ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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Has Planet X been spotted? Is Nibiru inhabited and inbound?
02/28/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Steve Smith
Related Info: Documentation of Discovered Tooth
Guest: Michael Horn
For more than 25 years, expert researchers, scientists and journalists
worldwide, have reviewed the Billy Meier case. Their conclusions are all the
same: Billy Meier is having contacts with extraterrestrials. Michael will
be lecturing at the International UFO Conference in Laughlin on March 8, and
at MUFON in Los Angeles on April 17, on the new scientific coroboration for
the Billy Meier UFO case.
MP3 Audio Clip: Beamship Sound From The Billy Meier Contacts
Website: www.andyettheyfly.com
Website: www.tjresearch.info/ufology.htm
Website: www.billymeier.com
Website: www.sitandgetfit.com
02/27/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: William Thomas
Will Thomas is an independent journalist, author, and videographer. He
reported for the Environmental News Service while serving as a member of a
three-man Gulf environmental emergency response team during and immediately
following the Gulf War. His thirty-minute Gulf War documentary, "Eco War"
won the 1991 US Environmental Film Festival award for the best documentary
Related Article: Chemtrails Outlaw
Book: All Fall Down: The Politics Of Terror And Mass Persuasion
Book: Chemtrails Confirmed (formerly: Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum--Completely revised book)
Book: Bringing The War Home (The Secret Bio-War In The Gulf)
Book: Alt. Health: 40 Investigations Into Good Health and Long Life
Website: www3.bc.sympatico.ca/Willthomas/homepage.html
02/26/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Dr. Kent Hovind
Dr. Hovind is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on
"Science and the Bible". He is dedicated to the proclamation of scientific
evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the
Book: Claws Jaws and Dinosaurs (Living Dinosaurs)
Website: www.drdino.com
02/25/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Professor Kevin Warwick
Professor Kevin Warwick, the world's leading expert in Cybernetics, here
unveils the story of how he became the world's first Cyborg (part human,
part machine) in a ground breaking set of scientific experiments. Humans
have limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way,
vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3
dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech. But
can this be improved on? Can we use technology to upgrade humans?
New Book: I, Cyborg, release date August 2002.
Book: QI: The Quest for Intelligence
Book: In the Mind of the Machine
More Books: List of Author's Titles
Website: www.kevinwarwick.com
Website: www.realrobots.co.uk/Reading-uni.html
Website: www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.02/full.html
Has Planet X been spotted? Is Nibiru inhabited and inbound?
02/24/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Michael A. Corey
Michael A. Corey has had a lifelong interest in astronomy and the natural
sciences. An avid follower of America's space program as a young child,
Michael soon came to be fascinated by the mere suggestion that intelligent
life forms might exist elsewhere in the universe. This interest eventually
led him to question whether or not any of the earth's specific features
could have been determined by the influence of any type of extraterrestrial
intelligence (including God). This question eventually grew to become the
central focus his research career.
Book: The God Hypothesis: Discovering Design in Our Just Right Goldilocks Universe
Book: God and the New Cosmology: The Antropic Design Argument
Book: Back to Darwin
Book: Natural History of Creation
Book: Evolution and the Problem of Natural Evil
Book: Job, Jonah, & the Unconscious
Website: www.michaelacorey.com
02/23/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simspson
Guest: Maurice Cotterell
Maurice Cotterell's background as a scientist, mathematician, and engineer
helped him to decipher the code of the ancient Maya, revealing the mystery
of their science and religion to an extent never before possible. Using the
same techniques, the author turns his attention here to deciphering the
secrets encoded within the tomb of Tutankhamun. His extensive research
revealed that both the ancient Egyptians and the Maya possessed a
sophisticated understanding of sun spot activity and other astronomical
phenomena--facts recently confirmed by modern science.
Book: The Tutankhamun Prophecies : The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons
Book: The Supergods : They Came on a Mission to Save Mankind
Book: Los Superdioses
Book: The Mayan Prophecies : Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
02/22/02 - Fri/Sat
02/21/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Eric Burdon
Eric Burdon, lead singer of the Animals
Book: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood: A Memoir
Book: I Used to Be an Animal, but I'm All Right Now
Website: www.ericburdon.com
02/20/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Robert Bruce
Australian-based mystic and metaphysical researcher, Robert Bruce, has
actively explored astral projection, subtle realms, and the human
spiritual connection for over 25 years. Robert is the author of the
books, Astral Dynamics (A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience), and
Practical Psychic Self-Defense (understanding and surviving unseen
influences), and a coauthor of the book, Capturing The Aura. His
World Wide Web site offers a large amount of original material,
including many articles and tutorials relating to Robert's work and
Book: Astral Dynamics: A NEW approach to Out of Body Experience
Book: Practical Psychic Self Defense: Understanding and Surviving Useen Influences
Book: Capturing the Aura: Integrating Science, Technology and Metaphysics
Website: www.astraldynamics.com
02/19/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Jim Larranaga
Who Really Controls the Weather? What if you discovered evidence that the
Government was tampering with the weather? Journalist Jim Larranaga did --
sort of. While researching a controversial fiction thriller, he uncovered
research that the U.S. Government has a long history of tampering with the
Book: The Dead Farmer's Almanac
Related PDF File: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
02/18/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: REPLAY of Robert W. Morgan from 12/11
Bigfoot Researcher and Founder of The American Anthropological Research Foundation
Related Page: Big Foot Images
Website: www.trueseekers.org
Audio Tape: The Ultimate Adventure
02/17/02 - Sun/Sun
Host: George Noory
Guest: Lloyd Stewart Carpenter
All of the topography of planet Earth is comprised of a series of easily
recognizable pictures. The Face on the Pacific Ocean Floor makes up almost
1/2 of this planet! Lloyd Stewart Carpenter explains how modern mapmakers
used sonar and satellite technology to help them in creating some of the
most accurate maps ever made. Lloyd Stewart Carpenter has been a maps
researcher and inventor for more than 20 years.
Book: Ocean Floor Mysteries: The Amazing Mystery of the Great FACE on the Pacific Ocean Floor
Website: www.spiralupdatenews.com
02/16/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Adam L. Penenberg
Co-authored, “Spooked”, an expose of business espionage,
the buying and selling of stolen information in the modern world. He reveals
the variety of information unscrupulous individuals can find out about a
company with just a phone, a computer, and a modem. Adam is a well-known
investigative journalist. He currently writes for Time and Fortune, and has
been on staff at Forbes Magazine and Forbes.com. His work has also appeared
in the New York Times, Wired, and Playboy. He lives in New York City.
Book: Spooked: Espionage in Corporate America
02/15/02 - Fri/Sat
02/14/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Dr. Philip M. Tierno
Dr. Philip M. Tierno, the NYU Medical Center director of clinical
microbiology and diagnostic immunology, shares the story of bacteria,
viruses, and prions and their myriad effects on human beings. From toxic
shock syndrome to Lyme disease to diarrheal infections of the Third World,
Tierno offers a broad overview of the impact of these microbes on the world
today. He also addresses germ warfare, anthrax and other possible
Book: Protect Yourself Against Bioterriorism
Book: The Secret Life of Germs: Observations and Lessons from a Microbe Hunter
02/13/02 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Michael C. Luckman
Cosmic Majority Founder Michael C. Luckman may have discovered a new face on
Mars. Luckman believes that the face is the closest we have ever come to
proof that Mars was once inhabited by an intelligent civilization. The
face, which many believe is female, measures a mile and a quarter wide and
is located near Syrtis major, about 3,000 miles from the famous Sphinx-like
face photographed by NASA in the Cydonia region.
Website: www.cosmicmajority.com
Related Info: Wide Angle Original Nasa Image
02/12/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Harry Braun
Harry Braun, author of The Phoenix Project, has documented an alternative
strategy that will fundamentally resolve the complex and interrelated global
energy and environmental problems. Braun proposes to shift investments from
oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear fuels to renewable hydrogen systems that
are inexhaustible, pollution-free, and can make the U.S. energy independent.
Harry Braun has worked as an energy analyst for the past 20 years. He is
Chairman and CEO of Sustainable Partners, Inc.
Book: The Phoenix Project : Shifting from Oil to Hydrogen
Book: The Phoenix Project : An Energy Transition to Renewable Resources
Website: www.phoenixproject.net
Website: www.h2pac.org
02/11/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Dr. Janis Amatuzio
Dr. Janis Amatuzio explores the mysterious realm of visions, experiences,
and communications experienced by families at the threshold of the deaths of
their loved ones. Dr. Amatuzio, often called "the compassionate coroner",
is an exemplar for the compassionate practice of forensic medicine. As
someone whose life 's work has been speaking for the deceased, she has now
also provided a voice for family and friends by allowing their stories to be
heard in her new book, Forever Ours.
Book: Forever Ours
Website: www.foreverours.com
Related Article: Soul Substance
02/10/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Craig S. Martin
Shasta Supernatural Investigators was founded in 1979 by Nationally
recognized Demonologist ,Craig S. Martin, in Redding, California. As such,
he is one of only a handful of authorities involved in the examination and
investigation of Inhuman Spirit Phenomena in the world today. Mr. Martin
started his examination into the Spirit Realm in 1973 while involved in the
study of Necromancy (Using Spirits to assist people in Pagan and Occult
Practices ). In 1979 he was ordained into the Priesthood (Christian) and
began vigorously to help those who complained of Spirit hauntings that were
causing harm to People, Animals, and Property
Website: www.thespiritrealm.com
02/09/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: James Redfield
It is no accident, argue James Redfield, that the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries have witnessed a dramatic expansion of human experience. When
author and therapist James Redfield self-published his first novel in 1993,
the groundswell of enthusiasm from booksellers and readers made The
Celestine Prophecy one of the most successful self-published books of all
time. Since 1994, The Celestine Prophecy has spent more than three years on
the New York Times bestseller list and also appeared on bestseller lists
around the world. In 1996, Redfield's The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision
also became an instant bestseller.
Book: God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution
Book: The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight
Book: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure
Book: The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon Sense
Book: The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness
Book: The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide
Book: The Celestine Prophecy: A Pocket Guide to the Nine Insights
Book: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision: Further Adventures of the Celestine Prophecy
Website: www.celestinevision.com
02/08/02 - Fri/Sat
Guest: Brendan Cook & Barbara McBeth
Ghost Investigators Society, with actual recorded voices of ghosts.
Real Video: The Door
Real Video: The Walking Orb (Slo-Mo Version)
Real Video: Shadow Walker
Player: Get the FREE Real Player 8 Basic Here
Website: www.ghostpix.com
02/07/02 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock looks at the hard evidence of inexplicable underwater ruins
around the world. India's a big part of the story, but also Malta and the
Mediterranean, Japan and China, and the Grand Bahama Banks. 10 million
square miles of the best lands on earth were submerged at the end of the Ice
Age, just before what we think of as when civilization began.
New Book: Underworld (first published in UK on 7 February. Crown is publishing it in the US, but not till September.)
Book: The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Linking Earth's Ancient Civilization and the Red Planet
Book: Fingerprints of the Gods
Book: Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
Website: www.grahamhancock.com
02/06/02 - Wed/Thu
Art will be on tape tonight (2/6) due to technical difficulties in the
Pahrump studio. Dr. Joyce Hawkes will be rescheduled. We expect to be back
“live” on Thursday.
Guest: REPLAY of Dr. Dean Radin from 11/27/01
Topic: Random Number Generators
Dr. Dean Radin is presently Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic
Sciences, in Petaluma, California. For over 20 years he has conducted
research on exceptional aspects of human consciousness, including psychic
phenomena. He has held appointments at Princeton University, the University
of Edinburgh, and the University of Nevada, was a staff scientist at Bell
Laboratories and Interval Research, and co-founded the Boundary Institute in
Silicon Valley. He also spent a year on what is now known as the CIA's
STARGATE program, a formerly secret government project investigating psychic
Related Info: Terrorist Disaster Analysis from The GCP
Related Info: Results Graph from On-The-Air Experiment
Book: The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Website: www.gotpsi.com
Website: www.ions.org
Website: www.boundaryinstitute.org
02/05/02 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Dr. Edward Tenner
If it can go wrong, it will--thus Murphy's Law. Science journalist Edward
Tenner looks more closely at this eternal verity, named after a U.S. Air
Force captain who, during a test of rocket-sled deceleration, noticed that
critical gauges had been improperly set and concluded, "If there's more than
one way to do a job and one of those ways will end in disaster, then
somebody will do it that way." Tenner concurs, and he gives us myriad case
studies of how technological fixes often create bigger problems than the
ones they were meant to solve in the first place. Edward Tenner, former
executive editor for physical science and history at Princeton University
Press, holds a visiting research appointment in the Department of Geological
and Geophysical Sciences at Princeton University. He received the A.B. from
Princeton and the Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago and has
held visiting research positions at Rutgers University and the Institute for
Advanced Study
Book: Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences
02/04/02 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Scott Portzline
Related Website: Three Mile Island Alert
Related Website: Nuclear Power Plant Security
Guest: Dr. Gregory Little
Edgar Cayce, America's famous "Sleeping Prophet," gave 68 "psychic readings"
between 1925 to 1944 that provided information on America's Mound Builders
and ancient American history. Incredibly, nearly everything Cayce related
about the Mound Builders and the patterns of migrations to ancient America
is true. Dr. Greg Little has a master's degree in psychology and doctorate
in counseling from Memphis State University. He is a Nationally Certified
Psychologist (NAMP) is author or coauthor of 8 books and 17 workbooks.
Book: Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America
Book: Grand Illusions: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual Ufo Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancietn Ritual Sites, & Other
Book: People of the Web
Website: www.edgarcayce.org/am
02/03/02 - Sun/Mon
Host: George Noory
Guest: Ian Lawton
What secrets does the Giza Plateau really hold? Are the pyramids simple
burial chambers, astronomical devices, or even power plants? Who built them
and the enigmatic Sphinx, and when? Does a Hall of Records await discovery
at Giza, and if so what does it contain? These questions have animated both
the public and a long line of dedicated researchers for years. Ian Lawton
will attempt to answer these questions and many more. Lawton is a former
management information systems consultant. He has been researching ancient
civilizations for more than a decade, and since 1997 has been a full-time
Book: Giza : The Truth : The People, Politics, and History Behind the World's Most Famous Archaeological Site
Website: www.ianlawton.com
02/02/02 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
02/01/02 - Fri/Sat
Guest: REPLAY of Pam Reynolds from 12/06
Pam Reynolds is a practicing musician, wife and mother of three and a
member of a very prominent music publishing family. In 1991, she underwent
one of the most fantastic surgical procedures ever performed. Dr. Robert
F. Spetzler, Director of the Barrow Institute for Neurology in Phoenix,
Arizona, and his team of daring surgeons clipped an aneuryism in her brain
by a process known as "standstill." Her body was cooled to 58 degrees F,
her heart stopped and most of the blood drained from her body. In short,
Pam Reynolds was dead. While in this state, she encountered one of the
most remarkable Near-Death-Experiences ever documented. Ten years later,
hers remains the most scientifically documented case on record.
Related Files: Angiogram Image, Letter Document
Website: www.pamreynolds.com (Limited Bandwidth Allocation)
Website: www.near-death.com/reynolds.html