Received Feb 22nd, 2001 by Art Bell:
Hello Art,
I have been wanting to share this information with you for a long
time now but never sat down to write about it. In the late 1980's and
early 90's I was stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. I was a Nuclear Weapons technician on what was known as
Sandia base or the Manzano Weapons Storage Area. This was a mountain
that was hollowed out for storage of thousands of nuclear weapons.
On this mountain there was four main plants. Plant 3 and 4 was where
we worked on the weapons. Plant 1 was for Sandia Labrotory personel and
Plant 2 was something even more secret. Around and inside the mountain
were an additional 122 bunkers that were used for storage. About 80 of
them were used to store nuclear weapons and the others were Sandia labs.
The whole mountain was surrounded with double electrified fences and
underground sensors, plus a whole squadron of security police.
I was stationed on this base for 6 years and have seen and heard a
lot. One particular bit of information that you will find interesting
is that nuclear weapons were classified a Priority A Resource. That
means they were to be defended and protected at all costs. We were told
by security police though that if terrorists attacked the mountain and
had gained entry into a bunker and had possesion of a nuclear weapon and
that at the same time a second group of terrorists were trying to gain
entry to Plant 1 then to let them have the nuclear weapons and protect
Plant 2 with your lives.
Plant 2 was off limits for us normal military. We were never allowed
inside. This entrance was guarded by elite security of an unknown
organization and they made sure we never got to close.
Every week two of us enlisted personel were assigned on-call alarm
support. It was our job to promptly arrive at the base after any alarms
in the bunkers went off - which was quite often - and to open the bunker
for an alarm technician to find out what was wrong. More times then any
it was a mouse that had set the alarm off. But with nuclear weapons
been stored in these bunkers it required 2 of us to open them - called
the 2-man rule.
One time during my turn at alarm support I was called in about 2am.
An alarm had gone off in one of the bunkers we never used for weapons
storage. We had to get a special set of keys to open this bunker and
security police came with us and stood guard outside with armed M-16's.
I could tell by all the dirt buildup along the outer door and just
inside that this bunker hadn't been opened in some time. We got both
blast doors open and let the alarm technician in to see what was wrong.
When we entered the main chamber which was about 60' long I noticed rows
of what looked like lead coffins. They were about 8' long and 3' wide
and 3' tall. There must have been 6 rows of them and 4 deep. There was a
fence seperating us from these 'coffins' with warning signs not to
This gives you a little idea of what was going on at this base.
Below are some links about this base that you may find interesting as
well. The first link tells in more detail what I described of that base
and even has a map and blueprint of a bunker. The second one shows you a
picture of the NSA facility close to our base and a little more info.
If you want anymore information please contact me.
Yours truley,