarah and the past lives
Sarah has recalled.
3rd hour.... Tricia and Jeff bring on Karen, a high school teacher, to
describe her NDE for the audience.
4th hour.... Karen describes her experience while being on the other side.
Karen says she was not shown a hell, but it was conveyed to her that we
create our own hell on earth. Karen explains how she came back from 'the
other side'.
5th hour.... Art and Jeff talk about the possibility that these
experiences described by Sarah and Karen are manifestations of the brain.
Art reads some of the audience's reactions to Karen's experience. Phone
calls are taken to finish out the program
6/02/99 Wed/Thu
Clinton.... Clinton is ordering the Government to use less energy and cut
greenhouse gas emmissions by 30 %. Art is impressed
Hate.... Two prep school students were arrested for carving a hate message
into another students back. Art asks, ' what is the matter with people
Remains.... Remains found in the wreckage of a van that plunged down a
ravine, may be those of the, Iron Buttery bass player who disappeared in
February of 1995.
McKenna.... An update from Terrence's brother says he has had the gamma
treatment and is doing as well as can be expected.
Bees.... Killer bees have attacked a Mexican school and injured 40
Rueters.... The year 2000 could cause electrical outages, satellite
failures etc because of solar flares that are expected at that time. Art
says now we won't know what to blame, Y2K or solar flares.
Poll.... A poll shows that people are so frustrated with trying to solve
the earth's environmental problems that they are losing interest in even
doing so. Art wonders if this is the nature of the human animal.
MIR.... MIR is scheduled to be discarded early next year.
Pyramid.... The Great Pyramid in Egypt is going to reopen some time this
week. One of the things that was taken care of while closed was cleaning
off graffitti.
Email.... Art reads an email from a listener who tells of a guy who came to
his door doing an air quality poll and the listener asked if this had
anything to do with contrails.
Joke.... Art tells a joke after the bottom of the hour break.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Wayne Green joins Art in this hour. They begin by talking
about Wayne's experience on a submarine in WWII. After the bottom of the
hour break, Art reads a question from a listener to Wayne about the
concept of low power FM radio. Another fax from a listener asks Art to ask
Wayne how he can order something from Wayne when he doesn't answer his
email. Art and Wayne talk about Wayne's list of books you would be crazy
not to read which is posted on the front page.
3rd hour.... Art asks Wayne where we are going to be in another 15 years as
far as computers are concerned and whether it might put network tv out of
business. The subject of contrails is discussed.
Later in the hour, Art asks Wayne questions from faxers ranging from plants
to ham radios.
4th hour.... Art asks Wayne about Y2K and how the media has suddenly
stopped talking about it. Art asks Wayne about the ground troops and
Kosovo. Phone calls are taken for Wayne in this hour.
A caller asks Wayne to explain how anyone can influence a fly as he spoke
of in the 1st hour. Art and Wayne talk about the shooting at Columbine.
5th hour.... Art asks Wayne what he would do if the power goes out in New
Hampshire in January. Art and Wayne talk about what they had to do to keep
warm when they were children. Wayne tells us the dangers of using electric
blankets. A caller asks Wayne about microbroadcasting. Phone calls are
taken for the remainder of the program
6/01/99 Tue/Wed
1st hour .... A book signing for "The Source" with Brad Steiger has been
scheduled in Minatonka, Minnesota on Friday, June 4th at 7.00 p.m..
Update.... Peter Davenport joins Art in this hour with an update and some
audio clips received by his reporting center. The first clip came in just 6
days ago and the caller joins Art and Peter on the air to discuss what he
saw over Mercer Island near Seattle. After the bottom of the hour a clip
is played relating a sighting of a reflective disc shaped object near the
Memphis airport.
2nd hour.... Art tells the audience why he left the air back in October of
1998. Details are already posted, so I will not be typing it all here. His
reduced air time schedule is a result of these events.
Leir.... Dr. Roger Leir is hospitalized with heart problems. Art sends his
best wishes. Art thanks every one who participated in experiment #8 for
Terrence McKenna
Guest.... Ann Druffel, a UFO activist and author, joins Art after the
bottom of the hour break. Art begins by asking Ann her take on Roswell.
3rd hour.... The 3rd hour begins with discussion on what the governments
position is on UFO's and aliens. Later in the hour Art asks Ann about the
theory that genetic research is being done on us .
4th hour.... Ann talks about how you can avoid an abduction. Phone calls
are taken. Later in the hour, Art asks Ann if she would use her own
resistance techniques if she was being abducted, or if she would let
herself go.
5th hour.... At the top of the fifth hour, a caller describes her encounter
with 4 different types of aliens and how she warded them off. Ann talks of
references in the Koran about alien encounters. Calls are taken for the
rest of the program.