Frank O. Blomquist (fob1@qwest.net) writes:
Art, I was tooling around this weekend in my Supercub, and I found this site
west of Delta, Utah....it has what look like ground radials in all
directions, and a healthy looking power line deadending to it, but no sign
of a buried pipeline or anything else in it's vicinity.... 73's.

Donald E. Koehler (tecimgak@gci.net) writes:
The site you are talking about is a GWEN site - part of our USAF ELF network. This one was in installed in late '89. I own property near Delta and drove past it all the time while under construction.
Radials disturb soil so it warms faster than surrounding area, hence the melting. RX and very low power TX 7 X 24, uses on site gensets for hi power TX in wartime
Peter Lefebvre (plefe@hotmail.com) says:
The radials as you call them, is simply a Savory cell grazing system. It is a series of cattle grazing paddocks that take on the shape of a wheel. Each piece of the "wheel" or "pie" is made with field fence, but usually electric wire. The single electric line you see coming to a dead end is the power source for the electric fence. It may also be used for the structure you see, probably a large lean to to keep the water that's inside from evaporating, meaning that the electricity also helps to power a water pump. Anyways, there's enough power (energy) going through the electric fence to generate heat enough to melt the snow inline with the wire. Even if there weren't, the reflectivity and the capacity of the wire to absorb heat would melt the snow.
All of these structures have water either in the middle or at the end of the grazing cells with a series of gates at the end or in the center for rotation of the cattle.
Gregg Gillis (ghgillis@ix.netcom.com) writes:
In response to the picture you put up, the other evening, showing a mystery building near Delta, Utah - and in response to the explanation offered by emailer Lefebvre, I would state the following:
Having spent over 15 years in the USAF (weapon systems, then cross-trained to ECM) and having been stationed at an airbase with a Navy ELF detachment, I can say the explanation isn't quite right although there are some similarities. The GWEN (Ground-Wave Emergency Network) is not ELF, it is VLF (150 to 175 khz). The signal drops off sharply with distance - if this is a GWEN installation. A single GWEN station transmits 250-300 miles 360 degrees, but each must have a tower, approx 300-500 feet high. The stations are about 200-250 miles apart and should have been completed in 1993. Other points:
September 12,1988 The New York Times reported that each GWEN unit utilizes about 2,000 watts of power and are "relaying brief test messages every twenty minutes."
November 1988 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported that GWEN involves a network of 299 foot high towers that "uses low frequency radio waves that hug the ground."
June 1990 Progressive Magazine reported that each GWEN tower will have "a hundred copper wires, each 330 feet long, that will fan out from the tower a foot underground...
All of the above information is public domain.
I don't see a tower and I don't see exhaust vents for internal generators for wartime power, nor do I see fuel storage for those generators. My guess is that this is not a GWEN or ELF station at all. I do buy the circular cattle feeding system - see those all the time from the air. This may even be a shanty to distribute electricity to the fences and feeding system gates.