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Spaceship Al and his basement project. Submitted as a series of 12
photographs by Al himself, here is one of them.
The Mobile Home Tornado Escape Pod, by Gary Coleman, Charleston, SC.
(This is a large image, use your scroll bars to view it's entirety.)
Weather Satellite Image from Art's weather receiver / computer program
for Tuesday, March 31, 1998. The system includes a turnstile type
satellite receiving antenna, a receiver card for your computer and
software to capture and prepare the images.
Artist's rendering of UFO and old car that resembles the incident of
the fallen 52 chevy in Long Beach in Feb 1997. This photo is from an
old book, submitted by Jim
Here is a real 52 Chevy submitted by
Jerry Lange.
Taken backstage at the Odeon Concert Club in Cleveland, OH. It was
tagged by a band called Downset from L.A. Submitted by
Big John.
Moe does Windows 95! Submitted by
Bob Fegert