ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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5/31/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Dr. Morgan Spence
Website: www.shadowbeings.com
5/30/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Richard Perez
Editor of Home Power Magazine
Website: www.homepower.com
5/29/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Dr. Jacobs is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth
century American history and culture. Dr. Jacobs began researching the controversy over
UFOs in the mid 1960's, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and
analytical hypotheses on the subject.
Book: UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge
Book: The Threat
Book: Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
Website: www.ufoabduction.com
Topic Search: UFO Abductions
5/28/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: George Carlin (Holiday Repeat)
Guest: Harlot (Holiday Repeat)
5/27/01 - Sun/Mon
Guest: Shabari Bird (Holiday Repeat)
Book: Secrets of
the Soil: New Age Solutions for Restoring Our Planet
Book: The Secret
Life of Plants
Book: The
Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens: The True Story of the Efforts to
Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, Aids, and Other Immunol
Book: The
Divining Hand: The 500 Year-Old Mystery of Dowsing
Website: www.christopherbird.org
5/26/01 - Sat/Sun
Guest: Andrew Fraknoi (Holiday Repeat)
Book: Voyages through the Universe: The Sky, Light, and Planets
Book: Universe at Your Fingertips
Website: Astronomy at Foothill College
Website: Astronomical Society of the Pacific
5/25/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Website: Art By Kynthia
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Open Lines: Any Topic You Want!
5/24/01 - Thur/Fri
Guest: Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.
Dr. Kelleher, a staff member of the National Institute of Discovery Science, is a Research Scientist and Deputy Administrator where his responsibilities include overseeing NIDS research projects.
Website: The National Institute of Discovery Science
UFO Hotline:(702) 798-1700
Guest: Michio Kaku
Professor of theoretical physics
Book: Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
Book: Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
Book: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
Book: Introduction to Superstrings
Website: www.mkaku.org
Website: www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/
E-mail: mkaku@aol.com
5/23/01 - Wed/Thur
Guest: Raphaela Pope
Animal Communicator
Book: Wisdom of the Animals
Topic Search: Animal Communication
5/22/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Brian Walker
Man who will rocket himself into space!
Related Info: Project Photos from Brian Walker
Website: www.rocketguy.com
5/21/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Richard Hoagland and Peter Gersten
Website: NASA alleges new images of the "face on Mars"
Guest: Jeff Long, M.D.
Jeff Long, M.D. is an expert and leading researcher in near death
experience (NDE). He serves on the Board of Directors of IANDS
(International Association for Near Death Studies). His web
site is devoted to investigating NDE and searching for its truths. This web
site has more original contribution NDEs posted than any other web site in
the world. In addition to NDE, Dr. Long actively investigates related
phenomena with web sites devoted to the study of after death communication,
out of body experience and soul mate relationships.
Website: Near Death Experience Research Foundation
Website: After Death Experience Research Foundation
Website: Out of Body Experience Research Foundation
Website: SoulMate Relations Research Foundation
Topic Search: Near Death Experiences
5/20/01 - Sun/Mon
Guest: Elaine Mercado, R.N.
When Elaine Mercado and her first husband bought their home in Brooklyn,
NY., in 1982, they had no idea that they and their two daughters were
embarking on a 13-year nightmare. Grave's End is the true story of how one
family tried to adjust to living in a haunted house. It also tells how,
with the help of parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holzer and medium Marisa
Anderson, they discovered the identities of the ghosts and were able to
assist them to the "light." Elaine Mercado is a registered nurse, a CPR
instructor, and certified clinical hypnotherapist. She continues to live in
Gravesend with her husband, two daughters, and three pets.
Book: Grave's End: A True Ghost Story
Topic Search: Ghosts
5/19/01 - Sat/Sun
Guest: Dr. Eric Scott Pearl
As a doctor, Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12
years until one day in 1993 when patients began reporting that they felt his
hands on them even though he hadn't physically touched them. For the first
couple of months, his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon began seeing
angels and reporting miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related
diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and
other serious afflictions. All of this occurred when Dr. Pearl simply held
his hands near them...and, to this day, it continues. Based in Los Angeles,
Eric has elicited great interest from top medical researchers worldwide.
These include Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars Sinai, the V.A.
Hospital, University of Miami Medical School and the University of Arizona
(where he addressed physicians at the request of Dr. Andrew Weil and where
new research programs are currently underway). Internationally recognized
healer Eric Pearl, has appeared on THE OTHER SIDE, THE LEEZA SHOW, SALLY
and Dean Ornish) and various news programs across the country.
Book: The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself
Website: www.drericscottpearl.com
5/18/01 - Fri/Sat
5/17/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Harvey Wasserman
Book: The Last Energy War: The Battle over Utility Deregulation
Guest: Robert Bigelow
Space Cruises to the Moon
Website: www.bigelow-aerospace.com/
Website: www.accessnv.com/nids/
Topic Search: Moon Travel
5/16/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Paul Smith and Russell Targ
Targ is a physicist and author who was a pioneer in the development of
laser, and cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute's investigation
into psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.
Book: The Heart of the Mind: How to Know God Without Belief
Book: Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
Book: Mind Reach (Out of Print)
Website: www.espresearch.com
Website: 2001 Remote Viewing Conference
Website: International Remote Viewing Association
Website: Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc
Topic Search: Remote Viewing
5/15/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Bob Larson
Bob Larson is an expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena. He has lectured in more than seventy countries and has appeared on such television shows as Oprah, Donahue, Montel, Sally Jesse, Larry King Live, and Politically Incorrect.
Website: www.boblarson.org
Book: Shock Talk: The Exorcist Files
Book: Larsons Book of Spiritual Warfare
Book: In the Name of Satan
Book: Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth
Book: Larson's Book of Rock
Book: Larson's New Book of Cults
Topic Search: Exorcism
5/14/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Matthew Alper
Website: www.godpart.com
Book: The God Part of The Brain
5/13/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Dr. Elliot Katz
During the past 16 years, under Dr. Katz' direction, In Defense of Animals
has grown to be one of the nation's foremost animal advocacy organizations,
with 75,000 members, dedicated to ending institutionalized abuse of animals
by defending their rights, welfare and habitat. The group's many
accomplishments include: saving hundreds of dogs and cats by organizing
rescue operations following the Oakland/Berkeley firestorm, liberating 40
dolphins held captive off the coast of Japan, rescuing 180 beagles scheduled
for death in the dissection labs of the UC Davis veterinary school,
canceling cocaine addiction research on monkeys at New York University and
the bone-breaking experiments on retired racing greyhounds by the US Army.
IDA's efforts, at various times, have been detailed on the McNeil-Lehrer
Report, Nightline, Eye to Eye with Connie Chung and CNN News.
Website: www.idausa.org
Topic Search: Defense of Animals
5/12/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Lynda Dahl
Working for companies such as Apple Computer, Lynda Dahl ended her corporate
career as a vice president in the computer industry. She is listed in the
Who's Who Registry of Global Business Leaders. She now writes and lectures
extensively on consciousness and has appeared on numerous radio and
television programs. She is also the president and co-founder of Seth
Network International. In The Book of Fallacies, Dahl, with the help of her
daughter, actor Cathleen Kaelyn, has distilled what she has learned into a
primer, taking tired old beliefs-the "fallacies" that we assume to be the
facts of our existence-and offering in their place stunning new thoughts
that define reality.
Book: The Book of Fallacies : A Little Primer of New Thought
Book: Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life
Book: Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation Book: The Wizards of Consciousness: Making the Imponderable Practical
Topic Search: Lynda Dahl
5/11/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: David Livingston
Dr. David Livingston is a business consultant, financial advisor, and
strategic planner. For more than twenty-five years, he has worked in oil
and gas exploration, real estate development and sales, finance, marketing,
and direct advertising and sales. He currently specializes in solving
business problems for entrepreneurial operations, start-ups, and businesses
with ten or fewer employees, in addition to his writing lecturing, and
consulting on commercial space matters. His doctoral dissertation was titled Outer Space Commerce: Its
History and Prospects. Livingston has spoken or had his papers presented at
various international space conferences including Space 98 and Space 2000,
Mars Society conferences, The Lunar Development Conference, the IAA, and the
Cato Institute. His lecture topics including venture capital financing for
new space businesses, RLVs and space tourism, barriers to space enterprise,
as well as the exporting of business ethics from Earth to commercial space.
Website: General Public Space Travel and Tourism
E-mail: dmlivings@yahoo.com
Website: www.spacefuture.com
Topic Search: Space Tourism
5/10/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Mike Heiser
Mike Heiser is currently writing his Ph.D.
dissertation titled "Divine Beings
in Jewish Literature Written Between the Old and New
Testament Periods." He
is an expert on angels and divine beings in ancient
semitic texts.
Besides his formal academic training, Mike has had a
life-long interest in the paranormal, particularly the
UFO phenomenon. He is uniquely qualified to write on
the intersection of ufology with ancient texts and
mainstream western religions.
Book: The Facade
Website: www.facadenovel.com
Book: Bible Code Myth
Website: www.biblecodemyth.com
5/9/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Kent Walker
Book: Son of a Grifter: The Twisted Tale of Sante and Kenny Kimes, the Most Notorious Con Artists in America: A Memoir by the Other Son
5/8/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Neil Slade
Slade teaches people how to easily release their brain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases
in creativity, intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previously at the Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory he is also is well known for his Brain Music
which has appeared nationally and on PBS television. A musical composer, seasoned concert performer,
author, and artist. Slade was assistant to Brain and Behavior Researcher
T.D.A. Lingo, PhB, B.Sci. M.A., for 11 years at Colorado's Dormant Brain
Research and Development Laboratory.
Real Video: Fire Brain-Man (Hi Speed) (Lo Speed)
Related Info: Fire Brain-Man
Website: www.NeilSlade.com
Topic Search: Brain
5/7/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Dr. Patch Adams
Book: Gesundheit!: Bringing Good Health to You, the Medical System, and Society Through Physician Service, Complementary Therapies, Humor, and Joy
Book: House Calls: How We Can All Heal the World One Visit at a Time
Website: www.patchadams.org
5/6/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Gene Egidio
Internationally renowned spiritual healer Gene Egidio was a child when he
first discovered his gift - the ability to heal the sick just by touching
them. Frightened by this seemingly demonic talent, his parents sought
"treatment" for their son, including exorcisms and a year of electroshock
therapy. This brutality taught him to hide his God given gift. Years later,
a chance incident reawakened Gene's healing powers. Since then, he's shared
his abilities with the world, astounding everyone who has witnessed his
incredible curative powers - including many doctors!
Website: www.egidio.org
Book: Whose Hands Are These? A Gifted Healer's Miraculous True Story
Audio Cassette: Healing Meditations
Topic Search: Spiritual Healing
5/5/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Evelyn Fuqua
Evelyn Fuqua holds a B.A. in Psychology from Agnes Scott College, an M.A. in
Counseling from California State University Sacramento, and a Ph.D. in
Psychology from the Professional School of Psychology. She was a teacher,
resource specialist and counselor in the public schools. She served on the
Board of Directors of the Association of Past Life Research and Therapies
and as State Relations Chairman for the California State Counselors
Book: FROM SIRIUS TO EARTH: A Therapist Discovers a Soul Exchange
Topic Search: Paradigms
5/4/01 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Steven Greer
The Disclosure Project: Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, is widely regarded as the world's foremost
authority on UFOs and Extraterrestrial intelligence. In the past 4 or 5 months, CSETI has been able to
identify, contact and film nearly 90 military, intelligence and government witnesses to UFO events and
projects. Many of these interviews and accompanying evidence are definitive and will establish the
reality of the UFO/ET subject as well as the nature and purpose of the secrecy surrounding it.
Notice: Disclosure Conference Flyer
Website: www.disclosureproject.org
Book: Extraterrestrial Contact : The Evidence and Implications
Website: www.cseti.org
Website: www.drgreer.com
Topic Search: Government Coverups
5/3/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Rev Howard Storm
Book: My Descent into Death, and the Message of Love which Brought me Back
5/2/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Dr. Peter D. Ward
Book: Rivers in Time: The Search for Clues to Earth's Mass Extinctions
Topic Search: Mass Extinctions
5/1/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Alan Mesher
A psychic healer with 25 years in private practice, inspires people to
understand the importance of healing their inner core, so they may call
forth their destiny.
Book: The T Zone
Website: www.siriuscreations.com
Topic Search: Psychic Healing
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