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From: "Roan Carratu" (freehold@uswest.net)
To: "Art Bell" (artbell@mindspring.com)
Subject: Strange Email
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 03:52:55 -0600
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
I received this as an email with no sender address. I thought I had
better send it to you. Interestingly, the message had these words at
the top of it, just as you see them.
Dear Art Bell,
This message will get to you on Saturday, May 19, 2001. We send it
from the date, your calendar, January 2, 6451. To send this, the
energy released from the dissolution of a galactic black hole caused a
micro-puncture in time sidescales for nineteen milliseconds. Eleven
thousand sixteen uninhabited star systems vaporized in order to send
this message. We are inducing a packet distortion in the email band of
your internet to send this message in that media. We send this message
exactly as our history shows it was sent, in the words recorded in
your time.
The events between the year 2001 and 2005 determine the future of the
whole planet and the Human species component of the biosphere.
Analysis of that time in history shows the beginning development of
Human awareness of it's niche in the ecology of First Planet. The
result transforms the Human species from a rogue species into the
planetary nervous system it has become on all the planets it has
terraformed since then. This period, between 2001 and 2005, is the
most important period of all Human history.
All previous moments of time pivot the moments beyond that time. The
results create the multitudes of side scales of time, each time scale
proceeding from a different moment in the total actions of every
component of the biosphere on that world. All the two hundred
trillion side scales from that period in history, between 2001 and
2005, your calendar, show no life surviving on First Planet, with no
expansion to the thousands of solar systems now occupied in our single
primary side scale.
Therefore, only our primary scale of time can send this message back,
and this message is pivot for our primary time scale's existence. And
therefore, the words in this message are necessary for the survival of
the Ecology of First Planet and it's Human component, during that
crucial time. This reason alone motivated the Humans now to create
this message to send it into our ancient past, to your time.
The words needed for survival are: Humanity is Universe being aware
of itself, and specifically, the ecology of First Planet being aware
of itself. Most of the conceptuality common to Human society has no
survival value. Almost everything Human's think and do have a
destructive result in the future of First Planet. Whole systems of
thought, commonly effecting Human behavior in your period of history,
exist as commonly held delusions and do not reflect Human relationship
with itself or the planetary ecology. Some of these are: Politics,
Government, Economics, Formal Organized Education, and Military.
Most concepts of individuality do not reflect the reality of
interdependence, and causes a blindness to the value of other human
beings and the ecology. Since Humanity exists as a primary component
of an ecology, originating within it, surviving through it, learning
everything from it, and flourishing only in a healthy environment, the
change in consciousness dissolving the previously mentioned conceptual
delusions creates the actions which allows our single time scale to
come into existence.
Please allow us to exist. You would like it. There is no war, no
hunger, no ignorance, no disease or death, and maximum individual
freedom possible. It is not a Utopia, but certainly our problems do
not threaten existence or a viable future.
The oldest known Human is two thousand fifty six First Planet years
old, and climbs the highest mountain on Second Planet every year. You
called it Mars. She headed the task group which dismantled the
abandoned orbital city around First Planet six hundred years ago. Her
remotest known direct ancestor came from an area of the African
sub-continent known as the Gold Coast, from a mud hut village rebuilt
and modernized by the Planetary Effort in 2017.
Between 2027 through 2104 in multitudes of other side scales, Mass
Extinction Events eliminate the biosphere, some from asteroids, some
from diseases, and most from the nuclear, biological, and chemical
result of social dissolution on the planetary ecology. In our ancient
history, carefully retained through electronic records, an Asteroid in
2030 is diverted by a mass effort of the Human component of First
Planet, and our primary scale proceeds from that time. But the seeds
of that mass effort comes from the period 2001 through 2005, and this
message read on the Art Bell show to a mass population, according to
our historical records.
We realize we exist as a result of a temporal paradox. But if it takes
the destruction of a galaxy and a temporal paradox to create what we
have now, we consider the result worth it.
UPDATE: Posted 6/11/2001
From: Roan Carratu (freehold@uswest.net)
To: bill levine
Cc: Art Bell
Bill Levine, I am sending you what I have sent others who have emailed
me about that message.
As the person who received the message in my email and then sent it to
Art Bell, I think some explanations are in order as to what this
message is all about. Or what I think it was all about.
I was on my computer, on-line, with several programs running at once,
including my email program, when my system crashed. It happens about
every day, so I didn't worry about it, just rebooted it. Since it
happens most frequently when my email program was running in the
background, I checked to see if I had gotten some email.
I found one email, badly degraded with high ascii characters. The
sender address and the path data were all scrambled, and there was
high ascii spread through the message, although sparsely. The email
had an attachment, which I immediately deleted, as is my policy.
Reading some of the message, I cut and pasted it into my Word program
and deleted the email completely. I then cleaned the message up in
Word, by context, and realized it was a neat little time travel
paradox sci-fi story, addressed to Art Bell. I then sent it to him.
None of the words in the message came from me. I still expect to
receive a message from the author, saying 'heheheh I wrote it!'. I
never once thought it was really from the future, and I never expected
Art Bell to put it up on his website or read it on air.
Since some of the concepts within the message obviously came from my
website, I thought it might be a form of attack. I thought the sci-fi
story was to get me to open the attachment and then sent it and the
attachment to Art Bell, thereby infecting both our systems with a
virus or Trojan. Since I don't accept the concept of 'branching time
lines' from decisions and actions, and 'time paradox', I never
considered the message to be from the future, assuming the author had
gotten those ideas from Star Trek.
The other ideas come from my own 40 year individual investigation into
Universe, which are on my website. Where the message came from is a
mystery, but I'm of the opinion it came from someone in our time,
regardless of their reasons for sending it.
Below are the paragraphs from the message which summarize ideas from
articles and essays on my website:
"The words needed for survival are: Humanity is Universe being aware
of itself, and specifically, the ecology of First Planet being aware
of itself. Most of the conceptuality common to Human society has no
survival value. Almost everything Human's think and do have a
destructive result in the future of First Planet. Whole systems of
thought, commonly effecting Human behavior in your period of history,
exist as commonly held delusions and do not reflect Human relationship
with itself or the planetary ecology. Some of these are: Politics,
Government, Economics, Formal Organized Education, and Military."
"Most concepts of individuality do not reflect the reality of
interdependence, and causes a blindness to the value of other human
beings and the ecology. Since Humanity exists as a primary component
of an ecology, originating within it, surviving through it, learning
everything from it, and flourishing only in a healthy environment, the
change in consciousness dissolving the previously mentioned conceptual
delusions creates the actions which allows our single time scale to
come into existence."
I will happily answer any questions about them, of course. Whoever
wrote these paragraphs did a good job of summarizing a lot of my words
on my website. I too think we are at the cusp of our evolutionary
development, and agree with the writer that the next decade might well
determine Human species viability for survival.
-Roan Carratu