Graphics Gallery
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Photos of Icelandic Eruption, sent to us by
Douglas White and Timothy Emery
Photo of Spontaneous Human Combustion Scene
Photo of a possible missile attack on the TWA Flight 800 Airliner. Some claim
this is actually the aircraft, some propose it is a missile. Here is a
GIF version for those having trouble with the
Jpeg image.
It was bound to happen, sooner or later, Dinosaur pictures. These are from Billy
Meier in Switzerland, courtesy of Randolph Winters.
Max! The ancient 13,000 YR old. (Art Bell, Dreamland, 07-24-95)
A closeup view of the HAARP antenna array. Uploaded Feb 7, 1996. A WEB page
contains much more information and lots of pictures. Click Here for Page 3 |