ArtBell.com CD-ROM

 ArtBell.com CD-ROM
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01/31/01 - Wed/Thu
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Edmund J. Pankau
Edmund Pankau is an expert in financial fraud examination and international
business investigation. He is a Certified Legal Investigator, a Certified
Protection Professional, and has formerly served with the U.S. Treasury.
Book: Hide Your Assets and Disappear
Website: www.pankau.com
01/30/01 - Tue/Wed
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Tracy Twyman & Boyd Rice
Tracy Twyman is the Editor and Boyd Rice is the main staff writer of
Dagobert's Revenge Magazine. They are currently writing a book together on
the mysteries of the Holy Grail. They have traced the Grail legend, as well
as the royal bloodline of Christ with which it is associated, back to the
ancient kings of Atlantis, and a race of "gods" who created human
civilization as we know it, perhaps even modern man himself.
Website: www.dagobertsrevenge.com
01/29/01 - Mon/Tue
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Rodney Stich
Rodney Stich was an FAA inspector who was asked to take over the air safety
responsibilities in the most senior program at the world's largest airline,
that at that time was experiencing more fatal airline crashes than all the
other airlines combined. Among the various reasons for writing Unfriendly
Skies were making responsible people aware of the arrogance behind some of
America's worst air disasters and to motivate as many people as possible to
show outrage and force changes in government and at major airlines.
Book: Drugging America A Trojan Horse
Book: Defrauding America
Book: Disavow
Book: Unfriendly Skies
Website: www.unfriendlyskies.com
Website: www.druggingamerica.com
Website: www.defraudingamerica.com
Website: www.ciadrugs.com
01/28/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: David Ovason
Author and scholar David Ovason has studied the prophecies of Nostradamus for
over forty years. The Nostradamus prophecies, which were published from 1555
onward, have become justly famous. In spite of this, David Ovason argues that
Nostradamus' works have never been translated correctly.
Book: The Secrets of Nostradamus: A Radical New Interpretation of the Master's Prophecies
Book: The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital
01/27/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Patrick M. Mendoza
An expert on historic hauntings and ghost tales from the Frontier, Hispanic,
and native American Traditions. Patrick Mendoza is a storyteller, singer,
author, composer, humorist and musician. He travels throughout the U.S. and
Canada and has appeared at the national Storytelling Festival, the Yukon
International Storytelling Festival, and on the BBC.
Book: Between Midnight and Morning
Book: Song of Sorrow: Massacre at Sand Creek
Book: Extraordinary People in Extraordinary Times
Book: Four Great Rivers to Cross
Website: users.aol.com/patmendoza
01/26/01 - Fri/Sat
Mike Siegel's Farewell Show
Guest: Stephen Bassett
Founder of Paradigm Research Group and the executive director of X-PPAC
Website: www.paradigmclock.com
Website: www.x-ppac.org
Guest: Robert O. Dean
As a retired command Sergeant Major, Mr. Dean's history
includes forty years of research in the UFO field. He spent twenty-seven
years of active duty in the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant
Major after serving as a highly decorated infantry combat veteran. He also
served in Intelligence Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO.
Website: www.beyondzebra.com
01/25/01 - Thu/Fri
Guest: Nick Nelson
Nick Nelson is a Renaissance Man of the American West. He's a prospector,
scientist, inventor, artist, writer, speaker, storyteller, and one of the
world's leading experts on vortexes. His book, The Golden Vortex, solves
many mysteries concerning The Oregon Vortex, the Bermuda Triangle, the
Pyramids, portals, magnets, and maps of the Western United States with clear
reference to the most advanced superstring mathematics and quantum physics
of our time. He has described a motor magnet, discovered the Nelson
Coordinates, and invented Henri, the world's first portable vortex. Nick
lives in Gold Hill, Oregon, where he was the interpretive guide at The
Oregon Vortex the past two years.
Book: The Golden Vortex
Website: www.athenapolis.com/NickNelson.htm
01/24/01 - Wed/Thu
Guest: Nick Begich
Dr. Begich has a report on the "Tornado Buster". Have scientists figured
out a way to eliminate tornados?
Website: www.earthpulse.com
Guest: Victor Sanchez
Victor Sanchez has lived for fifteen years with indigenous people of Mexico
who, hidden in the mountains, have kept alive the spiritual path
of the ancient Toltecs. Inspired by the books of Carlos Castaneda, Victor
developed a wide variety of techniques for spiritual development.
Book: Toltecs of the New Millenium
Book: The Teachings of Don Carlos
Website: www.toltecas.com
01/23/01 - Tue/Wed
Guest: Col. Gordon Cooper
Guest: Zecharia Sitchin
Gordon Cooper, Mercury-7 astronaut, corroborates Zecharia Sitchin's
statements concerning the "Olmecs" of ancient Mexico. The discovery of a
colossal stone head in 1869 revealed that there may have been an advanced
civilization with origins in Africa that preceded the Mayas and Aztecs of
Book: Leap of Faith
Book: The Lost Realms
Website: www.sitchin.com
01/22/01 - Mon/Tue
Guest: Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Dean has conducted extensive scientific research into psychic
phenomena, such as, ESP, psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, near-death
experiences, and reincarnation. Director of the Consciousness Research
Laboratory at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and twice president of
the Parapsychology Association, Dr. Radin, has done cutting-edge
parapsychology research, for AT&T, Stanford, Princeton's Engineering
Anomalies Research Lab, the University of Edinburgh, S.R.I. International,
and the U.S. Government.
Book: The Conscious Universe
Website: www.psiresearch.com
Website: www.boundaryinstitute.org
01/21/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
WebSite: UFO Video at Filmwave.com
Guest: Ann Blake Tracy
Book: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?
Website: www.drugawareness.org
01/20/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: R. Gary Patterson
His fascination with Rock' n' Roll's history, myths, and urban legends has
led to him being called the "self-styled Fox Mulder of Rock and Roll." He
has served as a consultant for VH1's new music series VH1 Confidential and
appears on camera in episodes 1, 2, & 5 discussing "The Paul is Dead" rumors
of 1969, "Robert Johnson and The Curse of 27", and "Rock n' Roll's Mad
Book: The Walrus Was Paul: The Great Beatle Death Clues
Book: Hellhounds on Their Trail: Tales from the Rock N Roll Graveyard
01/19/01 - Fri/Sat
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Lawrence Gordon
For the past 15 years, Mr. Gordon and his family have lived in a two-story
waterfront house on Massalina Bayou in Panama City, Florida. Well known
psychics have visited their home and have reported, consistently, that they
sense a presence there that is not of this world.
Book: Haunted High: The Ghost Chronicles, Vol. 2
Book: Living with the Dead: How to Survive Life in a Haunted House (COMING SOON!)
Website: www.theghostchronicles.com
01/18/01 - Thu/Fri
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Richard Hoagland and Dr. Eugene Mallove
Will tell us what they think the
mystery invention code-named "Ginger", or "IT", could be. There are
rumors that "IT" might be a motorized scooter, but for now, only it's
inventor Dean Kamen and his colleagues really know. "Ginger" allegedly will
not be revealed until 2002 by Dean Kamen. Kamen's previous inventions
include a portable insulin pump and a wheelchair that climbs stairs.
News Coverage: Ginger or IT
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Website: www.infinite-energy.com
01/17/01 - Wed/Thu
Host: Mike Siegel
News Items:
Salvador Mourns 'Survivor' Death, Frets Over Volcano
California Averts More Blackouts
Early man dined on insects for a million years
Hawaiians Plan Revival of Sacred Island
Guest: Beverly C. Jaegers
Jaegers is a known field researcher in Psi and Remote Viewing and director of U.S. Psi Squad, a group of trained remote viewers working with law enforcement and scientists, formed in 1971. She will discuss current remote viewing projects, including Kursk, the downed Russian submarine.
Book: The Psychic Paradigm
Website: www.uspsisquad.com
01/16/01 - Tue/Wed
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Dr. Scott Mandelker
Dr. Mandelker's interest in the phenomenon of ET identity developed from
years of meditation, personal experience, and extensive study of New Age
material. Born April 22, 1962 in New York City, Scott Mandelker completed
his doctorate in East West Psychology from the California Institute of
Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco in 1992. His Ph.D. combines
eclectic Western psychology with intensive study of Eastern religions, and
followed upon years of formal training in US and Asian Buddhist temples (in
Japanese Zen and Thai Theravadan traditions).
Book: Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan
Book: From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America
Website: www.universal-vision.com
01/15/01 - Mon/Tue
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Lloyd Pye
Lloyd Pye with news on the "Mungo Man". The skeletal remains unearthed in
1974 at Lake Mungo in the state of New South Wales, challenge the "out of
Africa" theory of evolution. Dating in May 1999 put the age of the skeletal
remains at between 56,000 and 68,000 years old. Also, Lloyd will discuss
the latest abduction case from Australia which has resulted in what may be
the world's first DNA test of abduction-related biological material: a
strand of blonde hair.
Book: Everything You Know is Wrong
Book: Big
Website: www.lloydpye.com
Website: www.starchildproject.com
01/14/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Jay Caliendo
Jay has a quasi-sixth sense that allows him to see health-related maladies in
people in what he describes as a two-dimensional image. Jay himself is
mystified by the innate ability to comprehend what processes areÊgoing on
inside of another individual and even to foretell what is going to take place
physically or emotionally to that person in the future.
Jay stresses that he is neither a physician nor a psychic healer. He
dispenses no medication or medical treatments. He offers an intuitive opinion
from a spiritual approach by providing personal health evaluations. Jay is a
consultant for the Maricopa County Hospital System, the Arizona Department of
Economic Security Rehabilitation Services and consults for several
Practitioners throughout Arizona.
Website: www.medicalintuitive.com
01/13/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Fiona Horne
Fiona has been a practicing Witch for fourteen years. In March 1998 Fiona's
first book Witch - A Personal Journey was published by Random House Australia
and is now a bestseller, having been reprinted nine times. Fiona attracted
enormous sales and media interest by discussing the controversial nature of
her book, hosting performance-style nightclub and book shop events where she
talked about the book, sang, conducted rituals and demonstrated spells whilst
dispelling destructive myths about Witchcraft.
Book: Witch: A Magickal Journey
Website: www.fionahorne.com
01/12/01 - Fri/Sat
Host: Mike Siegel
News Item: New Evidence of Black Holes Found
News Item: Did We Come Out of Africa Studies Collide
News Item: Scientists Genetically Engineer a Monkey
Guest: Dr. Nick Begich
Dr. Begich will speak on his latest book, co-authored with Jim Roderick, "Earth Rising-The Revolution." This book covers a number of seaparate areas with extensive documentation from governmental, academic, and major media reports including, non-lethal weapons, environmental weather control, new technologies and the HAARP story updated.
Book: Earth Rising-The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace
Book: Angels Don't Play This haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
Book: Towards a New Alchemy: The Millennium Science
Website: www.earthpulse.com
01/11/01 - Thu/Fri
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Joyce Riley, RN, BSN
Balkan NATO troops are now dying of leukemia.
Gulf War veterans in large numbers have died of
rare cancers and leukemia. The correlation between
the Balkan Syndrome and the Gulf War Syndrome
just may be the Depleted Uranium that many say has
destroyed the environment of Iraq, Saudia Arabia
and Kuwait, not to mention Bosnia and Kosovo.
Did the U.S. knowingly use weapons they had knowledge
would cause cancer years down the road? Documents
will be cited that show the U.S. had prior knowledge of the
dangers of radioactive weapons.
U.S. Cities will be named that had involvement in the making, R and D
and testing of these weapons. Could the dust have traveled to your
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com
01/10/01 - Wed/Thu
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Stanton Friedman
Since 1967, Friedman has lectured on the topic of UFOs at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 Provinces, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel.
Book: Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO
Book: The UFO Investigator's Handbook: The Practical Guide to Researching, Identifying, and Documenting Unexplained Sightings
Website: www.v-j-enterprises.com/sfpage.html
01/09/01 - Tue/Wed
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Dolores Cannon
Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". During the past fifteen years Cannon has been a UFO investigator, using her skills as a regressionist to help people that have been involved in abduction cases.
Book: The Custodians: Beyond Abduction
Book: Conversations With Nostradamus
Book: The Legend of Starcrash
Book: They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experience With Christ
Book: Keepers of the Garden
Book: Legacy From The Stars
Book: A Soul Remembers Hiroshima
Book: The Convoluted Universe (Spring 2001)
Website: www.ozarkmt.com
01/08/01 - Mon/Tue
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Dr Sky
Steve Kates comes on to update us on the coming Eclipse and the Mir.
Website: www.drsky.com
Guest: Jim Berkland
Berkland, geologist and editor of the Syzygy Newsletter, will come on with an update on the latest earthquake predictions. For over 20 years, Berkland served as first County Geologist for Santa Clara County, CA.
Website: www.syzygyjob.org
01/07/01 - Sun/Mon
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: David Ovason
Ovason teaches astrology and has studied the life and writings of Nostradamus for more than forty years.
Book: The Secrets of Nostradamus: A Radical New Interpretation of the Master's Prophecies
01/06/01 - Sat/Sun
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Wayne Green
Website: www.waynegreen.com
01/05/01 - Fri/Sat
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Joel Skousen
Skousen is a designer of high security residences and retreats and specializes in crisis preparedness,
whether it is natural disasters, a major terrorist attack on a U.S. city with chemical or biological weapons,
an economic crisis, or massive social unrest.
Book: Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places
Book: How to Implement a High Security Shelter in the Home
Book: The Secure Home
Website: www.joelskousen.com
01/04/01 - Thu/Fri
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Scott Corrales
Corrales is the Editor of INEXPLICATA, and Director of Institute of Hispanic Ufology. The Institute of
Hispanic Ufology was organized in 1999 to serve as a clearinghouse for UFO and paranormal information
originating from Central America, the Caribbean, South America and Spain.
Book: Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
Website: www.inexplicata.com
01/03/01 - Wed/Thu
Host: Ian Punnett
Guest: Stan Deyo
From Australia, Stan will have an update on the mysterious bright lights and booming sounds heard
over Australia earlier this week. Also, Deyo will report on major geological events occurring in the U.S.
and elsewhere.
Book: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Book: The Vindicator Scrolls
Website: www.ballarat.net.au/~standeyo/
01/02/01 - Tue/Wed
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: John Hogue
Hogue, world authority on Nostradamus, will appear on Coast to Coast AM for his annual New Year's show. We will review the past year and look forward for prophecies in 2001. Hogue is an author of nine books.
Book: Messiahs: The Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming
Book: 1000 For 2000: Predictions for the New Millennium
Book: The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome: The Prophecies of St. Malachy for the New Millennium
Book: Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies
Book: The Millennium Book of Prophecy
Website: www.hogueprophecy.com
01/01/01 - Mon/Tue
Host: Best of Mike Siegel
Guest: Jack Anderson from 11/29/00
Book: Peace, War and Politics
Previous Months Program Info
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